f 5r IttSlDUtHi AS DOPITD BY THE COUNCIL s Continued from page 6 the Recorder on the return of the war- passed over a v't0 way" have U" date rant. At inv tllTtA within VMM I hannjf s luded '"i special purpose, 1 JCTn the general fund of the i provided that the Council may it ate other funds for specific pur f es or for Improvements. ,Mir of Assessing Taxes. 1 ec. 64. All taxes, except as in this iTter otherwise provided, shall be L levied and entered upon the i itttt of Union county, Oregon, in I , cordance with the general laws of I hi, State of Oregon, relating to tne t ...mtmt and levying of taxes, in 5 rce at the time of the assessment, fn:-,d shall be collected by the same L.-Aner pollecttna- County taxes In said jfmlofrAcounty. and at the same time !,.! uU county taxes are collected L'Jjt .hall be paid over to the City rwasurer of the City of LaGrande. fron demand, as provided by law ..tuorliad bv Ordinance. Sec. 57. Immediately alter me CSounty Clerk of Union county shall furnrticn, a.certlfica'e showing the ag tif. Jlti valuation of the assessable Hfoperty wunin me cny "" City of laQrande, as provided by law. rtinll be the duty or me council m ini hv ordinance. annuHiiy, iev such taxes and assessments as earn fnunrll mav consider necessary, not TiVJtnR the limit fixed fh this char- . . . i.. ih. mama in hff Certl- xer. una uoc - - t Jed to' the County Clerk of Union fcounty--and the same shall be there after proceeded wi n as provided by the general laws or me cime i gon relating to the mode of making assessments, collecting and payment of taxes. - Delinquent Taxes Bear Interest, f Sec. 68. ' AH reneral or special taxes levied as provided and authorized by 'in. i. rhur r anil not certified to the f County Clerk, and all assessments for the opening, extension, imii'' forrepalr of streets or alleys, or tor the lavlna of sewers or drains, and f every part thereof, shall bear lnter- 4 est at the legal rate from tne "me i same are due and payable until paid or collected, and the Treasurer mus. ; nniioni th same and place the same to the credit of the proper tani of the city. c:- Tim for Payment. Sec 59. The Council sjiust provide by ordinance wlttiln what time such ..... npsmpnts as are not cer tified t.o the Courity aerk according kA nmvlslons of section 57 shall i be paid td the Treasurer, and all taxes r-pald to the Treasurer within such time are inereancr S and must be collected as sucn. B. ...... .1 Ti Roll. " . . .u.. Sec. 60. Within five days irom i : expiration of the time limited for pay ing taxes to the Treasurer, the Treas rr must return the tax roll to the i Council, distinguishing thereon the amount of taxes paid and those re . Training unpaid. ' Warrant Directed to Chief of Police. Sec. 61. The Council must there after order the Recorder to deliver the tax roll to the Chief of Police, and : thereto a warrant m- laaup And annex v .ho rhlef of Police, com "manding him to proceed forthwith to collect the delinquent la" such roll in 'he manner provided by .-a .. .v nme to the Trens'tr- ....,k. ..iih the costs of coller- 7' Hip wnrriftt with his lion una . . doings thereon, nnd th r-c.pi .u Treasurer, to 'he Recorder. Warrant Deemed to Be Execution. Sec. 62. The warrant for the pur cose of collect in? -UC delinquent Les and as-.r-sn-erts sl.all b, deem Id as execution, nnd s'nll have the 'force and KTart .hereof r In.t any person, firr- or cr.oraiion .XRlnrt whom st-n taxes or ssPmen ' are ,evled nnd ch-r?ed on the. tnx ro 1 and "nl "turn,d like t ianner. . m Raal Prooerty. y m jw v V o.. is? The vnrrnnt must i theraaftfi thm nwvna wnnaM " vira "K1 sold, or bis legal representative, t eniitiea to a warrant on the Treasur er for such surplus.' True Consideration Named. Sec. 68. In case of a sale of per sonal property for delinquent taxes, the true consideration thereof shall be expressed In the bill of sale therefor. and the return of the person execut ing the warrant must specify sucn consideration and the name of the pur chaser. Alias Warrant; Costs of Collection. Eec. 69. The Council may provide by ordinance .within what time . a warrant for the collec'lon of delin quent taxes or assessments must be returned, and may order an alias war rant to Issue for the collection of any such taxes or assessments not made on a previous one. All costs and charges for collectlni delinquent taxes or assessmen's must be made on the warrant, and collected as part of the ax or assessment. ' The Council 4 may prescribe, by ordinance, fees and com pensation for collecting delinquent taxes, but the same shall In no case be p'lld out of the treasury. Prooerty Not Sold for Less Than Taxes; Advertise Certificates of Sale. Sec. 70. AH property subject to ,.n exeeutlnn ts subject to levy oon a warrant for the collection of deliiiT'ent taxes or assessments, and ilso all property subject to assess ment for taxa'ion as provided In this charter whether the same be exempt 'rom execu lon or not. Provided, that nronertv shall not be sold for less than the tax or assessment assessed tfralnst It: and if such amount is not hid. the Chief of Police, or officer exe cuting the warrant, shall strike tne nit to the el v for said amount. or return the same delinquent, as may be directed by the Council. The Re corder may thereafter, if the same be strueu off to the city, assign certifi cates to any one paying the price hprefor that Is required for tne re demption of such property. And the Recorder shall, once each year, uniu t-hA cltv obtains a deed, advertise and ntrar snlit certificates for sale, but In no case selling them for less than tne amount renulred to redeem said prop erty, until the city obtains a deed, and annually thereafter he shall advertise .all lnna fflf IP. City a 8eparate Road District; Road Taxes Collected Therein. Sec. 71. For the purposes of the assessment and collection of road taxes, the territory wl-hln the corpor- .i. limit, of said Cltv of Lauranae is hereby constituted a road district of Union county, Oregon, and tne street superintendent, or o'her officer of said city who has charge of the repair of streets and highways wunin saio vi.y. Is hereby made road suoervisor tw said district, and all taxes for road purposes within the corporate limits .!, n,han m mthi finaii uo or paia vivj. " paid to the Treasurer of ald city, and .kail h nv Mm Kem in Ine Ba "' nun" w n..i. i.j tnr road and street pur poses within said distri.:-, ana n.M onf hv him UDin a warrant drawn on said fund by order of hfc Council of said cltv. When tne oau taxes of said district shall no he levied or assessed by the county court of Union county, Oregon, tna stretn superln'emlcnt. or other otlieer nav Ing charge of the repair of the streets and highways therein, sna.i ,.n,.rvliuir of suld district collect the road taxes for said distrlc. In Ihe same manner as uch tuxes are collected tl: r ro-td districts In said toun y. County J. ruADTEB NINE OF MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS be ..... rr inn isvled n any real prune. "rson. firm or corporation aln,t whom the tax Is Ud or charged o sufficient thereof to satisfy rant. Including fees of officers i and all expenses of sale and executing the warrant. Owner Unknown. pee 64 In case of a delinquent tax or assessment levied UP real prop pr . ... h. owner un- erty in tne nn..i - In. the warrant shall be executed . .. each lot or pari S - . P-er,y for the ux levied thereon, and c"iR "-'" ntely. t:r;rwh;;Vopcr.y...o!d .xes the Chief oi r tor aeio.t um - . ..iiver la thepur- llce shall mKe u..u - - -- chaser, upon the payment to Wm of flftv cent (50 cenls) for mr u-..-.. -the cU" a cerinca-e of sale thereof thereafter, If ' m-otKrty. and the be n0' r r deemed a deed .hall be executed. In r fhe"ame manner and at he Pro- vlded. to conform to the general tax , ih. a ate of Oregon. Psdemption of R" Property. Sec. 66. Keal properly sold for U ..nnuent txe. may be redei nied provided lh ' " the State of Oregon. 1 Surplus P'd to Owner. Sec 67. Whenever any proper. V sofdVr delinquent taxeyha" br n more than ,he and the costs and charges oi v tlon. the -rPh,. must b the Treasurer, and the Vy To Bird the City on Contract. u.... '. The I'll v of Latirariue .. not be bo-nd by any contract, or in, any way ll.ible thi-r.on, unless the same 1' authorized by orilnance. and made In writing, and by order of the Council and slmed by the Mayor and Recorder. But an ordinance may au thorize any officer or agent of the l... naml..r him, to bind tne cu without a contract In writing for the .....n.Mni ..f anv sum of money no 1 1 T.v Hundred und Fifty exueruiiin - " Dollars (J260.00). .;.tin at Money. pp,H ... - , ... Tl. No money snu. re from the treasury except in puru nt an .noroDrlatlon for tnai pur- . o,i hv the Council at a reu , .w.nn thereof and on a warrant llir in'-B - signed by the Mayor and uecoroer. , T.S.t on and HSCSl Tr. Limn vi - - - .... , . , tj tiim fiscal vear or mis tuy shall commence m the second day of . ... ...h vrnr. and flunng h.j JUII1...1J . ' ueh year the rates or genem. --pocial tiix.s levied must not exceed in the aggrega-e twenty (20) mills on the dollar on the assessed valuation f property wr.mn iu. Officers Prohibited Prom wn.r.v..... With the City. Sec. 75. No member of the Council r other officer of the city sna.. In erested In any contract or work. ,he expenes of which are to be paid t of the city treasury. Style of Ordinance; tn.mB ... Pec. 76. The style "t every ordl- nance shull I: . . , a... orrinln as follows . and i,ninoe all warrant. Issued by me sr.... by vinu. the prowslonvof thl. charter, or of any." -" 1n ,he name of the cry Union cnty. rPon ...k" nnre hall lake efix-t unu, P--"-i a nsarsnaner. or post- by prinunf .n - ,. cltv. nd until some u.. the ordinance; provided, an ordinance City Licenses; Exempt From Tax. " ' Sec. 77. No person paying a license to the City of LaOrande In order t carry on any business or avocation within the city llmt a tor which li cense is required by this charter, or by any ordinance, shall be required to nav a license tax to the county au thor!' iel 0 union county for the same purpose; provided, that when a bond t reaulred to be riven to the county for obtaining any license such bond amount ahd manner must be given to the City of LaGrande; and proviaen, further, that peddlers' licenses shall not exempt one from obtaining county licenses when peldllng both within and wllhou' the city. Official Undertakings. Pec. 7. Th Council shall by ordi nance fix the amount of the official undertaking of each and every officer of the cltv or other person who may be required by this charter or by any ordinance to execute and me an om- clal under' aklnar: provided, that there be not less 'ban two sureties or an approved Indemnity bonding company upon each and every undertaking. Published Statement. Sec. 79. It sfall be the duty of the Mayor and Council of the Cfy of La Orande to cause to. be published In nubllshed In said cltv. seml-annuai i:ui;u.S . . financial condition of said city, show ing the amoun's received and dis; hnrse.l In each six months, such state- menta to be verified by the certificate of the City Recorder. This Charter Competent as Evidenoe. Sec. 80. This charter shall be a earn ed a public charter and may be reaa i.t arltknut nroof. and III . 1 1 1 V . I. .. ..... Judicial notice shalf be taken thereof In all courts and places. Limitations of Contracts - and fran chises. S m. The Council Shalt not au thorize the making of any contract for a continuous service for a longer Dertod of time than three years, but nt tnr th fulfillment of a specl- fln ! or the Dayment of a debt snail ha HmltpA tn not exceeding twenty vnnrs. No franchise snail be graniou for a longer period of time tnan twenty-five years. Limitation of Indebtedness. Sec. 82. Except as' otherwise ex nre.xlv nrovlded or permitted by this charter, the indebtedness of the City of LaGrande must never exceed, in the aggregate Twenty-five Thousand Dollars (825,000.00) In floating In debtedness, and bonded indebtedness T.iv.n Thousand Dollars (125,- 000.00) on City Hall, and bonded In- Miiu on water wows wy Thnn.mV nollara MS0.000.OOO), ano mieh indebtedness as may be author kv . vote or the tax-payers on ..i works, sewers, s'reets, electric . ttirhtimr svstems. and other public Improvements. n..nHinfi Warrants. Sec. 8S. The Council Is authorised and directed by this charter to refund the outstanding warrants against the ..iwnl fund, bv Issuing time war rants payable at stated times in tne future, the ra-e of Interest not to ex ceed six per cent, per annum, or as .,,r.i. ipan a. ihe council snail ae termlne. Prohibited From Issuing Warrants In ' Excess of Revenue. Sec. 84. The Council, during any fiscal year, shall not Issue warrants onSi nnv fund of :he city In excess of the revenue hat muy be collecteJ for any particular fund . during any such fiscal year; provided, that .war rants may be Issued at any tlioe as provided In section 83. not exceeaing the limit of floating Indebtedness as provided In section 82 of this charter. Succession to Property Interests; Con tracts and Ordinances Continued in Force. Sec. S5. All property, real nnd per sonal, rlahts, privileges and immuni ties, together with all books papers, .l.prin. natents. monies ana accounts, now held, possessed and en. (overt hv the present City or LA -kull hu nneruLion or .IMS ..(.al ter nass to and be held, possessed ,.nl,.v..rt l,v the U Y OI lunranrL q ereatPi; bv this charter, n.i,i nil eontracts heretofore entered Into by the said CHy of LaGrande are h.r.l.e continued In full force and er- fee as though granted by the City of I.nC.rnnde as created by tnls cnarier nil' lndebtednes Incurred by the sold City of LaGrande or the omciais (hereof In behalf of Said City of Grande, shall be and Is hereby assyim . k.. th. f'ltv of IxGrande. rs creal erl v.v this charter: and all ordinance ,.r resolutions not In conflict wl h the provisions of this charter at present In foree In said City of LaGranao, are r,.iled. conitnncd and con tlnued in full ''rce and effect, as though passed and granted by the Cliy "f LaGrande, as created by this char er. Incumbents in Office; To Hold. Sec. 86. The Incumbents in the om- res of Mayor. Treasurer, Recorder. Marshal. Councllmen. and a appoin tive omeers OI mr nu ui ... .k..n i. in ntllea when this char- I i shall take effect reanertlve offices until the ends of the i terms for whlrh they shall have been repeclvely elected or appointed, and until their respective successors snan rave been elected or appointed and qualified. First Election of Omeers; Annual Meeting of Council. Pec. 87. It Is hereby provided that Ihe first election under this charter for the election of Mayor, Treasurer and one Councilman from each ward, shall be on the second Monday In HarchK A. D.. 1107, and the An an nual meeting; of the Council uaetev tow charter ahall be held on the third Monday in March. A. D. 107. when officers elected shall qualify and sum their respective duties nnoer this charter, and they shall hold their respective offices until January s. lies, and until tbelr successor are laetaA anif Qualified: provided.'.' that alt bold-over Councllmen snail oon ttnue as such until the expiration of the term for which they wero elected. an the terms of office of tbel suc cessors shall expire on the second day of January. 1119. ' Tim. Charter Goes Into Effect. See. 88. This charter. Is adopted DJr tba leiral voters of the City, of La Grande, ahall to Into effect Immedi ately upon Its adoption, and be ana continue tn futl force and effect there after, nntll tegnlly amended or' re pealed, i Previous Charters Repealed. Sec. 13. Alt charters of the City or LaOrande. and all parts of charters heretofore existing, are, by the sdnotlon of this charter, hereby re pealed. '"""""""": i 0 BR Aw" ATTENTION! There's one way to get a corret idea of our work, that is by coming' to our studio and Inspecting the work wa Ad. Our talk her will not ifive you aft idea nor will anyo::e else's, come and see- -We never substitute Uiiciiui ;a(iei 9 mi vm nvi iv, ww.w- j have that exquisite finish' every one desires. Prices Moderate. . H . J . RITT JER PhotographeVv - 1 , ' La Grande, Ore. PHYSICIANS O. L ElOOERS M. D. t htsicias auu Cuoic;; . Office Ra ston Bid. over J.M.BeirjF' "tori t - ; 'WORK s , . - - f i ' v L ,. k. Si - ill 9 GUARANTEED PRICES REASONABLE SANITARY PLUMBiiVr Office Phone Black Residence Phone Red I5!l I00l J. H. HUBBARD. M. D. PHTilClAM AMD Su0t0K ' OFfi-:e in Slater Building. Cor, Fir Street and Jefferson Avenue. ' Phone Main 79 VR. A. U RICHARDSON Phtsici ko Suroio" Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office Phone 1 562 Residence Main 85 Is as N. MOLITOR M. D. PHYSIOIAN AMD 8UR0K0M O.. IJ.ini linnm and DsDOt St Office Main 68 Residence Main 68 I BACON & HAbu SUTSIOIAMS AMD gUHOEOMt Office in Foley Building, Phone Main 19 f. T Rimn residence. Main 18 M, K. Hall residene. Main 62 UR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORE : Osteopathic Phtsioiams Kiikv'.ll OraduaUt, under Founder ' Office Sommer Building ' DKnn.- Office Mines: Ret. Maine essential in your heme as th tio.to' OUR WORK Executed in workmanlike nunner an J "pp.jved sanitary standards. Carrying a comri '!n of Bath Tubs, Sinks, Toilets, Lava!:ry. ad all plumbing fixtures. G. W. O'NalL 1018 Washingtan Atenue t ni.timsmiilt TIP FFVRE. B. L. PHB. M. D Physician amd Suhoioh Calls answered Day or Night Summerrlla. Oregon Dr H.Volp. Dr. F. Moomwstm n ..,.w Physician mi SuDnaON AND SUROBOM (Specialties: Suroert AND DISBASH or WOMEN.) opR,.r.AKn Riiilrlira. Teleohona Maij80 Residence of Dr. Moormeister: Red 1712 Calls Answered Day and Night. B. W. NOYES N0YES& Dealers in X a e " "".EPH0NE RED 161 . , e JOHN HALL , j HAM 1 I II 1LSU ' T ' ' ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorney-at-Law Laorandb 0REOON Omce in Foley Building H.T. AltUAMS A. C. WILLIAMS WILLIAMS BROS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Ralston Building UGra.ide. re"n Electric Supplies LAMPS and HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Phone Red 26 1 ' Corner Fir and Adams Aver.ua W.th L. C. Smith in creamery building U A. PrCKLER Civil, Minino, Irrioatiom Enoinbhriho AND SURVEYINO Estimates, Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Bj:'ding. U Grande, ' OBE00W ABSTRACTERS J. R OLIVER Abrtracts or Title. Fire Insurance Office in Soinmer Building La Goande. Oregon. A child quickly grasps the meaning of the above -i d.,4. u nfi-on taVo a lifetime to aooreciate their value. You can greatly assist the child in learn- . ing the value of a dollar. How? By having him or her . open a savings account with this bank, and by en- couraeing the savingiabit. - j THE ASTERN OREGON TRUST AND SAYINGS BANK : OFFICERS . J F.W. BYRKIT. President W. MIL1.ER. Vice President . GEO. U CLEAVER. Cashier T. J. SCROGGIN, Asst. Cashier F J. HOLMES, Treasurer, Dentists Z. B. CAUTHORN dentist - Office over Hill's Drug Store La Grndb. ubiqo cRINARY SURGEON DR. P.-A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON shall hold their I Office at Hill's Drugstore, U Orand. Or Residence Phone Rod, 701 Office Phone 126) l-armer uneoo NURSES MISS ANNA CARLSON NURSE Phone Farmers 19 2x4 A DELICIOUS DINNER Without Precedent can be served on your Dinner table if you would call and examine our lines of Heinz pickled goods. We carry his complete line. Then we have pop corn that will pop. Delicious Booth oysters are sold-here too. Then we have a hundred other assessories that make a record breaker dinner. THE CITY GROCERY ANDJBAKERY E, P0LACK, Propr. I '4 S the warrant must BC - . h celpt therefor and Ale the ame with