' V "' ' 1Mt,111sssiigiixEM ml ' I Close Out Second Hand Goods BARGAINS I ALWAYS THE VERY BEST .9o and up .75 and up .25 and up .5o and up ; DRIED FRUITS, all kinds.. CANED FRUITS, all kinds, J' RAISINS, London, layer and loose. MINSE MEAT, Heinz and home made. - ' . $7-5o Several coal and wood heaters -$1.50 and up " cross cut saws - - - .35 and up I " chairs and rockers - . - -6. 00 and up ! . ' bed springs - 1 2 guage Winchester shot gun Several Winchester rifles Several Rochester and Metal lamps Several cook stoves - - " 3 I CANDY AND NUTS, largest iine in Union county COCONUTS, and all tropical fruits, "GRAPES some- f .' thing rtever seen here before. . , Lots of tools, picture frames and other articles of VALUE too numerous to mention will be sold at BARGAINS to CLOSE OUT AT ONCE before inventory I CITRON, - LEMON AND ORANGE PEAL, SPANISH , MALAC and CATAWBAS, imported direct from Spain J. ? 'W. .WHITE, rrompi ueuvery. GROCERi Phone Main 42 u , 7 1 Cn.,-,VA ' GEO. T. PARR. OUUQIC UCai C.B.SIMMONS, President PHONE MAIN Sec'y and Mgr. 51 PARR-SIMMONS COMPANY '' ' ' 1 : INCORPORATED : ' Dealers In Grande Ronde Valley Products Fruit. Hay, Potatoes and Grain ,-::: Apple a Specialty ir; " LARGE COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE , Hay Wanted Now . y t ':, w m i Wll HMH3? ifRICES PAID i V Calland ee' us before ' you sell . . .. .,. r Jefferson Ave, and Greenwood St La Grande, Oregon JiPCMAL DAKUAIIN5 IN J ;J W have several cars of strictly fancy Mixed Timothy hay, which we quoti t J; at ry low prics- JJV3.O0 ter1 ton. Wheat hay at $11.00 per ton, t ' oat at tiis'pkr'Ue '''' ' - ' ? ' , ' -"V ' X i , A complete, Sapsly. JBf.paperT.WrappIng papev wax papery dishes, pulp pie plates, paper oyster pails, paper bags all size, and twine. The best r T grade of paper and the lowest price. V PHONE MAIN I Oregon Produce Company ': x Every Commercial Club in 'the Inland Empire should help Spokane in her fight for a Just railroad rat. If Spokane wins we all win. . i AFTER XMAS PURCHASES! j 'PERFUMES AND ToiLET WATERS fV True Odor From the Natural Flower . It i with much pleasure that' we call X your attention to our perfume deparfr- meht buy our perfumes direct Jrom thA maker. By careful study Z ;pnd strt attention to the .'wants of ? 'pur patrons we are able to offer you ne oesi selected line or perfumes out' side of the large cities.- '' ' 1 . J .STATIONERY ; r. oompieie ime or tabiau, bo papers ifeto. Wniemtei Berlines, Eaton-Hub- a urie apdJTihii best makers. 1 '' Vftyytry Cplordo view tablets, .1 TOILET WATERS 'To the particular' buyers of toilet warn n we win merely say mai you are sure to find what you want in our J stock, from the 26c bottle up. Roger & Gallet'a, Colgate. Ricksecker's. e Palmer', Pinand'e, 4-7-11", Hud- S nut a eto. We invite you all to come in and inspect bur perfume depart- ment. For quality and price it can- not be beat. i. FOR THE TOILET All the, best, brand of powders,' lotfont, soaps, cold creams, cosmetics, ' massage creams, manicure accessories, 2 etc., are to be found In our stock. We can please the most critical. -!'! A. -T; HILL. : PreacrJption Qrussist LA GRANDE, OR eeeeee. .. J l LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor 'i, 'rnplcte Machine Shops and Foundry " Genera Blacksmith, We manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed ..vMilU.Jhe best and cheapest mill on the market. Our shops are . equipped, with machinery tc handle any sized work, nothing too large "or nothing to small. Higher pt ices paid for old cast iron. : trin - J PRETTY! YARNS, NEWRIBBONS WOODEN ' ; KNITTING PINS BONE CROCHET NEEDLES HOLIDAY GOODS OF ALL KINDS 'E.' M. Wellman & Company j ADAMS AVENUE Men's coats 25c up : Women's clothing at your own price Phone Red 1161 Phone Black 641 F. D. HAISTEN H. B. HAISTEN 1415 Adam Avenue ' 2IS Fir Street Store Dealers In New and Second Hand Goods We carry a complete line NEW FURNITURE and HARDWARE. La Crande Evening Observer SATURDAY JANUARY ,12. 1906 Published ' daily except on Sunday One year in advance . Six month in advance....... Pr month .'. .. ,'. Single copy CURREY BROS.. ED'S AND PROP Poultry show are to be held thi month in Seattle, Olympia, Portland and Walla Walla. These meetings are good for any community in which they are held. In a county where poultry raising la to pro fitable at it i in Union county the indus try should be ancounired. The mine of ..O.OUI- . , , , , on I ,uu ' markets assures the highest price, tor eeveral month in the year our dealer import Eastern egg. This county should export instead import poultry product. 66c .6c Entered at the Post Office at La Grand Oregbn, a Second Class Matter. i This paper will notfpublish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received eubject to the discretion of the editor. .. Please 'sign yourj articles and save disappointment. ADVCitTUUHU KATES Display Ad rats rnralhJ qpob apuileation Local raadlna noUoes lOo per Una Bret loser. Uoa, jo per Ua Ibr eaeh eobeequent , I asm Hon. , ... ,i esolDUons ofooadoleaee, jo per line. JfcrdJ of Uikakl, to per llB , - The attention of the Oregonian is pall ed to tLe fact that there i lea danger to human life in Eugene "the university town" from it water tupply than to. the citizens of Portland from' thug and murderer. Eugene Register. ' .' A movement i being made which will doubtless result in a bill being introduced in the legislature to abolish the office of county recorder and merge it into the county clerk's offloe. At the present time there are but 'twelve counties in the state having separata recorders, these counties are: Benton, Clackamas, Doug la, Jackson, ' Linn, Malheur, Yamhill, Marion, Sherman, Umatilla and Union. The last session of the legislature abol ished the office of recorder in Baker county. . Dispatches from Indianapolis, Ind., an- nounces that Ezra Meeker, the old pioneer of this state who left on the ' back track of the old Oregon trail nearly a year ago, has arrived safely in that city, which was his point of destination. JV H. Ackerman, state school superin tendent, is framing a law that' will make compulsory attendance at school compul sory. That is what Oregon needs. There are too many boy and girl in this state who fail to put proper value , upon ac quiring an education. The Nortnwest Fruit Growers Associ ation meets this month in Seattle. (It met in La Grande last year.) Hera it an opportunity to bring Grande Ronde Val ley fruit to the attention of thousands of -ft w. ,. Seattle people in addition to prominent fruit grower from all portion of the Northwest and Canada. Who will take the lead to make this possible ? . An open river to the sea is the battle cry of the Inland Empire. This would have been brot about many years ago had not Oregon persisted in having United States senators who were under.; the absolute control of the railroads. Under the new system of electing senators this will riot be a aasy m the future at it "has been in the past. The fear of special rebate which the large packing houses Sn ' the East were supposed to enjoy has prevented men of limited capital from embarking in this business in La Grande and other sections of the Northwest. For year we have shipped our live hogs East where they were, manufactured into cured meat and then shipped back to thi country. packing house here would have the ad vantage of the freight ' both way. Now that rebates are tot a thingxrf the past many small packing housee will be springup In many localities! La Grande ffers exceptional advantages for. such aa .Hon. Frank C. Baker, who died in Portland recently, left an estate valued at $260,0001 The will leaves $2500 each to the Portland Baby's home, Boys and Girls Aid Society, the Children' Home, Florence Crittenton Refuge Home. Pat- ton Home for the aged, the Y. M. C. A. Y. W.C. A. and Salvation -army.' There is also set aside $18,000 to $25,000 for a monument to the memory of Oregon pioneer,1 and $1600 each for eight drink ing fountains also $60,000 for beauti fying the park. The. balance of hi fortune goes to his wife and relatives. " ART IfSSONS Miss Nina Hunstock wishes to announce to the ladies of La Grande that she i , prepared to take orders and give lesson in both water colore and china painting. Studio at 906 Main St. CURED OF lUM TROUBLE "It ie new eleven years since I had ' a narrow escape from consumption," writes C. O. Floyd, a businessman of Kenshaw, S. C "1 had run down in weight to 135 pounds, and coughing waa constant, both by day and by night. Finally I began taking Dr. King' New Discovery, and continued this for about aix months, when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds. Thousands of per son are healed every year. Guaranteed atNewlin drug store 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. X Gommence the New Year right by trading at Smith's Market Our Meats Speak Themselves for ! WASHING MACHINES; A' good washing machine makes washing a pleasure and garments absolutely clean and white. Do your own washing and save ennuirh in two months to pay for a washer. We handle the following brands: OCEAN WAVE, SNOW BALL GUARANTEE REV0N0C. W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO: ' t Hardware, Stoves and Furniture , Crockery and Building Materials eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee La Grande National Bank ESTABLISHED 1887 , United States Depositary Capital and Surplus, $150,000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OEORQE PALMER. President. ' J. M. BERRY, Vice President. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. W. L. BRENH0LTS, 1st Assistant Cashier. C. S. WILLIAMS. " 2nd Assistant Cashier 1 GEORGE L. CLEAVER, F. M. BYRKIT. . , A. B. CONLEY. C. C PENINGTON. F.J.HOLMES. Comparative statemeut showing growth of the bank' business in the ' past three years January 2nd 1 904 January 2nd 1 905 January 2nd 1906 Individual deposits ' $567.728 97 627,543 18 736,670 60 Total volume of business $678,740 98 ' i 859.016 86 986,185 67 eeeeeeeeeeee. eee i ' - . - ' ' Uhe farmer? ana TJraders TJationat Siank , Capital.. .v Z.. . Surplus and Undivided Property.. Liabilities of Shareholders.. Responsibility .$ 60,000.00 15,000.00 .... 60,000.00 ...$136,000.00 Condu-.teo u-r i-upervieion of United States Bank Examiner. i . oa.E AND RELIABLE Glad to continue Id cn..omers and plea'sed to" meet new ooee. A General Banking jih, Exane Business Conducted. , Loan made on approv; Secin.y Highest Market Price paid lor 0.nCJJnty Warranto and City of La Grande Warrants. Be:,u,e tc ca,.on when you have warranto for Sale. V AH ' kinds of ' fresh and X and salt meats always on hand. , , We make a specialty of poultry. ' Give us a trial and be convinced. Prompt delivery. Phone Red 751 Smith &. Dawson Proprietors r.'tii0!.!.'-?-.'''1''1' I LATE JEWELRY ARRIVALS NOW ON EXHIBITION J. H. PEARE. I La Grande's Leading Jeweler and 'optician j Opposite U. S. Land Office X FIIUFCT CTnrv nr n.rn.r. 4 3 ft 2 A- it enterprise. ... v ULrtNUABLE JEWELRY IN CITY J . '"tn) v i . ... . . -