V ( I I- It ;!....: ";V If 1 : OF THE CHOICEST IN THE . faii maidi and brave ' men the most cultured, the widest traveled. .... ....v.. j.u juujjo ntung tare for the table, can find naught but praise ae their ooinion of our tuple and fancy groceries or the luxuries prosperity permits. Our large buying and moderate pricing has much to do with putting groc eries of the best sort into the homes of people of ordinary means. A small trial order will convince you of the superiority of our store - and our sales methods. PHONE MAIN 46 QEbbES BRIT . NORTH FIR STREET ' UKtiS MAKIHG Persons wishing first class dressmak ing done promptly, at reasonable rates, should call upon Mrs. W. A. Bakjr, 1520 Hill Street! opposite new brick school house. Fit guaranteed. v WE SEll List your property with us if you want to sell. We don't talk much but we SELL. ' Thi Real Estate, Loam & Collection Co PURE LARD Is to be found at Stillwell & Company's market. Phone Main 16. ' J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder ' Dealer in Building Material ' Building Stone, Clean Coarse Sand and Gravel delivered. La Grande, Oregon Dro "a line, naming work, and I will narnesth3right Mice. IN A HURRY? THEN CALL THE TRANSFER MAN Ha will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it Day phone Red 761 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at youi service ROLLER SKATES Steel or Hemetite Rollers Sizes to fit all shoes L. C. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING STANDARD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE j id Mtun 4 SOMMER M. S lattery, Principal. M, Complete Shorthand, Typewriting, and Business Course ncTFNT tN-sTRUCTORS. tumrtiMi. Day and night session HOW Of GU MARSHAL'S SAU Notice ii harahv slaan that by virtue of a warrant and order of sale, to me directed and made and nitued by the Recorder sf the City of La Grande, Oregon, upon a certain lien for assessment oo the following described lot and parcel of land on Fourth Street in said city, for the improvement of a portion of said Street which said lien u duly mad, and declared by the Common Council of said city, and was duly entered in the docket of City liens of said citv nntha Srd da of September 1906, and which said lien was and is in favor of the City of La Grande. Orecon. and acainst laid lot and parcel of land, and is for the amount here inafter set out with the costs thereon, 1 have levied uoon. and will c Saturdav. the 23d day of February. A. D. 1907. at 1 0 o clock a. m. of said day. at the office of the Citv Martha! of aaid Citv in tha Fire Department Building, in the City of L.a lirande, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder thereior, for cash in hand, the -following described lot and patcel of land, to wit: Lot (1) One. Block (SO) Thirty. Arnold and Drav'sAdd. to satisfy said sum of $23.60 with costs and securing costs. . Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this Jan uary 21st, A. D. 1097. L Rayburn. Ci'y Marshal of La Grande, Oregon. iWltfOf CITY MARSHAL'S SALE Notice is heraby given that under and bv vfrtue of a warrant and order of sale to me directed and mane ana utausu ujr the Recorder of the City of La Grande Oregon, upon a certain lien for assessment on the following described lot and parcel of land on Fourth Street in said City, for the improvement of a portion of said street which said lien was duly made and de clared by the Common Council of said City and was dulv e ntered in the Docket of City lain of said City on the Srd day of September 1906, and which said lien was and is in favor of the City of La Grande, Oregon, and against sari lot and parcel of land, and is for the amount hereinafter est out with the costs thereon, 1 have levied upon, and will on Saturday, 23rd day of February A D 1907. at 10 o'clock A M of said day. at the otice of the City Marshal of said City, i? the Fire Depart ment Building, in the City of La Grande, Oregon, sell at public auction to the high est and best bidder therefor, for cash in hand, the following described lot and parcel of land, to wit: Lot two (2) Block (31) Thirty-one, Arnold and Dray addition, to satisfy said sum of $23,60 with costs and accuring costs. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this Jan uary 21st, A D 1907. L. Rayburn, City Marshal of La Grande Oregon WISE COUNSEL fRON THE SOUTH I int tn ma some valuable advije to those who uff er with lame back and kidney trouble, say J. K. uiannensnip oi 'l hnvm nrovftd to ft!) abftO- lute certainty that Electric Bitters will ositively cur this distressing conoiuon. ii.. ni hnttla nan ma craat relief and 111,. vw..--- . -.. . tmai mora bottles. I WIS completely cured; so completely th 't becomes a pleasure to rawmmaiiu great remedy, aoia unuer t Newlin drug store, rnca ous,. THE RIGHT NAME ' t Chrn thft txDu!ar over- 1T1I . nuM r r Kort M&difton. la. nays: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are l. i w. atnan rnv arx mail mu i acaui t. j! .1. mnA maLt on ftat better .i nar i.iativa." Guaranteed to kihnninau and constioation. 83c at VUIV ' Newlin drug etofe. ( . CURED Of LUNO TROUBLE It is new eleven years since I had narrow escape from consumption, writes C O.Floyd. a businessman of Kerehaw, S C. ' I had run down in weight to 136 pounds, and coughing was constant, both by day and by night. Finally I. began . ' n- tr.'. Mui n ir.nvarv. and continued this for about six months, when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and 1 was restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds. Thousands of per sons are healed every yesr. OwrutMd at Newlin drug store. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. BUILDING La Grande, Oregon e REASONABLE TERMS. . The I S A MARVEL OF BEAUTY I Come and hear this latest production of I Talking Machine Co. ! A. B; (GbASSif IEB ADS Rates--On cent a word, one-half a cant a word each subsequent inser tion. Classified adds bring quick result. .Try one today. i'.ett,,',,,,,,M"" .)R RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLES go to the La Grand Inest inont Company, La Grande Ore, in Foley building. OR SALE Eight ecus, ai room nous barn, place for chicken or hog,-ll Kind of fruit and plenty, of water, Locat- ad aaat of flourins mill. Apply at premise or dddres. Johh Gavan, La Grand Oregon. , . UR SALE Five room house and one lot. on Third Street. Qrandy' Addition. A rood barn. A bargain for the on who acta first, lnouir of H. P. Lcwit at enrnar Srd and D Streets, or of Lewis Bros. .OR SALE Cheap for cash, a snap. - Three full lots and four room house cellar and barn, on sood corner. Prop- arty located on southeast corner of Greenwood and Hill Street. Address W. M. Amdis,600 E 18th Street, Port land, Oregon. OR RENT On furniehed room. Hot and cold water, bath and all modern conveniences. Inquire of Mrs. Simmons, c.rner 8th and N. WANTED Gentleman or lady to travel for Mercantile Hous of large capital. Territory at horn or abroad to suit If desirable the home may be used as headquarter. Weekly alry of $1,000 per year and expenses. Address, Jos A. Alexander, La Grand, Ore, FOUND A long chain was found near the A. B. C. Laundry. Owner may have same by calling at this office and payine fifty cents for this notice. Into each life some sorrow must fall; Wise people don't sit down and saw); On v f oo a suicide or take to merit: Smart rjeoDle take -iocky Mountain Tea r niirni Newlin Druo Company UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT I have leased the Centinnal Hotel build' Iing and those desiring board and room or either seperately can be secured at reas- I onabl prices. Mrs C Shaw. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms private family. Phone 41. FOUND A girl's braclet, with initial engraved, on Adams avenue. Owner can have same by paying'ror this ad and . identifying the property. l ARM FOR RENT 500 acres well imnrAKAil S milaa from laland Citv -..k r.nt Nona hut -alinKIa nartiaa need apply, lnquir at Adcock & J'riU furnitur tor. La Grand. STOLEN-From my place fiv miles north of Union, one bay saddle and j satisfaction in their table 8UD buggy hors about 8 year old weigh jjeg m meat8 should try Our .bout 11 hundrd has a littl. whit ' rnaca ctAakR. and where the back band works. Branded on left shoulder in shape .of rocking chair the brand is dim now. He it in clined to be lame in left shoulder. He was taken about the 1 0th. of Novem ber. I will give fifty dollars for Infor mation that w.ll lead to the convictioq of the thief. John Boyo, Union. New HUELA REAL ESTATE LOANS Any amounts on citv and country real estate. Loans dosed promptly, a soon a title l ap proved. La Grand Invutment co PAHY. MONEY For loan on city property see - A. rM . M I 1 . . . , wm, urani agency, aiso reai nwm and insurance. FOR RENT Fiv room hous with alaetric liirhta and citv water. Good location. Inquire of Gedde Bros. FOR RENT Two front bedrooms Raaaonahla tarme. Corner Main and third Street. Phon Red 661. FOR SALE Good business location, boarding and rooming house. Inquire at thi office. ' FOR RENT Three furnished room for lioht housekeeoins. Phon Red 261 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms in suites of two. three or four, in central loca tion. Also four room hous. Phon Rd B73 or call at U19 Adam Ave. LOST A gold locket finder pitau turn to this offlc.' FOUND Two log chain, found nar th rajlroad crossing at th A. B. C. Laun dry, war left at th Observer omce. whr th ownr may cur th same. FOR RENTFurnished rooms for light hnnaakaaninir. AdoIv at corner of O, and 8th Street, 1402 O St. BORK Three miles east of La Grande Jan. 22. to Mr. and Mr. Wm. Bork a on. LOST A cold watch Sunday. Findr please leave same at thi office and re ceive reward. Red 411 Joe Kino, WOOD FOR SALE 200 cords of good dry, 4 ft. wood. Leav orders with the imdaralonad or John Anthony. J L Bartmess. Our Ghoice, Tender, Juicy Meats Prompt and Satisfactory service, and popular prices are our winning cards, with thpm fiYDeCt tfl kfieD On winn na gide aS W6 find them tO be invincible with the public. IThOSe whO are not getung prime roasts, steaks, and r.hoDS. as we know we can please the most fastidious. KR0USE BROS Phone Main 43 iu mastm A!! hir.ds ef RALSTON BLDG. i LODGE DIRECTORY EAGLES -La Crande Aerie S6SF.0 f. meets Fricay mthtinEIk nail, at 8 d m. . Visiting brhren nvited to attend , ... J..H. Pr W. P. I . I ft fl V ta Grande Lodee No. 16, meets 'in their hall every Saturday night. Vl.ltinn Vtrnthara cordially Invited to at- tmnA r.amataru rjlat maV O Sn t Model Restaurant E. B. MoKiDDt, N. O. P.E.CQX. Sc STAR ENCAmrMcNl, no. '. O. F. Meet vry first and third Thur- . ... . t I 1 kail riava in tna montn in uqq rtiwwi 1 1. E. rUWLIRi M, ' D. E. Cox, Scribe. ' M W. A. La Grand Camp No. 770.X maata avarv MoMII evening at I. O. 0. B. halL Ail visiting niohknra ara cordial V invited to attend. F. B. Cuhhit V, C C.S. Williams Clerk. trnBPSTFRS Off AMERICA Court Mid Marion No. 09 maata each Wednes day nisht in Elk hall. Brother kra inwitad in atfand. Fn Wbioht Chief Panoar C .t Crotnaa Financial &afi. RnarH nf Tnntau tSr. fl L. BlOOER Oscar Beroer and Herbert Patterson FPlFluriCHtP TF.NT No. SI. K. O J Maata aaeond and fourth Wednesday tach month in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting alights welcome. n. u. tiau, U)m Mox Bloch, Recoro Keeper L.O. T. M. HIVENa 27. Meet evert first and third Thursday in th after noon at th Redmen hall. All visiting ladies ar welcome. M.,na I Ann ladv (Vimmandar. m c. Vessey. Kecord Keeper. B. P. O. E.. La GRANDE LODGE No AXX Maata aach Thursday avenlnff at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Urotnere ar ceraiauy invited to attend. E. W. Davis, Exalted Ruler G. E. McCully, Recording Secretary. r a noiunir rnrvtF. Nn 180. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet very Friday or aacn montn in tha K. of P. hall In the Corn building. All visiting members welcome. Fred Jacobs Consul ujmmanaer J. H. Keeney, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE. No. 27-Meet very Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corp building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights, N. L. Acklbs, C. C. R. Pattison. K. R. 6. S. RATH BONE- SISTERS RoweiaTm- ol No. 9 meets every Wednesday vn ing at 8 p. m. in th K. of P, Hall in th Corp building. Visiting members cordi allv invited. Milly Frawley M. E. C mci Procter M. of R & C. T A r.PANOF. IjODGE No. 41. A. F. & A. M. Reeular meetings 2d and 4th Tuesdays ?:ou p. m. C. D. Huffman. Sec ornE-iriU-CHRYSTAL LODGE NO. .A Bvl a AuK TuaadeH auaninn St T in i n n tr inAa All via. tint? mimbri itad to attend. KATURA PRICE. NO Tiu-IE Cox, SecreUry. MODERN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA Mt vry Tuesday even ing Lewis hall opposite Hotel Sommer, Visiting member alway welcome. Auoust Stuart, Pre. W, B. Saroiht, Seo. WANTfD Board and Roomers at th Palmer House. All w hit help. ' Reasonable rate. Si W voter The Victor :MJ. :'-;! Musical instruments COR. DEPOT & ADAMS AVE. odern w oodmen A merioa Does not solicit you un der any plan to deceive vou. It truaranteea every statement" made In tbibt column to be true, or joair rnnnnv back. The Modern Woodmen nf America is in no way connected with tfte; Wood men of tha WotM1 " ' The Modern Woodmen of America is not so hard pressed for new members, that it will take your ap plication at a reduced ad option fee. It costs you $5 to join the M. W. A., an adoption fee, no more, no less, and beside this you must pay your own medical exam ination fees. One price to all. You don't have to pon der on meeting a Neigh bor in the M. W. A. whether he is a $5 man or a six bit man. "We meet on the great princi ple of equality." We give you protection for, ' your family at EXACT COST. We own our own Head Office buildings, and with no high salaried officers, the cost of management has been reduced to a minimum. Don't join any order until you have investi gated the merits of the Modcrn f oodmen America HOW TO AVOID PRIMA W. Kava nauar haard nt a ainofa fnw stance of a cold resulting in pneumonia or other lung trouble when Foley Honey and Tar has been taken. It not only stop. in COUgn out nem ana airenguiena urn lungs. ASK Tor roiey s noney ana ir and refuse anv substitute offered. Dr. C. J. Bishop of Agnew, Mich., writes: "l have used holey Honey ana larmtnre very sever cases of pneumonia with good results In every case." M ''.. if 1 h 12 Ii: : a: k K f i. t ' :' y 'V l J p. - 9 'I: . '' a a V; 4 is . . a,-- ,'! . V ! 4 St..