: ,rrjrfy!!tts: IGbASSIFlEB ADS Rate On cent word, one-half a cent a word each subsequent inser- tion. Classified adds bring quick results, Trj one today. FOS SALE Four brood sows, one Pol and China bore and four shoates. B. M. Ghamd. May Park. Phone Black 1016' MONEY For loans on city property see Wm. Grant's agency. Also real estate and insurance, FCR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone Red 281. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING All orders promptly filled., . Prices reason able. Call at 1903 5d st. between Park and Adams Ave. Phone Red 711 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms in suites of two, three or four, in central loca tion. Also four room house. Phone Red 672 or call at 1419 Adams Ave. FARM FOR RENT 600 acres well improved, 5 miles from Island City. J.h runt None but :lia bis parties need apply. Inquire at Adcocks & Fritz furniture store. La Grande. FOR RENTFurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply at corner of 0. and Bth Street, U02O St. 7jR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS . OF TITLES go to the La Grande Invest ment Company, La Grande Ore., in Foley building. . JR SALE Eight sous, six room house barn, place for chickens or hogs, all Kinds of fruit and plenty of water, Locat ed east of flouring mill. Apply at premises nr address, John Gavan. La Grande Oregon. REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amount on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. La Grande Investment com pany. FOR SALE-Polen China boar 9 months old for exchange or sale, also several smaller ones for sale, also two Jersey milch cows for sale. Apply to H. Vehrs La Gra-.de, R. F. D. Mo. 1 also Vergere Phone. FOR SALE Two acres, one block east of new school house, two dwellings, and other improvements. Will sell cheap for cash if sold at once. Water right with place. Inquire of W.T. Davis, La Grande, Oregon. LOST Party who found package of hair on 4th Street between M and P will kindly return to Mrs. Forrest's Millinery store and receive reward. FOR SALE An Edison Concert Phono graph everything complete and. in good condition. Inquire at Al Andrew's store. UPHOLSTERING OLD FURNITURE M A D E GOOD AS NEW Lounges and couches upholstered. Mattresses recovered and generaly renovated, carpets cleaned and put down. Special Furniture Made to Order. All Work Called For and Delivered Promptly. J. II. IIILLMAN Cor N. Depot and Monroe St. PHONE 1801 Red " A BRAND NEW PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE Having again reopened a paint and wall paper store, will be pleased to again see all my old customers and many new ones. My goods are the best and prices the lowest. Call on me and I can save you money. Sherman Williams Paints, $1.60 pa' gallon, quarts 46 cents. Every thing else in Painting and Paper-hanging. H. A. Staniels I 1420 ADAMS AVENUE La Grande, Oregon. Phone Black 1781 : FOUND A pair of gold rimmed glasses In case. Owner call at this office. WANTED 600 bush, good, clean seed oats at once. State price and location. Amalgamated Suoar Company. FOR SAL i At a bargain, several pieces of good furniture. Apply to Wm Grant's residence or office early. FOR RENT A new store building, 60x 60. Furnished and unfurnished rooms for rent. Inquire at new Harris building of Mrs. Harris. FOR SALE 200 acres of pasture land, close in to La Grande, cheap if sold at once. Apply to Real Estate, Loan & Collection Company. FOR SALE 10 acres improved, 2 miles of city, best of soil finest for orchard, beets or gardening. $1500. cash P. C. LKM C 30 A bargain. FOR RFNT A new four room cottage furnished complete for house keeping inquire of Mrs. Zjbers Cor. 7th and Wash Ave. FOUND Pocket book at the depot con taining money, about one week ago. Owner may secure same by calling at 1301, Madison Ave. FOR .SALE Seed potatoes, large white productive. Apply to the farm of the Oregon Red Apple Company, 3V miles North of La Grande or Phone Black 301. Address W. Lyman. La Grande Oregon. FOR RFNT One five room cottage furnished for complete house keeping. Also one new five room cottage un furnished. Apply to Mrs. G. D. Sim mons, corner 8 and N streets or phone Red 1712. A BARGAIN In a fruit and stock rancu. Located 29 miles north of Wallowa on the Grande Ronde river. Homestead adjoining. Plenty of winter range. 600 good, thrifty fruit trees. Irrigated. 150 bearing peach 'roes. Must be sold at once. $2500 terms. For further par ticulars write W. E. Taooart, real es tate, Enterprise, Oregon. I t DAWSON'S MARKET Successor to Smith & Dawson The best of every thing j 5 to be found in any shop, t Once , a patron of our 1 shop you will never go elsewhere. ; Careful attention given : the smallest orders. !! We carry a full line of ! ! fresh and cured meats of all kinds. !! We can give what we icpicaciii. Phone Red 751 IN A rNRRY? THEN CALL THE TWO BATTLESHIPS mm (Scrippa News AaaocUUoa) Norfolk. Va.. Feb. 27. The sixteen thousand tons battleship Minnesota built by the Newport News Shipbuilding Com pany is complete, excepting the matter of ordnance equipment, and will be handed over to the government officials this after noon. She is in the Navy Yard here but it has not yet been decided where she will ship her ordnance. Quincy, Mass., Feb. 27. The Fore River Shipbuilding Company has handed the battleship' Vermont, a sister ship to Minnesota, over to the Navy department She is fully equipped with the exception of her armament. THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than it lakes to tell it Day phona Red 76 1 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at youi service J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Di aler in Building Material Building StoneClean Coarse Sand and Gravel delivered. La Grande, Oregon Dro Ja line naming work and I will name the right prise. THIS DATE IN HISTORY (ticrlppe Newe Aaeoclatloa) Feb 27 1776 Battle of Moore's Creek North Carolina. 18ol Congress assumed jurisdiction over the District of Columbia. 18oS -Napoleon started on his second journey across the Alps into Italy. 18o7 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow born. Died 24, 1882. 1855-Ellen Terry English actress born. 18S9 Exdosion on steamer Princess near. Baton Rouge, 25 lives lost. 1 ofiX Cnnfadarata blockade runner Mashville destroyed near Fort McAllis ter. l R7Q Thinksfttvinff service in London for recovery of the Prince of Wales from typhoid. 1879 Civil right bill passed by the Senate. 1 RR 1 William II nf Garmanv married Princess Augusta of Schleswig-Holsten. 1888 Explosion on ferry boat Julia at South Vallejo Cel., 8o lives tost 19o6 British defeated Boers at battle of Paardeberg. 19o3 Edwin . Aurdick murdered in Buffalo. "k La Grande National 0 ESTABLISHED 1887 United States Depositary WHEAT FROZEN Walla Walla, Feb. 27.-Quita a large amount of wheat on the north slopes be tween Walla Walla and Prescott is said to have been killed as the result of the extreme cold weather during the months of December and January. On the ranch owned by Thomas Bowe and Tom Ennis, work of reseeding 800 acres will com mence this week. ANIMAL EYES Among the most difficult things which taxidermists have to do are the painting and preparation of glass eyes ' for the mammals, birds and reptiles which they are mounting. These eyes are made of glass, hollow within and from the rear so that the in ner surface may be painted any color de sired. As no two animalV eyes are alike, and as the colors are often complicated and unusual, it requires a great deal of skill study and practice, before one is compe tent to understand the work. The Boys World. PROMPT NAIL ORDER SERYKc We are constantly sending goods and prescriptions to all parts of the surround ing country. This business comes to us because we have what people require and we give mail orders prompt and careful attention. Orders are filled on the day of receipt and satisfaction is guaranteed in all cases. Send us your difficult or important pre scriptions. Newlin Drug Co. La Grande, Oregon. SCARE OYER Contrary to expectations, the attend ¬ ance at the public shcools today shows a very small decrease on account of siiuui pox scare, the only room where a per ceptible falling off islnoticed by Miss Carr in whose room the little girl who has the smallpox was. With few exceptions the pupils were all able to show vaccination scars this morning r and went on with their studies A report was circulated this morning" that the Shanks lived in the house where Densmore Par ish had the small pox over a year ago, but proved to be unfounded' The Dalles Chronicle. GET THE THONE HABIT When you think of something you need from a drug store, step at once to the 'phone and ask us to deliver it This will often save you inconvenience and valu able time. ' Sometimes drug store goods are re quired when it ie impossible to go for them. It may be Important too. to avoid all possible delay. Our free delivery service meets these conditions. Make use of it. Begin now. Call 'Phone No. Main 81. Newlin Drug Co. DRESS MAKING Persons wishing first class dressmak ing done promptly, at reasonable rates, should call upon Mrs. W. A. Bakir, 1620 H.ll Street opposite new brick school house. Fit guaranteed. WOOL BLANKETS We wash them right. Cherry's New Laundry 'reason Can make you a suit for $16.50 and up made by Exclusive Tailors not taken off the shelf and called tailor made clothes. Measured by a first class cutter that has spent money and time to learn the business. Why cannot we fit you better than some clerk with no experience more than i few blanks to go by? Call and get prices. Al Andrews, Haberdasher & Tailor Capital and Surplus, t OWIOIRS AMD DUUCTOM 1EOROE PALMER, PinnErr. J. M. BERRY, Vtol FT L MEYERS. Caiain. ' W I RRRNHOLTS. C. S. WILLIAM! 1st Assistant Casmkb. ana assis GEORGE L. CLEAVER, , F. M. BYRKIT. A.'.0j . ' C. C. PENINGTON.. F. J. HOLMS Comparative statemeut showing growth of the bank's bud ' Dast three vears ' f't ' nr. ' ",. Individual deposits Total volunK j ,. m , . n n c m r n -r t n ti n t - m January zna isuo uu.o at January 2nd 1906 627.543 18 January 2nd 1907 736,570 60 rv - A source of trouble meals is the lack of have no appetite I menu contains everi want. I is the lack of, no choice of J LiU Is Jaded in J . 41.2 , 4 k It is different here so many, ws can ol variety. If you do item on the bill of f s other. They are a choice is yours. Tr and bring that tir with you. THE MODEL RESTAU J. A. Arbuckle Proprietor te : . - i BOARD AND ROOMS Nicely furnished rooms with or without board. By the day, week or month. Terms reasonable. Mhs. C. Shaw, 1421, Adams Ave. HOW TO CURE CHILBLAINS "To enjoy freedom from chilblains", writes John Kemp. East Otisfield, Me.. "1 apply Bucklen'e Arnica Salve. Have also used it for salt rheum with excellent results". Guaranteed to cure fever sores, indolent ulcers, piles, burns, wounds, frost hites and skin diseases. 25c at Newlin drug store. FOR SAiE A story and a half frame house containing six rooms and ample wood shed at back. Apply to William Hackett. Phone Black 1292. CITY ELECTION ROTKt , Notice is hereby given, that the annual city election for the City of La Grande, Oregon, will take place in said city, on the 1 1th day of March 1907, and that the polls for 'such election will be open from the hour of eight o'clock ja m until seven o'clock p. m said day. That said election will be for the pur pose of electing the following named officere: One mayor, one city recorder, one city marshal, one city treasurer, one council' man from the first ward, of said city, one councilman from the second ward, of said city, one councilman from the third ward of said city, and one councilman from the fourth ward, of said city. That there will be submitted to the t paying voters of said city the following proposition to voted upon: Shall the council of the city of La Grande Oregon be authorixed to issue a $160,000.00 additional water bonds of said city for the purpose of constructing a pipeline to convey the waters of Beaver creek, to the city reservoir of said city for domestic purposes, said bonds to be sold for not less than their par value, and to bear not to exceed five per cent inter est per annum. The following polling places, judges and clerks are hereby designated: First ward, courthouse. Judges, Perry Clark, J. L. Curtis end E. Alberson. Clerks, Arthur Curtis and S. K. Baker. Second ward, new council rooms. City Recorder's office. Judges, Geo. Ball, David Bay and H. W. Stoner. Clerks, H. E. Coolidge and A. W. Nelson. Third ward, rjarsonaoa. M. K ehnrr.h J South. Judges, C. C. Pennington, J. M. Hilts and B. W. Grandy. Clerks, A. C. Williams and C. R.Thornton. Fourth ward, Gedds Bros, store. Judges, T. J. Hughey. H. C. Montgomery and B. Logsdon. Clerks, C. J. Vander pool and John Hall. , In witness whereof, I have hereunto at tached my hand and' affixWthe seal of my omce, this 23d day of February, 1907. I I. R. Snook. I Recorder of the City of La Grande, Ore. $1.00 A MONTH KEEPS YOU What bet tert protection could you In DO IT NOW I A Stitch In time saves nine l Gall up either: Main 80, or: Main 91 and W you a representative to explain it all a your aplication for membership The Management of the. Union Hospital DR. H.VOLP. ' DR. F. MOORM1 Office, Corps Bldg. s Offict, Free Oregon State Irrigated You are entitled to 20, 4 120 or 160 acres FRfc you simply pay for the costof irrigatioi is $10.00 per acre, payable one-fourt balance in three equal annual pa Title direct from the STATE OF 0$ This land is going fast; do not delay;-' write today. EASTERN OREGON C0LONI1 Foley Block u Qran tttttttHHiiSSsaaaa , ? 2u Have you Arranged for the Protection of Your f IN CASE THAT YOU SHOULD DIE? J M. W. A. DO IT NOW! DO IT NOW! M. W. A. The Modern Woodmen of America will take this respon sibility for a less charge than any other Insurance Institution. Stop any Modern Woodman and ask him if he is satisfied. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT PROTECTION M. Vi DO IT NOW1 , M. W . 2 ) s