m . D. H. STEWARD. Proprietor and Manager. TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 GO JID AND f REED present their melodramatic Novelty big illlf I flUil A splendid Company, headed by MISS ISABELLE LOWE Scenic Investiture unsurpassed Every act carried in its entirety 4 big SPECIALTIES -4 PRICES: Dress Circle 60c Orchestra and Orchestra Circle 76c Gallery 25c and 60c I Free Oregon State Lands i Irrigated You are entitled to 20,40,80 120 or 160 acres FREE AMUSEMENT - SCENIC MELODRAMA One of the novelties of the season wil be the attraction at the Steward's opera house. Tuesday. Jan. 1 6, when the big scenic rrielodnma. "Nettie the Newsgin" will open an engagement The play is in four acts, introducing several thrilling scenes aud sensational climaxes, all of which are taken from different parts of New York City. One of the most power ful situations is the ' scene in the New Penna. R. R. tunnel beneath North River. This, scene is said to be one of the most sensational ever introduced into a melo drama, and aptly illusttates the progress of latter day realism, in the dramatic field. Plenty of good clean comedy is interspersed throughout the piece and a number of high class specialties are intro duced. . ' you simply pay for the cost of irrigation, which is $10.00 per acre, payable one-fourth cash, balance in ' three equal annual payments. Title direct from the STATE OF OREGON. This land is going fast; do not delay; call or write today. EASTERN OREGON COLONIZING CO. Foley Block La Grande, Oregon CHEMULPO OR: I What an American Saw of the First Battle of the Russo-Japanese War. Under the Auspices of the Epworth league In the Methodist Church i MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 14. 1907 Bishop Moor began his work in Eastern Asia with the Boxer Outbreak, and closed it amid the exciting scenes of the Russo Japanese War. He disembarked from the Russian transport Sungari one day, and she was destroyed the next. For weeks there was great uncertainty as to his safety. He witnessed the sea-fight of Chemulpo with which the war began Before returning to this country he was compell ed to tell the storjj in five of the principal cities of Japan; here he has told it from Alaska to the Gulf, and from ocean tc ccean. ADMISSION, Adults 50c Children 25c. MAYOR ON WARPATH Mayor Stoddard, has his war paint on and states that he is going to stay with this smallpox case to a finish. He states that he is a victim of circumstances and that he has acted under the " advice of physicians at every move and yesterday afternoon under the authority of his office and as an interested party to the suit which had been filed against him he de- his physician Dr. Molitor, City physician Dr. Biesers and the Chairman of the committee on Health, Dr. Richardson, call and diagnose the case to determine what it was, who he states pronounced the disease which his children have been afflicted with smallpox, and this is the first time thai he was informed that the case was smallpox. He is anxious to have the case come to trial but will ask that it be postponed until such time as the quarantine is raised and he can secure hie witnesses MAYOR'S STATEMENT I still believe in the doctrine of publicity. I ordered the investigation before any action wae brought against me for viola' Hon of the quarantine law. 1 am glad a complaint has been filed so that a thoro investigation can be had. I would have demanded consideratioupof this question of email pox by the council, had not the suit been filed. The proposition - of the marshal quaranting the mayor so that he, the marshal, could not be arrested in the Dick Kelly case, was taken as it was in tended, as a joke, but the statement made by the mayor, that he, being the chief officer of the city, would not allow the quarantine, has been taken literaliy and in earnest, when it was also intended as a joke. J. B. Stoddard. RESULTS WILL FOLLOW This city Is somewhat worked up over the quarantine conditions since the war rant for the arrest of Mayor Stoddard has been Issued, and since Mayor Stod dard has signified hie intention to fight the complaint, there is no question but a great deal of good will come out of it, in asmuch as the public will possibly learn how the quarantine laws of the city are being enforced and the part that physic ians have in such matters. Whatever the results of this case may be, the filial results will be that in the future quaran tine will mean something. 1 The following is the section of ordin ance No, 21$ under wliich the complaint was filed. Section 4 No person or persons hav ing any contagious disease or attending upon or otherwise coming in contact with any person or persons afflicted with any contagious disease in such manner or to such an" extent as to render him or her liable to communicate the disease to an other, shall go upon any public street or highway, in said city, or in any way min gle with people not afflicted with the dis ease, provided that the provision of this section shall not apply to attending physi cians who . have changed clothing tnd thoroughly disinfected themselves. FOUND Two log chains, found near the railroad crossing at the A. B. C. .Laun dry, were left at the Observer office, where the owner may secure the same. "RERVtV AS OSTEOPATHIC SPECIALTY That the trouble known as "nerves" receives entirely too little attention from its victims is beyond question. It is not only a warning sign that there is some thing radically wrong, but, as the nerves are the governors of the whole being, it is the plainest sort of indication that the suffeier is not in the full completeness of his or her natural competency for the affairs of life. A condition of calm under ordinary cond.tions is absolutely neces sary in order that there may be a re serve force of nervous energy for emergencies. There are always definite reasons for the-troube; and, even when habits of life are largely responsible as aggraving causes, tnere is always some anatomically wrong condition that predisposes the suf- teror to the trouble. If the body struc ture is in a state of perfect adjustment, if circulation to every part is unobstruct ed, if every nerve is uninterfered with in its work bv pressure, and if nourishment and hygiene are attended to "nerves' will speedily disappear. The Osteopath is the only specialist in detailed body ad iuatment and he . is the master of t he craft. Right of Way. PURE IARD Is :o be found at Stillwell 4 Company's market. Phone Main 16. WARNING NOTICE The ordinance which prohibits the throwing or depositing of manure and other filth into the streets and alleys, will go into effect on tne ioih day of January and will be strictly enforced. Owners of property upon which such deposit has been made and while condi tion is contrary to the provision of this ordinance, should take immediate steps to clean up. Fair warning to all. As the ordinance under which this action is taken provides a penalty, prompt action should be taken or. additional ex pense will be added. , H. W. Stoner, Street Supt for the city of La Grande Dated this 10 day of January, 1907. POSITION WANTED By competent man in the Grocery business, has had years of experience. Inquire at this office. HOMEMADE Saucage and cooked meats of all kinds at Stillwell & Co's market. Phone Main 1 6 STOP the WACOM AND : GET A PIE Our wagon loaded with FRESH BREAD and PASTERY will call at your door each morning, Sundays Excepted, with a full assortment of Bakery Goods. You see what you buy and buy what you see. A trial order solicited. Phone orders given our prompt attention. Phone Black 161 THE MODEL BAKERY LODGE DIRECTORY p. AGLES- U Grande Aerie 896F.O f m.ets frirey nni'r ti. !"Yt ; 8 v 'm. . Visitirg brhren nvitedtoatu I. R. Snook W. S 3r. G. L. Biggers W. P. . J O. 0. F.-La Grande Lodge No. 16. meets in their hall every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. E. B. McKiddv, N. G. D. E. Cox; Sec STAR ENCAMPMENT. No.. 51. I. . 0. 0. F. Meets every first and third Thurs J' k. n. in Odd Fe lows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. G. E. Fowler. C D. E. Cox, Scribe. M u a T riranria CalTID No. 77ni vrv Mnrxlav evening r I 0. 0. F hall. A.l visiting r.nrriiallv invited to attend. F. B. Currey V C. S. Willians Clerk. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court each Wednes- dv moht in ' Elks hall. Brothers En Wright Chief Ranger " ? Cmnen Cinanr.ial aC. FWd of Trustees Dr. G. L. Biooers John Hall and C. S. Williabl FRIENDSHIP TENT No. SI, K. 0. T VI. Meets secdnd and fourth Wednesdays lach month in I. 0. 0. F. haU. Visiting flights welcome. H. C. Ball. Com Mox Block, Record Keeper L.O. T. M. HIVE No. 27. Meets every it-at mA tWirA Thnrrfv in the after- noonat the Redmen hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. Maude Lono Lady Commander, M, C. VEsiFv, Record Keeosr. B. P. 0. E., La GRANDE LODGE No 435 Meets each Thursday evening at l,rhf nVlnrlr in F!IW hall. On AdamS Avenue. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. E. W. Davis. Exalted .Ruler G". E. McCullt, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. -169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets every Friday of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. All Fred Jacobs Consul Commander J. H. Keeney, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE, No. 27-Meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall, Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knghts, N. L Ackles, C. C, R. Pattison, K. R. & S. RATHBONE- SISTERS Rows ia Tem ple No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting members cordi ally invited. Milly Frawley M. E. C mci Procter M. of R. & C. VISIT OUR CANDY PARLORS SELDER, Then,y III A HURRY? THEN CALL THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pat or your home in less time than if lakes to tell it . Day phone Red 761 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at youi service LA GRANDE LODGE No. 41, A. F. & A. M. Regular meetings 2d and 4th Tuesdays 7:30 p. m. L. H. Russbl, W. M. C. D. Huffman. Sec REBEKAH-CHRYSTAL LODGE NO. 60 Meets'every Tuesday evening at the I. 0. 0. F. lodge. All visiting members are invited to attend. Mary Frakbr, N G Lizzie Haworth, Secretary. J.B. WHITEMAN &SON MOW TO CURE (hlBUINS ! 'To enjoy fieedom from chilblain", writes J ..nn Kemp, East Otisfield. Me.. "I apply Buc'u'en s Arnica Salve. Hav" also used it for salt rheum excellent resulu". Guaran'.cad to cure fever sares. mdjlent ulcers, piles, burns, v.-funis f'ost fc'los and kK.n diseases. 25c at Newlin crug store. WE WAnFyOIR TRAD and will treat you right at Stillwell 4 Co's. market. Phone Main 16 i SOMETHING NEW Rough Dry Family Washing: Reconstructs your whele bod v. makes rich red blood. Drives out impurities that nave collected during the winter. Holl ister's Rocky Mountain Tea ie a famil 'omc. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Newlin Dhuo Company. WANUD Board and Roomers at House. All white help, rales. the Palmer Reasonable we wash, starch and dry your clothes and iron all the flat pieces. You do the rest. While we are awaiting the arrival of our machinery we would be pleased to call and ex plain our method, give you prices, ect. Phone mornings to Main 78 CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY Of THE CHOICfST IN THE LARD fair maids and brave men the most sultured, the widest traveled, the fittest to judge of fitting fare for the table, can find naught but praise as their opinion of our staple and fancy groceries or the luxuries prosperity permits. Our large buying and moderate pricing has much to do with putting groc eries of the best sort into the homes of people of ordinary means. A small trial order will convince you of the superiority of our store and our sales methods. PHONE MAIN 46 ' 5 QEDDEJ PR I NORTH FIR STREET MODERN BROTHERHOOD . OF AMERICA Meets every Tuesday even ing Lewis hall opposite Hotel Sommer. Visiting members always welcome. Auoust Stuart, Pres. W. B. Saroent, Sea. ' GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC 1'.-'F. DAY, PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY, ASSISTANT. I hie is one of the best musical in stitutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are beginning to discover the advantage this school. The system is the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in Ihu art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from 6 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This ie no kin dergarten system but far superior. Ir No. 2 the grades are from 3 to 1 6. Here they graduate. Pupils taiie one or two lesson a week a t'.ey desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school wao do not study Opposite the Foley House over l he candy store. Phone. 475. i "LA GRANDE SUGAR" None Better. None Purer. None Sweeter. Use lla Grande Sugar and Us no Other Domestic or Polish VVE LAUNDER YOUR SHIRTS. COLLARS AND CUFFS WITH EITHER FINISH YOU DESIRE. ' WORK CALLED FOR, AND DELIVERED A. B. G ST E AIM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 7 La Grfn Je, Oregon. 9