t I 1 J 'J 2 - a 1 h atK.M - . . . , BISHOP MOORE Who will'deliver hi lecture in the I evening, under the auspices nf lk C i i t x -yuiwi iweague Y w iffiftti ee,ei4eieiee.sjaja. rRftrlnne Nowe Xauw.Urtn.ii . Washington, Jan 11 The Geoligicat , survey investigations reveal the curiout r iaot u the great glaciers in , Ol.r.i.r Bay, Alaska are receding. . The work was . worn was conducted by Msssers C W and F E Wrlgtyaasisted.bvMr W R.Pumpelly m neufogwiai sjurvey yepertmant, and . after having spent a season in; South- eastern Alaska, they have furnished 'a verj valuable reporj oik their investiga tions, tn the course of their report the members Of the Survey state that with fewexceptipne the, glaciers are all reced ing the fact being especially noticeable at Mui the best known of Alaskan glaciers. The, f rontof Jhit stream which waa con 4,ned to Marrow neck0 during, the . Jut decade has receded, since 1899, a,' dis tance of five or six miles in much broader portions in the inlet, so that , (be . , present ice Jront, instead 'of being two miles across,.fonns . a .semicircle nearly seven mile around. This recswio Jiae been attributed to the earthquake jf, 139,9, which may have had soms effect upon the glaeie hut (heihjef cause of the re markable retreat is undoubtly due to iu recMsiojitinto the much wider portion of fte mleV thus exposing afar broader ice! front to the action of. tidal .currents.. The season's work completed in a general way ie geogio, mapping oj, the mainland coast and the islands of Southeaster Alaix. During tht surrey .new, mineral bslts were discovered and deposits of noy-metalils suchs gypsum, marble, and granite were studied with a view to ascertaining their sncoiriic value. . ? HOME MADE T Saucage and cooked meats of all kinds at Stillwsll & Co's market Phone Main 1 6 4 - . BISHOP Mnh'pp '"' ALASKA! - " GLACIERS k 1KEEDII 4 CITY BREWERY I Largest Brewing Plant Ask for La Grande' Beer iahd get the Best ! LA GRANDE BEER IS1 MADE IN LA GRANDE 5 AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE e LUMBER 1 -RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in La Grande. "We deliver it to your building Grande Ronde WARDING DISASS Of WO MAR In all of those maladiM k.. i.:.t. WIIS OTUJWI Woman SUffert undar nvw). j:. ...wsie WllUlUUni unj, osteopathic treatment it especial ly useful and mav ha full. r.r, . ' J -i .u wlwll. in no Bald have Osteopaths . had wider "jxmencs inan in Una: and much t ,k. sany fame of the science was dt ... unpsralled success in the treatment of mese cases. The necessity of dangerous operations is obviated io very many cases which is a great deal in itself, asids from the fact that tha hirh m mull vi mjj patient is certain to be better after a natural recovery thru Osteopathy than it can possibly be after mutilation by the knife of the surgeon. Neither is there any reason for the be lisf that many hold that the treatment is sspecially embarrassing. While local treatment is often needful in which case it would be foolish of the patient to object and culpable in the Osteopath not to ad minister ityet in a very large proportion of cases it is not required ; and the spinal treatment that is an essential in practi cally all of these cases is administered thru a garment. There is every reason for woman, in her sufferings from maladies peculiar to her spinal anatomy, to regard Osteopathy as her best friend and strongest ally. Right Way. WARRING ROfKC The ordinance which prohibits the tftrowtncT nr ftorvwtrmtr nf RiRfnri mnA other filth into the streets and allevs. will go into effect on the 16th day of January and will be strictly enforced. . .. . " Owners of property udoq which such deposit nas Deen made and while condi tion is contrary to the orovision of this ordinance, should take immediate steps to dean up, Fau- warning to all. As the ordinAne wnAmr H.K'i.k tw:. action is taken provides a penalty, prompt eciKyi snoukJ p taken cr additional ex pense will be added. 1 '" ' H.W.Stoiifb'1 btreet Supt for the city of La Grande uatedthis 10 day of January, 1007. " MS1TE1 WARTED M " By comoeteM man in the Hrrv.ro business, has had years of' experience. UPHOLSTERIMG I OLD FURNITURE-- M ADE GOOD, ASk.NEW . Lounges aad couches upholstered. Mattresses recovered and generaly renovated, carpets cleaned and put down. . " i. i Special Furniture Made to Order. All Work Called For and Delivered Promptly. T. II. HILL-NAN Cor N. Depot and Monroe St. PHONE 1801 Red in Eastern Oxegon j X J . T Lumber Co i Till I I'""""' b: I H E l ? - "ill WV....vJ 2 A sweet toned Emerson piano with the Angelus player, ! A. B. ' '' ' - u -I'M: 0' tjt- . W 1l' V-v,. J ; : . : . - rrr; f . . ,eeemeeeesssseSMeesse l " 't" '-' i. i ... ... .,...-. t i YQU RISK NOTHING! j EXAMINE YOUR ' " EYES I GUARANTEE PrKf FCT . Of will cheerfully refund your, money I have never had patient that was not fully Satisfied with my glasses HeidenreichBuikfirxg. f jut HoaPApL NEW JEWELER. X Op'a't Bohnenkaoip' V l(vUbUbl, AND OPTICIAN Z eiessissssitiiiiiii'iiisi""---3 ! , . I I LATE JEWELRY ARRIVALS I FINEST STOCK OF DEPENDABLE JEWELRY IN CITY Z T . tttf fff ff ey eyey ftftff ff ee a eA TO LOOK HER ' PRETTIEST AND BEST A LADY'S HAIR MUST BE WELL DRESSED In no wav can this be so ouicklv ard ui1 - ttnim nuJaiil IO l.U M.i I v .v wi iwuiru wj nair, over an automatic spring, as plyable as ribbon: with little curia undaniMfh hnM k. k.i, - - tne head and prevent overheating, worn un hi drMMd In Jnn With heavy hair a benefit, with thin hair anacessity. An expsrt demonstra tor will show you how to dress the bair in the latest styles. FRENCH CONVENT HAIR BRAIDS Coming from the largeit hair goods Importer in the United States. Thhse Fine goods will be sold at tne lowest possible prices. A large assortment of both straight and wavy hair. These same" goods are sold in the best exclusive housee at half to one third more. Prices from SI.50 to $35.00 THE CHICAGO STORE -11.' ' ..." "" sscss-, neara angers in tne memory. ...... (. . HUELAT ' , . . ....... . i i ;vr i -, .4 - it . a , III . I :-ie n i FIT FfiR OMF YFAR eeeeeeeeeeee MOW ON EXHIBITION J. H. PEARE. La pxands's , Leading , Jnv!;ler and Optician Opposite U. S. Land Office t'.'-i i 1 'ilvsi V GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF I NATURAL HAIR BRAIDS ! FREE DEMONSTRATION OF THE ; NEW IDEA POMPADOURi Hnn with thU. n. r- - - - - n.ij r uiiiua" z .... ,wl mTwm, i win a over or under your own hair and '" 1 PrtimoMnIti'rf?'TsiViSiV I'iu: f Corrimcnclrig Tuesday .'of 'this j fQnt' a f days I MR. J. H. SMITH Formerly crnakr's ?pJayertj jpiario expert, but f now with SWmln Glly & Go , of Portland, will be at lleulat's Music Store : vviee luj Uiil $t lad to; demon. ! stratje td you the VVOMDERFUL POSSIBILITIES THE EMERSON ANGELUS Come and listen, you will surely enioy the treat Onee All kinds of RALSTON BLDQy La Grande Camp No. 7703 M; W. A;; J: A' criticism of state ments made in this col umn has been made by several members of the Woodmen of, the World We wish to say that the M. W. A. is not fighting any order, but to correct any false impressions that might possibly have been conveyed to anyone, we republish the standing and cost of the two orders'. The Modern Woodmen of Amer ica was organized in 1 885. The Woodmen of the World (P. J.) , began business in 1 890. The Pacific Jurisdiction W. 0, W ua uianuii ui wai eroer going Dimness .in, Oregon, .and . is the order to which we refer when speaking of the W. 0. W. MEMBERSHIP M. W. A. ..... . 840.000 W.O. W.s ...J... 100,289 Cost of $1000 insurance at 20 years of .age per year. m. w. a: .......: $4.60 w.o. w.(P.j.).: t..; ,.,....9.00 Cost of $1000 insurance at 48 years of age per year. '. M. W. A.; ..,...$9.00 W. 0. W. (P.J.) 16.80 Cost of joining is the same in both cases. ' ine w. u. w. (p.j.) reserve fund amounts to almost two million dollars. On 9 assessments during 1908 the M. W. A. has paid all death claims and has placed In the bank more than two and a half million dollars. We desire to draw no conclusions. Do this for yourself. The M. W. A. has Increased over one hundred thousand, net, new members during 1908. yours F B CURREY. C S WILLIAMS. Consul Uerk WISf(OUNSa FROM THE SOUTH "t want to give some 'valuable advice to those who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble," aays J. R. Blankenship of hi. i nave provea to an abso- iuia eenainiv was electric Bittars will poiiHveiy cure tnis distressing condition Ins firmt hntt m amvm ma aa mII.j a after Ukinga few more bottles. I was eompisteiycured; so cempleUly that it becomes a oleasura -to ricomm. m.. great remedy.'V Sold i under truaraneta - - r i - Musical instruments : : Cpa DEPOT & ADAMS AVE. ' I i 7 ;-;t 7 ' " : ' iJ Mi-A. Stanley : e j . SUCCESSOR yTQj. Stanlcls SI Jatihan w C: CONTRACTING li PAINTER 5. PAPER HANGER and DECORATOR me e e I e e X e Phone Black 1781 La Grande Ore.' t a HOW TO AVOID PRftlMOniA itanee of a cold rit., i. ..7 :. '' i other lun-trouble whe , rft''L nd Tw haebeenUken; Itnotonly. tha Ornish knf ku ' rrv J. oismn-oT Asnew. Mtnk ... Ai OWJ, "ney and Tar in three very severe cases' of Dheumoma w.th geod results In every case'1 , . . . . , , .--i --Xi i I uHi .ir-. '. p ' MdLiriERr SAti Everything in my millinarv iyv ear. II be sold at a reduced , price for the next thirty days,, w i -I "U Musf. j. R. Formst n The County Cc-urt, For' The vouniy ur union, 3Ute Of Oregon In the Matter of the t ' , , ' Estata ' nf Ir. n l.r;(..;. 1 Tiffany, Deceased ) , To Prank Tiffnu ! -rut . "'iinw .man heirs Of said mrA V A I:il st - - -- w. r. miiuagK. Uuardian of Oanroa W TKT.-t, d..:. -r t anv, Nellie Tlffanv. Maaoia Titt.nu Q. i T,... c.l..:. -r " "T T -'"'I , yiia i many ana oryon 1 irran minor hairs of irl nati ..j ir ueirs snown ana unknown Qreeting. -. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the county Court of the state of Oregon for tha eountv of ITnim . .i. r w .. VVWvw, uu ai .. -". v uia uun Room thereof, at La Orande, in the county of Union, on Saturday, the twelfth day Of Januarv 1QD7 mt vvu.u . - . .. . vvnv! m uie afternoon of that day, then and there to u. ii any mey nave, why the petition of said Administratrix for an Order to sell tha Nix. nf th CU( n ... p.. tioo 1 5, and the SE Quarter of tha sw Quarter Section 14. Township 1. S. R 58, E. W. M. at private sale should not be eranted and anv nhuu-.inn. it .... there be. whv the said Ad Should notaxacuta tha RnnI In . ri i in accordance with the terms of an order of the County Court, dxfsrl M.ri, n 1905. to Gaorira H Tif.a. , u,. C....L.' half .of the SE Quarter of Section 14. w ww, w in unitin County, Oregon. , Witness, the Hon. J C. Henry. Judge of the county Court of tha At! nf for the eountv of Uninn olih th said Court affixed this tenth day of Dec ember 1908. , Attest: J. B. Gjllman . of Clerk. 'A !' 1 1 1 (!.' .1'' 1 V I eeeeeee.aa4aaA.aatftttttttt1tnl,MMtt .aiagAiifHHf I I I I I I I I I I I I I rTTTTT at newlm drug atore.HPrice 60c. ' 11 Seal