La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 18, 1907, Image 4

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In every department, including an extraordinary sale
slin Underwear
Just go through our stock for yourself and pick out
the best for yourself. All our finest and handsomest
imported novelties, richest plaids, mixtures in checks
and plain blacks, velvets and velveteens, fancy trim
mings, silk and satin liningsall included in this sale
All Our Children's and Misses' Coats at
Pvery ore in 1 he house at ah average of
about one. fourth off.
One lut cf Skirts at h?M price to close.
One lot of waists up to $10.00 to
go at $2.00. One lot cf waist va'ues up
to $3.00 to close at 50c.
Children' Qu'w j Purses and pocket J Beautiful line of
Flannel gowns. ! books, all reduced j ladies' neckwear
$1.35 for $1.50 large j Ladies' corsets, ail
siz3 comforts, extra. ! odds and ends to
heavy, Bahama-. $i 3 j close at 25c
The time has corns u
stock is to 'j)
lcs:"than c
figure m v,
the entire
out ?st,
; half cost cut no
cloak stock must
go regardless of cost.
Dress Goods Fur and Petticoats Table Oil Cloth Ribbons and Velvets
Silk and Velvets Children's wear Tcwels and Linens Hosiery and Under-
Suits and Coats Flannels and Linens Outing Flannels wear
Waists Wash Fabrics Lace and Embroider- Suit Cases and Bags
Muslin Underwear Kimonas and Shawls ies Blankets and Com-
SKirts Umbrellas Gloves and Neckwear forts
1 ! 'ITT "Iff
The Blue' Mountain Creamery Com
pany it today doing its regular routine of
busidess in its new and commodious
quarters in the buHding known as the old
Land Office building. The building has
been renovated thruout and is i.ow ar
ranged to facilitate the needs of company.
From the large ante-room one can itep
into five various departments of the plant.
To the right are the office rooms. A well
lighted room will be the office of W. W.
Weeks, the bookkeeper, and still beyond
this room is another room, equally as
com'ortable, where P-iesident O. E. Harp
er has his desk. From the office rooms
the managers car. sp directly into the
ice cream department. From this depart
ment is a stairway leading to the base
ment where will ultimately be installed a
cold storage plant, and where is located a
large furnace to supply heat and hot
water. If the visitor at the plant desires
to inspect the butter making department,
he has but to pass out of the ante-room
and the churr.s and vats can be seen.
Passing on thru this iarge room, the visit-
m . ........
or stands in the weighing room, IB
room is the reai door of the buildings
thru this exit wilt be hrjt the milk fm,
farm wagons, weighed, and exchang, t
buttenilk matfs. ' Here, toj, i(
cans will be washed. . j?
To the right of the churn room it V
refrigerator. A mall room adjoining
contains a five horse power motor h
motive power of the place. In tht
side of the ante-room is a door leadiwi,
a large chamber where milk flli.
tested. &
When customers desire to get milk u
the building, they have but to step to the
end of the ante-room, and there thru
window, they can transact their buainesi
'with the milk department within the room
Every room Is well ventilated, wit
lighted, and has a thorough drainingA.,
tem to a central sewer. 4"
A new six hundred pound churn ajidt
vat to correspond has been installed. Tj
means that the capacity of the comptm
has been doubled over what it wat in tht
old quarters,
mm 1
if m
Luc'jn TuMey. via a 5!-3 pgyi-.d hog toj
K E H itchkiss. iit 'AV. -.esday. j Marv n nci Dr G W 0 rejg :
cut to pie v, i;-g'esWorth sjxin;'!
3t.turd.iy. Tn-y reiirt mch mov and
no ir.en at worn.
r.'.'es & 3:w!by. sold 303 head of beef'e ij S;-.rt:e'p:rt.e ! weik. T.ts
e-.f.'tf w,:i b snipped fr.'jin Eljitt this
T :r. S.;fsl ;nd3 n business trp to La
0'?. '-!, :n iartwr part of last week
:':.t:i rr.t a representative of Mar
i"i : "-' z i 4.--J o.-jerej a spring stick of
All this month we will give bargains. It alw, pays to trade at this store ft
because you obtain better goods just as cheap as inferior goods t.. I
cheap stores. Thousands of bargains all this month.
C- V.' Hyatt cf the Ersrpris M & M
Ci. s ;.-.: Frssay r. gr,t in Wallowa on his
iJ I: Li Grande to purchase goods for
... s::-e from the representatives of the
Eif r.-' houses.
A LT:j!:ey left Monday for La Grande
tc i:eS tne a...iwii, meeting of the
strcooliiers of the Blue Mojntain Cream
ery Co and to take part in the election of
effictrs for the ensuing term. The ofhV
cers of the company will be elected to
morrow. The Elgin City council passed two ex
cellent ordinances last week. One raised
the license required for itinerant peddlers
from one dsllar per day to $25 per day.
The other requires property owners in the
business district to remove snow and ice
from sidewalks within twenty four hours
after it falls.
An evangelistic campaign has been be
gun in this county by "The Latter Day
5amts.. or Mormons. Three ministers of
that faith has stopped at the Golden Rule
boarding house during ue past week.
Rev, Levi Wilson spent several days be
fore going out to Promise to hold a ser
ies of meetings. Rev. H C Merryman
spent several days here the ast of the
week, and Elder L J Moora arrived Fri
day night. Both went to Leap Saturday
morning where they expect to hold a
series of meetings.
Si I'lppn Ne Aoe!ntloni
San Jan 1 8 Sixty-five
th-us:ind dollars worth of gold bullion wji
sto'en from U13 Wells-Farga Companyat
Barstow this mornirtr. The metal wis
hound for San and the mei-
sender was busy unloading other express
when the th;ef stcure J the box fron
among hundreds of other packages.
. Putting the valuble pi reel on his shoul
ders he walked away. It is tnot ha ,ii4
tlio bullion. His capture is not liko'y.
until mi
(Scrlpps News Association)
Washington, Jon, i 8 Buffalo B4 or
Col. W. F. Cody has all arrangemwtt
made for a bear hunt on a big tctltm
Wyoming next fall. His discription of tht
great herds of deer and large numbsr of
of bears and mountain lions intheSoshant
and Big Heart Mountains is said to but .
excited the President so much that ht will
accompany the hunter to the Rockiet tf
a week. Col. Coby had an interview .
the President yesterday afternoon but tht
result hat not transpired.
.i r m a
.u.iinni'o Compact, Mtullnon, WH. .
.. ine mo en i nur OfCPt
' Kiity TmuVm 'mplen. Ecrti
' V i .(row'l. f.I'ifinriKh Bowels
None Better. None Purer. None Sweeter. i
UscLa Grande Sugar, and Us no Other
4 9tttNN