La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 22, 1907, Image 1

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    V . .. - v ' 'XJ .
- - - - . . NUMBER 43 :.
. I f i r I aiv - mww m m . . . : :
III III I II I II I ft I III r II A llklkll A ilArPI
ruruiHK ii I u m
. (Scrlppa New Aaaootatlon)
; lem Jan. 22-Th vote in each house
of the legislature was taken separately
today and resulted in the election of
. "ed W. Mulkey at United States Sena
tor for the short term and Jonathan
, Bourne Jr. for the long term. Thus rati
fying the choice of the people as expressed
in the June election.
Johnathan, Jr., for the long term com
' meneing March 4. 1907. was born in New1
MHwu, mi, reoruary ka. ioui,
a member of the class af J 877 at Har
vard University: came to Portland May
U. 1878; was a Republican member of
the Oregon legislature in the session of
188S and the extra session of 1886; was
one or Oregon' delegates to the Repub
. lican National Convention of 1H3R- nH
Oregon's memtr- of the Rep jblican Nat
ional Committee from 1888 to 1892, and
delegate to the Republican National
Convention of 1892; and was elected as
Mitchell Republican to t le Oregon legis
lature in 1896.
Mr. Bourne hat beencrominnnHv iH.nt-
ified with th development of the mineral
J resources of Oregon, having expended in
tk. I . Art . . . .
n laow 4u years over 91, UUU.UUU of his
own money in the acquision and develop
: nient of Oregon mines.
Mr. Bourne has always favored the ex
tending of the direct power of the people
over their government as far as possible.
He was one of the leading spirits in the
Initiative and Referendum movement
from 1896 until it was approved by the
.'voters at the June election of 1902. In
' 1904 he was a member of the executive
committee of the Direct Primary Nomina
- ions Lsague, and holds the same position
with the People's Power League at this
, ima. In all these movements he has
bX one of the few to guarantee the ne
cessary expenses of preparing and pro
posing their measures to the people.
Senator Bourne will take his seat- on
the fourth of next March and his term of
( office will expire March 4, 1913. He is
; -pp energetic hard worker for whatever he
' attempts to accomplish, a man of meant
whose ambition for a nunber of years hat
been to serve 'the people of Oregon in the
position that he has just been elevated.
He is in the prime of life and the general
feeling is that Senator Bourne will make
fir himself a record that the state will
hive reason to be proud of.
This incuoes all he nov lities in plaids, checks and mixed material I
Hf Very latest workmanship. J
A beautiful line ranging in price to $25.00 !
Dress Skirts in Blacks
Black skirts are very strong
Panamas, voiles ana tne sneer materials
t-J Very best material
I With or wi houtsilkdroD skirts Values in Smnn i
Vred Mulkey who was elected United
Statet Senator today by the legislature,
which ratified the choice of the majority
of the state as expressed in the election
of last June in a native son of this fair
state, was born in Portland it a graduate
of the State University of Oregon alto a
graduate of the New" Yoik Law Schnnl
of New York City. Is a lawyer of high
ttanding and deserves the honor that hu
been confered upon him by hit party and
tne state. His term of office will com
mence at tuon as he can reach Wa'shing-
uhi auu of s-.vsrr; ni hie office will
expire on marcn or this ear. Ha wat
elected to fill the vacancy cauted by the
aeacn or united btates Senator John H.
Mitchell.. - '
Mulkey got a unanimout vote in both
nouses. Bourne got eighty out of ninety
otes in thj senate.
About thirty-five friendt thruout the
valley gave a turprite to Mr. and Mrt.
Edward Halley latt Thursday, evening.
The party had been eo carefully planned,
that Mr. and Mrt. Halley had not the
least hint of their company until they ar
rived at tne door. The evening wat spent
m garnet and 'conversation. Refresh
ments consisting of coffee and cake and
other goodies were served. At a late
hour the guests departed all agreeing that
Mr. and Mrs. Halley were the most hos
pitable of entertainers.
Brrlppe Newe Aaaootatlon )
Olean N. Y.Jan. 22 ExGovernor Frank
W. Higgint is ttill-tinkina but mav live a
few days, according to his physicians'
Scrlppe Newe AaeMtatlon)
Portland, Ore. Jan. 22 William J.
Bryan and wife arrived this morning and
will be entertained by the Democrats of
this city. Tomorrow he will address the
Oregon legislature, which is now in session
at Salens. -
(Srr'ppe Newe Aawolatlont
Springfield 111. Jan. 22 United States
Senator Shelby M. Cullom who for the
pant twenty four years has served this
state in the upper house of congress was
today re-elected. He is 77 yeart of age.
New Dress Skirts
We have just received from New York, a line, of the-
late skirts, these are beyond a doubt one of the best
line of skirts on the market
Skirts in Fancies
for this season especially
One of the most pleasing siehtt that was
ever witnessed in La Grande was verv
much in evidence on our streets Saturday
afternoon, when that warm hearted man,
M. H. Kirtly, hitched up a span of horses,
put a big wagon bed on a pair of runners.
went out on the streets and invited every
child he w to jump in and take a sleigh
ride. In a short time the wagon bed was
as full as tsrdinetin a box of the hardiest.
jolliest, laughing lot of boyt and girls at
wat ever seen in any city in the world:
and when there wat no more room in the
bed for even the smallest tot, the boys
hitched their tlede behind the tleigh until
there were at least a dozen of them strung
out behind each tied holding from three
to five happy thoutingjaughing, youngstert
and at they were OeineUii.. thrs"?K
ttreett, many pieatent and deserving re
marks were made in favor of tha man who
In the goodness of his heart wat thoughtful
enough to remember he wat one a boy,
and the pleasure it gave him to have a
sleigh ride, and when the little tired heads
were laid upon their pillowt that night,
many a blessing was Hsped.and many good
wish was given to the man who gave them
a slsigh ride that had filled their heart
with to much joy and happiness.
: Five Indians were burned alive at the
agency on the Umatilla reservation earlv
Sunday morning. They were prisoner in
the agency jail, which was evidently set
afire by the prisoner themselves. Be
fore the fir was discovered the jail had
become a blazing mass ' and the Indians
were probably dead, at no sounds were
heard from them. The door of the iail
wae never unlocked and after the fir. hxri
burned low the charred bodies of the five
were found within the ruine. The ver
dict of the coroner' iurv. triven after a
long investigation, is to the effect that the
fire was started by the prisoner them
selve and that they were not rescued
owing to the poor system in connection
with the keeping of the jail.
(Bcrkaaa New AsaoaiaMaa)
Chicago, Jan. 22 The eoidemic of in.
fectiou dis.attt i so alarming that this
morning, uniformed policemen were tent
to heusss of patients whose familv in.
fluence had prevented placarding. There
are now two hundred and fourteen new
cases of infectious diseases todav. Or
ders have been issued that hereafter -not
the least attention to political iuftua
will be givn claimant for spaci&I favors.
in the lighter grade as
" Yfv,vv
Latt week the board nf
the company formed some time aco to mk
test in this valley for areteian water, met
at Alicel. As is well known a subscrip
tion of about four 'thousand dollars wtt
had. This money hat all been used. The
hole is about 865 feet down. It ia auH
too that at several pointsduring the driving
or tne pipe-wnicn by the way is now at a
depth nf flfiS feet a flow of watar u.i
found, on of which was tufficient to bring
m wiuiin ten reel from tne top
but seemingly lacked aufficient force to
com out. Th hoi Is now at a vry
promising point in thi that it i.
in a tratum of clay of a vry hard forma
tion ana it is believed by many that a
oon at one through that water may be
had. It will be remembered th first
intention was to make a hole at laaat 1 0OO
feet and a contrtct to thi effect waa
mad with Mr Hunt on thi City. For
reason which could not be overcome at
that time the hole could be made no deeper.
However, this earn man Hunt will mva
a contract that he will drive the pipe to
th 1000 limit for $3.00 per foot in cash
or he will make it for the pipe already in
the hole. That is h will take th hoi for
his pay. If he should succeed in pulling
it up he will get good pay but the company
fear it cannot be drawn and want to make
contract with the'' gentleman whereby
he take the pipe for pay.. If he faile to
draw the pip he receive no pay what-
ever. Now the point it eimolv thi. If
th citizene willraise about $ 1 00.00 with
which to pay for fuel to' make the Uat
the work will go on but if thi amount of
money cannot be raised th pipe on the
ground will be sold and th werk abandoned
and again w will be where we were
before making the attempt at all. It ia
now up to th people. What (hall w dot
La Grande Oregon,
..f ' Jan. 22 1907
Editor Observer
With your permission I will jrive a hriaf
account of our experience -in tee- poultry
For over 1 8 years we have been in tha
Business on a small scale, but a large ex
perience. Without anv disdav of word
or big talk 1 will tell you my story as brief
ly as i can in plain English so anyone can
We have tried various breeds of chickens
and find any purebred birds good.
But we now have onlv Ban-ad Plmmith
and Rose Combed White Leehorns and
. .i .,.- . . ..
unim irium tne oesi for us. But 1st ma
suggest that the breed one likes the best
is the one I Would advise them to keep
But get the best thorouahbred stock and
take care of them, not by building costly
snowy nouses but by making them com
fortable, give plenty of room both summer
"and winter.
In summer hens that have the run of
the farm will usually gather insects and
sufficient for animal food, but thai must
be supplied in winter.
For hens to lay in winter and summer
fcunmuont musi oe provided, warmth, ex
ercise and the necessary egg producing
food. Wheat is oiir chief food, but that
should be thrown in straw or litter, so
that the chickens will have to work to
get it. Then with a green bone cutter and
from scraps from the bucther shop the
animal food can be supplied.
Then for green food, garden vegtables
and fruit etc can be used.
Alfalfa leaves are very excellent and
chickens eat them with great relish, they
contain many of the ingredients of the
Then keep them healthy by giving them
a good dust bath with some well slacked
lime mixsd with it to keep lice off.
Paint the roosts with coal tar and no
mites will stay on them.
For cold or roup take well slacked good
lime and dust over them at night after
they have gone to roost, until the room
is filled with the dust.
Tnese are some of the ways we have
learned and think them good.
We use but little of the so-called
try prepirations that are advertised . to
make nens lay.
Wehave many othar ways of tresting
various diseases that we will tell aiiyon
desiring information but w will not ex
tend this artiel by relating them here
but will answer any question we car.
We have for some time been able to
make our hens net us $1.00 per hed
but th past year has been a record
breaker. From an average of 1 60 hens w
gathered 17140 egg sold in the market
saig.?5 worth besides what we s. t and
used, not counting eggs sold for hatching
or chicken- told.
Cost of keeping, wheat $6 5.00 ' ttale
bread $ 1 0.00. meat and bona terarjt SJ OC
lime and etc $4.00. Total $88.00.
I would like to hear from mora of tha
lovers of th much abused hen who keen
a daily record of what they actually do
thru the entire year and that would tm far
to put biddy in her proper sphere.
CD. Huffman.
Death ha again claimed one of Atir
pioneert,This tim it was Mr. John Hugg
who ha lived in the Oranda Ronda vallav
since 1880. Death came from old an
and th remain were laid away in th
ouiimi.. etrr(?' yesterday after
noon John Hug was born in Switzerland In
18S 3 and cam to thi county in 1880
settling at what i now Summerville, and
ha lived there continually tine. Thirt
een year ago hi wif patted away, and
yar after yar, hi four brother hav
died, leaving him on tister, Mr Rachel
Roulet of Elgin who hat reached th rip
old age of 84, and flv children. :
Mr. Hugg therefore wat the latt of a
arge and p'ominent family.
It is a family that hat teen th growth
and forward trend of th Grand Ronde
valley from it infancy.' He leave flv
children: three ton and two daughter
Thar are August, Benjamin and Tilda
and Mrs Clara Neiderer ell now living in
thi valley.
(Scrlppe New AaaoeUUo)
Seattle, Jan. 22 The Interstate Com
merce Commiesion thi morning began an
inquiry into the ear shortage on the Paoiflc
coast A number of officials of th Great
Northare and Northern Pacifi hav been
subpoened. . . ; :
' :' " , ' f " ?
rnucui vjiauuc iuiiuc
Th ru4.. k. tLI a l
' k'"v ui urn iiuuiei uuuiing mm siiuaiea in in ry neari or, in
best wheat land in Orande Rond valley, consequently th best flourV.,': & trial
will convince you of it tuperority. ' ' -V
; Vntiston havingyour order filled with thi brand or th "Patent" from thi
am mill. . , ' " 'N ,', .
For sal by all first class dealers.
Pride of Grande Ronde
Domestic or Polish
A. B. C.
La Grvnle, '
depends for its success upon three
things. First, your companion,
second, the dinner, third the service.
You pick out the companion, w
If you do your part s well as
w dooure, the meal will be me of
the bright espisodes in your lif.
W are ready for the tost when
ever you are.'
"crlpiia Newe Association)
Chicago Jan. 22 Railroad conductor
and trainmen to th number of two hun
dred, representing local and all th
western coantry met today to present a
concentrated demand to the railroad t
of th Illinois Central for higher wage
and shorter hours.
Thh Oregon diviion of th 0. R. & N.
is represented by Ed. Cross and H. C
Grady of La Grande, J. J. Killing of Port
land and t.j. Butlr of Teko.
8crlppa New Aaaoetatioa)
Salm,Jan. 82. Th following 'is tha
ptrsonitel of th committee in th senate
and houee on counties.
Senate Miller of Marion. McDonald of
H R A Booth of Lane. .
House Washburn, HndneE.
ohild, Belknap and Brown.
8orlpp New AaannUtlon) ':,
Indianapoli. January 22. Tha miners'
convention adjourned sin die this morn
ing. It chos President Mitchell and Vic
President Lewi to head th delegate to
th next meeting of th federation of
labor. ,
(Scrlppe New Association) '
Columbus, Jan 23 It 1 likely that
President Roosevelt will be called upon
to investigate th riot among th soldiers :
in th garrison her latt nights
(Scrlppe New Aaaootatlon)
. St Paul, Minn.; Jan; 22 It it xtrmely
cMd thruout th middle west. Resident
of many part of North Dakota ara ia
dire need on account of th lack of fuel.
The Great Northern 1 sending coal and
wood on passenger train. Th mercury
ha dropped to 28 below zero. '
. . - , t-; .i ...
!ll J .l . . ..
Don't submit to any substitution. '
Ac1 irm.yi
" ,
v . t J i . t
Vergere No.
Phone Black 1301
J. A. Arbuckle Proprietor
1 1: ir? Ysijir'v-rT'i'r.iii-t,'M
i Ti mm in! i' mi i Mr ri,