"RESOtVID THAT THE MARCH WINW Blow THP WINTER AwAV AWPMAKE IT.KECE5JARV TO GET RPADV "FOR 5PRIN6 ARE" VOU V For? 5PRING? BUSTFR BROWN OLD ClOTHII oont o J WE ARE; WE ARE READY WITH A MORE COMPLETE JTOCK OF -SPRING GOODS THAN EVER BEFORE. ALL THE NEWEST AND NoB5IEST THW6S i IN WAJH CooD.5, -SUITINflJ, EMBRoIDERIE.5, TRIMMING J AND ALL THE LITTLE ACCEJJoRIEJ NECEJJARY To THE 71. PORN LIPE OF IWS JtDTWQS make the -spring wardrobe complete, ''that will -sati-sfy the mo-st f -stidiou-s a well as those who are Looking for .service. in a few day .5 we arf going to give you an opportunity to -see the mojt complete and beautiful line of -spring merchandise, ever -shown in la grande. Watch .This Space for Particulars I THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY i 1303. 1 t , A ENUE v vv - - - " . SMUiEJT PRICES For gei'iral t'.i' n ': r. r Com pany's ratio i . - ' . iVr right parting. ,,.y . a-,-. . 'y UjISe. or at Srer;. i f'r,,. SPR 0 SiOUSE CUANinO Se"d us your lace curtains. Havt them washed :id properly stretched.' Cherry's New Laundry Into each life s?me sorrow must fall: Wise pejpie d r. t sit dwn and sawl; Only foois suic da or taKe to fliizht: Smirt fnop'a tana -JocKy Mountain Tea at nigni. Newlin Druo Company. R 3 N G SHOWING I 1 II C II A !M D S I ME LOCAL ITEMS Baker City is in the Centra' j LOGGING TOOLS j Peaveys, Axes, E. Severance of city on business. Services each evening Church of Christ. County Superintendent E. E. Bragg is . ii-'. - . . i I in union 'oaay. Ed Kiddle went to union tms morning in the interest of the flouring mills. W. K Davis. theEilers Piano man went to Union this morning for a short business visit. Superintendent Fred Taylor of the sugar factory is transacting business in Union today. George O'Neil returned this morning from Walla Walla, where he visited friends and transacted business relatives to the O'Neil Plumbing Company. Mrs R R Palmer who has been the guest of Mrs Al Andrews the past few days, returned to her home at Baker City this morning. Jesse Harvey, assistant agent at the 0 R. &, N. office in Echo, is a witness at the court house today in the McGregory 0. R. & N. trial. Howard W Moore of Seattle who has been visiting Dr and Mrs Moore the past few days left on the morning train for Baker City and Boise. Mrs H Scott returned to her home in Monument, Grant county, this morning. after visiting the past few months with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark. Wm. Balfe was called to his home in Haines this morning where his father is seriously ill. The senior Balfe is a section foreman was suddenly taken ill, causing the call for the son who was visiting in La Gran. e. Herrmann K. Scmitht of Mullan Idaho who for the past five weeks has been de tained at the home of Dr. P. E. Moore on account of a serious injury to the knee producing synovitis, has recovered from the accident and this morning left on the west bound train for Spokane. . Mr J. F.Campbell who is employed on the new bridge which is being construct ed across the river is so well pleased with tua future outlook of La Grande that he has sent for his family and expects to locate permanently. Geo Gobel the Socialist speaker who pleased a large audience in the Commer cial Club last night, has consented to talk ataln at the sa-re place tonight, and will devote most of his time to answering questions. Bring your question with you. Fred Holmes, of Island City, who has beer, visiting his brother, c. A. Holmes, in this city for several days, left Wednes day for hnme. Mr. Holmes is president of the Island City Mercantile Company, the G. M. St S. Company, and the Elgin Milling Company of Elgin, vice president of the E. M. Si M. Company of Enterprise, and a director of the Wallowa Mercantile Company. He was returning from his an nual trip of inspection of h's various busi ness interests. -Wallowa Sun. I have a complete line of logging tools s-cn as-mi. Sledges, Saws. Chain and Cable in fact everything needed for logging. ! WASHING MACHINES I ha.e the celebrated 1900 machine which is absolutely guaranteed they are the easiest running washing machine on the market Try one and be convinced. 1 also have clothes wringers all grades and price. I ; MRS. T-N. MURPHY ! Hardware and Crockery NEW SCHOOL IAWS vhich effects the ORDNANCES ARE (OD'FIED Th nf fK .! nrHinanrn Much legislation hich was authorized some time ago, hasj "shool. of Oregon was transacted by th. been completed by Attorneys Cochran : it t"' in.orrr.sHen sir.. Cochran eaily this week. A typewritt. n &ta supenntenaent cKerman is , draught has been filed with the Charter I the effe' th n0 legislative enactment, and Ordinance committee of the council, i which have iU8t been Pssed Meeting th and the code is now ready for the printers, j ho1 ' ' b ln forM untl1 May 28 or mis year, at wnicn time n is ropea to SPECIAL MEETINGS In Central Church of Christ each even ing. Lome and bring your friends. WAIVED EXAMINATION J. N. Klein was arraigned before Just ice Hough this afternoon on the charge of permitting gambling in his place of business. He waived examination and gave bonds to appear before the circuit court. The bonds are $250. LINE OS rts't '.L MVS AND MISSES' READY-TO WEAR APRONS . .! b KISSES, fOR AGES 4 TO 14 INCLUSIVE Dorotiiy Garments ; are made with full wide skirts, wide hems, and careful stitching; no skimping in moterials. Style Va.ues c;nnot be surpassed. These gra j, merits are designed by cur expert, ' exclusively for Ghildren"s and Misses'. and are nobby little frocks. am. lipi mm GUILTY AS CHARGED The jury in the case of the State vs Fisher, who was charged with selling liquor in less quantities than one gallon, i 9 ff af kaincr nut m elinvf tima nf 1 1 mart aiwai wiiig vub a viiui k buns i viuiiiy m verdict of guilty, GOVERNOR SIGNED BILL Dr. F E Moore received a telegram th e morning stating that the bili regulating the practice of Osteopathy in Oregon was signed last evening by the Governor, thus making it a law. have a copy of the revised schools laws in the hands of all school district boards C0NSTIPATI01 CURABLE Constipation is cured more successfully by osteopathy than any other agency. Probably nine-tenths of all cases art curable by this means. People who havt been in the habit of relying upon drugs or enemata tosecure this natural function will find great and permanent relief at the hands of an osteopathic physician who, instead of following the old way blindly, secures the return of normal nerve force and blood supply to the intestinal track. This is Nature's way to relieve constipa tion and it is a veritable boon to suffer ers. Everybody's brains and spinal j columns have enough latent nervous ener gy to provide good bowel action if it is released in sufficient quantity and proper y directed. Wa want to be your druggists t hruout 190?. you want our kind of service' let's combine. Newlin Drug Co. j Clothing Sale! I For the Next 3; Days j j COMMENCING MONDAY j FEBRUARY 18. ! TAKES MORNING JAUNT Tne crew on the Elgin branch was i called cut this morn ng at five thirty to make an early mor-ing jaunt to Elgin ana back 1 he causa for it was that Wm. Morelock of Egin and H. H. Weath- j erspoon, O R & N agent at Elgin. w;re I wanted at tno trial which is in progress i at the ourt house, whare McGregory is j bringing su.: ta recover damages inflicted ! by the burning of the E gin O R &t N I warehouse n waich the plaintiff's furni iiure wassnred. sncntt (Jhiiders was the lene passenger en routo but returned j w th the subpoeraed wit lesses. ! HAT S BROTHER Dl'S I Rev. E. B. Hays, pastor of the Preshy i tnan church, ius received a telegram I conveying the sjd news thai h'S brother, j Geo. P. Hays of Lou Angeies, died sud- denly yesterday afternoon. Several weeks ag.i, Mr. Hays was informed that pneu mo la was seriously threatening the life of his brother. However.the diseasi ap parently ahued and hopes .for recovery were enter'.ainod It would be imoossin'e to reach Los Angeies int;mo for the funeral, and Mr. Hays will not make the attempt. The deceased has been a leading grocer of tkat city for several years. At the time of death he was thirty-nine years of age. i Every Suit in the House j .Reduced in Price The Gicstcst Stock of AeiVs Boys' and j Youths' Clothing Ever Shown in Union County. f a ca-eful inspection of theso little dresses n-o;r. r .o' ;. vvilloonvinceyouthat you cannot afford 'i From 50c. to S3.00 in r : I 0 i 'm rVuks. Gr,jh-ms en t '. 1 -ti. i u make them vourself ch-v.. ... i ,et . 1 J O Li. VPS PRICES .', nts fcr L ndies' ' o-ns Journal Pattern Agents for ladies' Horve Journal Fat'erns GOOD AIL ACTING StCRETARY fieorgoGoodall. formerly of La Grande but lately private secretary lo Justice T. G. Hailey of tne supreme court, has been appointed acting secretary of the railroad commission of Oregon to serve until a permanent secretary is secured. Mr. Goodali is a son of Judge 0. P. Goodill of Union county, and is a capable young man. He aiso served as secretary in work of the Oregon Lewis and Clark' fair commission. It is the wish of the com mission to find a practical railroad man forth position of secretary if possible. W want to be your druggist thruout, 190?, you want our kind of service- We Can Fit the Big Man, the Little Man" the Fat Man, and the Slim Man. Entirely Too Many Suits for One House to I Carry in Stock, and Ever Sut will be Sacrificed in Price to reduce Stcck. jNew Modern Up-to-date Clothing -Not a Shabby Suit in the lot. Itl.w Win. A,! I- mien vt; mivtnssc a Sale You Know something is Doing. Cravcnetts. : Spring Top Coats. jN. K. WEST: lets combine. Nwlm Drug Co. :