La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 01, 1908, Image 1

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    f I ;
IA obAkde, uxio cacimr, orego.v, Wednesday, jancary i, itos.
It I Not Believed That the Shop Own
' . er WW Code to the Demand
That An of the ; Non-Union Men
i " 3fow Employed Shall Be Discharge
t Oeoteloo Arrived at Last Night.
Portland, Jan. 1. A general strlks
of alt Iron workers In the city em
ployed lathe shop now attempting' to
''operate on the open hop principle,
will be called tomorrow morning un
law the employer discharge all of
heir non-union men. This action was
t-!:cr, .'ss' s!;ht at rr.;!1-j e
Iron trade council, it li not thought
that the, shop owners will e nc1e to
- the demands
Suu Shine 'on Fighters Attell la the
) Ruling Favorite.
San Francisco, Jan. 1. The : proa
pects lire thn Attell and Moran will
fight for the world's championship un
der' cloudless tky. It was foggy this
morning but It Is rapidly clearing
rorr yne
.ft will
Catholic SIsU Retlre-Occasloa of
.DamoostittB by elgtibon.
Paris. Jan. .Afterfore thaf?
centurlte of IanthrAc wor
last . at the Qolic Jters
Hotel jWeu todand J.)r
hereapr he tor rati b jL'hand.
The lping or,j,u; ,g tje occa- BExiEYE8 THAT HE WILL BE
slon df demctatl J b he people ; A FREE MAN
to Catholic
i In France.
J Dleu goes
I t in times.
abllshed at
of Parle,
he first rev-
1 the nuns
of thi selghboad. h
tested! igalnst &nfsr.
assocjtdons Is Xitlist
nuraef rf the of hapl
The fbeaanonm h
back b the eigfj CI
as Iti 'as praiUy
the s time (he
Even i govermt o
oluttoalid not to
from tk ancleiospttaTkMattng
todayf k ho,4 will ' be entlrtfy
secularitd, ano members . of re-
Hgolui rder fce allowed -ca the
premise .' ,. v 'jj :
.in.'. i ; i
WIU Vtnlt Arican SUnafacturers
tfncrea Their Trade.
W Saqtlo, ChilXan. 1. The revised
Vhilcamriff Into effect today.
Under new riff the president Is
authorht to roce by 50 per cent.
the lmrt dut4 on woolen and
flaxen xtlles, lotwear, galvanised
Iron Is thought that
Americiand Erppean manufactur
ers of tse comodltles will be ena
judljr pro- ,
ant of the now In Hospital, But Will Attend
Court If the Prosecutloa Feels That
It la Worth While to Make Argn
, nent-Defense Plans to Shot Out
Borah by Ckmlng Case After Hawlcy
Boise, Jan. 1. George A. Pettlbone
expects to be a free man tomorrow,
after ' spending nearly two years In
the Ada county Jail. He spent New
Year's day In the St. Alphonsus hos
pital, but says he will be in court to
morrow If the prosecution t" Inks It
worth their while to make an argu
ment ueiure me jui. li i',t auU Js-
cldes to make an argument, James H.
Hawley will ipen for the prosecution.
It is believed that the defense will shut
out "Attorney Borah from delivering
ta address' by closing the case Imme
diately after Hawleys speech Is closed.
i way aad as noon approached the sun bled to rgely brease their trade
was brightly. The fighters
were up early and both partook of a
V yT.hearty breakfast. Attell Is well within
, . T the weight UmJ.t. Moran Is also In
'shape. The two men will weigh In at
. 11:45 and the fight Is scheduled at
p 1:11. Attell Is the ruling favorite at
V 8 to 1.'
To Be the Demand of Alaska Indue-
. trial Worker Next Spring.
. Dawson, Alaska, Jan. 1. The In
dustrlal Worker of the World met
here last night In a mass meeting and
discussed the advisability of starting
v. an agitation for the general demand
- for an eight-hour day next spring.
throughie operion of the new tar
iff. ?. :i
Crlal Tpuld UaUier Talk
rhan (i to JalL
Portia: Jan. J. Tonight's Eve
ning Joval will say: T. T. Burk-
hardt,, latecretty and treasurer of
the defu Title Guarantee & Trust
company, readyfand willing to tell
all he kis aboit the deals and
transactlt of tla suspended bank,
provided district atterney grants
him Immty. Af yet, so states the
Journal, trlct Attorney Manning
has not an Burkhardt any reply.
Rained AU Night Field Will 'Be
Heavy, W hloti Is Talon to Be In Fa
vor of the local football play us
Dudley Clark Arrived Last Night
St. Louis Boy Are. in Floe Condi
tion Being Royally Entertained.
Chief of Polk-e to Tafae Drastic Meas
, ; ures Tliree Last Nlglit.
Tacoma, Jan. 1. Chief of Police
Maloney will try to stop the crime
wave which is now sweeping over the
city by throwing out the dragnet and
making a clean sweep of all suxplcious
characters in town. Of the many hold
ups that occur nightly, not a single
arrest has been made to date. There
were three holdups last night.
Sanitary Ijw Effective.
Harrlsburg Pa., Jan. 1. All tone.
ment houses In flrst-elasx cities of
Pennsylvania are placed under con
trol of the department of health
thVough the operation of the Dearden
bill, effective today. All owners of
tenement houses will be required to
take out licenses annually and the de
partment of health will regulate the
sanitary condition of all such houses.
If Jmujky sm
. rsf! """ .")
' ' fi" . '.' ' .
: ' LA GRANnr . . 1,11 '
Portland, Jan. 1. New Tear's day
opened cold and cloudy, : following a
heavy eight's rain and the prospects
ire that the Multnomah field will be
leavy, a factor regarded as being fa
vorable to the Multnomah club team,
which meets the St. Louis university
team here this afternoon. Dudley
lrV Oreenn's fullback and the best
punter In the northwest,' arrived' tn
Portland yesterday and will play. Carl
Wolfe, of the Oregon Agricultural
college, will also be In a Multnomah
dub uniform, but may not play on ac
count of an injured leg. The 8t
Louis men are in fine condition! Yes-
erday they were entertained by the
Portland Commercial club. '
Brokea Snow-shoe Causes Death of
George MvKeana.
' Boise, Jan. 1. A broken anowshoe
caused the death of mall carrier
George McKenna, whose frozen body
wa found on the trail between Atlan
ta and Rock Bar today. McKenna left
Atlanta Christmas day. A broken
shoe told It mute story of how the
mall carrier wa compelled to stay out
In the anow as without the shoe la was
Impossible for him to travel at all In
the deep anow. .
A case of probable Infanticide was
revealed In Roseburg last Friday, says
the.Roseburg Review, when the badly
decomposed remains of a newly born
babe was found In the sewer main In
the alley between Jackson and, Rose
streets. The discovery was made by
City Marshal I. J. Norman and two
street laborers, while seeking the
cause of stoppage In the sewer. The
case will probably always remain a
mystery, as there is not the allghtesjt
semblance of a clew by which the par
entage of the child can be traced.
Wrapped In a cloth, the child had
doubtlessly been deposited In the
sewer through the manhole on Oa!:
street, the only known place large
enough to admit It Into the main,
where It was found. The bundle ul
timately stopped up the main, which
is' only 10 Inches In diameter, and
sewage gradually backed up until It
was noticed last Friday. Assisted by
two laborers, Marshal Norman made
an Investigation, using a long hook In
his operations. Just at dark particles
of human flesh were brought forth.
The marshal Instantly ceased work
until daylight on Saturday when he re
covered more flesh, entrails and a
cloth, all showing him beyond ques
tion the exact nature of the discovery.
The authorities are completely mys
tified as to the Identity of the child,
and the case has likely ended with Its
Lost to World for 1300 Tear.
Chicago, Dec. It. The. Dally New
says: "A new saying of Christ, lost to
the world for 1100 years and found In
Egypt, was given to the world for
the first time yesterday by Professor
Henry A. Saunders, of the University
of Michigan, addressing the members
of the archaeological Institute now In
session 'at the University of Chicago.
The fragment Is a part of an old Bible
dating back to the Moslem conquest
of fcgypt nun uu ia U it -Utr.:
tic as to disarm hostile criticism.
"The long lost fragment belongs In
the ltth chapter of the gospel of St.
Mark and follows the 14th verse It
relate to the story of Christ' appear
ance, following his death, to 11 of his
apostle In Jerusalem, With the new
verse the Bible reads thus: '
. Mark 11-14: "And they answered,
saying that this age of unrighteous
ness and unbelief I under the power
of Satan, who does not permit the
things which are made Impure by the
(evil) spirits to comprehend the truth
of Ood and His power. For this rea
son 'Reveal thy righteousness now
they said to Christ and Christ said to
them: ,
: " The limit of the years of the pow
er of Satan has been fulfilled, but
other terrible things are at hand, and
I was delivered unto death on behalf
of those who sinned In order that they
may return to truth and sin no more,
to the end that they may Inherit the
spiritual, Indestructible - glory of
righteousness which is heaven.' "
Professor Sanders declares that the
new found manuscript also , contains
what Is known as the ltturical end
ing of the Lord's prayer. ' '
The. text wa .found, he aald, by
Charles L. Freer of Detroit,' who was
searching In Egypt for additions to
his collection.
Small Hope Entertained of Finding;
Him AUto Left Homo Last Mon-: i
day on a Hunting Trip During tlief
Holiday He is a Son of the City
Superintendent of Public Schools of
' BeUlngham A Frealunan. Y I
Ambassador Entertains.
Berlin, Jan. 1. Ambassador and1
Mrs. Tower gave a large public re
ception at the American embassy this
afternoon. Scores of distinguished
German and foreign statesmen and di
plomats paid their respects to the di
plomatic representative of the United
. BeUlngham, Wash... Jan. 1. More
than 100 mea started out today to;
make a search of the wood In the vl-t
clnlty of the Chuckanut mountain. In '
the hope of finding Edward Hughea,:
aged 1, son of the city superintendent
of "ec'oola. The boy has been lost'
since last Monday and it is feared- that
he will oeyer be found alive, Young
Hughe I a freshman at tne Univera- j
ty of Washington, and was lost while
on a hunting trip taken during" tha?
holiday.: . '.,.-.:-' i
. y.s;
'.; '.'.The Land of Parados..''. ' :
China Is the land of paradox. If It
Is an absolute,' despotio monarchy, -It j
Is. also a very democratlo country, with
Its self-made men, Its powerful puVlid '.
opinion, and a "states' rights" ques-
tlon of Its own. It la one of the most '
corrupt of nations; on the other hand, )
the standard of personal and commer- i
clal honesty is probably higher' In.
China than In. any other country in "
the world. Woman, In China. I made
to serve; her statu I so low that It -would
be a' discourtesy even to ask a
man If he has a daughter; yet the-'
ablest ruler China ha had In many
centuries I a woman. It is a land :
where the women wear sock and, i
trousers and the mean wear stocking,
and robe; where a man shake hi
own hand, not your; where white, as ;
black. Is a sign of mourning; where ;
the compass points south, not north; :
where book are read backwards, not '
forward; where name and titles ar
put in reverse order, as in our direct f
torle Theodore Roosevelt would be
Roosevelt Theodore in China, Uncle .
Sam would be Sam Uncle; where frao- ;
tlon are written upside down; where
a bride walls bitterly at her wedding, .
and a man laughs when he tells you ,
of his mother's death. Samuel Mer
wln, In Success Magazine.
Commnvlnl Team vs. Hlirli HHhmjI
fllrls Next luccday.
A basketball game of more than
usual Interest will take place next
Tuesday-evening at the Commercinl
club between the Commercials and
the girls of the La Grande high
school. The game will be cared
promptly at t o'clock. The admission
will he 15 cents. Remember he time
and the place, and be there to witness
the contest. The lineup Is as follows
Oroiroii Summer ICisort SuMalnn a
$10,000 Loes.
Newport, Ore., ,lan. 1. Fire broke
out In the business section today, de
stroying an entire block, causing a
oss of (10,000, with but little Insur
ance. A meat maraei, a pnoiograpn
gallery, a general store, a Jewelry
store, a lodging house and a real es
tate office were destroyed.
McMurray. . .
F. Masses . . .
Position. HI h School
.forward .
. . guard ,
, .guard .
, . .sub . . .
, . Baker
. .. Green
B. Green
. , Hopp
. . Roesch
, Jackson
Attended Danre Lat Night and Was
Found Dead This Morning.
Pendleton, Jan. 1. Bert Brown,
middle-aged single man, was found
with his head shot off by a shotgun
near South Pendleton this morning.
Brown had been at a dance last night
Milk, Not Butter, :
On another page In this Issue apV
pears an article regarding the pro
duction of butter fat from the Fred
King dairy herd. This Item was writ-'
ten during the absence of the dairy
editor, by the sporting editor,' and nat
urally Is somewhat distorted. The
Item will be correct as' to fact and
figures If the world "mllk"Nla Insert '
cd where the woVds butter fat appear..
Over 60,(00 pounds of milk Is good
enough. '
frfrWOOOOt frrt004- 0t 00 OOOOOtf
Our many customers for the liberal patronage .?
bestowed upon us which nas en? bled, us to
make this the foremost drug store In this sec
lion of the country. All can rest assumed t, afc
our gratitude will bf further shawnr by giving,
tne most scrupulous care and conscientious at-.;
tentio : to every detail of pur business.
Are not yet one of our customer let this be
your invitation to become one. Uet the habit
of coming her with your prescaiptions and for
your drug wants; you will never care to change
La Grande . m ' Oregon
t i
.1 1-
'.. 1
t i
but was not known to have had any
trouble or to have been drinking. The
coroner wilt Investigate.
- y. h
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