y .1 I ... .... ' ' I t ? 'I 3 'WMWHiU T LA GRANGE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. JANUARY 24 1907 YltiTLtY, THE n NUMBER, .W.ni MAR SHAL flflD" Of HID, SHOT tlcripp Nw. Association) London. Jan. 24 Whitely, the Marshal sld'tJEngland, was assassinated this 'ralntyari unknown man." Whitely. who owns th ' largest " mail ler house. in England, had been closeted th an unknown men flvovir sa huui as he opened fie door to his private ce,he was heard to say. "I can't ue the matter say longer. I will call ptXA. Whitely had no more than he words when the unknown man revolver and fired. The first et took effect and fulfilled its errand. Is a second shot missed the proprie- and hit a customer who was a spec if to the prelude to the shooting. ' e ifter pulling the trigger twice, the Resin turned the gun upon himself but wound was not fatal. He was hur- to the hospital where -very- ejfFort fs. store.- being made to revive him. . It is reported that he told the authorities at the hospital that his name ie Cecil Whiteley. , "Hj is my rawer, and I killed him", said the man on the cot. ' ' ' In an effort to prove' the' truth of statement, the two sons of the 'assassin ated store man were called to the hospital but both agreed that they had never seen him, and knew nothing of him. Whiteley started a small store years ago and yesterday was receiving ; an an nual income of two hundred thousand pounds annually. The business which he conducted compares - with ..the Marshall Field of ; Chicago, and ; was called the 'Whlteley's Store." -The Universal Pro vider" is what Whitely liked to term him self. 4It is said that every article made on the earth, could be purchased in this X CHABGfDWIin PtRJURY (Observer Special) Baker City. Jan. 24. The trial of Aim Widdowson. held for the murder of , Wih ard Moody several months ago, is pro gressing tcday with little sensational dis closures. By noon three witre&sss had been called but nothing of particular in terest was divulged. ' v ' ,'.f j - BROWN.ARRESTED Lata last evening, the most sensational ' instance in the trial so far, occurred when the distr ct attorney suddenly caused the arrest of Rollia Browr. Briwri hi-) hen on the stand and during the cross exam ination, the startling , fact .wte liaited. mim or Mrs. wooDfit j The funeral of the late Mrs. ,UabaUe MurchisoU Woodell. w.fe of J. L! Woode.l. who died in this city Saobath evening, took place from the family home near Summerville. Tuesday, Jan 22, 19(57, at 11 a, r. Rev C B, Hays of the Presby terian church of this city officiating. The funeral was very larg and the interment took place in the Summerville cemetery. The deceased leaves a husband, and five children 'who hive the heartfelt sym pathy of the ent're community at this time of th( bereavcmkhL 'r . The deceased was born May 4, 1850, and became the wife of Mr. J. L. Wo4! (AgROiL SUIT A6A1HST I I iIIT jiniltv n t t m as i w I III H i 1 1 11 1 1 A RJ V A A I FJ 1 1 II i iUUIIMUPirAni AUAIlVUr A . II. 1 A9A H . U i Ijtm Lima nf thm inniiHt RmwH UmA. " 11, JOu. n m TMUIl Dl mil union nine cmiaren were oorn or whom ; five survive, James, Hattie, Edward, Etta, and Claud.-Mrs. Woodell was . tovad by testified on'several .nattere, exactly at he Knew it. Last night, when on the stand he admitted to the cross examiner that W . BRYAH it" P New Ami.'latlnn) mJn 24 William J Bryan SPOKE his parents had advised 'him.-and eveni' 1r8' rclecfecquaintances.. . The sun ordered him to change hi testimony when. ,h,M of h,r llfe made h,r hoP'tb' m he appeared on the witness sund m th. , P,,M whr blh yun nd o! w,rt trial. No sooner was the statement made, 'd 10 :nd hr influence and than the district attorney ordered his ar-1 rokhwl dvlM 'Y ought and rest and Sheriff Rand formally served thr 1n con'deratipn. .. ..... summons, locking him up in the oounty TH-W ,nHTINIir , jail. He ie still retained there aft no pre- . R,A'- COHTWUli liminary trial has as yet been given him. 8crlppe Newe Association) The district attorney ie preparing , an in-f Hew York, Janv 24 The Harry Thaw Tormauon or perjury agamet mm and from trail was resumsa today. -..me prisoner all appearances, the sentence) heaped up and members ' of his family appeared on one eonmitting perjury writ, be read rather nervous. His mother was not in i over me young man. 1 he trial or brown -has now practically superceded that of Widdowson' in public interest. ' Ira Brown, co-defendant with Widdow son, and sharged jointly of' committing the terrible murder, will. be, tried after'thel Widdowson trial. 'is disposed, of. Th state has forty witnesses and is confident that' conviction will be (.toured. ' ' District Attorney Leroy Lomax of Baker county, and hi partner in law, Mr, An derson, have filed a new suit against the Grands Ronde Electric Company, for iuiu Carrol, administrarix for th estate of Leonard Carrol deceased. On the 28th day of August, 1903. Leon ard Carroll was killed by coming In con tact with a live wire while working on th Frank Hsmpe ranch. Th wir had been broken about twenty-four hours, so it is lieged In th complaint One end wae hanging in th branch of a trt in such manner that it wa obseurtd from vJsw,' and by accidentally coming in contact with this wire, Carroll wa killed. Soon after that a u)t for five thousand dollar was brought against th Grand Ronds Electric Light Company, but Circuit Judge i th court rrom.' held ibeh oj (he, legislature for over an i.r.is morning wnne aaaressing a crowd in redresentative hall, ac nied by Governor Chamberlain he ven a grand ovation. He spoke on eoryof the government's advoc- (h initiative and referendum power ,llln!Ublic officials. " He attacked poration". ' . longratulated Oregon on the pop- ection of her United States senat- thanked (he Democratic mem- votir.g for .the Pepuhliean who ie choice of the peoplay He also for led the rai'i & tcmrrission a. PEACE PROTECTORS (Scr.'pps Newe AasodatlOD) '' " Washington Jan 24 The House Com inittee on naval affairs today recommend'1' ed the construction of a first class battle ship of not less than 20,000 tons to cost $10,000,000 in addition to the author ized last year. Two torpedo boat des troyers $3000,000 for submarines an ad dition of 5000 Blue Jackets and 930 marines. ' ' . LEGISLATURE ADJOURNED . (Serlppe News Association) Salem Jan 24 Both house of the leg islature adjourned after Bryan' speech until Monday. - SHIRPING STOCK TO WALLOWA . . It is nothing unusual to see many car of stock shippsd out of Wallowa county but Polk Mays of Joseph. i .today taking ten car of stock to Elgin, and from there they will be herded to his ranch In Joseph. Mr. Mays hat a. la g ranch in Shanak and as feed is scare there and hay plen tiful in Joseph, he ha decided to take the fUNERAL - StRVKES Jason Hunter, a brother of th lata W cattle to his Joseoh. and there fatten them . Huntr- "hose home ie in Beuhla, Mai. neur buuuty, im expubiaa w nrriva in u Grande tonight, and if he does, th entire f. ,U ..-t... Mil 1 T - O'Sullivan are in charge of the stock. LARGE STALLION ' The Thompson horse dealers' of ' Boise have shipped a splendid Belgium stallion to a slock company in Wallowa county, While under the ordinary height he weigh twenty-two hundred pounds. Clifford ; u. n.J family of th deceased will be her. " Th funeral i at on o'clock tomorrow after noon from the Hunter residence. From there the remains will be carried to the church, by a cortege of city officials, Elks and citizens, where church services will and spent several hours in the city this morning, i , " , - r i i 1 'I ! Dress 1 lis '" '4 I s VI wooo or co.se is in cnarge or me animal ' prompt, at noon tomorrow th Elk will leave their hall in this city and take carriages to Island City to, b .present a the services. A large number of La Grand citizens are making arrangements for carriages to - convey them to the Islapd.. . .. ..v'- We have just received from New York, a line Of the late skirts, these are beyond a doubt one of the best line of skirts on the market Dress Skirts in Fancies This incuces all he nov lities in plaids, checks and mixed material . Very latest workmanship. , .' . beautiful line ranging in price to $25.00 Skirts in Blacks , -birtc arp. verv strong ior Imas, voiies uiiu tiiooiiw. ... Very best material this season especially mf the' lighter 'grade as h ov without silk drop skirts Values to $40.00 Vcrgcrc No. 32 Jim tJif?j Phone Black 13)1 ' STOCK ASSOCIATION S','1l'( Nw Aanvlatlon) Denver. Cjlorado, Jan. 24. The West- em Live Stock Association opened its an nual show in the Union Stack yards here today The entries of cattle and hc'gs are much larger than. any previous show held by the association but sheep showasma decrease. The attendance, of breednrs, stockmen and the general puhlic is very large. Judging tor the valuable prizes will begin this afternoon and. tomorrow will be agricultural so'lege day. Sales of ordinary cattle will commence on Monday, and on Tuesday the pure bred cattle wi go under the auctioneer's hammer. DISTRIBUTING QUAIL oi'Tlppa Nfws AMueinuon ) Trenton, N J. Jan. 24 The Board of Fish and Game Commissioners of this state are about to purchase one thousand dozen quail ..which w II he distributed all over the state to replenish the fas", disappear ing flocks. U has oe.n decided to pur chast a many of the birds as possible from Indian Territory where tiey are still plentiful. So great has been the destruction of fish and game owing to the ineffective laws that the fish and game committees of both the House and Senate of the Legislature are about to discuss bills relative to the matter. Eakin threw It out of court because of lack of evidence.. Th case was appealed to th supreme court which sustained th Now a new suit ha been filed by th Baker City attorney which will be heard at th next sssslon of th circuit court - ; . . ' , WANT FEES Wm. Mcllroyand C RHibbard.rls. tat agent of Elgin, have filed suit against J A. Brown tor th recovery of $180, which amount 1 alleged to du. for., ser vices in selling a csrtain parcel of land. ' . ; . MARRIAGE .LICENSE , County Clerk Gilham ha Issued marriage license to Robert Smith and Fanny Leoti Gordon of Elgin. ITAUAR TOOK DEPOSITS - i v ' v ' ' V .; v S " A SOUTKtRH CAME PREStRYt Scrlpps New AaaocUUoni .Chicago, Jan. .24. V. .JPillarell,, aged forty, and an Italian who is said to be manager of Italian banks in a number of large cities, was arrested this, morning at th instigation of th polic . P YdOngs- town, Ohio.' H I charge with- fleeing with deposits to th amount of seven hundred. The Italian wa takan with ap psndicitis and th illnsss at th hospital caused ths detection. v tlCHT GRADE EXAN1NAT10NS ' v. . Eight grade examination ar being held thruout the county and willoontmu thru tomorrow: :'About on hundred ar tak ing th examinations. (Sorlpp Newe Association) ., . M. New York Jan. 24 At a meeting of the Leagut of, American Sportsmen today -. it was finally decided to organize I JcIub '" to crat and hold a'- earn pressr in North Carolina . Th dlrator of thr v , club' will be Gen. Jarrfts A, Buchanan, U. S. A. Frank J. Price, John J. Ambry, Dr. R. ;j..Held. O W Wonder, Bosch. Evan Fhelby.t Admiral Roolyand William Henry Halt. A rtport wa read from a committee, which. , ha inspected several prope'tiss in North Carolina and It wa decided to purchase a large tract of land near Cape Hattara for a wild fowl pre serve, and to leas a large tract nar Greensboro for a quail pressrve.1 tv' ' : I .. tit ri v Pride of Grande Ronde J' . Th product of th Imblsr flouring mill situated in th very heart of th best wheat land in Grande R9nd yalley. consequently th beet flour., A trial will convince you of its superonty. - .. .- Insist on having your order filled with '.hi brand orth , same mill.- Patant" f rom thi ; For sal by all first class dealers. Don't submit to any substitution. ; -.1 t Pride of Grande Ronde l At ... . y- ' TV -l - i "i uomestic or - (HEW HINESE TREATY PORT (Srrlpps News Association! Washington Jan 24 Nan-King on the West river has been' opened 'as a treaty port today. The Customs Commission at Wu Ccu is making the necessary arran gements. The port is one of the most important in China as it can be described as the key of the country, TEACHERS' MEETING SATURDAY Saturday Jan. 26 is the dat set for th teachers' meeting on that date prac tically all the teachers of the county will be present. The county superintendent has arranged an instruciiv program. 0 j STEAM i PHONE MAIN e La Grnle, Polish l WE LAUNDER YOUR SHIRTS, COLLARS AD CUFFS WITH fITHER FINISH JfOU DESIRE. ; V WORK CALLED TOR AND DELIVERED A.B.C. L A4UNDRY r v m p.. i' . J . DINHER fOR TWO depends lor its success upon three things. First, yocr companion, second, the dinner, third the service. You p.ck out the companion, we supply '. ", ' THE DINNER AND SERVICE If you do your pari a well as we do ours, the meal will be me of the bright espisodes in your life. We are ready for th test when ever you are. p-rrr. , l THE MODEL RESTAURAN J. A. Arbuckle Proprietor T -i ': . - .. ir ; . . s v - ' t: j -,1 v (. ' ' 1 4- .'S 1 I 'i j We