La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 23, 1907, Image 3

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Creating a Body Corporate and Politic
Section 1. The Inhabitant 'of the
City ot LaOrande, Union County, Ore
ton, and ot that part ot the County of
Union and State of Oregon within the
limit hereinafter prescribed, are here
by creatiid and established a body
politic and corporate, and declared to
be a municipal corporation by - the
name and style of the City of La
Grande; and by such name shall have
perpetual succession, contract and be
contracted with, sue and be sued, plead
and be Impleaded, defend did be de
fended, in all courts of justice and in
all actions, suits and proceedings
whatsoever; may purchase, lease, hold
or receive property, real or personal,
within the said city, for public bulld
. lngs, public works, school purposes,
streets and Improvements, and all oth
. er municipal purposes; and may lease,
sell and dispose of the same or any
rwrt thereof for tfc hnwnft nM
city; may purchase, hold ana receive
property, both real and personal, with
in or beyond the boundaries of the
city to be used for city parks, ceme
teries, for burial purposes, hospitals,
pesthouses, prisons, workhouses and
houses of correction, powder-houses,
for the erection of water works and
the establishing of a water system, for
supplying the city wltn electric or
other lights, and for other useful,
beneficial or ornamental purposes; and
may erect buildings and works thereon
and may Inclose, ornament and im
prove the same; and may control, sell,
lease or dispose of the same, for the
benefit of the city, and may loan and
borrow money and," pledge the' -credit
and property of the municipality. " All
property, bo'h real and personal, be
longing to or Invested in the City of
LaGrande, ' as heretofore created, es
tablished and bounded, shall, upon the
adoption of this charter, become the
property of and vested In the City of
LaGnindo as mated, bounded and
established by this charter; nnd said
city may control, lea:!B, sell or dispose
of the same or any part thereof for
the benefit f the city.
Corporate Limits" of City.
- " Sectlen "2.' The corport
corporate limits of
- the City of LuClrandc shall be as fol-
. lows: Tlt-glnnlng at the southeast cor
' WT f section seven, m township three
1 south, range .thirty-eight east, of
- Willamette Meridlnn, In Union Counts
Oregon, and running thence west on
the section line one-half otitic; thonee
, north on the renter line through sec
' tions six and seven to ti e sou h line
of Baker street In Riverside addition
to the slid City of LnOrande; thence
west to the center line of Umatilla
street in snH Riverside addition:
-thence north ulnmr tne enter line ef
'said Umatilla mreet to the center line
of Lake street in said Riverside ad-dl-'tlon,
and thenee on ttie ct-n er line of
.said street to the, west line of the
:Sou heast quarter of te southwest
quarter of section thiry-two. in town-
ihlp two south, ot vanmc thirty-eight
east of Willamette Meridian; thenee
south to the sou'h line of said section
jhlny-two; thenee east along the
township line te the northwest cor
ner of the northeast quarter of section
Ave., township three south, range
thirty-eight east, Wlllame'te Meridian;
thence south along the center of the
county road one-fourth mile; thence
east one-fourth mile, and thence south
three-fourths f a mile to the section
tine; thence east to the center line of
North Willow street, In Honan's addi
tion to the City of LaGrande; thence
south along the center line of said
North Willow street to the Junction of
said street whh Willow street, on Cog-
gan.s 2nd addition to the said City of Li
Grande, and thence southwesterly on a
line with the center of said Willow
Street to a point on a line running
east and west through the center, of
section eight, in township three south,
range thirty-eight east, Willamette
Meridian; thenee west to the center of
said section eight; thence south to the
south line of said section eight, and
thence west along the section line to
the place of beginning.
Division of Wards.
Sec. 3. For the purpose of municipal
representation, the City of LaGrande
Is hereby divided into four wards, des
ignated and described as follows:
ie first ward shall Include all that
-Irt of the city limits lying south of
a due east and west line through the
center of L street from the west line
of the corporate limits to the eastern
boundary thereof; the second ward
shall consist of that part of the city
lying and being north of the first ward
and east of the center of Fourth street
and south ot the railroad track of the
O R. N. company's main line; the
third ward shall consist of that part of
the city lying north of the first ward
and west of the center line of Fourth
street: and the fourth ward shall con
sist of that part of the city lying north
.ot the railroad track of the O. R-
4f. company's main line and eat of
Fourth street of said city.
On the Annexation of Adjoining Ter
ritory, .
Bee. 4. Whenever ten or more per
sons with the qualifications of elec
tors aa prescribed in this charter, In
any territory adjoining said city, shall
present a petition and annexed there
to a plat covering said territory to the
Mayor and Council ot said city, pray
ing that a special election be beld in
aid territory for the purpose of an
nexing said territory to said city, the
Mayor and Council of said city may,
by the passage at an ordinance, call a
special election In said territory for
the purpose of submitting to the quail
fled electors thereof the question of
annexing said territory to said city.
Notice of time and place of holding
said election shall be given In the same
manner, and said election shall be con.
ducted in all respects the same, as la
provided in this charter for ' holding
special elections ot said city, provided,
that the question may be voted on at
any regular election. Elector as used
In this section means any person who
Is a qualified elector within this state,
and he shall take the following oath:
I do solemnly
swear, or affirm, that I am a citizen of
the United States orer , the age of
twenty-one years; that I have resld-'
ed In this state six months last past,
and In Union county tLree months, and
within the territory now proposed to
be annexed to tlie City of LaGrande,
for thirty days laBt past.
m n
"Subscribed and sworn to before me
this day of
tl H
The ballots for said election must
contain the words "Annexation Yob"
and "Annexation No," the voter plac
ing a cross (X) between the number
and the proposition ho wishes to vote
for. - If a majority of the votes cast at
such elee'lon are "Annexation Yes."
tsvn the Council shall declare by reso
lution that such territory has been an
nexed and become a P-irt of said city.
And' thereafter the persons and prop
erty In said annexed territory shall bo
Subject to ti e same benefits nnd obll
g itlcns nnd ordinances ns the re
mnlnior of safS ei y. Paid annexed
territory shall become a pari of the
ward to which It adjoi is until other
wise povided by ordinance.
Power and Authority in Whom Vested.
Sec. 5. The power and authority
given to the municipal corporation of
the Cl'y of LaOrande by this cliurter
is vested in a major and council, and
tlielr MU.-eesaors in office, to be exer
cised In the manner hereinafter pre
scribe. Representation of Wards, and Elec
tion of Councilman, Mayor and
Sec. fi. Each ward of the City of
LaGrande shall be represented by and
Is entitled to elect two councllmen, for
he term of two years, one to be clet t
ed from each ward every year, apd
said councllmen shall hold their oltltei
until their successors are elected and
shall have qualified, except as herein
HTer otherwise provided. There shall
ilo be elected for the trm of two
eurs, a mayor and a treasurer, who
shall be officers of this munlupal cor
poration. The councllmen shall be
elected by the qualified electors In- the
respective wards In which they reside
und which they are elected to repre
sent. The mayor and treasurer shall
be elected by the qualified electors of
the city at large.
On the Creation of New Wards by the
Sec. 7. The Council, by ordinance,
may crea'e additional wards, or change
the boundaries of those herein estab
lished, and may change the number
thereof. At the first election after the
creation of a new ward the person re
ceiving the hlghes number of votes
for councilman shall serve for a term
of two years, and the person receiving
the second highest number shall serve
for one year.
On the Appointment and Confirmation
of Officers.
Pec. 8. The Mayor shall appoint.
subject to confirmation by the Coun
cil, a City Attorney, Chief of Police.
City Recorder, City Engineer, street
Superintendent and Water Superin
tendent, and such other officers as the
Council may deem necessary, and no
appointee shall take office until so con
firmed, except that In case of a vac
ancy the Mayor shall appoint a person
with th( prcper quallficstlons to fill
said vacancy until the next regular
meeting of ths Council. All officers
regularly appointed by the Mayor and
confirmed by the Council shall serve
for a term of two years, unless re
moved as provided In section nine of
this charter. No person once rejected
shall again be re-appolnted. during any
one term except by the consent of a
majority of the CouncIL
Sec. 8. All officers appointed by the
Mayor and confirmed by the Council
may be removed at any time by a vote,
at the discretion of a majority of the
whc4 Council; and tb Mayor tsar
suspend any officer ontU tb Councils
disposes of and acts upon the charges
preferred against said officer. .
The Qualification of Officer.: ?S
Bsc lis.. No person is eligible to any
office In the . municipal' .corporation
who, at the tire of his eleotifln o ap
pointment, b not a resident and voter
of Joe city -and entitled toUhe privi
leges ot an elector, according to the
constitution and laws of the State ot
Oregon, and 'Who has- not' resided in
the City of LaOrande for one year
next preceding his election or appoint
Qualification of Counellmen:
Bee. 11. In addition to the qualifica
tions prescribed in the last preceding ;
section, to he eligible to tno omc oi
councilman, a person must be a resi
dent of the ward from which ho is
elected, for a period of three months
prior to such election.
When Held, ''''''
Sec. 12. There shall bo a general
election In the City ot LaOrande on
tht second (2d) Monday in December
In each year, except as provided In
section 8? of this
Judges and Clerks,
Sec. IS. The council shall designate
One place In each ward for holding the '
election therein, and shall appoint j
three Judges and two clerks for each
f-ward. who, previous to entering upon j
the discharge of their duties, shall oev- I
erally take and subscribe an oath In ,
the following form, to-wit: j
"1 do solemnly swear (or umriii; luai
I will perform the duties of a Judge
(or clerk) of election acoordlng to law
and the best of my ability: that I will
endeavor to prevent fraud, deceit and
abuse In conducting the, same," said
na'h to be administered to the Judges
and clerks by an officer authorized by
law to administer oaths. .'.'., r
Notice of Election. .
Sec. 14. The Re jorder, under the dl-
reetlon of the Council,! shall give ten j of the incumbent, or upon ceasing to
(10) .days' notice by publication in a possess the qualifications of an elec
newspaper designated by the Council, j tor. The offices of Mayor or Treas
or by posting notices thereof in three fr shall be deemed vacant when
public places in each ward of. the city j ever tl e Incumbent thereof shall be
of each general election, t.e officers to absent for the period of thirty days;
be elected and the plrtccs designated I provided, that the Council may grant
for the holding of the election, and the
names of the Judges and clerks
pointed to condui t the same.
Qualification of Electors. ; , '.''
Pec. 15. No person shall be qualified
to vote at any election to be held un
der i his charter who, doe not possess
the qualifications of an elector with
in this sta'e, and who hns not resided
in the City of LaGrande. for three
months next preceding such election,
and in the ward In which he offers to
vote nt least thirty days next preced
ing such election.
Time of Voting. '
Sec. 16. All elections under this act
shall commence at 9 o'clncki in the
morning arid continue until 6 o'clock
In 'the evening of the i-ame day. with
out closing the polls. If any Judge or
rlcrk foils to attend and serve at the
opening of ihe polls, the Judges of the
clecf n'may npp'ilnt another In his
place. If all the Judges full to attend
lh 3 b-gal voters present at nny polling
place may appdlfit Judges hfid clerks.
Sec. 17, All general municipal eleo-
Ions shall be Mid and t'te candidates
thercfor be nominated In nccord-
anee with the general election luws
jiow in force In the State of Oregon,
except as In this charter otherwise pro
vided. And, provided, thut certificates
ef nomination made by Individual elec
tors shall be tdgned by not less than
ten elec'ors of the ward in which the
person nominated. If a candidate for
election to the council, shall reside, ur
not less than ten electors of each ward
In case of such officers a nre elecied
at Uirge; and, provided, that all cer
tificates of nmnlna lon shall" be filed
with the recorder of the city not less
than ten days before the day fixed by
law for said election.
Qoeification of Judos snd Clerks.
Sec. 18. Judges and clerks of elec
tions shall possess the qualifications
of votirs of the ward In which they
reside, but a mistake or error in this
respect, or a failure to give notice for
the full time required herein, shall not
Invalidate any election otherwise legal.
Election Canvass.
Sc. 19. On or before the second
day after the- election, th returns
thereof shall be filed with the record
er, and on the forrth day after th
eleolon, or sooner If ths returns of all
the wards are In, the recorder shall call
to his assistance the hold-over council
men who are not then candidates for
election to any city office, and they
shall canvass the returns of the elec
tlon. !
Statement of Canvsss.
Sec. 20,
A written statement of the j
canvass shall be made and signed by
the canvassers, -r a majority of them.
and filed with the Recorder within the '
time appointed to complete the can- '
vass; sudh written statement most
contain the whole number of vote
given at such election, th number
given for any person for any office, ,
and the name of th person elected
and to what office.
Certificat of Election. ' '
Sec. 21. Immediately after the com
pletion of the- canvass, the Recorder
must make and sign a certificat of
election for each person declared there-
by to be elected, and deliver lio same
to him on demand.
Council Decides Qulification of Mem
Sec. 22. A certificate of election I
primiry evidence of th fact therein
sutrd. but the Council la to Judge
of vae qualification and flection of
iho Mayor and ot Its own members
and In case ot a contest between two
persons claiming to be elected to tbe
same office, roust determine the same,
uJ X, however,, to the review V of
' any court of competent Jurisdiction.
In case of a tie vote for candidates
for the same office, the question shall
be decided by casting lots,
Contested Elections.' , - 3 ,
' See. IS. A contested election tor any
city office, must bo determined accord-
: tng to tbe law of th stats regulat-
Ing proceedings in contested elections
j tn county offices.
i Term of Office, Commencement ef
r-6ec. 14. The term of office of every I
person elected to office under this char- j
ter sruill commence on the 2d day of
January, after the preceding election
In December, except as provided In
eectlor j si and - 87, ' and ' terminate
when his successor Is elected and
qualified. Every person elected or
appointed to office under this charter
st. ill. before . entering upon the dis
charge of his duties as such officer.
, take and file with the Recorder an
oath of office, to the following effecti
it, .... ...... .do solemly swear
, (or affirm) that I will support the Con.
i stitutlon of the United States and of
'the State of Oregon, and that I will
, to the best of my ability, faithfully per-
form tne duties ot the office of
0f the City of LaOrande. during my
continuance therein.- So help m God."
gtsta Laws Govern. '
Bec !B, All iawg of the ,,ate r!(fu.
lating and governing general elections
and proceedings and matters Incidental
thereto, shall apply to and govern elec
tion i under thla -char'er, except as
herein otherwise prov.ded. '
How Vaeant Leave of Absence.
Kec. 26. 'An office shall be deemed
vacant upon the death or resignation
to the Mayor leave of absence not to
. t exwea six'y days. The offices or
Street Superintendent, City Engineer,
Reorder, Chl- f of Police, Water, Su-
perintend'-ni or Ci:y Attorney, shnll
be deemed vacant wheuever the In
cumbcht thereof shall be absent from
the city for a period of two days
provided, however, that the Mayor
may pian: said officers leav of ab
sence for a period not exceeding ten
days and that the Council may trant
said officers lea,ve of absence for
i period not exceeding thirty days. The
I office of Councilman shull be deemed
, vacant whenever any incumbent there
of shall cease to be . resident of the
J ward Which he t presents, orphan fall
j to ut end trree regular meetings of the
j Co'incil, unless absent upon
: the council, fTrst obtained;
leave of
'. change of the boundaries of any wnrd
shitll not be. deemed to change the
residence, nf anycoun-dlinan so s to
create ur cause u vacancy In such
Vacancy; How Filled.
Sec. 'It. X acancy In any office.
J caused . by failure of liny person elect-
ed to qualify therefor, as prescribed In
this clni'ltr, or made by or consequent
upon he Judgment of any court, or
consequent upon nny failure to elect or
qualify, or In any of the cases spcfll-
lied In section must be filled as fal
lows. First. In the office of Council
man by the appointment of the Coun
cil. to eon'lnue until the expiration of
said term. ., Second, In the office bf
Treasurer", by appointment by' the
Mayor, and confirmation by the Coun
cil, to continue until the expiration of
sab! term. Third. In the office of
Mayor, by appointment of the Coun
cil, to continue until his successor Is
loeted and quullfled.
Time to Qualify, i
Sec. 2R. An officer appointed to fill
a vacancy must, within two days from
the date of such appointment, qualify
therefor, as in case of an officer elect
ed, or shall be deemed to have declin
ed, and the office considered vacant.
I Sec. 29. The Council must provide
I for the time and place of Its regular
! meetings, from Which It may adjourn
to the next succeeding regular meet
' Ing. or to some specified time prior
. thereto, and It may be convened by the
j Mayor or by a majority of the mem
I bers of th Council at any time, upon
not less than twenty-four hours notice
by personal service, before the meet-
Ing. There shal' lot b less than two
regular meeting during any month.
Quorum Compelling Attendance.
Pec. 30. A majority of th members
of the Council shall constitute a quo-
rum to do business, but a lis number
may meet and adjourn from time to
time and compel th attendance of ab-
sent members In such manner and un
, der u"h penaltle as may be prescrlb
' fl by ordinance.
Rule and Records.
See. 81. Th Council may adopt
rules for the government of It mem
'bers and It proceedings. It must
keep Journal of It proceedings and
upon the call of any two members
must cause the yeas and nays to be
taken and entered In It Journal upon
any question before It. Itg deUhera-
tlon and proceedings must be public
Disorderly Cemhsst.
Seo. St. Tbe Council may punish
aay membel for disorderly -conduct at
any meeting, or -for refusing or neg
lecting to attend a- regular : meeting
without sufficient exouas-therefor, and
may, for sufficient cause, by a three
fourths vote,; expel a member $ upon
charge preferred and a trial had, as
may be provided by ordlnanoe; and
may declare, by ordinance,, tor what
Sense city officer may. be impeach
ed, but the Council shall constitute
and be a court to try all case of Im
peachment, and may provide the man-
nner of conducting trial of the same,
and shall bav power to compel wit
nesses to attend and testify. 'ft
Annual Meeting.;' f ; '';' 'd
Sec. SJ. On the second day of Jan
uary next following any general city
election, except a otherwise provided
In this charter, there must be a regu
lar meeting of the CounoB. and such
meeting I designated by this charter,
and no notice thereof la necessary.
Majority of Council. . , :
See.' 14. Tbe majority ot tn whole
number constituting the council 1 a
majority ot the council or members
thereof, within the meaning ot this
charter, and not otherwise, unless it Is
expressly so provided. The concur
rence ot a major' ty of a quorum lr a
sufficient major! to determine any
question or matter other than th final
passage ot an ordinance or th ar -polntment
or removal of an officer.
Election ' ef a President; Mayor
' 'Pro Tern, ,'' 14 -. ,-
Sec SS. The Council shall ohoose by
ballot, one f It members to preside
over the Council and perform the du
ties of Mayor in the absence ot the
Mayor: 'i : V, i.J .-,
He shall be designate President of
the Council, and In the absence of the
Mayor from th city, or If the Mayor
be from any Cause unable to abt or In
case of a vacancy In the office of
Mayor, said President of the Council
shall have and exercise the power and
perform all duties of tha Mayor. . i
In the ubsence of both the Mayor
and Presldf nt of the Council, the Coun
cil shall appoint a mayor pro tern, to
preside f yer the meeting, and during
said meeting be shall exercise the
power and perform the duties of
muyor as presiding officer only.
Powers of the Council. i.
Sea. 88. The Council of the City ot
I-aQnindo Jias full power ana author
ity within the city of LaOrande.
General Assessment of Ten Mill.
,1. To assess, luvy and collect taxes
lr general inunlclpul purpos,.-s, not to
exceed ten mills on the dollar per an
tiurn. upon all, property, both real and
personal, which In taxable by ltttv for
state or county purposes.
Special Atjeianicnt of Ten Mill
Poll Tk. ,V ..,; ' V t;. k-i
2. pTo levy ami collect, a SpcidHl lax
often mills Upon nil the- property a-
amxed by uiiihurity of the first subdl
vision of this section for any spocliie
object within the au.horlty ut this
municipal corporation, liuludlna- the
paymer' of any dtbt; but the ordl
nnhct- provldir- therefor uiUBtSpecIfy
the object theieof and t!ie estimated
amount thereof; and to levy and col
ci pon mx or iwo ta) dollars upon
each male Inhabitant within the city
between the ages of twenty-one years
and flffy years, except active firemen.
Which tax shall be set npar for the
purpose of Improving and working tho
streets and highways within tho onr
Ixm ate limits' of the -city, which shall
be called a street and road fund, and
to provide for enforcing payment, of.
How City May Be Bonded. ,
s. fo provide for the Issuance of
bonds by the city for any specific pur
poso. and to designate the manner and
time for the payment thereof and the
Interest thereon. . Whenever the City
of LnOrande shall i contemplate ; the
Issuance of bonds for any Improve
ment under this char'er, the Council
shull. by ordinance, direct the manner
In Which the estimate of the cost of
such Improvement shall be ascertain
ed,' and such estimate shall be filed
with the Recorder; and before any In-
neiKednesr shall be incurred, the
Council shall cause It to be submitted
to a vote of the taxpayer of the city
at a special election called hu th
after a similar notice Is given, aa In
case of a general munlclnal vlnrtlnn
which election shall be held In a simi
lar manner to a general municipal elec
tion; and each person who shall vote
for or against the Incurring of such
Indebtedness, shall have printed upon
his ballot, If voting for such
Indebtedness, "For Indebtedness Tee,"
ana if against such indebtedness, "For
Indebtedness No. If at such elec
tion the majority of legal votes cast
Shall be in favor of Incurring Indebted
ness, then such Indebtednesa. to the
amount of the estimated cost of the
contemplated Improvement p submit
ted to the voter, ma b Incurred;
provided, that such ot may be token
at any regular election. It (hall be
the duty of the Mayor to procur blank
bond of (ultable design and cause the
same to be properly filled out In
amount of one Hundred Dollar
(1100.00) each, and any multiple
thereof up to On Thousand Dollar
(11000.00) each, which bonds shall be
made payable in twenty year or leas,
ss the Council may by ordinance de
termine; and laid bond shall draw
Interest at a rate not to exceed flv
per cent, per annum, such rat to be
fixed by the Council by ordinance, and
Interest on said bonds shall be pay
able semi-annually. Said bonds shall
be placed la th hand of.Jh City R ,
corder and said City Recorder athal ;
keep a register In wbton shall b n )
tered by him the number and amount j
of such bond, th dt of th Imim
thereof, and th nam of th person tc
whom issued. Each of ald bond Shall
be signed by Mayor .and Recorder ua i
der their name at office, and th Coun ;
ell shall also provide tor th payment
of th expenses of making any estl- '
mate thereunder, the time and man
aer In which any and ' all ' Improve- :
menu thereunder Shall be made, and:
th manner In which said bond shall' '
be disposed of; and provided, further,
provided for In thla section, any per
son over th age of twenty-one years,
that at all special election for the
purpose of creating any Indebtedness,
who 1 a cltisen of th United Btstaa.
or shall have declared hi or her In-
tentlon to become such, and who ha V-,
resided In th sute of Oregon for s'x ,
months, and within the corporate tlm- fi
ll of th City ot LaOrande for three
month, next preceding such election, .
and who ha property therein liable for f
the payment of a state or county tax
and not exempt from taxation by tha
general law of the Stat of Oregon,
shall be entitled to vot at such elec
tion, and not otherwise.
License on Occupation and Amu
maflt. '
4. To license, tax and regulat
brokers, auctioneers, taverns, hawk
er, peddler, pawn-broker, wash
houses, laundries, bill-posters, place
of public amusement or entertainment,
Including theater, opera, exhibition,
show and the like, hotel and restaur
ant keepers and runner, dealer , In
second-hand article or nwmhitnitlM,
Ihe keeping of billiard tables, bowling "
alley and shooting galleries, and suoh
business and professional calling and
employment a the publio good may
require to be licensed, taxed, or regu
lated, and such as are not otherwise
prohibited by law; and for the purpos
of this charter, to define and declare
what constitutes any of such profes
sions, "callings, employments or such
places of amusement or entertainment.
Team and Transfer Llcsnsp.
t, to license, tax and rogulate UV-.
ry or 'bhur.tlng stables, hacks,, cabs,
hackneys,- carriages, wagons, 'cart.
truck, drays, or other vehicle used
for transportation of persons or' pass
engers, or goods, wares, or merchan
dise' earth, rock, building material or
other articles, within tho JlmHs ot th
ciy, nnd 'o prescribe the rate to be
charged for such transportation.!
Saloon Licenses Offensive vCallinos,
': To Hccmw tux, regulate anj re
strain barkeepers, saloonkeepers, deal
ers in and manufacturers. o ttplrUoua.
vinous . or malt liquors ' and place
where such liquors are kept for1 sale,
or In any nia.nnr disposed of. ana the
sale and disposal thereof; ail offen
sive and dangerous irades, employ
ments or business, and fur the purp59
of nun 'charter; to, define and declare
wl.o is a barkeeper or !eulr in spirit
ous. vlnotiH or malt Ivptors,", and what
Is' a barroom, drinking shop or pluco
where sidrltous, vinous or malt liquor
are kept for sale or .dlspoi-W" of;, and
what ure offensive or dangerous trades,
employment or businesses ,-; but this
subdivision does not empower ihe City
of I -a (?rande lo deenre a trade, em
ployment or bufclnchVufttiiialve or dan
gerous comrnry t0 the commoi under
standing of the subject, nor to. author
ise any ono to do any act or engage
lo any buslnes to the law
of the land, and to require bonds to be
given by the proprietor .of , tho busi
nesses mentioned In this subdivision
with sufficient sureties, conditioned hot
' keep, hI1ov or permit a disorderly
house, end to cancel and revoke any
suh Ikrnse, fn their discretion: Pro
vided, that no sta-e or county license
shall authorize any person to engage In
or conduct any business or r.:iythlng
In this or the two preceding subdivis
ions enumerated, within the said city,
unless a license Is first obtained from
said Council, nnd th Council may
provide a pennl'y therefor.
Jsils and Other Publio Building.
7. To purchase altes for public pur
poses and provide for the erection of
city Jails, ' houses ot correction, work
house and any other public buildings.
and for the government and manage
ment of the same,
Selling Property for Taxes.
8. To purchase, take nnd hold real
property when sold for delinquent tax
or assessment levied or Imposed un
der the au'horlty of the City of La
Grande and to sell the snme.
Mannar ef Levying Assessment.
. The manner In which all special
assessments for any of the ournoses
provided for In subdivisions 27 8T and
38 of this charter shall he made as fol.
lows: The Council shall appoint thre
Commissioner to consist of It own
members, which said Commissioner
shall make an examination of all prop.
rty upon which said assessment I to
be levied, as to th valuation and
tenr, ir any, of the benefit to be d.
rived by said property by reason of th
said Improvement. Said Commislon
ers shall then make their report t0 th
Council ln writing. After receiving
ald report lb Council ehall, before th
lvy of any special assessment for any
improvement, give personal notice for
ten day, or in th absence of any
property owner, agent or person In
charge of said property, by publication
in a dally newspaper In said city, for
a period of ten days to either the own
er, agent or person In charge of said'
property against which said sess
ment Is to be mad, of It Intention to
levy said special assessment, naming
the purposes for whleh special asses
men is are to be levied, a descrtntlon
Continued on pag 6
t; .'
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