PhYSIClANS 0. L. E1GGERS M. D, Physician and Surgeon tfct Ra.ston Bid. over J.M.Beiry't stors Office Phone Black 1321 Residence Phone Red 1001 J. H. HUBBARD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in new Bank Building, Rooms 21 20. Phone, Res. Main 89, office. Main 79. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON ' Physician and Suroeon Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office Phone Z62 Residence Main 65 N. MOL1TOR M. D. physician and suroeon Cor. Adams Avenue and Depot St Office Main 69 Residence Main 68 BACON & Hmlu PHYSICIANS AND SUR0EONS Office in Foley Building, Phone Main 1 9 C T. Bjcon residence. Main 1 8 M, K. Hall residence. Main 52 UR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORE Osteopathic Physicians Kirksv:lle G radiates, under Founder Office Socnmer Building Phones: Office Miin 63; Res. Main 64 J. T. LE FEVRE, B. L PHB. M. D Physician and Suroeon Calls answered Day or Night Summerv'lle, Oregon F. Moormeister A. M.M. D. Physician and Suroeon (Specialties: Suroery and, Diseases op Women.) Office New Bank Building. Phone Main 91 Residence Red 1712. " , Calls Answered Day and Night. rH.VotP. A. M. M.'D. -Physician and Suroeon I Office Corpe Building. Main 80. Calls Answered Day and Night. . UNION HOSPITAL , PHONE BLACK '581 ' Patients received at any time. Inquiries about rooms please address to DR. H. VOLP, Corpe Building: '' DR. F. MOORMEISTER New Bank Bldg Authorized Agent for the sale of Hospital Certificates ie MR. J. A. MATOTT ATTORNEYS H. T. vVilliahs . , A. C, Williams WILUAMS BROS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Ralston Building La Grande. Oregon ELcCTRICAL ENGINEERS 1 L. A. P1CKLER Civil, Minino, Irrioation Enqineerino and surveyino Eetimates, Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp But'ding. La Grande, Oreoon ABSTRACTERS J. R OLIVER Abrtracts op Title. Fire Insurance Office in Soinmer Building La Goande, Oregon. DENTISIS Z. B. CAUTHORN dentist Office over Hill's Drug Store La Grande " Oreoon VETERINARY SURGEONS DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Hill's Drue Store, La Grande Or Kesidence Phone Red, 701 Office Phone 136 i . Farmer Line 58 NURSES MISS ANNA C CARLSON NURSE Phone Farm 19 2x4 ARCHITECTS ROBERT MILLER ARCHITECT New La Grande National Bank Building Independent Phone No. 5 HOW TO AVOID PNEUMONIA We have never heard of a single in V0'? r"utn8 m pneumonia or th? Iuk V ,b!,n ,Uken- H not only stops taS BA.wU h6p , lr"fithn, the nd r.fu.I . 0rFo0, Hon,v nd Tar J R..tL .ni lublll offered. Dr. C. vr .,... . ' ,:"""r "na larinmree La Grande vs. Baker City on the Latter's Court Today There will be a royal battle on the Baker City basket ball court this evening when the girls' team of th.s city clashes with the strong team from Baker. The team and substitutes, chaperaned by their coach. Miss Barber, left today for Baker. Many will remember the last game be tween the teams of these two schools, as played in La Grande last year. By the score of five to four the Baker team was def . ated after an additional half hour of playing. However, the coach and player's of this year's team are pessimistic over the outcome of today's game. The Baker aggregation is a strong one and has a long string of victories, while the La Grande team has had but one try-out game this year. The team will return to morrow evening. Following are the line ups for the tvo teams: La Grande: Beatrice Green, captain, and Hattie McMurray, forwards; Lillian Baker, center; Viola Snell and Alberta Hopper, guards. Substitutes, Jessie Green and Ethel McKennon. Baker City: Iva Swan and Emma Cliff ord, forwards; Hazel Panting, center; Emma VVLii'.T.S"i ir.i Mlbe! Wurtnm, guards. STANDABD MOVES TO QUASH (Scrlpps New Association) Find lay. 0, Feb. 15. Motions to quash the indictments recently found against the Standard Oil Company, John D. Rocke feller, the Buckeye Pipe Line, the Ohio Oil Company and the Solar 0.1 Company are being held today. It is maintained that the indictments are indefinite and are not made with' sufficient sertainiy to enable the attorneys to properly prepare a de fense, and that the indictments are in a single count, while several effenses' are charged. The motion are at hearing. i f (l it j . !''' ' REVOLUTIONISTS IN NEW YORK (Scrlppa New Association) New Y;rk Feb 15 General Jose Nau nel Hermandek, known in Venzuela as Dl Mocha has arrived here from Panam is stated that he comes here in con nection with the revolutionary movement in Venzuela and that he it receiving en couragemen.from friends in this city. BANK ROBBED (Scrlpps News A iclatlon) 'Ellisville, Feb. 15 The eafe of the Ellisville bank of this city was blown ooen early this morning. The robbers secured $3,000 in currency. s Saved by advertising in the e t time and dollars I A small clarified ad will bring bask what you have lost, will find the owner for what you have found, and will brfng buyers for anything you have for sale with very little cost to you. Investigation solicited. Observer Classified Collums will bring Sure Results. ot only is a nifltv.tit; vi tray in which it aiUvW thi- uaV.e l tin n rm o! system is infected :.'- lv . rm '. Scrofula, Sores anl ". stn Ui fvery prticle of its r., ,;,, atret.-.h i, n,u, u assist in climirlatinr the poisons and juirnir '. which are causing the tr. .!,U . U sliould not b. tM ttu, T Wl,la V .lixtres a:, 1 eoncti-tts that furthe add to the burden ,y 0 ,reeaWy aue,-t,i;.: t!!t U,A,U. Vroucni inairo tion, or catinfr o,,t the ; hcte lmin-s and luembr.m. s cf V.:c ok0m ich i'h h?o ute vegetable P,-r:ty ,.f S S S has aHvajs l,een ,e ol the" b Iwgr. poititt in its favor, and h ine of the principal reason, f T its bein" now th. most wu.ely known and universally used blood i:ie.:icine on tVc market It li made entirely of healinjr. purifying r.wt.. herbs and bar'..s of the for ests and fields'. T hose are selected for their we' I tr,,-i ... . . " and are known at the s.une time to possess the .in.t'.ii:lS"t0 build un aUl strenKtheu every part of the Hystem by their fine t mic t(Tlvt. ,Not only " .i. vi. v-,. Kim- i puriucrs, mil u is i:ip ot'e n-.e taken with uKsolute s;ifety bv younR or old. We .;;ia; r. and offer a rew.nd J.,ooo'for proof that it contai-ts a t- :r hny fotm. S. S .". : a safe and reliable treatnit-rt f r R'- Scrofula, Son fleers. Skin Disiasts. Contuiutss Kv and all die.i .".rist'ntf front a pois ined or impure i, ... . . . '" ' "ry ran turn oi ttiese ftirtilns it ' f ibis up the blood medicine tail. If you are sutTcrini: Ul" 1 nn "e ''"X"! aiM nsH lor no char: e f,r either. THC SWJFT Following is what the Baker Herald says of the coming game: After their glorious victory over the fast team from Boise the members of the Baker High basket ball team are going in to their contest with La Grande Friday- night with the letermination that their record shall remain unblemished, fever in the history of local basket ball has a visiting team won a victory on the home court and ihe local girls are determined that it shall be ever thus. There is no danger of the local team becoming overconfident before going into the game with La Grande. Miss Thorn sen' who has coached the Baker teams for anumber of years, has installed realiz ation of danger of over confidence into the local players and they are never sure o' a game until the last whistle blows. It is expected that the game tomorrow night to be played in the armory hall will be one of the fastest contests of the sea son. The game with Boise last week was fully as good as a game as any ever play ed here and it is believed that the coming contuse will equal if it does not surpass. that one. NOTICE Of GIT MARSHAL'S SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a warrant and order of sale, to me directed and made and issued by the Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, upon a certain lien for assessment on the following described lot and parcel of land on Fourth Street in said city, for the improvement of a portion of taid street which said lien was duly made and declared by the Common Council of said city, and was duly entered in the docket of City liens of said city on the 3rd day of September 1906, and which said lien was and is in favor of the City of La Grande, Oregon, and against said lot and parcel of land, and is for the amount here inafter set out with the cost thereon, I have levied upon, and will on Monday, the 4th day of March. A. D. 1907, at 1 0 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the office of the City Marshal of said City, in the Fire Department Building, in the City of La Grande, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder thereior, for cash in hand, the following described lot and parcel of land, to wit: Lot ( 1 ) One, Block (30) Thirty, Chaplins Addition to satisfy said sum of $23.60 with costs and securing costs, Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this Jan uary 21st, A. D. 1097. L Rayrmbm. City Marshal of La Grande, Oregon. Observer want ad collums e see e . PURELY VEGETABLE r its a'.dlity t c trc !isease. but tin a very ::a; Wl-.en tin dtscise as in K!n-imatisin, Catarrh vi, . .t : . ins t h 'mftim ti ;,ie that tnav H ; it non-i-'juriou : : ' mineral ir :ni v.-s-n. Catarrh d I'i' s.ti, and an v.' of fie blood. ivouules, removvs ev. 'v tv e of disease and permanctit'v tcrc- win-re minera: with any form of !! se write fol anv tiuMical a-lvice on n,v ,josire SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. nnonG we churches LATTER DAVSUST8 Rundar 8-rMiol... . ..10 am Brgulai (rrvire.. Uutnal Improvement Aiaoclation roeeu ooo- lolntly at 7.3U p m CATHOLIC CHURCH W. J. Why U', rector Low Maw " m Hlgli Mw - w m Binary ud Benediction foiluwiig 10 a m. maaa MUST OHUll'H ' F CHKIHTIAN WHENCE Purlin' Building opponlte KnleT Hotel tfunilHY Servlcea...-.......- - I1 Service xatady...-. .-. P n Beading room at tam- piaceopeo lueadayi and Thtrnlaya from 10 to 11:30 a m nui Fri'laya a-Jil auluidaya from 2 to 4 p ". 8t PBrFR'8E,lCOI'AL CHURCH Upton H. Ulbbn, rector Flint Sunday In Lent Holv Communion K a m Hunday hdiool 10 a m Morning Service.. H a ra Evening Service - S p n Note the hour of Evening Hervlce la changed to j oclock. During Lent there will ho aervlce on Wed nesday anernoona at i:V on rldaya at 7:30 p. m. Every one Invited to attend these aervicea PKIwul i hii.'. ("KL"C!I Rev. t. H. Hay, paMor Sunday School Hen lor Endeavor...... -.. .: t in .6 0p in .2:80 p m Junior Endeavor Prayer Meeting Thursday Morning Service. .7:40 p m ....11 em Theme, "The llirlatlan'a Arm ur" Evening Servlrv 7:30 p m Theme "A Character Btudy." Good muaic by tne chorna choir: Mr. C. E. Cochran, director; Mina Jean McDonald, organ- ItL A cordis' Invitation la given to all who have no church borne to attend thena services BAPTIST CHI' KCH . Rev. W. 11. Gibson, paitor In the Methodist Church Snath, corner of JeOrraon Avenue and Third e'treet Sunday School D M a at Mrs. Happeraett, Superintendent Preaching-. 11 a m U, Y. P. U. 7pm Evening eervlce.... .....'..... .;: p m Morning and Evening aerrlcea will be con ducted by the 8 utbern Methodist people. A cordial invitation to 11 these aervicea CENTKAI OHUKLH o CHKIHT OPPOSITE SOM MRU HOCSBl O. H. King, paitor, 1308 P. it. Bible School 9,t' a m Morning Worabip,, II a in Y f 8 C K. Meeting 0:3u p at Evangelistic aervicc . :.' ft in Prayer meeting Wednesday . 7:40 p in Womaa'e Mlaalonary AujillUry; Second Fri day of each month at 'I p m. A cordial invitation to all the cervices. M. E.CIM-KCII Rev. C. E. lVnl, pst r Bauday School Junior Leacue . Epworlh league Morning fervlce Evening Setvlce...... ;4S a ni - p in :fl) p m II s in -7.S0 p m all ltite a.rvlcea A coidlti Invitation u laextendtd - The advantages to be gained by purchasing your groceries here you wouldn't hesitate a minute about deciding that this is th store to be favored with your patronage. e carry only the best groceries obtainable and everything purchased here can be depended upon as being fresh. Try us and see how well we can take care of vour wants. Try our Utah ; honey. PHONE MAIN 46 1 QEDDEJ BRJ I NORTH FIR STREET j Pacific' University FOREST GROVE, OREGON. A High-grade college With Superior equipment. Beautifully located twenty-aix mD from Portland. Full reirular college courses. Academy cWcs strong preparatory and High hehiKtl course. J Conservatory of Muhic and School f Art, with superior instructors. Business branches taught Gymnasium and Field Athletica und a l'hyaical Director. W ell-eqinpp,.,! I.uh..rai(,ne8, f J;ll,rr: Vf Volumes. Healthful social life: religious influence. All student enU-rpriM-a active. THt SCHOOL THAT TN08 ram rum BCST IN tOUCAT?ON ' WRITE FOR OATALOQUB f STANDARD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE; S0MMER BUILDING J M. M. Slattery, Principal. Complete Shorthand, Typewriting, and Business Course COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS. Day and night session Pride of Grande Ronde 1- The product of the Imbler flouring mill situated in the very heart of the best wheat land in Grande Ronde valley, consequently the best flour. A trial will convince you of its superority. Insist on having your order filled with this brand or the "Patent" from this same mill. For sale by all first class dealers. Don't submit to any substitution. Pride of Grande Ronde WAT6H US 104 178 243 CHERRY'S MEW LAUNDRY A.B. CH R.. -age- Phone CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant inEasiern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer iand get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE AAAA A tfttMMMIII LUMBER -RETAILED AT L WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumber and Cheaper than is sold In La Grande, We deliver it to your building Grande Ronde Lumber Co PERRY, OREGON. La Grande, Oregon At REASONABLE TERMS. I Enroll now W W W WW- Ww w T Iff f yliA GROW Pleased Cus'omt rs The First Week Pleased Customers The Second Y?t k Pleased Cus4mrs The fliiia Week Main 78.-r' La Orande.'Orepin. 'i i I It f -4