H nim-HT" f"! ' . BARGAINS Corns in and see these bargains. They are adorned with the diamond shaped tags, and the extremely low pnee. n plain figures, so you cannot be mis taken. ALWAYS: THE VERY BEST BARGAINS A few more coal heaters ere left end ws are going to offer them at absolute ly the wholesale cost to us, to 'close them out for this season. DRIED FRUITS, all kinds. ' CANED FRUITS, all kinds. 2 RAISES, London, layer-and loose. "' ' VHIMSiEiMEAT, Heinz and home made. ' BARGAINS ; There never was such an offsr mads you. snd you csnnot afford to miss this sxtraordinary opportunity if you rs liksly to nted a hsater soon. CANDY AND NUTS, largest iine in Union county COCONUTS, and all tropical , fruits, GRAPES some- , thiig never seen here before . . CITRON, LtMON AND ORANGE ' PEAL, SPANISH MLAOiid CATAVVBAS, imported direct from Spain BARGAINS Alsoons 6 hole Horns Comfort Range with Reservoir, good as new only $40. I 6 hole Elite Range with reservoir, only used 2 months, good as new only $29.60. New Heaters to v I close at utiolesale V cost to us. Only 10 days sale, Feb. I B W: v WHITE.-:? .GROCER i j,P9)mpt.jDeilyery.. ; , phone Main 42 e'ep f i' ' t A' nTnrn riori. ' QE0" T.' parr, ' l OQUarC Utal C. B. SIMMONS, , President fiHf-.- Secy and Mgr.,, ir.H'i.'-'itr;-. ; , 7 , , ( .. . ', ,. f 'L:W .,,?W MAIN Jl,; , . , PARR-SIMMONS COMPANY . . r . ' J7 ; -Mgrc- INCORPORATED ' ' 1 '.J ( 7 Dealers, in Grande Ronde Valley Products ' Tt Fruits, Kay, Potatoes and Grain :: Applet Specialty "4 .... - L- .. . ?,,LAR6e' COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE V t. i.Hay Wanted Now I HIGHEST ., PRICES 1 Gill and seajs before you' tell i. , PAID Jefferson Ave, and Greenwood St. La Grande, Oregon , :: :i t t . , Miitititiif I r PiGIAL -:ti.t'V':. IN BARGAINS HAY have taveral can of strictly fancy Mixed Timothy hay, which we quote .t very low pricey at t $13.00 per ton.,, Whtat hay at. $1 1.00 per ton. )att at $1.86 per cwt. .: v, , If '; , " ' . i .. . . ' A complete Supply of Paper- Wrapping paper, wax paper, dishes, pulp Sit plates, paper oyster piila; paper bags all sizes, . and twine. The best iadet of paper pnd the lewst prices.. , ' 1 POE MAIN 2 'i OrjorrProcjucc Company r ;';i...M kFTER XM AS PURCHASES! :RFUMES AND TOILET .:,rtiV- WATERS ' v : ja Odort From the Natural Flowers - t it wWH tmiahtpleature that we calj r attention to our perfunTt depart ill,, . We buy , our perfumes direct ' iti ilie makers. By careful study . 1 strict attuntio to the' wants of ' 1 patrons . we are able to offer you ' best selected line of perfumes out ; e of the larijeti'4B8. ; : v STATIONERY . , complete line of tablets, box papers: , s.i Wtmgs .Berlins, Eaton-Hub ito.sU hs best makers. .' ' Ve tarry 1 'tiblorndo View tablets. Ivv-y ;,t : . d.j.....- description Druggist TOILET WATERS To the particular buyers of toilet waters we will merely say that you are sure to find what you want in our J stock, from the 25c bottle up., Roger & Gallet's, Colgates, Ricksecker's, e Palmer', Pinand's. 4-7-11", Hud- J nut't etc. We invite you all to corns in and Inspect our, perfume depart- e -ment. 'For quality and prices it can- not be beat. e All FOR THE TOILET ; the best brands of powders, lotions, soaps, cold creams, cosmetics, e massage creams, manicure accessories. J ut;., are to be found in our stock. We can please the most critical, , e HILL. LA GRANDE. OR f....f ,..r W GRANDE IRON WORKS ,D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor r G mpicie Machtna Shops and Foundry Uenera :Biacksmuns. We m.inufactute The FiLtgorald Roller Feed ;' .Mill..-"UV Jwest nrvlf clisi)osV rni.i on- the n.arket. Our shops are equipped witn maw.nery U lundte an sized work, nothing too larca or.notlung to small. H.ghsf' Jricos na:d for old cast iron. ................. ' see............ 1'i t TATlONERY Small embroidery hooks cS hats One Dollar. ,' SWITCHES if' M. ; Wellmah & Company I j ' ' ADAMS JAVENUE ' We will furnish you any kind of nsw goods and accept your old goods in exchange. Phone Black 641 Phone Red 1161 F. D. HAISTEN H. B. HAISTEN 1418 Adams Avenue Dealers in New and SIS Fir Street Store Second Hand Goods We handle all kinds of new and second hand goods. La .Grande Evening Observer TUESDAY' JANUA RY 22. 1906 ' In tomorrow's issue the full text of the proposed new charter will appear for the consideration of the voters. In the same issue will also appear an article relative to the charter from Mayor Stoddard, who has given the subject much careful thought The object the council had In ordering the publication of the charter was that every voter in the city might avail himself of the opportunity to carefully read it and dis cuss it Later an opportunity will be giv en whereby any and all may offer sug gestions or changes or become more en lightened upon its provisions before it is .finally submitted for ratification. ' Published daily ' except on Sunday One year in advance...'.. $6.60 Six 'months in advance 3.50 Pr month 60c Single copy ..'.!...:' .'. 6c CURREY BROS., ' ED'S AND PROP Entered at the Post Offics at La Grande Oregon, at Second Clatt Matter. ',' ' Thit paper will notjpublish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the ; editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment ADVERTISING RATES iHply Ad rata, tarnished apon appilo.llon Uk1 rmdlnf noiloei lOe per line Diet . - Iomt tkm, s Pr line tor each auUequenl Itywi- Hon. , - ' fvtoi ntlon oondolence, so per .11 ne. )rd ot tliank, bo per line, ' ' PROPOSED NEW CHARTER ., It will only require $100 more to sink the artesian well which is now down over 800 feet near Alicel to 1000 feet This amount should be raised ' without any trouble. The indications ars that what now looks like a failure may be turned in to a grand success. There has never been a well that hat reached a depth of 1000 feet in the valley, and this ons should nst be abandoned when a trifling sum like $100 would secured a well deeper than all others.' . We cannot expect much at the closing session of this congress in the way of se curing a federal building for La Grande but remember it will not be long unti March 4 rolls around and the sixtieth congress begins. During this congress the federal building proposition should be past the resolution stage, alto past the pre-election period. Our readers will re member about the only mention of the federal building for La Grande occurs just a few weeks prior to primaries and here tofore legislative sessiors which elected. United States senators. It requires about so much talk however to sscurs anything of a public natura and ws have about passed thru this period. It is about time that something tangible was bemg accomplished.' The trend of public opinion towards a realization of good roads is forcibly sug gested in the fact that no less than five representative citizens of Union county will attend the Good Roads Convention which meets this wsek in Salem. Think of it people traveling three' hundred and fifty riles to iitten to a few speeches on how to maks good roads. The suggestion twenty-flvs years ago would have , pro duced little if anything but ridicule. The idea a few years ago that counties and municipalities could spsnd thousands of dollars for steam rollers and rock crush ers and gradsrs, as an investment would have been scoff td at and not a few would have suggested graft. That day is past We have as people passsd the experi mental Stags, and the most prosperous countiss all ovar are those who are build ing or laying the foundation for permanent roads. Union county according to ths estimates of Commissioner Ben Brown, has spent on her county roads no less than $400, 000 and net a few who' read this will im mediately ask thsmsslves, What have ws to shsw fer it? We have, in fact ss good reads as the average county, which has plodded along in about the same manner as we have. But along the thought of traasportation, what was considsred good enough a few years ago will not mset the requirements of today, Fifteen yei ago every one thought the road bed, rs and rolling stock of the O R & N Company was ample for all time to seme. Within that short period we find the grades ware toe hSavy, the long wooden tressels re placed by immense dirt fills, ' the 60 lb. rails had to give way to the 90 lb. rails. The switch engine today in the LaUrande yards is heavier by many tons than ths onss used on the main line when the road was first built A train of eighteen loaded cars at one time caused more comment than a train of sixty or more cars today. This same idea is being extended to the public roads. In some counties of ths state farmers can now haul a load of 7000 pounds with more ease than they could a few years ago 1500 pounds. Good roads not unlike all substantial improvements meant an investment but the old policy or system often resulted in a continual expense instead of a permanent investment. ....... ,n i . A SflAP If TAKEN IMMEDIATELY Eighty acres of land 2 mile mth La Grande, part of it well timbered. tk it for $426.00. Tie RialEstati, Loan & Colliction Co. WI WANT YOUR TRADf and will treat you right at Stillwall & Ce's. market Phsne Main 16 POSITION WANTED By competent man in the businsss, has had ysars of experience. inquire at this office. VISIT OUR CANDY PARLORS SELDER, The can(iv - Man I If snow. rain, or cold lets Into your house under a door, buy a Daisy Automic Door Strip and you will : have no further trouble. Just received a carload of SHINGLES :W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO l Hardware, Stoves and Furniture Crockery and Building Materials La Grande National Bank ESTABLISHED 1887 United States Depositary Capital and Surplus. $150,000 oppicms sno ojmeTom 1EORGE PALMER, Prksidemt. J. M. BERRY. Vice President. F. L. MEYERS, Casnier. W. L. BRENHOLTS. 1 at Assistant Cssiie. C. S. WILLIAMS. 2nd Assistant Casnier GEORGE L. CLEAVER. F. M. BYRKIT. A. B. CONLEY, C. C. PEN1NGTON. F. J. HOLMES. Comparative statemeut showing growth of the bank's business in the past three years January 2nd 1905 January 2nd 1 906 January 2nd 1907 Individual deposits $567,728 97 627,643 18 736,570 50 , Total volume of business $678,740 98 859,016 86 986,186 67 e Tjhe Farmers ana 77raders Jfationat Siank P'11 ., $ 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Property - 18,000.00 Liabilities of Shareholders.-. 60,000.00 Responsibility ... ...$136,000.00 Condu-,eo ur , Supervision of United States Bank Examiners' oE AND RELIABLE , . Glad to continue M cn..omers and pleased to; meet new ones. A General Banking in. tx.,.an( Business Conducted. Loans made on appro v Seexi.y Highest Market Price paid ,or b . C.nty Warrants and City of La Grand. Warrants. Be su.e u. c ..on when you have warrant, for Sal. eeeeeeeei 1ftllssaaeaaa -" LATE JEWELRY ARRIVALS NOW ON FmmTini J. H. PEARE. La Grands's Leading Jeweler and Optician Opposite U. S. Land Office t