La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 27, 1907, Image 1

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- VOLUME VI . ... ...... LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 27 190? ., ,, kitmrpp J 'Vit
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(Scrlppt News Association)
Washington. Feb 27 Thomas Mac
Donald Patterson, the Democratic sena
tor pom Colorado today took the floor of
the'senate and advocated governmental
ownership of all railways at the estimat
ed mrkt value of sluvon billion dollar.
He held there are clauses in the con
stitution which have not been interpretated
which give ample authority for govern
mental acquisition of railways doing
brJeVfcss within each separate state as
well as those engaged in interstate com
merce. He presented a comprehensive
plan of operation, calling for a non-par-tisian
transpo'tation board which should
act under the supervision of aa enlarged
interstate commerce commission.
Herman Rothchild, who has reptesented
'Union county in the lower house, duiing
the recent session, and who was the "Or
phan." '"the lone Democrat," the man who
tervievon fortv-four committees, and who
has been daubed various other titles, is
once more among the flocks of a Repub
lican county. He had a few minutes to
te hand! with his constituents this
morhing while his train was unloading its
passengers. Herman was in his usual
jocular mien and found time to "crack" a
joke or two. "I have completed my com
mittee work (?) and on't know of any
thing more I could ave done." said the
German solon as he climbed on the leav
ing train.
Returns to
for the Lcnton Season
Booth Oysters,
f " and Clams.
Smoked Herring. Lunch Herring in Glen
E. POLACK, Propr.
20 acre tract. 9 acres into bearing
i tAVen before March I. covin, long
40 acr es. extra choice beet land near
. psr aoi e. Easy payments.
' 160 acres Sand Ridge lard, S40 per acre if taken before March IS.
J 6 acre tract adjacent to La Grande, good house and out buildings. $2,000
easy terms.
X, 4 oom. two story house in hart of La Grande, plastered and furnished
i throughout. Two lots with lawn, shade trees. A Snap $2,500.
S room furnished house in ia Grande, must go. Take i'. for S450.
Choice 60 acre tract near Alice!. Good house and other improvements.
I , jAn excellent buy $2,600.
?We have several very choice farms near La Grande, also orchards and
citv nrooertv calore.
Call and see us before ou buy as we
Ke contemplates an exchange of se
curities to finance the f cheme and de
clared that bonds issued for this purpose
would sell readily at three percent He
said: "The power of railway potentates
is undiminished. A half dozen manage
mmtm ennt.rol all the linm and these
combine to thwart the government and
mold it to their ambitions. - Railway lob
byists, everywhere overshadow the leg
islative sessions. ' The political conven
tions nominate public truardiana: these
are elected and 'told to serve the wills of
those who elect them. But alas, the
deadening influence of railroad commer
cialism extends from top to bottom and
our representatives succomb to the in
fluence. Governmental ownership would
vastly improve the moral tone of the
nation." , .
(Scrlppt Newt Auoclauon)
Tangiers Feb 27 General Raieuli has
tent the following message to the Sultan
of Turkey, "Sir. I propose to rebuild my
house at Zinst with the bones of you and
your followers who destroyed it." The
rebel leader is strongly entrenched and
well supplied with men and munitions., .
The Wilcoxes have disposed of their
interest in the Wilcox Lumber Co. to the
other stockholders of the company.
Under the new mar.agement Mr. Messen
ger becomes president and L. H. Russell
vice president and secretary. Mr. Rus
sell states that the new organization will
carry out the plans as originally intended.
The Wilcox Bros, with their families ex
pect to leave for California within a few
The abnormal amount of west bound
freight has caused a small congestion in
the yards of this city. Every possible
facility is being extended to hurry the
freight trains westward, but more than
can be taken away, comes in. As a con
sequence, the yards are practically filled
with loaded freig t cars.
Boneless Codfish,
Imported -Buncansby
Bloaters, and
Golden Bloaters.
orchard, well watered. $3,000 if
time on balance, an extraordinary
Union. Abundance of water. $1.00
can interest you.
The sheriff's tale of the Oregon Con
struction Company property which has
been attached for tome time was set for
last Saturday. In the meantime, between
the decision of the sourt which ordered a
sale, and the date of the sale.
Sheriff Childers received a copy of a
restraint it ued by the United States Court
of the Southern district of the state of
New York, where the construsti on com
pany hails from. With this restraint in his
possession Sheriff Childers went to U lion
last Saturday and postponed the sale un
til yesterday. , .
In the intervening feme of the
regular data and yesterday he received a
'.cxgrair. Trcir. a Unites Stitcs Eccsivcr
in whose handa the Oregon Construction
has bean since the trouble began, saying
that the sheriff of this county and the
attorneys in the case, would lay them
selves liable should a sale be made. Con
sequently the sheriff again postponed the
sale yesterday. -.)..
The affairs of the Oregon Construction
Company does not in the least affect the
Oregon Central Railway Company, 'and
the latter intends to proceed with the
constructions as soon as tools and mat
erial arrives.
(Scrlppa Newt Association)
Portland, Feb. 57 S. A. D. Puter. the
convicted land twindler hat been taken
from the sounty jail where he it serving a
two-year sentence, and has left for Wash
ing as a government witness against
Binger Hermann who is now being tiied
for destroying certain letter files while
n the serives of the goverment in Oregon.
District Attorney Leroy Lomax of Baker
county is tranacting legal businsss in the
court house today.
Geo. H. Goebel one of the nationa
lecturers of the Socialist party spoke last
night in the Commercial Club to a good
sized audience. He is a pleasing speaker
and holds the attention of his hearers.
He will speak again this evening at which
time he expects to answer all questions
relating to Socialism that may be presented
to him in writing. He spoke in part last
night as follows:
"A few years ago even an educated
man couid be excused if compelled to
plead ignorance as to what was meant by
an arc light or the telephone, but today
even a child is expected to at least under
stand wnat is meant by the tetm. Just
so with Socialism, it having rtached that
strength an J influence that a man to ba
considered inte ligen:, will seek to at least
understand its meaning and purpose.
"In E- rope thirty million people, includ
ing a larger proportion of the students,
tnmkers and historians, believe in Social
ism, eight million of the number being vo
ters. In this country Socialism is of
course newer and hence not so far ad
vanced as in Europe. To have a rose
you must first have soil proper for devel
oping a rose, and just so with Socialism;
it appearing and becoming inevitable only
as the economic conditions duveloped.
which made collective ownership of the
tools of pr.duction and distribution an ab
solute necessity, if the people were not to
become practically slaves to a few who
happen to own these things. In the last
five years a wonderful increase in Social
ist votes and sentiment has taken place
despite thelack of daily papers or great
campaign funds by the organizition. The
vote for president has increased to almost
half a million. In Illinois we have three
members of the legislature, in Wisconsin
nine, and have elected over five hundred
officials of one kind or another in various
parts of the country; while the magazines
and daily press and even the President
are compelled to admit the tendency in
the Socialist direction.
One thing to be remerr bered is that
Socialism, being comparatively new in this
country, must expect what anything new
must expect, namely that it will be re
sisted by the old. even to the point of
falsehood and worse. Nothing new can
come in without pushing out the old thing.
"Every grafter and robber of the com
mon people must resist socialism; not be
cause they hate Socialism or tie Social
ists, but because Socialism means the end
of their power to rob the nation. This
explains vhy. for an instance, in a town
where the population was hostile or ind
ifferent to religion, the opponents of Soci
alism would circulate the ttory that Soci
alism wat a new kind of religion, and then
turnaround in religioutly inclined com
munities and assert the Socialists
(ticrlppa News Aanoclatlon)
New York. Feb. 27 The Hudson and
Manhattan Railroad Company, which it to
operate electric traction under the North
River from Jereeyoity and Hoboken to
Coetla and Day streets in thu citv. have
filed a first mertgage with the registrar
lor New York county for $100,000,000
This mortgage, which ie a record breaker
in tire, covers all the property of the cor
poration in thii city and New Jersey. It
jt Understood Oiat the cost of tunnelling
me worth KiveY will aggregate $60,010,
taunpp nw uuiUwi
Boston, Maes." Feb. 27 Henrv Blitz
and Louie Anerback, both of this city,
have notified the Canadian eovernment
that they would make application at the
sattion of Parliament to British Columbia
to Dawson City by wav of the Yukan
River Valley.
(Rrrlppa News Aaeootatlon)
Cambridge. Feb Feb 27 The 100th
anniversary of the birth of Henry Long
fellow it being celebrated here today with
great ceremony. The Historical Societv
of Cambridge has pKnned extensive mem
onai exercises are to be held in Sanders
theatre tonight.
'Tlppe NVws Association)
London, Feb. 27 Richard Garnesy,
known as "Field Marshal Tom Thumb,"
who created a great sensition at the Egyp
tain Hall, London, fifty years ago, by his
diminutive stature, i' dead at his home in
Somerset, at the age of seventy-four
years. , j . . '
are all Athiests, Free Thinkers etc; where
as the fact is that Socialism in no way
interferes with or has anything to do with
the religious beliefs of its members, that
being something that all must settle for
themselves, and that no man or politica
party has any right 'to interfere with.
The Socialist party is purely an econo
mic and politcal m vement.
"And yet, while Socialism has nothing
to do directly with religious matteis, the
speaker believed only under such a sys
tern as advocated by the Socialists, would
real religbn ba practicable or p obable.
You cannot drive straightin a crooked road
and neither are you likely to find men
practicing Brotherhood toward each other
as long as they must have their hand at
each others throat for a job, for a living
And so, just as men realty dosiro brother
hood tnuy will work for an industrial sys
tem that aims to make it possible.
Formerly we worked with little simple
hand tools and small capital, which, witr,
a little thrift and industry, gave any man
a cuance if not suited with the terms giv
en by an employer, to open up his own
shop or business. Or.nct caring to dj
that, he night settle on '.he land that was
then to be had practically freo. But to
day the hand .ool has given way to the
factory with its massive machinery, while
the smdil ousintss with insignificant capi
tal, has given wiy more and rmre to the
corpora'.. on with capital of tens of millions,
and the land has either b'jen stolen by
syridr-d'es or sutlied upon. Under thu
oldme?h:d men oou'd be irdopendent be
cause it was easy to start for themselves,
but today, whether in town or country,
farm or factory, the average young man
had anso u'ely no chance of ever being his
on master, but must look to an-jther for
employment. In other words ho must be
tre slave of some other man; for the man
whoeoul. give or wi.hho'd purrmsi-jn to
work could dictate the terms on which
permiss.on was given, the tunni in the
end being such as a horse or mule got -enough
corn or oats to keep it pull
the load next day. Some chattel slaves
were well treated and some badly treated
but, treated badly or did not alter
the fact that they were slaves and could
live only on the terms dictateJ by the
master. Therefore Socialists emphasized
! that whoever owned a man's job, owned
the man.
"Socialism proposes t 'ere'ore to have
the peopie tnemeives as a nation own all
Ithe greater induttries; anything that, by
its nat.ire, if owned by a few, would put
the few in position to rob all. These, So
cialists say. as a matter of safety and
common sense, must be owned by all.
And in order that this puonc ownership
may not breed corruption and graft as
now, the working class must own and
control the government."
(Scrlppt Newt a lclatlon)
New York, Feb. 27 There It a nntiea
lls lifting of interttt in the Thaw cas.
Evelyn hat concludtd her uttimony with
a re-hash of the ttory firtt told. She
hat been excuted but will be called in the
rfbtitt;1. Until Mrs.' ''"'
mother, takes the ttand, it it expected
that the testimony will be the dry techni
cal evidence of experts.' Thit testimony
it of little interest to the publie but of
great importance to the defendants.
line the attornevt have learned the
likelihood of Jerome calling a lunacy com
mission, alienists have watched every
move of the prisoner to - be prepared to
establish the fact that he hat fully re
covered hit mental ttrtngth.
Attorney Delmat explained to the court
thit morning that he would likely flnith
hit case thit week.
Evelyn wat called at (he firtt witnttt
when the court opened.
At the stepped to the chair, her eves
were full of tears but she smiled at her
husband. Jerome explained that In re
buttal he would follow "travaruMa frf.'
and to do thit under the rules, he must
ca I Evelyn's attention to the subjects.
"You have a brother. Howard Nesbitt?"
began Jerome.
"Yes Sir.1.
"On your return to Europe, in 19o5,
did you tell your brother Howard in tub-
stance, while you were abroad you had
been abused by Thaw to induce you to tell
lies against White and these lies were
that White had drugged and mistreated
you, which story you told Howard wat
"1 did not."
"Didn't you tell your brother that you
were compelled at the point of a revolver
to make tome euch ttatement?"
"I did not."
' "Did you tell Howard these facts in
tubstance at the time?"
"I did not." Each time the answer wat
repeated with greater emphatis.
"Didn't he say to you that you ought to
have some way to protect yourself, sug
gesting a revolver?"
"He did not."
"Did he buy you a revolver?"
"No. he did not."
"Didn't you give Howard money to pur
chase you a revolver?"
j Predigested Beef, Iron and
I Wine
The Beef is in a condition to be im
mediately assimilated. The Gitro-Chlor-ide
of Iron does not affect the teeth nor
constipate the patient, and the Sherry
Wine is specially select and pleasantly
flavored. One of the oldest and best
i A. T.
; Prescription Oruisf
Pride of Grande Ronde
The product of the Imbler flouring
best wheat land in Grande Ronde valley,
will convince you of its superority.
J Insist on hav;ng vour order filled with
same null.
For sale hy all first class dealers.
Pride of Grande Ronde
"I did not." At thit point Evelyn wat"
excuted. ,
Dr. Bingaman, the Thaw family physif J
cian wat called and taid in part that he
had called on Harry Thaw In 1903 and
found him nervout, melancholy, that he
Inn and tmHIv mnm him (ruin4
taid the witnest, "In theTombt. m Sept- ,
ember 1906. He teemed irrational an4 1
laboring unde.- a delution."
The lettimony continued to the 'oum-v
Honing of Delmat, who toon turned the
witnest over to Jerome. . A brief, unin- .
teretting cross examination followed". ' "
, Or Evant. who it will be remembered
testified early in the trial and who " fWiZ
completely nonplused by Jerome, '"wa'
again called for, cross examination? JHe .,
admitted that he wat not a matter of hit "
profession, referring to hit specialty, that"
of insanity. .....' 1
. . . il,.
(Observer Special)
Salem. Oregon, Feb 27 The leans
lature it being grilled by Governor Cham
berlain, in a veto of the bill placing the
ttate printer on a flat talary of nineteen
thousand dollars.
The veto ttatet plainly that the ttate
printer thlrked hit duty, and tuggetta
that people trust the next legislature to
compensate the printer for hie duties!
Tht bill allowing the clerk of Columbia
county to appoint deputies at hit own
discretion wat alto vetoed. The governor
it preparing a veto message on the Mon
mouth and Drain normal schools appro
priation, in whicn he scores the legisla
ture for cowardice. . ,
H I !L
m s'tuated in the very heart of tht
ooniequontly the best flour. A trial
his brand or the "Patent" from this
Don't submit to any substitution.
; I ,
. i'