TO BUILD Bid HEW MA Articles of incorporation were prepared today for the building and operation of a brick hospital. The capital stock is fixe d at $16,000, all of which has been sub scribed. The incorporators are Dr's Richardson, Molitor and Bacon. The building will be modern in every respect, steam heated, properly ventilated modern operating rooms, in fact a prop erly equipped hospital in the full sence of meaning. It is the intention to have the work on the building started right away. It is the cxepected that one of the three sites now under consideration will be selected with in the next few days. UNDERTAKERS IN CONVENTION (Scrlpps News Association) Hutchihson, Kas., Feb. 12 There was a large attendance today at the opening if CuiY.ef.ticr. cf ur.dsrtsk'f frn-n cn tral and western Kansas, eastern Color ado and northern Oklahoma. The princi pal feature of the meeting, which is to be in session several days, is a school of instruction for both undertaker and those learning the business. Several prominent experts are on hand to give lectures and practical demonstrations new therories of embalming. PASTURE TO RENT 400 acres of good pasture, plenty of water, well fenced, up Grande River, four miles above Hilgard. Prices reason able. Desire to rent to on party. Apply to N. D. Endi-up, Hilgard, Oregon. LODGE DIRECTORY EAGLES - La Grande Aerie S69F. F.. mttts xmry Fnoey night in Elk nii, si e p m. visiting brhren invited to attend I. R. Snook W J. H. Peare W, P. I. O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meets in their hall every Saturday night visaing oromers cordially invited to at lend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. E. B. McKiddy, N.-G. D. E. Cox. See. STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. SI. I. O O. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in tne montn in Udd f ellows hall, Visiting patriarchs always welcome, J. A. Arbucklp C. P. D. t. cox, Scribe. M. W. A. La Qrande Camp No. 7708 meete evry Monday evening at 1. O. 0 F. hall. Ail visiting neignoors are cordially invited to attend. F. B. Currky. V. C. U b. Willians Clerk. FORESTERS OF AMERICA-Courl Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Wednes day night in Elks hall. 'Brothers are invited to attend. En Wrioht Chief Ranger C. J. Scribir Financial Sec. Board of Trustees Dr. G. L, Biooers uscar ofiRoiR and Herbert Patterson FRIENDSHIP TENT No. 81.K.O.T M.Meets second and fourth Wednesdays mn momn in I, u, u, r. nail. Visiting unguis welcome. u o . R C- Bal!- Co Mox Block, Recora Keeper L.O. T. M. HIVE No. 27. Meets every first and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting iauia are welcome. ,, Maude Lono Lady Commander. M. C. Vessry, Record Keeper. REBEKAH-CHRYSTAL LODGE NO. 60--Meets every Tuesday evening at the I. 0. 0. F. lodge. All visiting members areinvited toattend. Katuka Price, NG Tillie Cox, Secretary. B. P. 0. E LaGRANDE LODGE No 4J3- Meets each Thursday evening at eight oclock in Elks" hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. r. ... E' W' Davis' Edited Ruler G. E. McCully, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169 WOODMEN OK THE WOKLD-Mo.ts every Friday of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. A 1 visiting members welcome. . ., N-L.Acni.ts, Consul Commander i J. H. Ksknry, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE". No. 2:-Mets every Monday evu'iing in Castle Ha'.l, Corpo building A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. J. H. Ktt NEY C. C. R. Pattison. K. R. & S. M'rtANUS IS SILENT "I have been instructed by my attorney, Judge Fee, not to talk regarding my case, and so I can say nothing now excepting that when I am brought to trial I will tell the truth about the whole affair and take the consequences, whatever they may be." Tne above brief statement was made to the Pendleton East Oregonian Monday morning by John P. McManus, who shot to death Bob Estes in the rear of the Pullman saloon Saturday evening. The statement was mads through the barred door of the county iaii, where McManus has been confined since his arrest immed lately after the tragedy. Although still suffering from the effects of his terrible experience McManus was comparatively composed this morning and apparently had recovered from his intoxication. To the writer he expressed deep regret that the affair had happened, but his sorrow is not that of one whose conscience is burdened with the thought that he killed a fellow being in cold blood and withou provocation. He bears up well consider ing the crime with which he is charged, and but for the instructions of his lawyei would have freely told all of the circum stances in the case. He says he had never known the name of the man he killed and knew him simply from the ex perience he had with him while here upon his drunk. The only Estes he could re call personally was the one who had conducted a saloon at Pilot Rock. As to when McManus will be brought to trial nothing has yet been settled. The jury term of circuit court is now on and so, if desired by both sides, the case could probably be fought out at this time. Other wise it will go over to a later term. Pendleton E. 0. AMUSEMENT ESTES TUNER Al WEDNESDAY No definite arrangements have yet been mad for the funeral of Estes, but it will probably occur on Wednesday, said the Pendleton East Oregonian of Monday. The wife of the dead man, who lives in North Yakima, has been notified and it expected to reac1) there by that day. Tht body is now held at the Baker Foltom undertaking parlors. Th dead man was on of six brothers, the others being Charles Estes, Green Estes, John Estes, Lou Estes, and Claud Estes of Athena. Today a post-morten examination of th body was mad by Drs. McFaul and Bes'. It was found that the bullet had struck the spinal column, from whence i had been deflected to th point where ii cam out under the left nipple. Some of the large arteries were severed by the ball. NEW PRESIDENT OF MAOUISTER (Scrlpps News Association) St Paul Feb. 1 1 -Professor T M Hod gam formery of Nebraska today assumed his duties as presidsnt of Macalaster College stallation which is to be accomp anied by interesting ceremonies later in the year. TRAIN HITS EUNERAI (Scrlppe News Association) New York, Feb. 12-Thre were killed and many injured today on the Long Is land railroad this morning when a pass enger train crashed in:o a funeral procession. RATHBONE- SISTERS Roweia Tem ple No. 9 meots every Wednesday even ing at e p. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Corpe Visiting members ccrdi' ally invited. Milly Frawley M. E. C Unice Procter M. of R. & C. LA URANDE LODGE No. 41. A. F. a. m.-Koiiular meetings 2d and 4th luesaays f:40 p. in. L. H. Russell, W. M C. D. Huffman, Sec OF MODERN BROTHERHOOD AMFRim m ... vry i uesday even ing Lewis hall opposite Hotel Sjtnmor Visiting members always woicome August Siuart. Pres. v W. B. Sahcsnt. Sec. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Is not a strrt't or pau-nt mdlcine. againM which the imwl inu-lllinmt oniulr ar quiu natiiruliy HVtrw Imauwol the un certainty an Ui their harmless charurW" out in a meuii'ine or known comi-ohition, a full lift of ail Itv Ingredient being printed. In fftifii Einitlrh. on every bottle wraer. An examination of thin lift of llmrclll'lit.i will iliM'loM- the fart that it In non-alcoholic In its composition, chem ically pure Klyrerine tukinur the place of the commonly ued alcohol. In I to make up. Uie "Favorite fri'M-riutinn" of Dr. rlerce is In fact the only hicIii-Iup nut nn for the cure of woman1 ieculiar weak-lic-xsa-H and ailments, sold ihrouirh dniir- (tism, that does not contain alcohol dud fnil fouiii tiiri niiuiiiiiiin, KiirthermorL It Is I he on, v medicine for woman's snoi-lul diseases, the inureilicnts of which have illinium, his cmlnrsi'iiii'iit. of nil tl, leadline medical writers anil teachers of in uie several schools of practice, and hat too a remedies for I ho ailments fur which "favorite Prescription" is recommended. little hook of some of these endorse ments will lie .cut tn line udilrevs. mt. 1 and .(lis .liiti lv 'in' il vim rrmu-t ante bv IkI.i! card i,r letter, of lir R V. I'ieive, Hiiifaln. N. V. iHm't forcet that lr. Pierce's Favorite rcscriitiiiii. fur woman's weaknesses and iicate ailment. I lint a tuitent ur sei ret medicine. Iieinu the " l iiMiritn I'rescriu- urn "of a P -irnliirly educated and ttradit ted I'liVMi'iau. eucacisl In the oractice f Ins chosen sticcialtv that of diseases. f wniuen -t hat its iuunslichts are limited In id tin r.'n!iii on every Uittle-w rapiwr; that It is the only medicine csieeially ilf siuued l,r the cure of woman s do "M'S that contains no alcohol, and the only one that has a professional endor-cm nt worth more than all the so-railed, "testi monials" ever published fur other med icines, siend for these endor-eiueiits a alsive. They are frre for the aknn!. If you suiter from ortixlical. heauache. bsckache. dl.luess. pain or dracrinu d'lwn seusatliiu liovdow u in the alsl,,uien, weak hack, have disaitriMMihle and wiuk catarrhal, iielvic drain, or are In distress (nun U inn loiur on your Ut'l. then yon may tie sure of Is-nehl from taking l)r. 1'ierce's l'avnnte Prescription. Ir. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the liest lsx at,, and reuuiator of the bowel. Tin y InvlKorutc stuinucli, liver and tmwei. Out) a Ima'.ive; io or threw a calbartie. :zj Wjjruu... .i'd Muggtjn K Hq; '4ni ct for B itj lVpl. " . Ool .g II il:h inl Km-I Vipjt. f c .. e.pil,.,,. Itnliiion I,T 11 vi, r- filir I ..jt'itei. In.,,nrft I t ii.-i. Ho .... It,, i,t '' " l ' M iti'mii Tn in (his A ' .i"-H'ene i,,.t,to bl " I "iiriw, 1 1 li,,i,. v,, iJ'-i'S 'OP 8M.L0W PEfwj PARISH PRIEST POPULAR There was beautiful little story related on th stage of the Steward Opera House last evening when local talent, under the direction of C. M. DeVer presented the pastoral drama entitled A Parish Priest. There was a marked absence of rough languag., the blood and thunder, which amateurs usually resort to. but instead of these undesirabilities, there was a quiet little story told, which could not help but interest the hearers. Rev John Wnlen j was the title role, and was deoicted H E Coolridge in a playing manner. During the four hours which the play was sup posed to consumed the priest in his am iable manner straightened out the leve tangles with a master hand. E. L. Eck lev as Doctor Cassidy won applause for the numerous inerpretation he placed on the old doctor's character. If the play has such a thing as a villian it was Dr Edward Welsh. This character was impersonated by C E Gillilan. At all times was his acting and enunbiation excellent but especially so in the last act where he and Ethel Stewart Da Vere did a pretty little turn By skillful manipulations Father Whal- en had all but healed the erupiiuo 6iUt ing between the two and as a final close to the temporary rupture, the two men tioned enacted the prettiest turn of the play. G. M. Richey acted his part to the satisfaction of all. A. B.Rogers, as the main source of humor mad a decided hit with his Irish brague and makeup. C. M. DeVer as Frank Dougher maintained his usual high reputation. Agnes Cassidy, the girl without temper was Lillian Bates Richardson. No criticism could be mad of th way she rendered what is no doubt th most diffi cult personage in th story. Date Corri gan, with her "Irish" was ably taken by Mrs. Maud Simpson Scroggin. Her ap pearance always called for laughter. Nell ie Durkin, a niece of Father Whalen. was carried by Ethel Steward De Vere in a winning manner. Mrs. Scroggins captured the audience with song specialty between the first and second acts, while Mrs. Richardson pleased the audience with two beautiful solos between th second and third acts The ntire performance went off smooth ly and without a hitch. PHYSICIANS G. L EIGGERS K. D, Physician and Surobon Office Ralston Bid. over J.M.Beiry' stor 1321 1001 Office Phone Black Residence Phone Red J. H. HUBBARD, M. D. Physician and Suroeon Offi:e in Slater Building, Cor. Fir Street and Jefferson Avenue. Phone Mam 79 : STANDARD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE SOMMER BUILDING M. M. Slattery, Principal. La Grande, Oregon D. A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and Suroeon Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office Phone 1362 Residence Main 55 N. MOLITUR M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Adams Avenue and Depot bt Office Main 69 Residence Mam 68 Hall, surgeons BACON & PHYSICIANS AND Office in Foley Building, Phone Main C T. Bicon residence. Main 18 M. K. Hail residence, Main 52 19 UR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORE Osteopathic Physicians Kirksv:lle G radi ates, under Founder Office Soinmer Building Phones: Office Miin 63; Res. Main 64 J. T. LEFEVRE. B. L. PHB. M. D Physician and Sukglon Calls answered Day or Night. Summerv lie, Oregon TRAINING HARD The participants in the coming athletic exhibition in the opera house, are going to be physically prepared to withstand the ordeal. Both Molenox and Darnell are doing hard staunts to reduce weight lengthen the wind, and harden muscles Molenox joggs to Hot Lake to take a bath once in a while and comes back feeling like a fighting machine. Darnell, too is encouraging his friends by hi showing. With th big date just one week away. he will work carefully from now on. His friends art giving him the best of car, as well as looking out for an abundanct of training. The vent will not be a fare becaus of physical inability of th contestants. Dr. H. Volp. Dr. F. M oormbisthr Pptsician Physician and Suroeon and Suroeon (Specialties: Suroery and Diseases of Women.) Office :Corpe Building. Telephone Man 80 Residence of Dr. Moormeister: Red 1712 Calls Answered Day and Night. UNION HOSPITAL phone black 6 8 1 Patients received at anytime. Inquiries about rooms please address to DR. H. VOLP. Corpe Building. DR. F. MOORMEISTER New Bank Bldg Authorized Agent for 'the sal of HosDital Certificates is MR. J. A. MATOTT ATTORNEYS H. T. WILLIAMS WILLIAMS A. C. Williams BROS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Ralston Building j Complete : Shorthand, Typewriting, and Business Course COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS. i Day and night session REASONABLE TERMS. Enroll now Pride of Grande Ronde i The product of the Imblerflouring mill situated in th very heart of th best wheat land in Grand Rond valley, consequently the best flour. A trial will convince you of it superority - Insist on having your order filled with same mill. hi brand or th "Patent" from this For sal by all first class dealers. Don't submit to any substitution. . Pride of Grande Ronde Oar Graduates Receive Large Salaries kai St Valentin dancing party at th Com mercial Club Thursday, Feb. 14 th Gentlemen 76 cents. Spectators 25 cents Music will b furnished by Laws strino bard. THRUSDAY NIGHT The promise of a real good time is assured Thrusday night at the Commer cial Club. Music will be furnished by Laws string band dancing will commence promptly at eight thirty gentlemen dancers 75 cents Spectators 25 cents, Everybody cordially invited. FINE MUSIC Dancing and lots of it is the progress at the Commercial Cub Thrusday night the best music, the best floor the best of order will go a long ways to make this one of the best dances of the season. Gentlemen 75 cents. Spectators 25 cents. La Grande. Oregon ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS L. A. PICKLER Civil, Minino, Irrioation Enoinbbrino and surveyino Estimates, Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. La Grandb, Oreoon ABSTRACTERS J. R OLIVER Abrtracts of Title. Fire Insurance Office in Sommer Building La Goande, Oregon. est eli stsica ITOW COXaXXUHL spKKQONlL DENTINS Z. B. CAUTHORN dentist Office over Hill' Drug Stor La Grande, Oreoon VETERINARY SURGEONS DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Hill's Drugstore, La Grande Or Residence Phone Red, 701 Office Phone 1361 Farmer Line 58 The militia company will give a mas quarde ball at their armory on Feb. 25. Watch for further announcements. HARDTIMES PARTY TONIGHT This evening a hard times skating and dancing party will be given at the Noys rink. Old clothes must be worn to insure admission to the rink, but after skating hours, dancing will be indulged in. Prices are right and a good time is assured. NURSES MISS ANNA C CARLSON NURSE Phone Farm 19 2x4 ARCHITECTS i l'JjS3' QuaDy. I tTry Awarded 1 Jf Paria Epoltlon 1K)0. e Awarded IH MaJI i carta exposition 1900. ROBERT MILLER ARCHITECT new La tirande National Bank Building Independent Phone No. 5 ROLLER SKATES Steel or Hemetite Rollers Sizes to fit all shoes L. C. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING CITY JULIUS BREWERY ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern O: tegon Ask for La Grande Beerjand get the Bestf LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE i i LUMB ER f S RETAILED AT-3 WHOLESALE PRICES t Better Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in La Grande, We deliver it to your building i Grande Ronde Lumber PERRY, OREGON. n Co h