.... . ... - j I i: L, Jto-fct I LODGE DIRECTORY A.CLES-l Crarc Atrie SEEF.O f. VitU' Irctj i tt ir Elk r f p rr. Vmtirg brhren ' .nvited to Utend 1. R. Snook W. S J. H. Peare W. P. t n 6. F. La Grande Lodcra No. 16. meet in their hall every Saturday night Viaitinu brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be teen at Model Restaurant. E. B. McKiddy, N. G. J D. E. Cox. Sec CTAP ENCAMPMENT. No. 81. 1.0 0. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the montn in uaa r euows nan Visiting patriarchs always welcome, J. A. Arbucklf C. P D. E. Cox. Scribe. M. W. A. La. Grande Camp No. 77nx muti evarv MonJav evenine at I. O. 3 F hall. A.l visiting naiohhora are cordiailv invited to tt.nd. F. B. Currey V. C C. S. William Clerk. rnpff5TFR; OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Wednes riav nioht in Elks hall. Brothers va inuitttri in at.tanfi. En Wright Chief Ranger r. T QroiRcn Financial Sec. 'Bnard of Trustees Dr. G. L. Bioohrs Oscar Berber and Herbert Patterson FRIENDSHIP TENT No. 81. K. 0. T V Maeta second and fourth Wednesdays sach month in 1. 0. 0. F. hail. Visiting mishit walenma. H. C. Ball, Com Mox Bloch. Record Keeper I . . t,,.. Iff...,. ,.. Krst and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting ln4ia irk WAlcnma. Mauds Loho Lady Commander M. C. Vessey, Record (eeper. PFBFVAH-CHRYSTAL LODGE NO 60-f Meets every Tuesday evening at the 1. 0. 0. F. lodae. All visiting members are invited to attend. Katura Price, NG Tillii Cox, Secretary. B. P. 0. E., La GRANDE LODGE No 435 Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. E. W. Davis, Exalted Ruler G. E..McColly, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Moots eiAmv nf r.h month in k. e nfP hH in tha Core buildinff. All visiting members welcome. N. L. Acklis, Consul Comma J. H. Keehbt. Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE. No. 27 Meets v.rv - Mnndav evenine in Castle Hall, Coma building. A Pythian welcome to all viaitincr Knishts. J. H. Keeney C. C, R. Pattison, K. R. & S. RATHBONE-SISTERS RoweiaTem nii Nn Q maeta every Wednesday even- i .f a m i the K. of P. Hall in the Corps building. Visiting members cordi. Milly Frawley M. E. C Uhice Proctbb M. of R. & C. ronwnC I AfYlP Nn. 41. A. F. j. a m Roonlar maetincs 2d and 4th T- ' J '. - T.Zfl m m L. H. Russell, W. M. C. D. Huffman. Sec BIRTHDAY Of WASH (MAILT OBW (Borlppi News Association) Rome. Feb. 22. In all the larre cities throughout Italy Washington's birthday was celebrated today, although the day has not yet been appointed legal holiday notwithstanding the efforts of the Milan Peace Society towards this end. The Peace societies all over the country are taking steps to induce the Government to sat off Washington's birthday as a uni versal holiday. New York. Feb. 22 Wash'mcrtnn'n birthday was celebrated here today more generally than ever before. Flags were displayed on every public and on thous ands of bus.ness houses and private resi dences. All clubs, schools, armories and similar buildings were thus decorated and all business in the city practically sus pended. Washington, D. C, Feb. 22. In honor of the birthday of Washington all public and many other buildings in this city dis played the stars and stripes and all busi ness is practically suspended. Thousands visited Mount Vernon and deposited flowers on the tomb of the Father ot tne Country. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 22, The patriotic societies of this city are celebrating Washington's birthday in a more elabor ate manner than for many years. The principal celebration will be held by the Baltimore Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 22. Never before in the history of this city has Washington's birthday been celebrated in so elaborate a manner. Philadebhia. Pa.. Feb. 22 The faculty and students of the University of Penn sylvania today celebrated Washington's birthday in an elaborate manner. They assembled on the Campus at ten o'clock this morning and marched to the Academy of Music where patriotic exercises were Boston. Mass.. Feb. 22. Washington's birthday was generally observed in this city today. This morning the members of the Massachusetts Society and the Sons of the American Revolution met the Hall of Flairs where they were re ceived by Governor Guild and his staff, After the receDtion they went to the American Honse where the annual meet ing was held. This evening there will be a bis banauet in honor of the day. Tha Spanish American War Veterans will al so hold a reunion and banquet tonight. "WASHINGTON AT PRAYER" New York, Feb. 22. One of the inter esting features of the Washington birth- dav observance in the metropolis today was the unveiling of a tabiet p. curing "Washington at Prayer." The tablet was placed on the front of the historic old Sub-Treasury building at Nassau and Broad Streets and was unveiled at noon with interesting ceremonies participated in by the Washington Colonial Guards and other patriotic organizations. Ohicaao, 111.. Feb. 22. ExGovernor Grovet Cleveland was the guest of honor at the Union League Club's celebration in Wnohinoton's birthday here to day. He delivered an address eulogizing Washington. There will be a great ban quet tonight in the auditorium under the auaDices of the Union League Club. Austin. Tex, Feb. 22. Washington s birthday and Arbor day were fittingly celebrated here. All public buildings are elnaad and business suspended. St. Paul. Minn.. Feb. 22 At the Wash- inrrtnn celebration ceremony under the auspices of the Sons of the American Revolution a choir of 800 pupils from the Phalen Park school under the direction ot Miss Elsie Shaw sang patriotic songs. Archbishop Ireland delivered a stirring address eulogisticof Washington. OBITUARY The funeral of the late E. H Hubbard was held this afternoon at two o'clock from the residence of 0 A Haggin, Rev. B Hays officiating. tamest E Hubbard was born in Winona Minnesota, firty-four years ago. Prior to his coming to the west he spent severe vaara in Mavville North Dakota. Five years ago he came to Idaho and af te spending a year in that stats he came to La Grande. For tha oast four vears ha has been en gaged in the barber business, little more than a year ago becomming senior par tner of Hubbard & Haggin barbership of which firm ha was a member when he died. During his residence in the city he won the friendship of a large number of DeoDle who will feel his loss. Hs has suf- ered several months with locomotor ataxy which disease finally was the cause of death. His only brother Wm. M. of Benj amins Minnesota arrived about a week ago and was here when death came. A sister Miss Ellen May resides at Detroit Minn TH'S DATE IN HISTORY (Scrlpps News Association) Feb 22 1403 Charles VII of France born. Died July 22. 1461. 1781 George Washington, first Presi dent of the U S born. Died Dee. 14 17- 99. 1836 Mamaret E Sangester Ameri- 1846 Rev Sydney Smith, the witty Canon of St Paul's died. 1857 Maj.-Gen Baden Powell, Eng lish soldier bom. 1889 President Cleveland signed bill admitting Washington, Montana and Dak otas to statehood. 1896 The confederate States Museum at Rihcmond dedicated. 1897 M Blondin (J J Gravelot) the famous rone walker died. 1902 "Billy' Emerson, the minstrel died. Born 1847. 1906 Armstring insuranca investiga ting committee pressnted its report to the New York legislature. S2V V X inferik . 1 number to ; have IV V , " i Photograp A - A , WORK GUAKANTB SANITAi Is as essential in OU K Executed In workma sanitary standards. Ca Bath Tubs, Sinks, plumbing fixtures. 12cm 5 u aO i-. . , ... 1018 Wathingtan Avnut m. SCHOOL (IMS VflEIW HOLD A! OLD PROGRAM BROTHERHOOD OF aVAWa AMERICA Meets every Tuesday even inirLawis hall opposite Hotel Sommer. vi.itmo members always welcome. Auoust Stuart. Pres. ' W. B. Saboent, Sec. At the White building under the super- intendenency of Manuel Snider, the exer cises were especially interesting. It was here that the G A R and W R C assem bled. The rooms were decorated in red white and blue. A cartoon drawn by one of the studsnts, Milton Stoddard, brot forth mer itorious comment. "Uncle Sam" holding a picture of George Washington with a lin raadins "I Buess I will frame tnis. The "George and Martha" exsrcise by furalva hnva and mrls. each bearing a flag and as thev marched around singing little Miss Lenora Hughey placed a crown iinnn tha Father of our country. The military drill of twelve soiaiers dressed in colonial days commanded by "Geo. Washington" who lined his com mand up, delivered his address just prior to engagement of Long Island. This was tne 01a urana MTKif Of QTY MARSHAL'S SAlt n-.;,. i. Wahv irivan that under and by virtue of a warrant and order of sale . A,rrtMA and make and issued by ., . r 1.. i tv, r.itu nf La Grande tne nocuFufli wi w 1 - - Oregon, upon a certain lien for assessment especially interesting to . . . A..rrMkA nt and Darcel I Arm hov. on tne ioiiowiia ux"" - - , , . . r- .u 0..0. in !ri Citv.forl rVmmnHr Faulk and Comrade is.il ot lana on rourm """ - . . the improvement ofaportionof said street patrick each made short addresses that which said lien was duly maae anu us- an presenv ai o..v.u. clared by the Common Council of said City ..J ..... ri,,1u antered in tne UOCKBi ui iivi " - j . . City leins of said City on the 3rd day ol September 1 906, and which said lien was ..j r,nr nf tha Citv of La Grande, Oregon, and against sa.d lot and parcel of land, and is for the amount hereinafter ... ... tha costs thereon, I have levied upon, and will on Monday.the 4th i m.k A D 1907. at 10 o'clock A M of said day, at the office ot tne -uy , Marshal of said City, in the Fire Depart ment Building, n tf.e O'wf La Grande, Oregon, sell at public auction to the high est and best bidder therefor, for cash in hand, the following described lot and parcel of land, to wit: I . I'JA H OCK WH """ r.niina addition, to satisfy said f $23.60 with costs COn!;- . I Grande. Oregon, this Jan uary 21.t.AD 1907. City Marshal of La Grande Oregon There was an excellent program which rfliu-.td credit on the Darticipants and teachers. HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM In the high school, a debate, few recitations, appropriate songs and an address constituted the program. The debate was on the subject, "Re- solvsd that George Washington did mora for his country than did Abraham Lin coln." The affirmative was taksn by Wane Pickler H. Zurbrick. L. Williamson. On tha negative of the question were Misses May Colt, Beth Wheatly and Ethel Redhead. All the debaters were new at the science but nevertheless mads varv intarestins arguments. Tha judges awarded the decision to the affirmative. Mi Mariorv McCall recited, and Ed Carbine delivered an oration on George Washington. Attorney Charles Cochran delivered an address on George Washing ton that was extremely interesting and instructive. SOCIALISM IKIli TONIGHT WOOL BLANKETS We wash them right. Cherry's Nbw Laundry We want to be your druggists thruout, 1907. vou want our kind of service let's combine. Newlin Drug Co NOTICE Of CITY MARSHAL'S SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a warrant and order of sale, to me directed and made and issued ' by tha Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, upon a certain lien for assessment on the following described lot and parcel of land on Fourth Street in said city, for the improvement of a portion of said street which said lien was duly made and declared by the Common Council of said citv. and was duly sntered in the docket of Citv liens of said city on the 3rd day of September 1 906, and which said lien was and is in favor of the City of La Grande. Oreson. and against said lot and parcel of land, and is for the amount here inafter set out with the costs thereon, I have levied upon, and will on Monday, the 4th day of Mirsh. A. D. 1907, at 1 0 o'clock a. m. of said day, at tha office of the City Marshal of said City, in the Fire Department Building, in the City of La Grande, Oregon, sell at public auction to the Highest and best bidder thereior, for cash in hand, the following described lot and parcel of land, to wit: Lot ( 1 ) One, Block (30) Thirty, Chaplins Addition to satisfy said sum of $23.60 with costs and accurincr costs. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this Jan uary 21st, A. D. 1097. L Rayburn, City Marshal of La Grande, Oregon. aaMe)aa)a)aiS)aaaw;ejaays s s 1 1 i i i i wwwww ww B. W. NOYES There is going to be a mass meeting at the Lewis hall this evening to which all are invited. Vincent Harper is to be the orator of the evening and will have tor his subjects, Socialism and the Moyer- Haywood case. Men have Deen noioin. mass meetings in the interest oi mo sum accuring ROLLER SKATES Steel or Hemetite Rollers Sizes to fit all shoes L. C. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING held for the murder of tx-Oovernor Steunenberg over the entire Pacific coast. The most enthusiastic meeting recorded was at Portland Wednesday nignt, when four thousand people gathered to hear Harper lecture. All are invided to the meeting this evening. rV V ' john HAlMi NOYES & Dalfi in Electric Supplies LAMPS and HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Phone Red 261 Corner Fir and Adams Avenue W.th L. C. Smith in creamery building ; You are liable to hear ALL KINDS OF REPORTS leading you to infer that our plant is not "up to data", that our machinery belongs to the has beens. etc. a KJ t "" SAVE COAL WARM UP WITH "heijTer's RED HOT T AMALE'S. r-hicken and Chbken only. You see the Tamales Si J and know they are Fresh, Pure and Wholesome. ji-r I gO e-Q o) c; (i ,11 mmmtz the way we handle laurdry entrusted to right way. A call is all we ask. If you have this idea IN YOUR HEAD we ask you to call at Our Laundry any day and we are satisfied that when you leave you will have a far different opinion. It is a pleasure to us to show us, because we know it is the : A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 7 La Grande, uregon VISIT OUR CANDY PARLORS SELOER, J'""1 For the Lenton Season PREFERRED STOCK Salmon, Booth Oysters, Lobsters, Shrimps, and Clams. SALT FISH Boneless Codfish, Mackeral, Imported Duncansby Bloaters, and Golden Bloaters. Smoked Herring. Lunch Herring in Glen THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. 1 S . i ! i : !