A ' A.; 1 K (1 M. ; . low DEtmoei ; n EACLES-U Crarcit Atrie JE6F. 0 I . nr.tlt tuy 1 i:ny r (It ir Elk r.i. i 8 p m. isitirg fcrhren ir.T-ted c attend , 1. R. Snook W.S J. H. Petre W. P. L 0. 0. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meet in their hall every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be teen at Model Restaurant. . E. B. McKiddy, N. G. D. E. Cox. Sec. STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 31, I. 0 O. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome, J. A. Arbucklp C. P. D. E. Cox, Scribe. M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets evsry Monday evening at 1. U. 0 F hall. A,l visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. F. B. Cuhrey V. C. C. S. Willians Clerk. FORESTERS "OFAMERICA-Courl Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Wednes day night in Elks hall. Brothers re invited to attend. En Wright Chief Ranger C. J. Scriber Financial Sec. Board of Trustees Dr. G. U Biooers Oscar Beroer and Herbert Patterson ' FRIENDSHIP TENT No. 31,k.0.T M. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays sach month in I. 0. 0. F. hall. Visiting Knights welcome. H. C. Ball, Com Mox Block, Record Keeper L.O. T. M. HlVh.No. 21. Meets every first and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. Maude Lono Lady Commander. M. C. Vessby, Record Keeper. REBEKAH-CHRYSTAL LODGE NO. 60 Meets every Tuesday evening at the 1. 0. 0. F. lodge. All visiting members are invited to attend. Katura Price, NG Tiu.ii Cox, Secretary. ' B. P. 0. E., La URANDE LODGE No 433 Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. E. W. Davis, Exalted Ruler Q. E. McCully, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD MjoIs every Friday of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. All visiting'members welcome. N. L Ackles, Consul Commander J. H. Keeney, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE, No. 27-Meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights, J. H, Keeney C. C. . R. Pattison, K. R. & S. RATHBONE- SISTERS RoweiaTem ' pie No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting members cordi ally invited. ' Milly Frawley M. E. C L'nice Procter M. if R. & C. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 41, A. F. & A. M. Regular meetings 2d and 4th Tuesdays 7:30 p. m. L. H. Russell, W. M. C. D. Huffman. Sec MODERN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA Meets every Tuesday even ing Lewis hall opposite Hotel Sommer. Visiting mambers always welcome. August Stuart. Pres. W. B. Sargent, Sec. NOIW Cf (in MARSHAL'S SALE Notice is hereby given that under and bv virtue of a warrant and order or sate to me directed and make and issued by the Recorder of the City of La Grande Oregon, upon a certain lien for assessment . on the following described lot and parcel of land on Fourth Street in said City, for the improvement of a portion of said street which said lien was duly made ana de clared bv the Common Council of said City . and was duly entered in the Docket of Citv lams of said City on the 3rd day of September 1906. and which said lien was nri it in favor of the City of La uranae Orecon. and against sa.d lot and parcel of land, and is for the amount hereinafter net rut with the costs thereon, 1 have ."' levied upon, a,nd will on Monday.the 4th H.vof Marsh A D 1 907. at 1 0 o ciock : A M of said day, at the ofice of the City Marshal of said City, in the fire uepari ment Building, n t.-.e Ctvcf La Grande, Oregon, sell at public auction to the high est and best bidder therefor, for cash in hand, the following described lot and parcel of land, to wit: Lot two (2) Block (31) Thirty-one. C-aplins addition, to satisfy said sum of $23,60 with costs and accurmg CDated at La Grande, Oregon, this Jan uary21st.AD.907. City Marshal of La Grande Oregon J ROLLER SKATES j steel or Hemetite Rollers Sires to fit all snoes L. C. SMITH j CREAMERY BUILDING I AVERAGE ATHLETE HAS CREDITABLE Eugene, U. of 0. Feb. 20, Students are jubilant over the newt from Salem. When the Dormi. boys heard that the ap propriation bill had patted over the Gov ernor's veto, they ;ave a rousing Oregon yell for the legislature. Examination gradet are in, only one ttudent failed, and three passed with "all A" cards. The grades show a high stan dard of scholarship. A comparative study shows that those engaging in athletics are above the average in college work. About thirty new students begin the new semester at Oregon. Basket ball interest is on the wane and Bezdek is spending much of his time with the base ball squad. Hay ward is getting the track men in shape for the Freshman-Sophomore meet on March 2. FOR RENT A new fout room cottage furnished complete for house keeping inquire of Mrs. Zubers Cor. 7th and Wash Ave. We want to be your druggists thruout, 1907, you want our kind of service let's combine. Newlin Drug Co. CURED Of LUNG TROUBLE "It is new eleven years since I had a narrow escape from consumption," writes C. 0. Floyd, a businessman of Kershaw, S. C. "I had run down in weight to 135 pounds, and coughing was constant, both by day and by night Finally 1 began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and continued this for about six months, when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds. Thousands of per sons are healed every year. Guaranteed at Newlin drug store. 50c and $1.00. I rial bottle free. FOR SALE 10 acres improved, 2 miles of city, best of soil finest for orchard beets or gardening. $1500. P. 0. box 596 A hargain. )i cash .ttttvMOmv LOOK! t mm m t 20 acre tract, 9 acres into bearing orchard, well watered. $3,000 if taken before March 1. M down, long time on balance, an extraordinary 'good bargain. 40 acres, extra choice beet land near Union. Abundance of water. $1.00 per acre. Easy payments. 160 acres Sand Ridge land, $40 per acre if taken before March 15. 6 acre tract adjacent to La Grande, good house and out buildings. $2,000 easy terms, w 8 room, two story house in hart of La Grande, plastered and furnished throughout. Two lots with lawn, 9 shade trees. A Snap $2,500. 3 room furnished house in t-a Grande, must go. Take it for $450. Choice 50 acre tract near Alice). Good house and other improvements. An excellent buy $2,600. We have several very choice farms near La Grande, also orchards and city property galore. Call and see us before you buy as we can interest you. THE REAL ESTATE, LOAN,: AND COLLECTION CO. i 2 SAVE COAL WARM UP WITH SCHEURER'S RED HOT TAMALES I Chicken and Chicken only. You see the Tamales I made and know they are Fresh, Pure and Wholesome. REPORT (WID Grout is throwing the hammer well. He will represent the sophomores in that event in the coming meet. The freshmen hung a large banner high on a telephone wire Monday morning, feeling that no sophomore could take it do wn. but in lest than an hour five in dustrious sophomores with the necessary implements appeared and in spite of pro tests from several chagrinned "tenners" took down the flag. Joel Richardson has returned from Portland. The "Muckers" tennis club has leveled ana improved its court and tennis is rivaling golf as .a means of securing moderate exercise. Many new books have recently been received at the University library. (ALL FOR BIDS Notice it hereby given that the County Court of Union county, Oregon, will re ceive sealed bids up to twelve uVu.' noon, on Friday, the 8th day of March, 1907, for purchating the County Poor Farm property at Union, Oregon, and Lots 6-7 & 8 in Block No. 1, in the City of Elgin, Oregon; and the S. )i of the S. W. M of Sec. 21. Tp. 4, S. R. 39. E. W. M, and the N. E. Vi of the N. W. VA, and the N. W. M of the N. E. of See. 28, Tp. 4.S. R, 39, E. W. M in Union county Oregon, formerly known as the Brainard property. Said bids to be made as follows: One bid on each piece of property separately for the payment of one-third of the pur chate price at the time of the tale; one third at the end of one year and balance at the end of two years with interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, secured by a mortgage upon the premises. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check for 5 'Jo of the purchase pnee. The County Court of Union county, Ore gon, reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated this 12th day of February, 1907 J. B. Gilhan, County Clerk. TREASURER'S (ALL fOR WARRANTS Notice is. here by given that the under signed Treasurer of Union County, Oregon has funds on hand with which to pay all County and Scalp bounty warrants which were presented and endorsed by the County Treasurer, prior to November 1902. No interest allowed on the above wa rants after January 11th. 1907. Jchn Frawley Treasurer of Union county LOOK!! aim ii - CtT THE THOflt tlAblT When yot think of something you need from a drug store, ttep at once to tne phone and ask us to deliver it. This will often save you inconvenience and valu able time. Sometimes drug store goods are re quired when it is impossible to fo for them.. It may be important, too. to avoid all possible delay. Our free delivery service meets these conditions. Make use of it. Begin now. Call 'Phone No. Main 81. Newlin Drug Co. Trust to Nature. A grt. many AnicrU'i, both we and wnmei:, niv thin, pale uti.1 puny.wlb jxKir cir'iilHt.uii. Iwcjum; tin y have lil treaicd their Momaclis i.y iiuvty atine or t(Ki much eating, i.y eimMiinin' alco holic lnvrni'i. or by tun do o collide-n-iil tn burnt', nlllon or factory, mid In coiiHKiui'ni'p tho stomach mii-a U tri'ntod In a nutural way l'fun thry v .n r"outy their earlier mistakes. Tin' rii: Jes In many such imiplc. in f:ict In every weary, lliiu Anil tliiii-lilniKlitl ihtsou. ilo their work with ureal dii.iciifty. A a result fatigue come early, is evtreme und lasu Ioiik. The demand tcrr m.ultivti eld if ahead of the supply. Tu im-ure iK'i'iet health everv lisr-up. Ixme. nerve and muscle should take, from tl.1 I.'.ood cer tain aiau-iUU and tvuiru lu u certain others. It is ne.H-SKi.ry to prepare the stomach fur the work of lakc rp from the food what is nivrft-ary to ni;it.e curd, rich, red blood. We imii-t i'o to Nature for the remedy. There .were certain roots known to the 1 ml: ms of tlili country U-furn the ndvcni of the w lute which later came to the know ledire ol the settlers and which tire now iiron ilia rapidly In professional favor for the cute of obstinate stomach and liver trouble. 'r.-. r fonnil to he sale and yet cer tain in their clennsinir and luviuormtini effect upon the stomach, liver ami bliKiil. I nese are: ttoiuen Mni root, uueen s root. Ktone root, Hloodrnot, Mandrake root. Then there la lllack Cherrvburk. The medicinal principles rcsldiiiK in these native root wnen extracted wun Glyc erine as a solvent make the most reliable and emcinnt stomach tonic and liver in- V I iterator, when combined In lust the right proportions, r.s !r. I'r. I'l.rc.'i uoiuen Medical Discovery. v acre there Is bankrupt vitality such as nervous exhaustion, bod nutrition and thin blood, the body aeon I res vigor and the nerves, blood and all the tissues feci the -favorable effect of this sovereign remedy. Although some physicians have If aware Of the high medicinal value of tl.e above" mentioned plants, yet few have used pure glycerine as a solvent and usually the doctors' prescriptions called fur the inured ie.nu in varying amounU, icim meiiNui. The "Golden Medical Discovery" t scientific preparation compounded of the glyceric extracts of llie nlsive mentloutd vegetable liicred.ems mm contain nc alcohol or harmful liahlt-loruiltiij-unigj. Into each life some sorrow must fall; Wise people don't sit down and sawl; Only fools suicide or take to flight; Smart people take 3ocky Mountain Tea at night. Newlin Druo Company. NOTICE Of CITY MARSHAL'S SALE Notice is hereby given that under end by virtue of a warrant and order of sale, to me directed and made'and issued by the Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, upon a certain lien for assessment on the following described lot and parcel of land on Fourth Street in said city, for the improvement of a portion of said street which said lien was duly made and declared by the Common Council of said city, and was duly entered in the docket of City liens of said city on the 3rd day of September 1906, and which said lien was and is in favor of the City of La Grande, Oregon, and against said lot and parcel of land, and is for the amount here inafter set out with the costs thereon, I have levied upon, and will on Monday, the 4th day of Mirsh. A. D. 1907. at 1 0 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the office of the City Marshal of said City, in the Fire Department Building, in the City of La. Grande, Oregon, sell at public auction tdl (he highest and best bidder thereior, for cash in hand, the following described lot and parcel of land, to wit: Lot ( 1 ) One, Block (30) Thirty, Chaplins Addition to satisfy said sum of $23.60 with costs and accuring costs. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this Jan uary 21st. A. D. 1097. L Rayburn, City Marshal of La Grande, Oregon. KR0USE BROS MARKET Headpuarters for first class t MEATS OF ALL KIMDS Phone your order to Main 48 and you will receive prompt attention I am prepared to clean lay and sew carpets and rugs. Workmen sh i p Guaranteed. All orders left with CARPETS CLEANED and PUT DOWN Adcook & Harris f Phone Red 761 will precure prjmpt attention. I S. G. STOLL Our BRAW There's one way to get that is by coming to our studio and inspecting the work we do. Our talk here will not give you an idea nor will anyone else's, come and see- We never substitute inferior papers in our work, consequently our photos have that exquisite finish every one desires. Prices Moderate., 1 H . J. R ITTJllR Photographer La Grande, Ore. . WORK GUARANTEED SANITARY Is as essential in your home as the do. tor OUK WORK Executed in workmanlike manner anJ spp. jved sanitary standards. Carrying a comrl'i. "n of Bath Tubs, Sinks, Toilets, Uval:ry. and all plumbing fixtures. -- G. W. O'NEIL 1018 Waehingta'n Avenue B. W. NOYES NOYES Dealers in Electric LAMPS and HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY , Phone Red 261 Corner Fir nd Adams Avenue W.th L. C. Smith in creamery building . T kJ the way we handle laurdry entrusted right way. A call is all we ask. : A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 7 For the Lenton Season ! PREFERRED STOCK Salmon, Booth Oysters, Lobsters, Shrimps, and Clams. Smoked Herring. Lunch Herring in Glen THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. P0LACK, Propr. Photos ATTENTION a corret idea of our work, PRICES REASONABLE PLUMBIN' EPHONE RED 161 JOHN HALL & HALL i 4 . 4 t Supplies You are liable to hear ALL KINDS Of REPORTS leading you to infer that our plant is not "up to date", that our machinery belongs to the has beens, etc. If you have this idea IN YOUR HEAD we ask you to call at Our Laundry any day and we are satisfied that when you leave you will have a far different opinion. It is a pleasure to us to show us, because we know It it the to La Grande, Oregon SALT FISH Boneless Codfish, Mackeral, Imported Duncansby Bloaters, and Golden Bloaters. 4.