La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 12, 1907, Image 1

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    1 ''i
volume vr , " " ' : : ' ' ' i ' ' -! ;
- ,.,;, - LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, .JANUARY 12 1907 ; . ; . v- ?. , . , ? ... NUMBER-
I Mrtik. I unM,. . -r,,.., ... r ; 1 1
il' III I I 11 I ntJM.UkHIH.Ui1 J KUUI IHIUil Ull I
fl ll I II (Scrlpps News Assoclstion)
. AIM Oil
.c '
(SEfops New Association)
Washington, Jan 12 Senator Pitch
fork Ttlman from Alabama this morning
attacked (ha President action on. the
. Bornsville affair.,. , He aid Roosevelt's
additions were equivilant to lynching. The
ajfdrwaia considered the most violent
W delivered, from the Snu w
charged the Pes'ioieot. with hiving', re.
vived the race issue and is bringing, about
conditions more threatening than those
preceeding "sixty-one. He traced it back
to the social, recognition of Booker T.
Washington, the colored educator and
philanthropist, and said, "That was a
mess, but the Brownsville mess is a big
ger one. Is the President ready to set
his act up to his. own theory, and can his
children marry into other races? -Would
ti hi accept as his daughter-in-law, a
Chinese, Indian or a negro? We kno w'
h8would not, but 'fine words will butter
no parsnips' and coming from such high
sour.e it will d- incalculable harm."
(Scrlpps Nsw AnxM-lntton) .
Olympia. Wash. Jan. 1 2-Stat Dairy
and Food Inspector E. Davies in his re
port published today states an aggregate
value of $9,000,000 was the output of
the dairy industries of the state for the
past year but this' does , not include the
output of 155 creameries for ,1906 the
report from which have not been yet re
ceived. Butter manufactured in the
state during the past year aggregated
8,000,000 pounds, an increase of about
400,000 over the previous year, but re
ports from creameries have yet to come
ski Inspector Davies calculates that the
total will amount to 9,600X00 pounds.
In the last two years, condensed milk
valued at $ 1 ,000,000 was shipped from
Puget Sound and S600.000 worth from
Alaska but as yet the industry is only in
its infancy.
f- .... . I I
Smiling shoppers reflect the happy spirit 'which predominates every corner of the
store. The aisles are filled with happy shoppers, completely surrounded by bargains,
There is no reason why every shopper should not be happy- here are needed or
coveted articles priced within reach of every woman's purse. '
No need to th'nk of economy, we have done that for you happily.'
A smiling shopper becomes a loyal customer. We want your friend to learn of the
spirit of our "happy week" ..... , . ' . .
- If they have not attended this sale, there is still time. New bargains-are added
daily and are conducive of the most appreciative smiles. '
And there is a practical side o the smile to biiyexactly what you want at your
ovji price makes shopping a joy and makes possible the jollity of our "Happy week".
A happy bargain makes a merry buyer. Come - its smiling time this week.
Phone Black 1301
Rome, Jan. 12. The lava covering the
ancient city of Herculaneum hat now
been removed and today the old city
stands out in something like its' pristine
glory. It hat been found that the street
of Herculaneum are practically walls of
solid concrete and the buildings art sealed
with barrier and rooft of concrete, for
the lava mud hat become stone with the
laps of time. Much of the excavation
work had to ba done with drill and blaat
endowing to this several piictlest art
treaturet were desfoyed. The Ameri
can Citizens of Rom at a meeting today
decided to form an under4nround museum
where all the uncovered art treasure will
be exhibited.
(Bcrlppt New Association)
Washington. Jan, 12,--8ids forth con
struction , of the Panama ... canal . were
opened today and i; wa found that the
lowest bid was that of William J. Oliver,
of Knoxville. Tennesee. The canal com
mission is to 'furnish all, locomotives, cars,
steam shovel and other heavy machkfery.
while th contractor i to furnish hi own
hand tool, employ hi own . laborers.
Work will begin witnin sixty . day after
the contract has been signed. .
(Sorlpps News Association)
. St Petersburg, Jan 12 Four oolicemen
were thot dead and three serious! wound
ed vJhile attempting to arrest two men
who have plotted to kill M Witte. Friends
informed Whitte of the plot and officer
went to locate the tchemers. The officer
followed the plotter to their hornet, and
when the lights were extinguished . they
tried to enter. The terrorists opened fire
ind repulsed the police when th killing
happened. The latter escaped.
I Scrlpps News Association) '
Washington, Jan 1 2 Statistics published
by the board of Agriclture today tho
that there are aoDroxhatelv 600.000-
000 acret of public land yet to be tenanted
and the board has proclaimed its judgment
that with rapid farming five acret of the
fertile unoccupied land are sufficient to
support an average sized family. This
would mean hornet for 60.000.000 more
families than there are now in the country
or about 240.000.000 individuals which
would swell the population to three times
its present extent. ....'
All millinery in street and trimmed hats
go for a smile and a few pennies, we still
have a good selection, especially in the
$5 to $8.50 values
All Mats priced to $3.00 go at $ .98
5.50 go at 1.98
8.50 go at 2.98
(Scrlpps News Association)
Chicago, Jan 1 2 Captains of industry
and representative of organized bodies
of workingmen from all partt of th
United State assembled here this fore
nosnatthe residence of Mrt. Palmer
Potter to djscus labor conditions. There
were over 1 600 delegates in attendance
most' of whom represented the leading
union in tht country. ' Mr. Potter,, who
received great oration, in openine th
proceedings announced that th National
Civi; Federation under whose autpicet
the meeting was being held wished th
laborer of th United State all success
(Scrtppa News AesoolUon .,..,,
NwYork.Jan 12 Figur published
today show that th recent valorization
scheme is gradually increasing cofTe ship
ments, iroui Brazil, to, toit country. , in
November, U8.506.20Q, .pound ..were
imported th value being, $19,42,6031
The two big banking houses in this '.city
which showed their confidence in Brazils
scheme for coffee valorization by adven
ing In loan pf $3,000,000 to tke govern-,
ment qf the state of St Paulo today eUte
that no public offering of the loan will be
made. .
,.J '.j i
(8crlpp News Association)
Redding, Cal, Jan 12 Irene Davis of.
McCloud wa caught in a mass of enow
which slid from a house, and wa buried
completely, except one' foot Half an hour
later the mother returned home and miss
ing her daughter, saw her foot.. ' Th girl
was taken out in an unconscious state and
nearly da ad. .
i Scrlpps News Association) ''' ; ',
San Francisco, Jan. 1 2. Th : actual
shipment of orange for th past season
from Southern California were 22.175.
and 3788 car of lemons! , This season's
lemon crop promises to be. larger than
last yur but report from th orange
grove are .rather conflicting but it is
safe to stat that all round th crop will
show a falling off of fifteen per cent..
(Scrlpps News Association) , 4
Denver. Jan. 1 2. The execution of
McCarvey wa postponed from last mid
night to midnight tor.ight to permit his
relatives to visit him. '
Vergere No32
(Scrlpps New Association) ' "
Seattle. Jan, 12 Tlvincheof now
fell in thteckytinc noon ysterday. Th
tmpratur It at freezing point with
prospects of colder weather" tilt; ' Thl
combined with the1 coal famine; place
eatile and the entire : Northwest ' in an
uiipfscscantsci condition. ' Street car
wi!run all night to keep th track opeii
.Jrain are running on an ""uncertain
cbJul but ' wire -communication ha
not been interrupted. K' '
.. ' "
(Scrlpps News Association) u .
Lewiston, Jan l8-.Three,liver lost
and a chili so badl scorched that it may
die, as result of a fire which destroyed
the residence of M. F, Fuch in Cotton
wood las(t night ' Mr. Fuchtwa a way
and whan hi wife awoke ehe found the
room full of smoke. Grabbing two child
ren th ran thru the flames to safety.
Mis Wsthoff and twj . othr children
wer asleep upstairs and ware cut off.
(Scrlpps New Association)
, South Hampton, Jan 12 Ellen Terry,
the actress, sailed, for America today.
She said. "I will starr in th civilized
portion of the United State, which means
that taction of the country eatt of Chica
go and north of Wathlngton. '-'
(Scrlpps News Association)
, Madrid, Jan 12 Th King, against the
protest ofthe court, has . tabl:nd a
protestant chapel connecting the palac
for the use of Princes Henry of Batten
burg, the queen'e mother, who 1 the
King.e guest pending the confinment of
Queen Ena. '
(Scrlpps News Association)
. Salem Jan 1 2 The supreme court o.
Oregon today suspended Albert H Tan
ner partner of the late Senator Mitchell
law firmrom practice for a period ot
ninety day for perjury before -a grand
jury the court does not. pas upon,
whether the plea of guilty, is conviction
Scrlpps News Association' ,
San Francisco, Jan 12 This citv is
absolutely destitute of coal, This morn
ing L-.e Western Fuel Company, , which
controls the market, had but five t.'ns of
coal. The steamer Mgnarcb is due with
four thousand tons which will scarcely
last over Monday. The next col-laden
vessel is not due for a week. . What coal
the small dealers have, has been doled
out to regular customers. Refugee camps
are entirely out and 'much suffering is
reported. . , -
(Hcrlpps News Association)' .. ..
Denver Jan 12 The governor's'" stand
on prize fighting elicits wide comment. He
says the executive of a state cannot and
must not interfere with the g:vernment
of cities. Personally he would have prize
figeters sit in church and .sing hymns,
but cities must make their own regula
(Scrlpps News Association)
Guthrie, Ok!a.. -12Th constitutional
convention today reported provisions pro
hibiting race distinctions between Whites
and Indians, defining "negro" o mean cf
African-descent within the third degree.
No legislative act shall become a law un
til ninety days after the adjournment. Th
state is given ri.jht to engage in ' mminj
manufacturing. - .
irtrrlpps Nr AmhwWIIod)
Pprtland Jan 12 Tom Newhausen
chief of the interior department of special
agents, has been transferred to
The Supreme court today denied an
appsal for a new trial for Oliver Megorde
of Malheur county. Th murderer must
i Scrlpps News Association)
St Petersburg Jan 1 1 2 The Temp
today in it official issue pub
lished the following apalling statistic re
specting the murderous operation of th
terrorists from Feoruary last year to
De. 51 During this period th follow
ing persons were either Killed or danger
ously injured- by ,t dagger, revolver
or bomb viz-Governore General end
Governor of Townt 67; ' Prefects of
Police and other officers of the force 872
policemed 547;offlcert ofthe" Gendar
merie 47; Officers of the army of the
Imperial Guard 124; Soldier 1582 Civid
funcjionariea'of' varibut rank 216; Cler
gpmen 65; Members of Commercial ins
titutions 68! Landowners manurWurss
rHiK.,. -ir . iiumusr
w.-..,. ymma.in9. wurninon, snu
o forth klllsd or wnimH4 k. k. -r....
Istt reached the enormou tnU! of 82,-
(Scrlpps Newe Association i 1 4 : "'
Vificouver, B. C, Jan, 12. Oil hat
been discovered in vast quantities in th
Manitoulin Islands.' All the '' island with
th exception oftwo belong to Canada
and they cover a range' 6f one Tiundred
end fifty mile by seventy or eighty wide.
It hat been found that the cost of sinking
well on th islands 1; only ; about one
third of the cost in the oil field of Penn
lylvania and Wst Ontari. " It ' is an
nounced that th Canadian Government
is going to step in and prevent the sup
plies from going into th hands of the
Standard Oil Company which at present
controls the Canadian Oil market.
iScrlpps New Association),,; ;:)
ev York, Jan 12 The inurance '"re
form eourd by th Armstrong Com-,
mitt of th legislature , com into ffct
today. For thl year" and hereafter no
company will be allowed to write more
than $160,000,000 worth of business a
year; agents commission will be reduced
atleaiton fourth; every new policy
must contain the full contract under which
the holder end insurer alike ere bound,
ang no more deferred' dividend policies
can be issued. Besides the main reforms
everal other but less drastic changes
go into effect. , i !f , v
CScnpps News Association)
Hazleton Pa., Jan. 12 The marriage
took place here today of Miss Ddfothy
Pardee, eldest daughter of Frank Par
dee th coal operator and Harold Benja
min Clarke of New York. Mis Pardee
and Mr, Clarke are well .-known ir -New
York Socie y. The brides grandfather
was th founder of this city and a ; pio
neer operator jh the anthracite field.
(tVnppi News Amociation )
Seranton. Pa., Jan. 12 There are now
800 caset of typhoid fever We. Tne
deaths only number ten. Mayor Dimick
has . made a personal inspection of the
poorer quarters where the epedemic
exists and states tiat ho found a deplor
able cinjitiori m certain densely occupied
places. Alt steps are taken by the"
authorities tostimpout the desease which
is said to have originated from the use of
impure water.
'npi News Amorist Ion t
Seattle, Jan. 12,-The steamer Alice
Gertrude, under Captain Kelstron, and
plying between Seattle and Clallam bay,
went rground on a reef two hundred feet
from the shore of Clallam bay at ten last
night. It is in a dangorou pos'tion and
th sea is running heavy. The boat
carries a crew of eighteen mon and a
nuinutr ol pussunijdrs.
i Hi' model r staukat
J. A. Arbuckle Proprietor .
(Scrlpps News Association) ' 3 ;i
Washington Jan 1 2 President Roose
velt toaay tent another special message
It ay that temporary work mutt be
done by the Southern Pacific and later
Mnuwiiuw permanent imitation. Wnat
amounthall be paid by the road men-
Uoned must be determined later,, but th
permanent work will cost two million. ,
Until the' complications' between ths
Califdrnia' Develoomsnt' Comnsn sivi
subsidiary caset ere eettled. the Presi
dent says the government , will not be
justified in 'having 'dealing with the cor
porations. If th river i put bclt , in its
tour end pronarty maintained in' that
original course, the progressive back out
ting will in e few year extend, to and
finally destroy the Liiguna dam, thue
wiping out million of, dollar worth of
prrpirty. .The great Yuma bridge wiil
go out and seven hundred thousand acre
of feed land will be converted into a
desert if th monty Is not appropriated at
one. Th mtssag advocate th entire
Colorado development' property being
taken over a? part of th reclamation
system It will be ' necessary to'' obtaiij
concessions from Mexico s well at to
purchase the irrigation concernt' holdingt.
If congrctt doet not make adequate' pro
vitioht to take up this work Ifrwill be In
ferred thet It aequiescee n mbandonmnt
of th work at Laguna ad all future at
tempts to utilize all valuable public do
mains in this part of the country.
(Scr'pps New AssoclsUon)
Boston, Mass. Jan. 12 No less than
12 869 immigrant landed at this port
during th past year. Th fjgurt relate
exclusively to aliens arriving from tran
satlantic ports and (how that Italian
lead all other with a , total of ; 1 7,049.
Scandanaviant follow with 11,476 and
Irislj with 9280. Oniy 1.2' Chinese and
9 Japaneso came here seeking hornet.
i ,k : V -. ... , .
(Scrlpps New Association) ...
St Paul Mind Jan 1 2 All line from
the. west into this city are blocked by
snow and sleat, but tne temperature is
not very. low.. .Wire are interrupted. -
and, trains In Dakota and Montana are
not moving. As the roads have stocked
the;r cars with provision in case of just
such an emergency, the passenger 'are
not Buffering. ' . -
iHinpps Nows Association) .
Rome, 12 It ha been announced
on authority here today that th encycli
cal of Pope Leo -against .Americanism
wss written by Cardinal Gibbon, who,
thinking it was inspired by Cardinal Ram-
pollo, joined the Austrian and German
Csrdmal in defeating RamDollo at ths
last conclave., it is also stated on hioh
authority that Archbishop Ireland will be
made a OardinaJ.
'.Scrlpps New Association)
Montgomery, Ala. Jan 12Th hund
red miners that wer entombed yesterday
by a cavein wer rescued today. None
are fatally hurt.
- -: ' ' a
'Good Service
are points of merit
that belong to our
restaurant. You
don't go away hnn-
. gry, and what you
get builds you up
and don't causa
dyspepsia. Thero
are two things iu
, one ever complains
of, and that is our
food and our price
strr-sirrweviutie-srissirjiuA, ' ' i.
s . .
a V iimosissi
I Hl iltiiM nil