f r i 2 Commence the NawVo " w vt A vwU ' v' right by trading at. Smith's Market Our Meats Speak Themselves for All kinds of fresh and I and salt meats always on iiAua. we make a specialty of poultry. uive us a trial and convinced. Prompt delivery. Phone Red 751 be I Smith & Dawson! Proprietors UPHOLSTERING OLD FURNITURE , sacaM APE GOOD AS NEW , I .r; .,v$Vf Lounge and couches upholstered. Mattresses recovered and generaly renovated, carpets cleaned and put down. . . i Special Furniture Made to Order.' All Work Called For and Delivered Promptly. t. H. HILLNAM -Cor ind N. "Depot' Monroe St. PHONE ' 1801 Red IN A HURRY? CALL THE TRANSFER ' MAN fie will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it. ;, Day phone Red 761 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at yout service - ; CURED OF LUNG TROUBLE . "It is new eleven years since I had narrow escape from consumption," writes CO. Floyd, a businessman of Kershaw. S. C. "1 had run down in weight to 1 55 pound), and coughing was constant, both by day and by night. Finally I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and continued this for about six months, when my cough and jung trouble were entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight. 170 pounds. Thousands of per sons are healed evvry year. Guaranteed atNewhn drug tto.j. SOc and $1.00. Trial bottle free. WANED Board and Roomers, at House. All V hite help, rate?. the Palmer Reasonable FOUND A long chain was found near the A. B. C. Laundry. Owner may have same by calling at this office and payine fifty cents for this notice. Obstinate racking coughs A A A A Ai4...'., . t THEN It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and is safest for children and delicate people. Remember the name FOLEY'S H&NEY AMD TAR and insist upon having the genuine, as no other remedy Is so safe or as certain in results. Given Up to Die With Croup. Mrs. P. I. Cordier, of Mannington, Kj., writes: "My three-year old eirl had a severe case of croup; the doctor said she could not live and I gave her up to die. I went to the store and pot a bottle of Foley's Honey an J Tar. The first dose gave quick relief and saved ber life." Three sixes CRAVfORD'S St! FIRST TRIAL AT BAKER Judge Tom Crawford of La Grande will try his first case as circuit judge in Baker on Monday next when Alex Widdowson will stand before the bar to answer to the charge of murder. It is inpossible that Judge Smith will be called to Eugene to attend the annual meeting of the board of regents of the state unive'rsity of which he is a member, and arrangements have oeen made between the judges, for an exchange of benches whereby Ju'gj Craw ford will relieve Judge Smith unless some thing intervenes. For two years Smith has been unable to attend the meeting of the regents be cause of the interference of legal duties which prevented bis leaving the sessions of the circuit court here. However be will n r.11... J.t rr..f?Tr An,. ing the judge's first term as judge Id Union courtty, and an arrangement , has been entered into thru which Judge Craw ford will receive his initiatory lessons in presiding over an important trial, in Baker next Monday. Judge Smith will see Judge Crawford started in the trial of the case on Mon day, and wiH thea leave for Eugene. He wilt return to Baker in time to take' up the Brown trial in probability and will be relieved only for the week, or for what time is necessary to try the Widdowson ease.., The session of the University re gents will be an important one, and Judge Smith feels that it is his duty to attend the meeting if possible. " In return as soon as Judge Crawford opens his term of court in Union county Judge Smith will go to La Grande and relieve the judge in the trial of the many cases in which be was interested as an attorney before his elevation to the bench thru the appointment by Governor Chamberlain. Baker City Herald. WE WANT YOUR TRADE and will treat you right at Stillwell & Co's. market. Phone Main 16 ' ' CLEARANCE SALE St. Peters' Guild having still on hand several winter garments, will hold a clearance sale on Saturday, the 19 th, in Mr. Kilpatrick's machine warehouse. Everything goes at your owu price. Do not forget tne place and date. f: PURE LARD Is to be found at Stillwell & Company's market. 'Phone Main 16. . HOW TO CURE CHILBLAINS "To enjoy freeJom from chilblains", wraes Jonn Keiiip, East Otisfield, Me., "1 apply Buckisn's Arnica Salve. -Have also used it for salt rheum ith excellent results". Guaranteed to cure fever sores, indolent ulcers, piles, burns, wounds, frost bites and skin diseases. 25c at Newlin drug store. that settle on the lungs and imaf 25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contain $1.00 bottle almost aut time a T7 T7 ii ii sold m muemm by A . T. HI J JT . DRC A RARE I ' - Vl l,r"- & TPfei -. " y'li'luLhiJ itamawj '( I! A sweet toned Emerson piano wita the Angelus X f.2 v; ..' heard lingers in the memory; i B .TBI or itrt ciciasT t ; LAJID IN THE fai. maids nd brave men the most ;u tured. the widest traveled, the fittest to judge if fittincr fare for the table, can find naught but praiee as their ooinion of our staple and fancy grocerien or the luxuries prosperity permits. Our large buyirg and moderate pricing has much to do with putting groc eries of the best sort, into the homes of people of ordinary means. A small trial crdtr will convince you oi the su-iemrity of our store and our sales methods. J.. PHONE MAIN 46', ' v I NORTH FIR STREET ', ; J i- Mr ps, , . Contractor and Build : Ualei iw Kuil.lim' M; terial Building Stone. Clean Gravel delivered. Course S&nd a d (ir mo. Oregon Dro "a line raining work, nd t wii T'.'HfV. rr:e. develop into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured by ' Editor Cured of Lung Troublo. W. L. Straub, Editor of St. Petersburg; (Fla.) Time, writes: "When coming across the bay from Port Tampa I got wet and caught a cold that affected my throat and lungs. I neglected it, thinking I would soon recover, but I kept getting worse, until I bought a bottle ot Foley' 0 Honey and Tar, and it cured me completely." two and one-half time as much as the (mall much. RefuM Substitutes. TREAT FOR an y. ... Are W u "lired, Nervous ' Jj i V'cf'J Sleep.cs? ' ' ;'jrprnii.i.., -,il in':im... a nr n. 'llliiV li In 1h( lll.'t III.. I li. i lli'I . ; :-.'n ait ini'ily niMir:ii'i g vi p t.i(T f..t r'l.jnti nrw. , r. I'ih: f ''iJrii Mfi)-! fH'iivi'rj i.iAia i'' jii,t HM'l ' y vli. n,rv, i : pn-pcrlr n..Mrl-:inI a u I !l ih or .u tiliiilf aivn.ii ewsmintiv k imi'-liii: 'tr -W-.'h riui!. m iiil. ' 1ii''i'i!ii aj'f. i"ln. ipin ami tr'i:iiins si uiil up unit lux'lgiiriiU'M, Mm i' u jiu nn.l fur m rliolf lot of ti) iir iwni J vnrk. rioji -jI nil, the iitniiutli un. I In 'fi lu vitliy ami hxultli ro .((' i ii invii l t. Mi mi uiiili-i a Mil ,w i iriMM whit')i liur I lnro. tuNtmlne l' for k slmrt lim. In tliiit tliov nr lurm-it' mi-..wd f nk-olinl hoMiiut'tiie. dniK l' Mvlniirtii. Ihls i.Ufilml klirlnkii ii Uttin1.) ulood rarriir(., and In ilw lunv run ratly iuJnr- ilio ty ii'in. one may u f li'lrtrd und hettor fur thn time bi-lnj Tot In l.hx ti(l Witki-!iivi1 a I'll with vititliiy J-T.'u.i. Itr- I'Minu'i tiinwii Mnli.wi 1)1 rovrtry cminluH no alinh-.l. Krv ootiln of It hour upon. It wmiHr 7V lliui.ic nf Uwurmtu. In ii (till list ..I oil jt. siiviiral iiirrHll'ni. Kr tli driiKPisl t olTnrrou HoniHililiiK be claliim l"jmtt ar iHhl " I to lnnlt your inw lliiri'in'. Kvory iiiKrcdii'iit fiiuTlng Inlo'ifm world-fami-d 'lioliliin MHllcarDlni-'ivprv" ha tho unikiilmonsaiiprnval and txnJu'ot. oinnt of the lllim nilli':il miUiurlin of h II the ivc'-iil f.huu!aii( pructlK. No pthnr nifdl -ln.- ilil ttinmsli (IrnirjiMs for llko piirp'iM'. hint any kui;1i umlorxi'mfiit. Th "li ilili-ii Mmllcul DiMitwry not only 'r'Kjiu'i4 all tli good cff.'ct to Im obuiineU Ii iiii ih one of (nildim Sul root, in nit xiomncli. liver and howoi Iron hlim. to In d)'fslH. ullloiiTOimii. con stlpittion, uln-rntion nf slomucli mid bowols and kliHlrod ailment, hut Dm (ioldt'ii N'hI rout ii-od In ltd i'oniiiinil Ing I grciitlv cnlinm-ol In u ciirinlvi- no tion by other liutrilliMilj( such h yunw root, Itlack Cherry luirk. IllooOnxit. Mutf drnke root'iiiid ebeuilcajly pum tiipic rclliK'it plyiM-rhw. "ThA Common Sonso Mndlcal Advlwr," Is until frw in pnvi r wivi'r on nt-elut o." 21 ono-pi'iii M,i m;. to jihv t ho nv of r in II III'.' nnr. Kic 11 'tuniiii, llif cIiiiIi-Ix.iiikI vi.linno t ll, V- '.n. AUUroy Iw. U. V, 'ii-r.-c P-l.-hl... X. V.- ' I'.r. I',, ivi 'k I'). Mount Pi'I'ot onrncuii 'il- tioii. iiiiiiiiumuM" aii'l r,i'udnrli. the right mi Mr. August Sherpe. the DODo!ar over- jewr of r.ha noor. at Koit Miditon. la., nays: "Dr. King s New Life Pills are rightly named; they act more aareeably. do more crood and make one feul tetter than any ether laxative." Guaranteed to cure biliousnes and constipation 23c at Ntwlin drug store. T lis and th is ; - r- , r - MUSIC t i Commencing Tuesday week and continuing a MR. J. Formerly Wanamaker's now with Sherman will be at Heulat's ; Music Store where he wili be glad to demon strate to you the WOMDERFUL POSSIBILITIES of THF Cnee ? f r . ' . Come and listen, you lf ?A. V iA11 Wnd$ 6 ALSTON BLDQ iv LCLES- La Grande Aerie 589F. 0 trttie mry Priosy night ip Elk ' at 8 pm. Visiting brhren '"ed to attend ) , M , .-. -r . P. Snook W. S J. H. Peare W. P. I i. 0. 0. P. La Grande Lodge No. 16, mjets in their hall every Saturday night Visiting brother cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. - E. B. MoKiddt. N.Q. Q.E.Cqx,So. ' a ?i:t- STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 51, I. 0. 0. F. Meet every first and third Thurs day in th month in Odd Fallow hall. Visiting patriarch always welcome, ' Q. E. Fowlih, C P. 0. E. Cox, Scribe. M. W, A. La Grande Camp ' Na f? 04 meets evsry Monday vening at . 1. 0. 0. F. halL Ail visiting neighbor are cordially invited to attend. F. a Currit V. C. C. S. Williams Clerk. . FORESTERS OF AMERICXCoert Maid Marion No. 22 meet each Wednes day night In Elk hall. - Brother tr invited to attend. En Wrioht Chief Ranger C. J. Scribbb Financial Sec. Board of Trustees Dr. G. L. Biookrs John Hall and C. S. William. , FRIENDSHIP TENT No. 81. K. 0. T ..--Meets second and fourth Wednesdays ach month in I. O. 0. F. hall. Visiting mights welcome. - H. C, Ball. Com 4 ox Bloch, Record Keeper ' - UO. T. M. HIVE No. 27. Meets every rirst and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting 'adies are welcome. . . , . ' Maudb Loho Lady Commander. M. C. Vissey, Record Keeper. B. P. 0. E La GRANDE LODGE No 55 Meets each Thursday evsning at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Brother are cordially invited to attend. E. W. Davis, Exalted Ruler G. E. McCully, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 1S9. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD-Meols every Friday ' of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp buildir.g. Ail visiting member welcome. Ffcfco Jacobs Consul Commander J. H. Kbeney, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE, No. 27-Meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corps building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights, , ' N. L. Ackles, C. C. R. Pattison, K. R, t S. ) . RATHBONE- SISTERS Row ia Tem ple No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. in the K. 6f P. Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting members cordi slly invited. " Milly Fhawlky M. E. C ici Procter M. of R. S, C. ' LA GRANDeToDGE No. 4l, A. F. tt A. M. Regular meetings 2d and 4th Tuesdays 7:20 p. m. L"H. Russell, W. M. C. D. Huffman. Sec REBEKAH-CHRYSTAL LODGE NO. 60Meets every Tuesday evening at th u. v r. looge. All visiting members areinvited toattend. Mary Fhakeh, NQ Lizzie Haworth, Secretary. MODERN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA Meets every Tuesday even ing Lewis hall opposite Hotel Soipner. Visiting members always welcome. Auoust Stuart, Pres. W. B. Saroint, Sec. Reconstructs your whole body, makes rich red blood. Drives out impurities that have collected during the winter. Holl ister Rocky Mountain Ta is a family tonic. 86 cnt. Ta or Tablet. . Nbwun Druo Company. LOVERS of few this days H. SMITH player, piano expert, but Clay & Go , of Portland,' . FMFDcmi Aitir.Fi .iic :! S.IIIM1VUII f-lVHKWLS .: f- will surely enjoy the treat Musical instruments COR. DEFOT & ADAMS AVB. La Grande Camp No. 7703 M. W. A. wants you for a member. It offers you the best and cheapest, . safe insurance at the lowest cost , Join now while we are securing other, applica tions, . and u be ( initiated with aJ bunch of candi dates. I i :'; v"V. ' ': ' We also have accident insurance, paying for time lost by sickness or accident. f: v.' , aj'. Our order has more than double the member ship of any other order giving straight Ufa insur ance, and we charge less than others for the same kind of insurance. ? - The next order in' size to ours is the K. 0. T. M. and it has about 313,000 members. Our order has 840,000 members, have ing increased about 1 00, 000 during the past twelve months. . Our District Depdty John H, Starr will arrive in La Grande on Monday, January 21, and will be with us until the following Saturday. See him and give him your application. It costs $5 to join bs&ide examination fees. , WISt (OlINSEl FROM THE SOUTH "I want to give soma valuable advice to those who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble," says J. R. Blankenship of Beck, Tenn. "I have proved to an abso lute certainty that Electric Bitlers will positively cure this distressing condition. Th first bottle gave me great relief and after taking a tew more bottles, I was completely cured; so completely that it become a pleasure to recommend thie great remedy." Sold under guaranet t Newlin drug store. Price 60c.