X 1 DIRECTOR! EAGLES U Grande Aerie 269F. 0 . f, meets fry ft try rtltirElk nsll, it 8 p m. Visitirg brhren invited to attend I. R. Snook W. S J. H. Peer W. P. 10DCE I. 0. 0. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16, - jFneet in their hall every Saturday night Visiting brothers cordially invited to at ' tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. . , E. B. McKiddy, N. G. D. E. Cox. Sea ; ' " STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 51. I. 0. , F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. J. A. Arbucklf C. P. D. E. Cox. Scribe. M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 0S meets evary Monday evening at I. 0. 0 F. hall. Ail visiting neighbors are cordially invited- to Attend. F. B. Currey V. C. C. S. Willians Clerk. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Wednes' day night in Elks hall.. Brothers ire invited to attend. En Wrioht Chief Ranger U J. bcRiBER financial Sec. Board of Trustees Dr. G. U Biqgers soar Beroer and Herbert Patterson FRIENDSHIP TENT No. SI. K. 0. T M. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays each month in 1. O. 0. F. hall. Visiting t (nights welcome. "v H. C. Rail. Com Mox Block, Record Keeper ti ' L. 0. T. M. HIVENo.2?.-Meets every ' rlrst and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redman hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. Maude Lono Lady Commander. ' M, CVessey, Record Keeper. , . ... REBEKAH-CHRYSTAL LODGE NO. 60Mssts every. Tuesday evening at the I. O. 0. F. lodge. All visiting members v, are invited to attend. Katura Price, NG Tillih Cox, Secretary. "B. P. 0. E.. U GRANDE LODGE No 433 Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. 4 E. W. Davis, Exalted Ruler G. E. McCuu-Y, Recording Secretary. i LA GRANDE LODGE No, 169, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Moots every Friday of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. All visitins members welcome. N. L. Ackles, Consul Commander J. H. Keemby. Clerk. V RED CROSS LODGE, No. 27 Meets '. every Monday evening in Castle Hall, ' Corpe Wilding. ' A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights, ; J. H, Keeney C. C, 'f R. Pattison, K. R. & S. ' RATHBONE- SISTERS RoweiaTem pie No. 9 meets every Wednesday even- ine at 8 b. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting members cordi' ally invited. . I i i MillyFhawleyM.EC Unice Proctbr M. of R. & C. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 41, A. F. & A. M. Reoular meetinfis 2d and 4th Tuesdays 7:30 p. m. L. H. Russell, W. M. . C. D. Huffman. Sec ' MODERN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA Meets every Tuesday even- . ing Lewis hall opposite Hotel Sommer, Visiting members always welcome. .August Stuart, Pres. w . W. B, Saroent, Sec KOTICF Of CITY MARSHAL'S SALE Notice is heruby given that under and by virtue of a warrant and order of sale to me directed and make and issued by the Recorder of the City of La Grande Oregon, upon a certain lien for assessment on the following described lot and-patcel bf land on Fourth Street in said City, for the improvement of a portionof said street which said lien was duly made and de elarad hv the Common Council of said City ' nnH WM dlllv A ntered in the Docket of I City leins of said City on the 3rd day of September 1 906, and which said lien was and is in favor of the City of La uranae, Oreson. and against said lot and parcel of land, and is for the amount hereinafter set put with the costs thereon, 1 have levied upon, and will on Monday.the 4th day of Marsh A D 1907. at 10 o'clock A M of said day. at theoSce of the City fMarshal of said City, in the Fire Depart ment Building, in tr.e Ctycf La Grande. Oregon, sell at public auction to the high est and best bidder therefor, for cash in hand, the following described lot and parcel of land, to wit: I Lot two (2) Block (31) Thirty-one. 43r.aplms addition, to satisfy said sum ' of $23,60 with costs and accuring Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this Jan uary 21st, A D 1907. ' L. Rayburn. City Marshal of La Grande 0regn ROLLER SKATES Steel or Hemetite Rollers i Sizes ,to. fit all shoes "HELLO" IIS HOT II Did you ever stop to think about how many miles of telephone wire was strung through the streets of La Grande? Did you ever try to make a guess as to . the number of telephone calls which pass through the local telephone office each day? The Observer reporter got to thinking of these things the other day and called Mr. G. C.Osburn, manager for Union and Wallowa counties for the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Company and re ceived the following information: Mr. Osbjrn's company has four hun dred and sixty miles of wire within the city limits. Of this amount three hundred miles are copper wire placed in cables. The local exchange consists of seven hundred and seventy members and the exchange with the long distance business keeps eight girls actively engaged. We say actively, and mean it too, for during the past year a daily average of four thousand calls have passed through the local board. The business has increased to such an extent that two new positions on the board wit: be added at once. T RAILROADS LOSE HALE A half million dollars' says the Baker City Herald will notcover the lostes sus tained by the O R & N railroad during the blockade of traffic of the past 10 days, according to the estimates of of ficials.' ' Aside from the enormous expense of opening the line there has been practical ly no income for several days, all freight and passenger trains having been tied up and the passengers kept at the company's expense. i The officials dread to think of the rush of business and the congestion which will follow the opening of the blockade. Every ordinary supply of motive power will in adequate to move the volume of acccmul- ated traffic, and the line wilt be almost as badlv blocked with trains as it is now With slides and washouts. FOR SALE 200 acres of pasture land, close in to La Grande, cheap if sold at once. Apply to Real Estate, Loan Si Collection Ccmpany. roR COUGHS THROAT "PR. KING'S I LUWCS FOR . . . . 1 SZ I and weT-MRS. 1 1,. most debilitatine cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that 1 1 1 J?S bed I ? would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case Incurable, when I left my oea it wouia surciy tm, Bn mnleteiv that I am Price 50c and $1,00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free asm (AILS DULY The monthly pay roll which the com' pany is cilled upon to meet for the past year has averaged exactly five hundred dollars. Mr. Osburn has been in charge for the past three years, during which time the exchange has never for a mo ment heen totally out of commission. At various times a part of the exchange has been "dead" for a few hours on account of storms, but never for any length of time. Within this and Wallowa counties the company has exchange members to the number of twelve hundred and seven ty, and pay stations to the number of twenty. Since June first last year to the first of the present month the local ex change has been increased by one hun dred and six contracts. When asked re garding the probable valuation of the company's investment in this county, Mr. Osburn declined to hazzard a guess, stat ing that he was not the purchasing agent for the company, and had no means of knowing how much of anl investment the ;;xpir.y hd n fit to make in Union county! il l i h I. The work of clearing the track west of Hood River is progressing rapidly and it is hoped to keep it open, Several wash outs east of The Dalles are now causing trouble, but so far they are not serious The Blue mountains have given the company no trouble this winter, the mountain division being about the only section of the road which nas been ope' rated without interruption. . Hhh Grade r. r. i I High Price- Packed in Full Mtann Sottb A. J ways the Sam kUpm GOLDEN hi.. . Sail on Merit BtTUACf MNIUA J. A. Folger & Co. 1 San Frantiseo of) a KING OF CURES golds THE VONDER WORKER COUGHS AND PREVENTS PNEUMONIA k. tn r.nA tniir nnrriea or ui. amci new fwvvfn t v.v- r j EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, raw 'iri ti i noon Hour. Manv a hard worYing young women spends' her noon hour in an emleavoi to er t a little rest to carry her through 'hi remaining hours of the day- Sue weak and weary, hut s'-e ca-mot Rive up the occupation which supports ncr. one must iro back to the ouVe and the type write . ti. the store anil i s duties, wii.U tiresome customers to wait. on and ex Sf line employers to please. . For people who ore weak and run down there is no uiiM.c'ne so valuai le as Or. Pierce's Golden Mi'iiral Discovery. It cures diseases of the, sfmach and other organs of digestion .awl imtiition. Manv riise a s in o;mi remote iror.i the stomach have their origin in a difeamrd condition of the stomach and its lil ioj ore.ms. When the stomach is "weak" there is a failure to properly nicest and assimilate the food wnidi ia eat 'U. Hence the whole body, uud each orj;un of it. suffers from lack of nutrition, so that as aVonseouence of "weulc" atont ach, there may be ? weak " lungs, " weut" heart.. "weak " or torpid .liver, "weak licivca, tw. v cv.r.r1" niftWB 01 me stomach .and other organs' of digestion and nutrition, "Golden Medical Dibcov ery" enables the assimilation ot tne nutriment necessary tor tne requirements of a healthy body, Jt increases the ac tivity ot tne blood-making Rianua, aim so increases the supply of blood which la the vital fluid of Uie body. There is no alcohol in the " Discovery and it is entire'.y free from opium, co caine, and all other narcotics. Sick and ailini Deoule especially those suffering from disease in its chronic form are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. All correspondence is beta ai iponu strictly private and sacredly confidential Address Dr. R V. I'ierce, Buffalo, N. Y. There is no similar offer of free med ical advice which has behind it an in stitute of national note- such as the In valids'. Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., presided over by Dr. A I'ierce, its chief consulting physician, with the assistance of nearly a score ot skilled specialists. "rta WondorM Medicine.'1 ! must agnin icnd a few line to you lo 1H voi know hcw 1 iiui (ffttiiitr ulouff MUcetuWtui (hs wctidcrftil medicine which ctiretl tnv two Scam ago." wrilo MiM Ucrtlia KIhIci, of 1416 ent .n Hireei. ftt. Mo. "I avtill continue In verv irtxxl lieallh wiA tmr.U there itt not teller inetmine 00 earth than Dr. I'ierce'n (;(tlilfu M tl tea I biweoverv. We would not be without it in the house, aud alao the littlr Helieis. "1 have recomr.ieudcd Dr. Pierce't Ooldeii Medical Diacoverv to many friend, and they all tain it will do jurt wnai 1 cmiiueu icr u. u the beat thing for uervotitmtfta and lor 4. weak, run down condition that aiiv ImxJv cotilu want. I wab verv uervoua and weak 1at hiiiu- n-er. I took five bottles of Dr. piercc'a Golden hfedical Disco verv and it lust made me feel like a new person. It give a person new life and new Mood. I can now work all day Ion a 1 out feeling the least bit tired. In fact I feel like new person. " My mother was also cured by U of a very bad state of stomach trouble about three yrais ao. 1 thauk you a thousand times for what yoa have bubc tor me uu nvr your .iiju nuviuc." Waatmd to m Skeleton. "About six years ago my health failed writes Miss AteOiea K Green, of Coopstown, Harford Co., Maryland. "I kept getting dowu lowerand lower, until I could scarcely walk across the floor without sirutrxunr aud rasping lor breath. Mv home ahvsician pronounced it general de bility and catarrh f tne throat, but although he did all he could, he latied to even relieve me I tried various remedies, but all of no avail. I Soon waited away to a mere skeleton. Initially I was persuaded to write to Dr. It. V. Fierce, of Buffalo. N. Y , which I did immediately. And on receiving his very kind advice I commenced the use of hu Ootden Medical Discovery' and ' Fa vorite Prescription. I took fourteen Imttlea the vxolden Medical Discovery' ana nine of the 'Favorite Prescription' and to-day I am a well woman. I do heartily thank God and Or. Fierc tur my good nsaita." Dr. Picrce't Common, Sense? Medical Adviser it seat free on receipt of stamp to pay expense ot waning only, bend u one-cent stamps tor tne dook in cioin binding, or 21 stamps tor tne pa; ered volume. A ldrcss Dr. R. V. per cov ntroe, Buffalo, N. Y Into each life some sorrow must fall; Wise people don't sit down and sawl; Onlv foals suicide or take to flicht: Smart people take Jocky Mountain Tea at niuht. Newlin Druo Company. COLDS Ind. JU t v-x - - r ..... BRAW : There's one way to get a corret Mdea of our work, that is by coming to our studio and inspecting the work we do. : Our, talk here will 'not give you an idea nor will anyone else's, come and see- ; We never substitute inferior papers in our work, consequently our photos have that exquisite finish every one desires. Prices Moderate. I-I. J. mTTJER Photographer , . , WORK GUARANTEED SANITARY ! as Mntial in vour OUR WORK .1.- Executed in worKmanlike manner an J ipp.Dvtd sanitary standards Carrying a comf'), ,!ne of Bath Tubs. Sinks, Toilets, Laval :ry and a a plumbing nxtures. G. W. 1015 Wathingtan Avenue B. W. N0YES N0YES Dealers in. Electric LAMPS and HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Phone Red 261 Corner Fir and Adams Avenue W.th L. C. Smith in creamery building of I the way we handle laurdry entrusted right way. A call is all we ask. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 7 La Grande, Oregon For the Lcnton Season PREFERRED STOCK Salmon, Booth Oysters, Lobsters, Shrimps, and Clams. Smoked Herring. h)tosl -y , ATTENTION . La Grande, Ore. PRICES REASONABLE PLUMBIC home as thr do .tor all V' O'NEIL k":.EPHONE RED 161 JOHN HALL & HALL Supplies You are liable to hear ALL KINDS 4 Of REPORTS leading you to infer that our plant is not "up to date", that our machinery belongs to the has beens, etc. If you have this idei IN YOUR . HEAD we ask you to call at Our Laundry any day and we are satisfied that when you leave you will have a far different opinion. It is a pleasure to us to show to us, because we know it is the SALT FISH Boneless Codfish, ' Mackeral, Imported Duncansby Bloaters, and Golden Bloaters. Lunch Herring in Glen THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E, P0LACK, Propr. L. C. SMITH CREAMERY BUlt-DINd BZi.r 1 GUARANTEED BY N ewli ti JD rnjr Co mon nv t