J: I " " . ,- ,., . . .......... ! . . - - PROPOSED BILL fOR .( J.I v. 5 ; - " - ' ! ''u s .V ,.- i' ,1 . i y i '- .4 , " I ". I if I I J Lij - J !U- 1 - , ' '. CM. DEVERE ' ' ' LYRIC STOCK COMPANY, SALT LAKE CITY Under whose direction "Arizona" will be presented to tht theatre Sort at Steward Opera house Monday Jan. 28, with a east composed of local talent. . POSITION WAKIED By competent man in the Qroeerj business, has had year of experience. Inquire at this office.. k A STAP if TAKf S IMHfDUiar Eighty acre of land 2 miles south from La Grande, part of it well timbered, take it for $426.00. Thb Rial Estate, Lou & Collection Co. nr. K OH RAMI ' mr. August bnerpe, the popular over- seer of the poor, at Kort Madison, la., ' UTS! "Ur. Kinn'a Naui I . Dill. ncrhtlv namatfi than rt . - j . ... r - ,Wi ,kivwjij, do-more good and make one feel better . than any other laxative." Guaranteed to I cure biliousness and constipation. 23c at Ntwlin drug store. . J I-. iiu i , - . 5 IMRW. W .1: i VISIT pUR CANDY v PARLORS SELOER, T,,eMacn4,"', ffl 9 ? fcW&mifli D. H. STEWARD, Proprietor and Manager. MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1907 IARIZON PRESENTED BY vL0CAL Under the Auspices of PPIPFJ Orehestra 75c. Orchestra Circle and f EOr.. iallerv 25c and 50c. L407 waawsw ?tilllHIMMll . 1 HOW TO AVOID PRCUMORU We have never heard of a innU in stance of a cold resulting in pneumonia or other lung trouble when Foley's Honey and Tar haa bean taken. ltnntnnltM the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs, ask tor roiey s noney and l ar and refuse any substitute offered. Dr.C. J. Bishop of Agnew, Mich., writes: "I have used Folav'a Hnnt and Tri hr very eevere cases of pneumonia with good rMtilt in mvmvm rau ' WlSfCOURSaFKOM THE SCCTH "I want to give some valuable advice to those who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble," says JLR. Blankenship of tsecx. lenn. i have proved to aa abso lute certainty that Electric Bitters will positively cur this distressing condition. The first bottle gave me great relief and after taking a few more bottle. I wae completely cured; so completely that it become a pleasure to recommend this great remedy. Sold under gaaraneU t newnn drug sure, fnce 60c BOHf MADt Saucage and cooked meat of all kind at Stillwell Co' market Pho ne Main 1 .Our Ghoice, Tender; jiacy:, : ' - ' . -4.1 f. nil- Prompt and Satisfactory service, and popular" prices are our winning cards, with them expect to keep on winn ing side as we find them to be invincible with the public. Those who are not getting satisfaction in their table sup plies in meats, should try our prime roasts, steaks, and chops, as we know we can please the most fastidious. KROUSE BROS Main 48' '-. TTTTTT-; TALENTl Company L. 0. N. G. j j Meats IttttttltttttttMM creation or mm lie Ohject Beinj to forever Hands of Salem Jan 26 (Oregonian Special) A number of leading members of the Sen ate and House of the Oregon Legislature have agreed upon a general plan to be adopted governing the creation of new counties. The plan is that no county shall be created unless it is voted for by 75 per cent of the voters in the territory proposed to be so madajnto a county, and 26 per cent of the voters of the old county The new county must have a population of 5000 and an assessed valuation of not less than $2,000,000. The new county must shareite proportion of the debt of Ul UIU CUUIliy, uui MHIllul 111 Ui county property. It shall share in the money that may be in the treasury at the time the new county become a politic organization. Not mora than 25 per cent of the area of the new county shall be within the limit of forest or Indian re servations. This plan ha been discussed by a numberof member and ha been gener ally approved. Attorney General Craw ford ba been asked to draw a bill for a general law on the subject and unless unexpected opposition develop the bill will very probably b passed. This will remove from the Legislature all the local fight over tht stablishment of new coun ties and leave tht people affected thereby to settle the question among themselves by popular vott. " DEATH Of A. CIYIN A Given, an old citizen of Union, died in Salem this week, at tht advanced age of 75 year. H leave six ona and on daughter tht daughter being a resident of Union. Tht funeral took Dlaoa fram the LPresbyteriao church, Wednesday and was largely attended by old friends and neigh bor. Andrew Givtn came to Union about twelve years ago, and to Oregon in 1876 Ht located first in tht Willamette valley, then at Pendleton, then at Union. Hia wifa died in Union about nine years ago, and they art interred tidt by id. . Mr Givtn was a father of our fellow towns man, Engineers L Givtn. Union Repub lican. HEADED m SALEjM Mr and Mre W TWright Itft Friday for Southern Oregon on a visit of two or three week. Union Republican. PRortssoB tnrasTOL says' v Fbhai7 ' ighUtnth, nmt o'clock, promptly. Tha-li all. ' - : PURE LARD I to be foond at Stillwell h Company's market. Phont Main 16. ( ARM FOR RENT 600 acres :well i improved. S miles from Island Cit ; Gash rent,.' 'Nona but reliable parties need apply. . Inquire a Adcockt & ! FriU furniture store, La Grande. Reconstructs your whole body, makes nch red blood. Drives out impurities that have coUected during the winter. Holl- wter e nocay mountain I ea is a family tonic. 85 cent, Tea or Tableta. Newum Djtoo Company. LOST A long white silk scarf Wednesday night at dance in the Armony halL Finder return to this office. : H. A. Stanlels : SUCCESSOR TO , : Stanlels & Jarman : - contracting painter ! paper hanger and DECORATOR a V T-u - I-IJOI1Q Black 1781 La Grande Ore. Take t&e Matter. Out of tile t&e Legislature HOW TO CURE CHILBLAINS C "To enjoy freedom from chilblains", writes John Kemp, East Otisfield, Me., "I apply Bucklen'e Arnica SaWe. Have also used it for salt rheum! ith excellent results". Guaranteed to cure fever sores, indolent ulcers, piles, burns, wounds, frost bites and skin diseases. 25c at Newlin drug store. PHYSICIANS oinrtcoc Physician and Sdroioh Office Ralston Bid. over J.M.BeiryT tor Office Phone Black 1521 Residence Phone Red 1001 J. H. HUBBARD, M. D. Physkham and Summon Offlst in Slater Building, Cor.' Fir Street and Jefferson Avenut. Phont Main 79 DR. A. L. RICHARDSON , Phtsiciar and SotoioH Offict over Hill'e Drug Store. Office Phont 1B62 .. Residence Main 65 N. MOUTUR M. D. PHTtlOIAM AND (OROEOR ' Cor. Adam Avenue and Depot St Offict Main 68 - Residence Main 68 BACON & Hall. WTS1C1AMS AMD (UROROMt , Offict in Folty Building, Phont Main 19 C T. Bacon residence, Main 18 i M, K. Hall residence. Main 62 OR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORE Osteopathic Pntuoiar Kirksv:lle Graduates, under Founder Office Sommtr Building Phones: Office Msin 65; Res. Main 64 J. , T. LE FEVRE, B. L. PHR M. D PhTSICIAM AND SUROEOR Call answered Day or Night Summerv'lle, Oregon Dr.H.Volf. Dr. F. Moormeister Pptsician Phvsiciar and suroeon amd surobom (Specialties: Suroert , AMD UlSEASEt OF WOMEN.I Offict:Corpt Building. TelsDhone Mai.iBO Residence of . Dr. Moormeister: Red 1712 Call Answered Day and Night. ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attobhiys-at-Lav l ORAMDE ' ' OREOOR Office in Folty Building H. T. Ailuams A, C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS ATTORMEYS-AT-LAV Offict in Ralston Building La Grande. Oregon ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS L. A. PICKLER Civil, Mimimo, Irrioatiom Emoimeerino AMD SURVEYINO Estimates, Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. La Gramde, Oreoom ABSTRACTERS J. R OLIVER Abrtract of Title. Fire Insurance Office in Sommer Building La Goande, Oregon. DENTISTS C. B. CAUTHORN DENTIST Office over Hill's Drug Store La Grsmdb. Oreoom VETERINARY SURGEONS DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON Offict at Hill's Drug Store, La Oranda Or Kesidence Phone Red, 701 Office Phone 1361 Farmer Lint 68 NURSES MISS ANNA CARLSON NURSE Phone Farmers 19 2x4 wwTTww w' w ww Vrvseeeeeeeeeeeseaeeee $ t tttj Our Photos . BRAW ATTENTION , There's one wav to sret that is by coming to our studio and inspecting the work f we aoj uur talk here will hot give you an idea nor will anyone else's, pome and see. 7 We never substitute inferior papers in bur work, consequently our photos have that exquisitelflnish every one desires. ' ( j Prices Moderate. H . J: RITTIDR Photographer etttttttetttttttttttttttf WORK GUARANTEED , , SANTTADV J-IX IX X I 11V X Is as essential In your home as "thV do .tor, our work;;.; Executed In workmanlike manner anj pp. jved saniUry standards. Carryln a comlu f'!ni of Bath Tubs, Sinks, Toilets, Lavatory, aid a'l plumbinsj fixtures. , G. W. O'NEIL ft MM Jt t tttTa ta eta a a a a a B. W. NOYES NOYES Electric Supplies LAMPS and HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Phont Rd61 Comer Fir and Adam Avtnut W.th L C. Smith in crtamtry building ! A child ouicklv erasDS t characters. But it often uieir value, iou can greatly assist the child in learn j ing the value of a dollar. How? By having him or her open a savings account with this bank, and by en S couragingthe saving habit. s THE EASTERN OREGON a OBTPlrFDC ii ii " ' 2 F.M. BYRKIT, President GEO. L. CLEAVER. Cashier MllllllllliltllM.Ml.Ml. A DELICIOUS DINNER Without Precedent can be served on your Dinner table if you would call and examine our lines of Heinz pickled goods. We carry his complete line. Then we have pop corn that will pop. Delicious Booth oysters are sold here too. Then we have a hundred other assessories that make a record breaker dinner. THE CITY GROCERY ANDgBAKERY E. P0LACK, Propr. acorret idea at nnr wnrir La Grande, Ore. ttttttOtttattttttttftw4 PRICES REASONABLE DI T TftroT t J. JUrVlVll) i V '''1 ' f . ' '. t . EPHONK RED ' 161 a - MtlMMMt; JOHN HALL & HALL : A1 t Dealer io tttttttttttttt the meanino nf th ahnvs takes a lifetime to appreciate TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK Wm. MILLER. Vice President ! . T. J. SCROGGIN. Asst Cashier 1 r J.HULMES,Treaeurer, J 4 4m I .' 5 .' t.t. r u t '!