I Having Purchased the Fred Jacobs stock of House Furnishing Goods and Combining it with our Two Stocks we will continue our SPECIAL SALE to make room for a car of Furniture already ordered. BARGAINS BARGAINS EVERY ARTICLE in the STORES REDUCED. Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Chairs, Rockers, Center Tables, Extention Tables, Carpets, Linoleum, Com forts Blankets, Pillows, Trunks, Brooms, Couches, Bed Lounges, Cupboards, Writhg Desks, Kitchen Treasurer Tables, Cutlery, I anges, and Heaters. Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Graniteware, Nickleware, Hardware, Wash Tubs, Machines and Boilers. In fact nearly every thing that is used in the home. th i-j-s Prices Are Right, For Cash. Come and see for yourself. , , . Phone Red 1161 Phone Black 641 F. D. HAISTEN j H. B. HAISTEN Mf?CAI 14.1. 14,5.1415 Adam.Av.nue' j 2I5 Flr Stwt Stora 1 " -BARGAINS " "' ""' - Dealers in New and Second Hand Goods 5v nohWtfiNHUfRi&At ; z 3 V 3 .6. 7 tQ Q H-lA-llL 20 BJ 22 23 t2s2627Se I H Crande Evening Observer POWXS AND POLIT ICANS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 7', 1907 Publiihed daily except on Sunday One year in advance $6.60 Sit mbntht in advance 8.60 Pr month' 66c Single copy 6c CURREY BROS.. ED'S AND PROP Entered at the Post 0ff.ee at La Grande Oregon, a Second Class Matter. This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Pltase sign your articles and save disappointment. AUVKKl KA'I KM Ui.ly Ail inn faniiM.eil u1k,u h pt.i i. wi t. , ,, Un-iiI muling noil.-. o- ,,,-r n( ,,. linn, jc (v,.r iln, for wi-h Mih-.jiii-iii mo tion. Kiwimillmi. .)rioi..1,ini,-p, , ,r u,,a " Hutu ( llmtikn. f- ir I nc. During the years 1 90 J tj l D05 the aserage value of the Western slates have increased to an enormous extent. Wyo m,ng leads in the per cer.taEe of increase showing a gam in farm values of 81. 3 percent in therast year: Oklahoma. 76.7 North Dakota. 70.6; Illinois' 57.4, Iowa. 29.4: Kansas, 67 4 Nebraska. 64: Mis souri. 42: Oregon, 47 and Coloradj 62 Compare these percentages with an aver age for the whole country of 52. The highest value is in Illinois' $81.89 per acre, tho farms are sel ing in Illinois every day for $160 an acre. Iowa is put second with $69.00 per acre, but good farms are scarce at such figures. Lund is now nigh", with an eagerr.e s in the we' that teemed impossible half a decade ago. i - TOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone Red 251. Frederick W. Mulley of Oregon, who will serve in the United State Senate till March 4, is the youngest eenator in United States, having just passed the age requirement of 55 years. He it well known lawyer of Portland and a man of wealth. The Deleware legislature hat voted to continue the whipping post and public flogging for person of theft, felonious assault, house breaking and mayhem. Former United States Senator Cock retl, of Missuri, who ha been seriously ill for a long time, is now recuperating in Florida, He expects in a few weeks to be able to returnjto Washington and re sume hit duties on the Interstate Com merce Commission. A joint resolution has been introduced in the Illinois legislature petitioning Con gress to call a convention to propose an anti-polygamy amendment to the Con stitution of the United States. Francis E. Wan en. who haft iiict. k.n e'ected for the fourth t.me to represent Wyoming in the United States, is a native of New England and a civil war veteran. Like most senators he is a man cf great wealth, the most of which he has made as a stock raiser in Wyoming. The lower hojse of the Missouri leg lature has passed without a dissenting vote, a bill to license lobbists. The measure requires legislative agents to register with the Secretary of State and file expense accounts. The Minnesota legislature is consider ing a measure prohibiting insurance com panies from making any contribution wha soever for political purposes. FOR RENT--Two front bedrooms. Reasonable terms. Corner Main and third Streets. Phone Red 661. FREE TEXT BOOKS Undoubtedly the agitation for free schoo text books is popular. People do no stop to consider that "free" article al ways cost the most money and like to many sheep get Into line and blat their delight whenever ome wily herder tall them he i going to give them something" for nothing. This time it it a book agent and the people of this beautiful domain ought to be pretty well acquainted with book agents but ate not. apparently. It is proposed that another change in the school books used by the student of the state be made that they be purchased by the commonwealth for the student. The first plan i ridiculous and the "joker" stick to far out of the pack that a blind man could tee it. The busy book seller have their hand in the pot. At for the "free" feature of the tcheme it it to gain popular approval for the change, probably, it certainly hat nothing else t commend it. Ask anyone who hat studied the ques tion, whether "free" text books are of benefit .0 the community at large. You will learn that they are to be avoided as a pest lence. How many of the leading educators of the state, people who devote their lives to the study of just these ques tions, will you fined lined up in favor of this move? Mighty few you may be sure and those few bear the aspect of persons who have an axe to grind. Get busy Mr, Taxpayer and use your axe. Kill tha1 movement so dead that it; will never be heard of again. Baker City Herald. Charles Cunningham, the ex-sheep king of Eastern Oregon, in speaking of those sheepmen who are frequently found short of hay during the winter season, sayt they are "Chinook Sheepmen." When asked what that rrta ,t he rep ied: "There a certain class of men in the sheep busi ness who depend almost entirely upon the Chinook to save them from bankruptcy instead of having on hand a goodly supply of hay. When I was in the business I never depended upon the chinook. I was Iway prepared for a hard winter. I had warm barne for my sheep which were cleaned out daily and fed them all the hay they would eat. I wis m ire than repaid in a good crop of wool and strong ewei which meant strong lambt." Experience has taught most of the oid fbekmasters the wisdor- of not depending upon the chinook. Pilot Rock Record. Into each life some sorrow must fall; Wise people don't sit down and sawl; Only fools suicide or take to flioht: Smart people take -?oeky Mountain Tea ai nignt. Newlin Dhuo Company MASKS NEW RIBBONS VALENTINES NEW HOSIERY E. M. Wellman & Company I ADAMS AVENUE CHINOOK SHEEPMAN 7 "A-A jfK. J ? K Oil rvm oca The advantages to be gained by purchasing your groceries here you wouldn't hesitate a minute about deciding that this is th? store to be favored j with your catronap-e ! We carry only the best groceries obtainable and everything purchased here can be depended upon as being fresh. Try us and see how well we can take care of your wants. iry our Utah J honey. , PHONE MAIN 46 1 QEDDEJ BRjJ j NORTH FIR STREET i WISE COUNSEL FROM THE SOUTH "I want to give tome valuable advice to those who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble." says J.R. Blankenship of Beck, Tenn. "I have proved to an abso lute certainty that Electric Bitters will positively cure this distressing condition. The first bottle gave me great relief and after taking a few more bottles, I was completely cured; to completely that it becomet a pleature to recommend this great remedy." Sold under guaranete t Newlin drug store. Price SOc. I city property! I; FARM, FRUIT AND I ; TIMBER LANDS MONEY LOANED :i MclLROY & lilBBERD ELGIN, OREGON. ,,,,TtfTf ft f tfe)e)e)t)e) "':; 1 1 - ,.. . w j ' VISIT OUR CANDY PARLORS SELDER, The Candy Man OUR SAVING'S DEPARTMENT is not restricted in the scope of it. patronage. It i. broad enough to accomodate all and HERE ARE ITS PATRONS 1st. The Young Folks with Small Saving 2d' P1150reeadwlnner-Trying to Accumulate a Fund to Procure ' PrevidXll"t0"d0 Convenienee Affded and Incomi 4th. Those with Idle Funds Awaiting Investment. Any of '.he stated account to earn ioterest while on deposit. TJhe armors ana Tiraders 9attonat SSanA Capital Stock and Surplus $75,000.00 Shareholders Liabilities 75,000.00 4 :e 1