The New Victor IV IS A MARVEL OF id 1 V KITTY GIRLS IN AMUSEMENT SERGEANT KITTY Pretty music, clew comedy, pictures character and splendid equipment of "Sergeant Kitty" the brightest and most original comic opera to be seen here this season. Helen Byron is a dainty and ' "coquettish charmer that leaves no heart in her audience unwon. The comedians, James McFlhearn and Tom Hadeway keep everyone bubbKaf with mhth for three all too short hoar. This dashing little military opera ceacern the comic side of Fiench Army Life aad involves the love affair of three couplet introduc ing the scheme f a winsome, headstrong girl who Jovea an officer and it deter mined to have her vy despite the op-J position el an eqeailly headstrong aunt who has a toes affair XX her-fiown to,! manage. A couple, already married tnj secret, are drawn htto the resulting trouble, aad tatere its tmerry comedy of error thatUrusfi3u erychTr acter io the castwiin competent hands wear premised, and the general en semble is at Steward Opera Mouse Sat-' urday Feb. Z. This evecingtight uo'clock the (Pol matier eister will open itheir concert and recital in the Commemial Club Auditor ium. At ten o'clock, dancing comnwnce and continue until one o'clock to snusie rendered by the ladies'eix piece orchestra. On Wednesday eveniag. the .group T siciaos, readere and Moitere, more than pleased the Dalles Elk, who had sacjred their service. .In a telegram to this sity yesterday, he exalted -iular of The Dalles Elks speak .in .glowing iterms of their .concert. S Door open At seven thirty. .Admission to concert, rtVfty xents; Jua .dance, fifty cent. PROGRAMME Part I Marcb-'lFrorti ffropic to Frqpic" Alexander Paleoatiar SitereOrchfitra Company . Ovartrnv "Morning, Noon .& .Night" -Sua. Ftolmati or !i tars' Orchestra Vocai Trio "Cerrnurta". (Spanish) Wibno MieaesE. Pbjilli. Heleoe.luSeb onietSclo Citand.FanUsia-'Down in the Deep Cellar"' .?r .Kroepsth Mass Helen Soprano Solo - Selected .MissE. Phyllis Humoraias .Readings ...Selected Miss ItuSeba Trio for r'late, Corfcatano. Pieno-'Ser- ernad" JE. Till v Mr. Herbert . Polmatier, Misse iHelene and E. Pauline. PART ,11 String Quintette "College Life" (Chorus of College Girls, in the Distance) ) Poknatier Sisters frrombone Selo "The Grenadier" L. W. Hardy Mi M E. PhyK Tubephone Solo . Selected Mr. Herbert E. Polmatier. "Anvil Chorus" frjm "11 Trovatore" Verdi Polmatier Sisters' Orchestra t ITS J) D. H. STEWARD, SATURDAY' FEBRUARY 2. 1907. Gome All Ye Disconsolate the Delightful, Mirthful, Songstress .HELEN BYRON In an Opera Laid in France and Colored with the Gay Military Drew of An 100 Years Ago SERGEANT KITTY Offered With Al" the Care in Costuming and Stag;ng At During Its 150 Nights Casino. N. Y. Run IPRIPFS Orehestra S1.50 Orchestra Circle Sl .oo t t r Kll,LO nrftsa Circle 75c. Jallery 25c. and 50c, SERGEANT KITTY Diet for Cornet aad Trombone "Miser ere from 'II Trovatore' " Verd Misses Helene and E. Phvlli Xylophone Solo Selected Miss Ina K American Volunteer's March Polmatier Sisters' Orchestra Not only in The Dalles did they satisfy the audience, but at Pendleton last even ing, they ware well received. Following is a telegram received bj A. V Andrews who is on of the managing committee of the concert and dance which will be given tonight; Pendleton Jan 21 A V Andrews, La Grande, Ore. Polmatier sisters pleated everybody, CamsF Firouson. Exalted ruler Elks. SK8ltSIE8?AIHS ASK EUR SQUARE DEAL We beg to call your attention to provi sions Of Senas Bill 69 and House Bill 2S6 as follows: It call for First: Aasaaminihg board to be ap pointed by tiw Governor, said board .bo ng of no aspen to the state. Second: Preliminary education equa to high school diploma or college entrance tmmifitftk, before' examination for practice. Third: three years of nine months each, col lee work and examination before Board in Anatomy, physiology, histology, pathology, chemistry, toxicology, diag nosis, hygiene, obstetrics, gynecology, minor surgery, principles, and practice of Osteopathy. Fourth: Licensing of Osteopath! el ready in the state. ' ' ' Fifth: All Osteopaths are prohibited from giving drugs or practicing surgery. Sixth: -As amended Section 1 0 pro vides that .this act shall not bs so con strued as to interfere with or prevent the practice of or use of massage, Swedish movement, physical culture, or other natural methods requiring the use of the hand or hands, provided that each per son or person do not violate th provi sion of Section 7 of this act or any part .or parts of said Section. We beg toxall attention that this act is strictly to regulate th practice of Osteopathy and in no way interferes with Lany other method or system of treat ment. Dr. Moori. LOST Somewhere in La Grand on warehouse receipt of bonded whiskey inumber 729S, (bonded by Julius Kestler nd Company, Ashland block, Chicago. Findr return to this offic or Owl saloon and receive rewatd. H. C. Cotner. ROLLER SKATES Jtael or Hemetiie Rollers Sizes to fit ail shoes L. C SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING W Iksuinl Proprietor and Manager. Come and hear this latest production Talking Machine Go, A. B. HUELAT GbASSIFlEB ADS Rates One cent word, one-half a cent a word ach ubqunt Inssr-, tan. Classified add bring quick- results. - Try on today. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo .JR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grande Invest ment Company, La Qrand Ore, in Foley building. v ."OR SALE Eight amis, si a room house ' 'bam, place for chicken or hog, all kinds of fruit and plenty of water, Locat ed east of flouring mill. Apply at premises or address, John Qavan. La Grande Oregon. r OR SALE Five room hous and on lot, on Third Street, Grandy' Addition. , A good barn. A bargain for th on 'who act first Inquire of H. P. Lswit at corner Srd and D Streets, or of Lewi Brot. rCR SALE Cheap for cash, a snap. Three full lots and four room hous, icsllar and barn, on good corner. Prop- Arty located on southeast corner of Greenwood and Hill Street. Address V. M. Aiidis, 600 E 18th Street, Port land, Oregon. r'OH SENT One furnished room. Hot and cold water, bath tnd all modern conveniences. Inquire of Mrs. Simmons, ' c:rner fith and N. WANTED Gentleman or lady Jo' travel for Mercantile' House of large capital. Territory at home or abroad to suit If desirable the home may be used as headquarter. Weekly salary of $1,000 per year and expenses. Address, Jos. A. Alexander, La Grande, Ore, WANTED Board and Roomers at the Palmer House. All white help. Reasonable rates. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms in private family. Phone 41. FOUND-Two log chains, found near th railroad crossing at the A. B. C. Laun dry, were left at th Observer office, where the owner may secure the same. REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amount on city and country real estate. Loans closed promptly, as soon as titl is ap proved. La Grande Investment com pany. POSITION WANTED By competent man in th Grocery business, has had year of experience. Inquire at this office. STATIONERY Small embroidery hooks j Street hats One Dollar. SWITCHES E. M, Wellman & Company . " ADAMS AVENUE BEAUTY MONEY For loan on city property ses Wm. Grant' agency. Also real estate and insurance. FOR RENT Five 'room house with electric light and city water. Good location. Inquire of Gedde Bros. FOR RENT Two front hulrnnmi - Reasonable terms. Comer Main and third Streets. Phone Red 661. FOR SALE Good business location, boarding and rooming house. Inquire at this office. FOR RENT Three furnished room for light housekeeping. Phone Red 261. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT- Furnished housekeeping rooms in suites of two, thrs or four, in central loca tion. : Also four room house. Phone Red 672 or call at 1419 Adam Ave LOST A gold locket, finder pleas re turn to this offic. FOR RENT Furnished room for light housekeeping. Apply atcornar of O. and 8th Street, 1 402 O St FOR SALE Fleshmarf Bros will deliver you a large load of fortyfold straw for $5.00. Phone Black 622. WOOD FOR SALE 200 cords of good dry, 4 ft wood. Leave order with th undersigned or John Anthony. J L Bartmess. STOLEN From my place five miles north of Union, one bay saddle and buggy horse about 8 years old weighs about 11 hundred has a little white where the back band works. Branded on left shoulder in shape of rocking chair the brand is dim now. He is in clined to be lame in left shoulder. He was taken about the 1 0th. of Novem ber. I will give fifty dollars for infor mation that w,ll lead to the conviction of the thief. John Boyd, Union. LOOK MERE Having disposed of my entire business and will leave in a few days, I will kindly ask all parsons indebted to me to call at my old stand and settle. If I am not there, you can pay Mr. Neal Suydam, who will receipt same for ma. Thanking you for your liberal Datron- age in the past and hoping you will look at this in a business way and call so I will not be delayed, I remain Fred Jacobs All Kinds of RALSTON BLDO. eettssesesiieteeesessiseteiseeeseieeeeesseeei A child quickly grasps the meaning of the above characters. But it often takes a lifetime to appreciate their value. You can greatly assist the child in learn ing the value, of a dollar. How? By having him or her ooen a savines account with this bank, and by en- . ....... T, A 11 ..-..!... L..U14 guuragiug m? having fiftn. THE EASTERN OREGON TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK F.M. BYRKIT. President . GEO. L CLEAVER, Cashier F J. HOLMES, Traiurr, Pride of Grande Ronde ! Tb product of th Imblr flouring mill situated in the very heart of th best wheat laod in Grande Ronde valley, consequently th best flour. A trial will convince you of Us superority. Insiston having your ordr filled with thie brand or the "Patent" from this sams mill. ' . ' . For sal by all first class dealer. rJbn't tubmlt to any substitution. . t Pride of Grande Ronde j ........... .... itiiiiiiiniiiii DRESS MAKING Parsons wishing first class dressmak ing don promptly, at reasonable rates, should call upon Mrs. W. A. Baksr, 162C Hill Street opposite new brick school house. Fit guaranteed. HOMEMADE Saucage and cooked meats of all kinds at Still well & Co's market Pnone Main 1 j STANDARD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE j SOMMER BUILDING J I M.M. Slattery, Principal La Grande, Oregon j Complete Shorthand. Typewriting, and Business Course COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS. REASONABLE TERMS. Day and night session of The Victor Musical ins'ruments COR. DEPOT & ADAMS AVE. OFFICERS ' Wm. MILLER. Vic President J T.J.SCR0GG1N, AsstCashiw i WESEU List your property with us It yea want to sell. We don't talk much but we SELL. The Real Estate, Loan & Collection C o PURE LARD I to be found at Stillwell & Company' market Phone Main 16. Enroll now f eaeos.MMttttT