t 0 , i U IGbASSIFieB A D 5 Rates One cant a word, one-half cent a word each subsequent tioti. Classified adds bring quick results. Trs one today. FOS SALE Four brood sows, one Pol and China bore and four shoatee. B. M G randy. Mar Park, Phone Black 1016' Munci For loans on city property see Win. Grant's agency. Also real estate and insurance. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone Red 281 FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING All orders promptly Mled. Prices reason able. Call at 190S Id St. between Park and Adams Ave. Phone Red 71 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT- Furnished housekeeping rooms in suites of two, three or four, in central loca tion. Also four room house. Phone P 672 or call at 1419 Adam Ave. I ARM FOR RENT-600 acres well improved, I miles from Island City, Cash rent. None but leliable parties need apply. Inquire at Adcocks & Fritz furniture store. La Grande. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply at corner of 0, and 8th Street, 1402 0 St." OR RELIABLE TITLES go to the inent Company, Foley building. ABSTRACTS OF La Grande Invest La Grande Ore., in .OR SALE Eight acies, six room house barn, place for chickens or hogs, al kinds of fruit and plenty of water, Locat ed east or flouring mill. Apply at premises nr address, John Gavan. La Grande Oregon. REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amount , on oity and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as title is ap proved. IA URAMOI INVESTMENT COM PANY. v FOR SALE-Polen China boar 9 months old (or exchange or sale, also several smaller ones for sale, also two Jersey milch eowe for sale. Apply to H. Vehrs LaQraitde, R. F. D. No. 1 also Vergere Phone. ' f UK SALE Two acres, one block east of new school house, two dwellings, and other improvements. Will sell cheap for cash if sold at ence. Water right with place. Inquire of W.T. Davis, La Grande, Oregon. LOST Party who found package of hair on 4th Street between M and P will kindly return to Mrs. Forrest's Millinery store and receive reward. FOR SALE-An Edison Concert Phono graph everything complete and in good condition. Inquire at Al Andrew's store. . !P UPHOLSTERING OLD FURNITURE - . M A D E- GOOD AS NEW Lounges and couches upholstered. Mattresses recovered and generaly renovated, carpets cleaned and put down. Special Furniture Made to Order. All Work Called For and Delivered Promptly. J. II. II I LL MAN Cor and N. Depot Monroe St. PHONE 1801 Red FOUND A pair of gold rimmed glasses incase. Owner call at this office. WANTED 600 bush, good, clean seed oats at once. State price and location. Amalgamated Suqar Company. FOR RENT A new store building, 60x 60. Furnished and unfurnished rooms for rent. Inquire at new Harris building of Mrs. Harris. (OUEtiE mm mm FOR SALE 200 acres of pasture land, close in to La Orande, cheap if sold at once. Apply to Real Estate, Loan & Collection Company, FOR SALE 10 acres improved, 2 miles of city, best of soil finest for orchard, beets or gardening.' $1600. ) cash P. O. box 696 A bargain. rUK KfcNT A new foui room cottage furnished complete for house keeping inquire of Mrs. Zjbers Cor. 7th and Wash Ave. FOUND Pocket book at the depot con taming money, about one week ago, Owner may secure same by calling at 1301, Madison Ave. FOR SAL E A story and a half frame house containing six rooms and ample wood shed at back. Apply to William Hackett. i FOR SALE Seed potatoes, large white productive. Apply to the farm of the Oregon Red Apple Company, l miles North of La Grande or Phone Black 301. Address W. Lyman. La Grande Oregon, hUK Kr NT One five room cottaoe furnished for complete house keeping Also one new five room cottage un furnished. Apply to Mrs. G. D. Sim mons, corner 8 and N streets or phone Red 1712. WANTS HORSES I want to buy a span of work horses weight from 1300 to 1600. Would like to use same on trial and pay for the use of uoh work before closing contract Will also buy harness and wagon. J. L, Mars ! DAWSON'S MARKET Successor to Smith & Dawson The best of every thing to be found in any shop. Once a patron of our shop you will never go elsewhere. Careful attention given the . smallest orders. We carry a full line of fresh and cured meats of all kinds. We can give what we represent. A BRAND NEW PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE Having again reopened a paint and wall paper store, will be pleased to again see all my old customers and many new ones. My goods are the best and prices the lowest. Call on me and I can save you money. Sherman Williams Paints, $1.60 pe gallon, quarts 46 cents. Every thing else in Painting and Paper-hanging. I H. A. Staniels j 1420 ADAMS AVENUE La Grande, Phone Black 1781 Oregon. - Phone Red 751 IN A HURRY? THEN CALL THE TRANSFER lAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than 1 takes to tell it. Day phone Red 761 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at youi service J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder IValer in Building Material Building Stone 'Clean ICoarse Sand Gravel delivered. and O. A. C. DEFEATS OREGON Corvallis. Feb. 23, The annual basket ball game between the University of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural Col lege team was played in the College Ar mory last Thursday evening. The University team has been called the champions of Southern Oregon and justly so, as they have successfuly. met and defeated all of the etrongest teams south of Eugene. The college team also has a good record ae they have their first defeat yet to meet, not only have they out played all the local teams with which they came in contact. But during the Christmas holidays met and defeated all the strongest agregation In Washing ton and Eastern Oregon. The game between U of O and O A C was a clean, hard game from begining to end, at fi-st it seemed as tho the visitors had the better of the situation but suddenly the tide turned and O A C scored. Eugene played its best but could not keep the local team from scoring. Swann and Foster seemed to be unable to miss the basket when they secured the ball. During the first half the visi tors made three points or fouls called on O A C while the collegians made a total of twenty-seven. The score stood 27 to 3 ir favor of O A C. The second half wae not quite ae fast as the first, as both teams were begining to feel the effect of the hard playing. Tho U of O played their best it was a loosing game, as they only succeeded in making four more points, two on a basket and two on fouls. The final score for both halves was 41 to 7 in favor of O A C. The line up was as follows: O. A. C. Swann Reed Foster Belyen Rooper H. F F C G G U. ofO. Ramp Johnson Stevenson Penlend Streng. The annual cross country run was pull ed off yesterday afternoon. This event was a tryout between the four classes and the final will be run in about two weeks. The course is 4 miles long and is over two small hills which makes it a rather stiff run. There was rather a etiff hard wind blowing but good time was made. Davott, a Junior made the best time covering the distance in 24 minutes and i 1 seo. The Sophomores came next in 24:62 the Freshmen in 24;68 and the Seniors in 27 flat Seven of the twelve Freshmen that started finished all under 26 minutes. i nese cross country runs do much to develop distance men for the track teams Coach McReynolds has a large bunch of men out every afternoon trying out for the baseball team Among the promising men are Fox of La Grande and Carrol of Union. Work has again been resumed on the girls new Dormitory and the basement is nearing completion. STABKtY ITtHS Butterctps are once more pletiful here. The snow has almost disappeared. The creeks have raised to an unusual height Mrs. Robert Wilkinson dosen't seem to be improving very rapidly. W. H Briggs is building a very com mendable fence around the school prem ises, which need it badly. A. J. Sullivan and son Ralph went to the valley after their horses which had been wintering in Grande Ronde Valley. While trying to asperate some of them, Ralph's horse became frightened and ran into a wire fence killing himself and scratching his rider up considerable. He is now in the hospital at La Grande doing nicely and expects to return home in a few days. Mrs. J. F. Alden made two business trips to La Grande Monday and Fri day. Tom Loftis returned home Tuesday from La Grande where he has been on business for the past few daye. He was accompanied by Mr. Muir, he is on his way to the, mines. Mrs Culliver who has been visiting her sister in the vicinity of Baker City is now visiting her mother Mrs Combs and old friends. Mr raikw i uiii thi rs;k, look'"; after the business of stock ranging. OfT THE TKOKE HABIT When you think of something you need from a drug store, step at once to the 'phone and ask us to deliver It. This will often save you inconvenience and valu able time. T Sijrpetiaies dftrg store goods are re quired when it '3s impossible to go for them.' ltmay,be important too, to avoid all possible delay. Our free delivery service meets these conditions. Mate use or it. Begin now, Call 'Phone No. Main 81. Newlin Drug Co. . We want to be Your druesista thruout 1907. you want our kind of service let's combine. Newlin Drug Co. We want to be your druggists thruout 1907, you want our kind of service let's combine. Newlin Drug Co. I CITY PROPERTY FARM, FRUIT AND TIMBER LANDS I MONEY i LOANED J , MclLROY & HIBBERD I ELGIN, OREGON. z i PAINTING AND GRAINING If You Intend to do Either, see GARRICK &. SON at the Tabernacle, or, Phone Red 621 - . . . . . . Pride of Grande Ronde The product of the Imbler flouring mill situated in the very heart of the best wheat land in Grande Ronde valley, consequently the best flour. A trial will convince you of its superority. ' I Insist on having your order filled with this brand or the "Patent" from this same mill. For sale by all first class dealers. Don't submit to any substitution. Pride of Grande Ronde La Grande National Bank ESTABLISHED 1887 United States Depositary Capital and Surplus, $150,000 OPHOIM MO DIMOTOBa OEORGE PALMER. Pmsidbmt. J, M. BERRY, Viet PauiDun. F. L MEYERS. Casaiaa. W. , L BRENHOLTS, iSt ASSISTANT CASIIIS. GEORGE L CLEAVER, F. C, C. PENINQTON, C.& WILLIAMS. 2nd Assistant Cauuu M. BYRKIT. A. a CONLKY. P. J. HOLMES, Comparative statemeut showing growth of the bank's business in the past three years January 2nd 1 906 January 2nd 1906 January 2nd 1907 Individual deposits $867,728 97 4 627.643 18 736,170 60 Total volume of busioese 1678,740 98 869.010 86 986.185 67 A Mvuiait Kau know what good with those who living means is THf MODEL RfjjJAllRAflT There areVI the little accessories that help to make a meal enjoyable a well set table, comfortable seats plenty of room, courteous waiters and efficient service. The chief attraction, however, is the excellent food and fine cooking. Prices are very satisfactory, too. " THE MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. Arbuckle Proprietor $1.00 A MONTH t : i ' Ti ! KEEPS YOU WEfcL I What better protection could you have ? DO IT NOW! A Stitch In time saves nine 1 Gall up either: Main 80, or: Main 91 and we will sead you a representative to explain it all and get i your aplication for membership. fc DR. H. VOLP. Office, Corpe Bldg. The Management of the Union Hospital DR. F. MOORMEISTER. OBce, New Bank Bldg. I .........iee....: Free Oregon State Lands Irrigated You arc entitled to 20,40, 80; 120 or 160 acres FREE t it you simply pay for the costof irrigation, which is $10.00 per acre, payable one-fourth cash, balance in three equal annual payments! Title direct from the STATE OF OREGON. I his land -is going fast; do not delay; call write today. or EASTERN OREGON COLONIZING C La Grande, Oregon - mm m r" Dro La Grande, Oregon Ja line gaming work and I will name the right price. Cheapest, Safest, and Best Death Rate 6.48 on 1,000. Railroad Men are Admitted. Management Cost the Lowest MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA M. W. Fancy Floor Drills. Drill Instructions Frea to Members, You are Solicited for Membership. Join Now. Now is the time to Join. X inn , - .v, i.ob cash on Kami 80,?62 Members. lWoo Local Camps. Order 24 ,rs. oW. Initiation Fes $5.00. i f r """'"B,l"l"B",aB