- ' '$5,000.00 Stock of House Furnishing Goods OF FRED JACOBS At Wholesale Cost A Few Articles of a Kind ui'l be Mentioned Daily in this space . Showing the Reduced iPrices. ,., . Only; a JUnJted number jot these Co-Carts left and are , going at $3.00 2 Second Hand Baby SNAPS Common 'Rockers - are going fast at $1.35 and up to $5. 25 . for, the best. iron Beds, Blue, Green or White Iron Beds, Brass Railing Iron Beds built up both ,Jiead .and foot vPanelst with Polished Brass worth .CASH $1750 rOnly $1240 r These are1 Beauties ,xWei nave some very pretty, patterns of all wool and cotton Art Squares in In grain ranging from .$3.75 to $11.85 ac cording to size. Our Supported Springs' and Wool Top g Mattresses are only $2.65 And our Crockery is very low t priced $260 aad seli 111 auantity 5.05 CASH CASH 12x12 top Ceniti Tables only $.65 I4I4 Oak only 1.55 24x24 Oak only' 2.25 24 in top, Claw Foot only 2.95 These are -Genuine Bargains . and Will Not Last Long Phone Red 1161 , Main 4 Phone Black 641 F. D. HAISTEN H. B. HAISTEN 1411. 1413. 1416.Ad.nnAv.nue . 213 Fir Street Store Dealers in New and Second Hand Goods KITCHEN TREASURER 1 TABLES, ; small size $3.45 ' large size 380 i Without "high top closet. " sne, rs m I I O A BtKUttlllo J I i CHAIRS ' Bow Back at 50 cents to Leather Upholstered Seats at $2.25 1 La Grande Evening Observer SATURDAY . FEBRUARY 1 2. (1907 .i ' L Published daily ' except on ' Sunday yOne year in advance .... . ,YZ., J.ti.60 aSii months iri advance .,.r 3.60 Pr month 66c . ' . . -. Aer., 'r.. , Jjmgle copy 6c .- 1 - - There it little doubt but that our citizen will vote the bonds accessary to brine in the water 6f Beaver Creek for domestic and power purpose.. This mean, the councilmen to be elected next month will direct the handling of thousand, of dollar. ' Therefore it i. im portant that capable men be chosen. tCUR'BEY BROS.. ED'S AND PROP t Ented ak the Post Office at U Grande Oregqp, a. Second Class Matter, There is quite a number of state cases already on. the docket but the major part of them are of the petty larcency variety Union oounty i. to be congratulated upon the fact that we have had no very ex spensive criminal cases for several years. This paper will not publish any article .appearing oVer a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received .object to the .discretfpfthey editors. Please eig'n your articles'and save disappointment. AOVKK7 mtlU . KAltK . Uleplajr Ad nm raraUUiwt a pen. tftM lotion UmI reeding nnUw io per Une am ,. ilnu . lion, so per lln8rch uhin lne- lon' . ' , ; , Remlutlone orm1iln! n per tin, trd of thank bat DOM. ... - Another heavy snow fell InUhe moun .tains last night. This is the Shaking of , crops later on. The hay growers are .particularly delighted, as snows during February add March means . that the .greater portion of their meadows will be ..flooded.' later, heavy yields will follow. It is concadiid that U Orar.de ie going togrow rapidly th year and .it' is also a well known fact to accomodate this in crease in; population that many new homes will faaveiuibe ooastruoUd. for tlirreaaon that ivacaVt. houses at the prosent. time are very scarce. The hammer and saw will be very much in evidence, in .L Grands dirtngl07: TU ..J Ik. ..... y iu aio.ins. mac are running si the Wallowa bridge, are being ; conduotedie a blot upon our civilization T Gambling b running wide open, women t being per filed to .it at the gambling j tables with) the men, worse ;f possible than 1 wae Summer jn her boom days. Circui I court will Se in session next week, we wi I await results. ., FOR FEMt--Furnished i rooms for light housekeeping. Apply at corner of 0, . ; The library of our public - school now contains over 900. volume, and thi. num ber will be increased erv soon bv 1 BO - now volumes. The La Grande public school i getting better with each year. There certainly i. a splendid opportuni y for quite a good sited peeking houss in La Grande. 1 Wallowa and Union county annually produce a large number of hogs that could be cured and distributed from this point. Some one with the - experi ence and few thousand dollars will tackle some of these days. f We understand that there ie to be no grand jury at this term of circuit court. Aoed idea, this may save lots of trouble For the past two year these grand juror. all over the country have been the direct cause of i more .trouble than any other department,, state or rational. - The report of our public schools for the month of Jamiaiy j enow , that only two rooms were visited by parents. This is not as it should be. We have a splendid school, we all know it, but at the same time parents are not treating the children nor the teachers properly. LOST Somewhere in La Grande on e warehouse receipt of bonded whiskey number 7296, bonded by Julius Kessler and Company, Ashland block, Chicago. Finder return to this office or Owl saloon and receive reward. H. C. Cothbh. Reconstructs your whole bod v. makaa rich red blood. Drivee out impurities that have collected during the winter. Holl ister'e Rocky Mountain Tea is a family tonic 56 cents. Tea or Tablets. : Nxwu Druo Company. . It looks very much as tho the normal schoql at Weaton i. to be moved. If ,o. the three contesting point, will be Pen dleton, LaQrande'and Baker City. Hare i. a matter for the Commercial Club of thi. city to take up;;When all of the natura condition, are considered witn a view of i4xurip2.lh best location for a perman ent normal school in Eastern Oregon. s La, Grande eextainly i. the place. The purchase of the locks at ' Oregon City by the state will be of great benefit to the farmer, of the Willamette valley State aid towards opening of the Colum bia, willhelp the fanners of Eastern;Oregon Mutual interest, would suggest the legis lators of the two interested sections would join forces in securing both projects. It is just possible that before many .years, the pulp, from our. sugar factory will he the basis of a denatured alcohol rVCommence the' New Year.; t right by trading at Smith's 'Market t Our Meats Speak for Themselves CITY PROPERTY $ FARM, FRUIT AND! TIMBER LANDS' MONEY LOANED I'Mcl URG Y & itiiaBERDl ELGIN. OREGON. Air kinds of fresh and; J and salt meats always on j nana. Wr make a e specialty of poultry. ; Give us a trial and 'be I convinced. :j Prompt delivery. ; ' ' Phone Red 751 : ! Smith. &. Dawson i Proprietors THEN CALL THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than i lake to tell it. Day phone Red 761 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at youi service : (-- GRANDE IRON WORKS .D. FITZGERALD. Proprietor I Complete Machine Shops and Foundry Genera Blacksmiths, W manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller F eed Mill., the best and cheapest mill on the market Our shops are equipped with machinery to handle any sited work, nothing too large or nothing U small . Higher. prices paid for old cast iron. FOUND Gold rimmed, eyeglasses, owner may have same by calling at the home of Mrs. A. E. Jones at the corner of 3d .and Adams, and proving property and paying fifty cents for this notice. ARM FOR RENT-600 acres well improved, 3 mile, from Island City. Ja.h rent None but ieliable parties need apply. Inquire at Ad cocks & Fritz furniture store, La Grande. t ALWAYS THE VERY BEST DRIED FRUITS, all kinds. CANED f RUTS, all kinds. RAISINS, London, layer and loose. MINSE MEAT, Heinz and home made. CANDY AND ' NUTS, largest iine in Union county luloimlis. and all tropical fruits, CRAPES some- ining never seen here before. CITRON, LtMON AND ORANGE PEAL, SPANISH MALAG and CATAWBAS, imported direct from Spain I t t t J. W. WHITE. w Prompt Delivery. GROCER Fhcr.e Main 4r t ""vve. .) jSTILWELL 8, COMPANY'S! MEAT 1 MARKET PHONE MAIN 16 ;LA GRANDE, OREGON 4 V t rr and 8th Street, 1402 0 St. plant ::