RESOLVED That we are hammering prices douw on wat is left of our season's goods - The blows we ARE-STRiKtfG AREREDUClHC OUR. STOCK. Buster. m&RovJN'. ,;now ific MEN' J SVTS- $10.00 AND $ J 2.00 ' VALUEJ- OlR. WINTER. STOCK S FAST REDUCING BECAUSE THE PEOPLE OF ? THIS COMMUNITY KNOW THAT WHEN WE JAY WE HAMMER PRICED WE DO HAMMER PRICED DOWN ON LEGITIMATE, REGU LAR MERCHANDISE,. WE WI.SH TO LET OUR PRICEJ TALK. LADIES' JACKETS WORTH UP TO $15.00 NOW 69C TO $1.50 ODD GARMENTS IN LADIES' MISSES' AND' CHILDREN'S UNDER- j WEAR, AT LESS THAN HALT PRICE. CHILDREN'S AND NISSES' COATS AT LESS THAN MANUFACTUR- ERS PRICES. LADIES'"MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Wool HOSE- 2SC VALUES NOW $6.75 J BOY'S AND YOUTH'S SVITS AT HALF PRICE. I MEN'S $1.00 AND $1.25 DRESS SHIRTS NOW 66C. f MEN'S 75C SHIRTS NOW 45C. MANY OTHER BARGAINS JUST AS GOOD IF THERE IS ANYTHING VOV NEED TO FINISH OUT THE WINTER, GET OUR PRICES-WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. LOCAL ITEMS i ! FINE STEEL RANGES E. E Parr is trasactir.i Imbler today. J. M. Hilts went to Ncrth business today. business ; J you are coin? to buy a steel range, come and ex- anL-e cur celebrated Majestic range, ms SS-VS small amount of fuel they consume tdlive perfect satisfaction. I also have a few hea:rs left This is the time when you need them Do cct forgt about carriage heaters. They will keep jcur ct warm cn a long drive. Mr. and Mrs. W A Mow tn5 to Njrw Powder this momir j to visit frerti. Attorney Robert K Ucjd r:urr.o ta his home in Elgin this momirg- L. V. Anderson who has bo iwjj fi the past month, returned this .ncm.r'g. Chris Wright left th.s morrj g for K , Lake to spend a week. j Q L Larison of Baker C:y a bus-res , i visitor in La Crande today. ! On Friday afternoon the aftsmcwi j Kaffee Klatch wilt meet w th M.-v H S,i Ha!L , , I W LI,.. I.- I L- E... " 1 MRS. T-N. MURPHY Hardware and Ranges ! Stcrari SCrg. woo wastssrpormry maa- ( X L Sshb Ie.t this mcnirg ; ajer rf f ?sts 3:a-.e Tmw jr- j iliey where he ias taen a ' mg c.1 arserce :f j C Cscure. recucd X 1308, 1310, LARGEST STOCK 13 12 ADAMS AVENUE SMALLEST PRICES STRAY Came to my place to months go in Mt Glen red and white com iag two year aid sUer. No braud vis HJ, swallow fork in each ear. wattle under neck. Owner can have same by paying eipensee. L R Perry. La Grande, Oregon FURNISHED HOUSE Six looms can- Riff TO AllUlA trally located. One room is rented and ALAiM this arrangement can be continued if Prf. C M Cflrsvsl. now physical in agreeable to all of the parties concern- struivr tr Csxmerc-ai C!ub. is going ed. House ready for occupancy on the j to sp-o .ws years at p'cer mining in Uth. inquire at this office or 1710 ;t" as cf A asaa. A fr.erd of his was Fourth St. or Phone Red 952. In trie c :j Sj.-d-.r. ami arrangements 1L? -I'-T. j leren-.3-e 'rr t-.e tr.p By rail and tboit . v.t go :o Wa'dey. At Waidey is . . ! voere tfe i-.-.trsV-g ;ar. of tite 3iirney e ; A o-j2 uar, w i cvvtr he and his part-er ovsr t- fsjr r.aj-i milet of cc. lyng rei-:e-5 t-i Afj ity -vj Fair- i banks, t-.j d',;-:. Twev.t da vs. it d. w-'.i 't-i to rr.ike this YOU RISK NOTHING!!: turned to his home this tmuau g brief visit to Portland. Fireman J. B. for Pieasant Vai position as fireman oo tn he' per. :. U iJis wire ..t 3aa Oct ncrerg. Rov Rogers ramrted lateir.r-a from terser r o Cr. C A C:". Pendleton where he has bes vs.ccg cuar-m to Ege toiyin; friends. ! to a?:'ss k ijsc e;rnnt i Miss Lou Sullivan ieft last -gh: fcr a '. rf 1 1 month's visit in Portland. Oo or nrxt she will visit at Waira Wa la and Peri-.- a n a.r Adt Payeria ton. f ria-"M- srai ini-r aserr t.oe a: j J E Pollock, the Elgin Hotel prrr,! Bjwai s jf-c sir Trai sec-na waa in the city last vttueg. ea fwct' "-rtf 'vrou ejerw-ts : from Elgin to Portland where he r ' Ka- -'', K3:ai rf :ai j transact business. J Mr. and Mrs. W E Murchieon wt s ; ""17771 I Summerville this momirg U i-.esi trr j UA!J iill'TI A I funeral of Mrs. James WocdeTi held this afternoon. Ldg inTr rfla S-aase was J Conductor J.B.Smith of tne K-jis- os r m. iiiutjw Smci: sttuic stc'5 ington-Pendleton passenger rua ar i: , raiiar Ctr. jscnawrrs; ad t:at-j n. 11.. wno nas oeen . - c arir Traw..nij it . - ir . for a few days, resumed hs run t wtnuirrini'' nunt Stjs W eiinaafe ! night ;uuva Tot imaEsserr tt : Conductor James Cennois. a 'i1 '-!,c """ i been on the Huntington-Penc etoT. ss3:i-it enger run of the 0. R & N. i.r a fee --.' -narv.mi xr ia2ri rj trips, will leave for h's a as i-enw Vimjismr. UKvvy Grande tnniaht P.ndieDv- t O . ' i " U1"" "r Tir anarwl U ttr ixi n.iiia iae ii'it td Reynolds aid D-n v?rr .a Grande, John McEwin. Jjxes f . . & & a Mae Tvidwell and Msuc'e S rzi-zr. r zCfiA..- Island City, attended the T i. -T :i:.t! ai. 2 as wedding in Elgin today. in. 1 For the benefit of new in this vicinity, who wishes good flour, and don't know the it h sj,:i:riTO ?ssor cf ; brands to call for, we mention them below: Our Seal, Sea Foam, Royal Patent, Gash Special and Jersey Gream. It don't matter which Grocer you deal with, they all sell it when it reads La Grande Milling Go. the sack its a Safe Buy. Every sack war ranted. You are taking no chances. LA GRANDE MILLING CO it ui' fiTirfc. . Iras m u Bt&" n a . -ti 'or. avjL .t. W m. anrt a M h --LfMWMMMi Mil II W'tgrCTwaW-MMMp west '""1 IrlSAHCEMltr I 8y having me I EXAMINE YOUR EYES I GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT FOR 0E YEAR Or will cheerfully refund your money j is expec J ! ice tr. a i Alaska 'w ce i-.'z't ii r-s ! of travel nr. ; a two yer slay : I banks, and davng t-a: "j j ' and ex. 0' erxi t e : $ i ts: tr r.s teri n 1 :re: mrxie i T,e e,-i: ar,-g fW miner. KSluHIS Of (OltMBL'S Tne Knig'nts olCjlur.oas r a r- e I e : . ve; a pa;; !: , e : e I hae never had patient that was not satisfied uith my glasses fully meeting at trie K iJ ii tha parpose of aioc'.i ensnmg ye.r ;3rs f:r i e 0. M. Ilcacock, NEW JEWELER T Heidunrcic1! Building I Op'st Bo'iner.kamps HwUOUUH, AND OPTICIAN Vfif - - - HOT DRINKS OYSTER COCKTAILS AND TAMALES For Ladies and Gentlemen only SCHEdRER'S WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL AFTER THE SHOW Cherry's Mew Laundry Now Ready For Business i ! esc m f - f? W Jk ';''iWW (Si & t !iif :t VyA Jtfjfts-t H:;ii liyjy M PHONE MAIN 78 I m y fe tr ea' . r 1 .1 1 CAR . ALr Trt In wsitte ikn laa. t .. w tut dm 1 ram ii 1-1. V EVERY ARTICLE l THE HOUSE REDUCED w I V 9