51 4 LWAYS THEJOY BEST: M ,9o and up .75 and up .25 and up. .5o and up t : : -. .i IIED FRUITS, all kinds. CANED FRUITS, all kinds. 2 llCiaiC T 1 j Ji 1 2 guage Winchester shot gun - - $7.5o Several Winchester rifles - - $J.5oandup Several Rochester and Metal lamps -' .35 and up Several cook stoves - - - 5.ooandup Several coal and wood heaters " cross cut saws - chairs and rockers -" bed springs - - USIIMS, London, layer and loose. Close Out Second Hand Goods BARGAINS ;inr )Y or u ' 0! IIMSE MEAT, Heinz and home made. . . WDY AMD NUTS, largest iine in Union county 3C0NU1S. and all tropical fruits. GRAPES some- ' thing never seen here before. ITRON, LEMON AND ORANGE PEAL. SPANISH MALAG and CATAWBAS, imported direct from Spain 111 Lots of tools, picture frames and other articles of VALUE too numerous to mention will be sold at BARGAINS to , CLOSE OUT AT' ONCE before, inventory I j I. W. WHITE, I Prompt Delivery. GROCER Fhor.e Main 42 A Square Deal 3 ' i PHONE MAIN 31 1 I , GEO. T. PARR. C. B. SIMMONS. President Sec'y and Mgr. PARR-SIMMONS COMPANY INCORPORATED Dealers in Grande Ronde Valley Products Fruits, Hay, Potatoes and Grain ::: Apples a Specialty Phone Red 1161 Phone Black 641 Men's coasts 25c up Women's clothing at your own price f. D. HAISTEIM H. B. HAISTEIM 1415 Adams Avenue 213 Fir Street Store Dealers in New and Second Hand Goods We carry a complete line NEW FURNITURE and HARDWARE. Li Grande Evening Observer FRIDAY JANUARY 11. 1906 Published daily except on Sunday I Johnathan Bourne suggests an excell ent idea to advertised Oregon. It is simple, costs nothing and will do much good. This is for residents of this state when traveling and purchasing fruit to inquire if the dealer carries Oregon fruit. LARGE COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE Hay Wanted Mow HIGHEST PRICES PAID Call and see us before you sell Jefferson Ave, and Greenwood St. La Grande, Oregon SPECIAL IN BARGAINS HAY One year in advance $6.50 Six months in advance 3.60 Pr month 65c Single copy I WASHING MACHINES CURREY BROS.. EDS AND PROP Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. This paper will notpublish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign yourj articles and save disappointment. work. The facts are that a very small proportion of the fruit stands in the United States are aware that Oregon produces 6' anything but trappers. Indians and land swindlers. A wide awake Oregoman could give tne average dealer such a glowing description of ( ur fruits that be fore the missionary would have a chance to cross the street a sign would be dis played "Oregon Fruit" on his best look ing box of apples. We all know that Johnathan Bourne is one of the best ad vertisers in the state, and his suggestion is a good one. We have several cars of strictly fancy Mixed Timothy hay, which we quote at very low prices, at $13.00 per ton. Wheat hay at $1 1.00 per ton. Oats at $1.25 per cwt. ' A complete Supply of Paper Wrapping paper, wax paper, dishes, pulp pia plates, paper oyster pails, paper bags all sizes, and twine. The best grades of paper and the lowest prices. PHONE MAIN 2 - Oregon Produce Company ; AFTER XIMAS PURCHASES! PERFUMES AND TOILET WATERS True Odors From the Natural Flowors It is with much pleasure that we call your attention to our perfume depart ment." We buy our perfumes direct from the makers. By careful study and strict attention to the wants of our patrons we are able to offer you the best selected line of perfumes out- tide of the large cities. STATIONERY TOILET WATERS To the particular buyers of toilet waters we will merely say that you are sure to find what you want in our , stock, from the 25c bottle up. Roger , &, Gallet's. Colgate. Rickseckor's. e Palmer's. Pinand's. "4-7-11", Hud- J nuts etc. We invite you all to come in and inspect our perfume depart ment. For quality and prices it can not be beat. FOR THE TOILET All thft hftftt. hrArwU (if nnwr comp,eime o. laOi0ls.OOpai;0.8 0lj0ns soapSi eo,d crean,9 c0S1net,CSi etc. wniunga, Berimes, caion-nuo-urls and all the best makers. We carry Colorado view tablets. ADVEK7IS1NO KATlitt Ultplay Ad rati rurulnhed upon HppilcHilon Local reading uoitcev lUc per line flint Inser tion, jo per lint: fur each HUbtiequeut lust, tlon. enolutlou of uoonoleuce, so per Hue. lard of tbanka, bo per Una. The legislature meets next Monday and from now on the hotel loboies in Portland will be thronged until the grand march for Salem takes place. There is a lively fight over the speakership, For a number of years Federal Grand juries received very little attention from the public generally, but during the past two years they have been recognized as one of the prominent factors of our government. While President Roosevelt is a fighter, he fights fair and when he overstepped his authority when discharging the two negro companies at Brownsville by pro hibiting the discharged soldiers from ever obtaining civil employment under the gov ernment. Having been advised that he exceeded his authority, he will niodify his order by eliminating the above clause. imassage creams, manicure accessories, -etc., are to be found in our stock. We can please the most critical. A. T. HILL Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE, OR Another year should not pass without a large vinegar fao'.ory being established in this city. The question received con siderable consideration from the fruit growers and business mon of this section several months ago. Such a factorv would furnish a market for such of our fruit as is not marketable. As our or chards become older and the fruit indus try grows the vinegar business would naturally grow with it. The pure food law eliminates the competition of acid products and makes tne manufacture of pure fruit vinegar more profitable than heretofore. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry Genera Blacksmiths, W manufacture The Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill., the best and cheapest mill on the market. Our shops are quipped with machinery tc handle any sized work, nothing too large or nothing to small. Higher' pricos paid for old cast iron. PRETTY. YARNS, NEW RIBBONS WOODEN KNITTING PINS BONE CROCHET NEEDLES HOLIDAY GOODS OF ALL KINDS E. M. Wellman & Company j ADAMS AVENUE Few people yet real'ze the power of the individual citizen whereby he can solicit the aid of his fellow voter in this state. This was made manifest yesterday by a prominent business man of this city stat ing that he in principle was heartily in favor of the legislature creating a rail road commission. But judging by our past experience ho was afraid that the powers given such a commission would be so constrained that 1'ttie benefit would be the result. This gentleman d,d not lake into consideration the power of the people. If the legislature should create such a commiision with limited authority, the people thru the initiative could easily increase these powers and in view of tins fact if a commission is created al this session reasonable power will doubtless be given. If the people really insist upon such a cummiss:c;n and the legislature does not provide one, the people can pass such a law. From litis time on the peo ple of Oregon have no rta-iun to cunpiuin of either goi.-d or b.id laws, he people are the lawmaking po.ver in Oicm i'misi this time on. A good washing .machine makes washing a pleasure and garments abboiuleiy clean and white. Do your own washing and save enough in two months to pay for a washer. We handle the following brands: OCEAN WAVE, SNOW BALL GUARANTEE REVONOC. W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO Hardware, Stoves and Furniture Crockery and Building Materials La Grande National Bank ESTABLISHED 1887 United States Depositary Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profits $160,000 00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS "EORGE PALMER, President. J. M. BERRY, Vicb President. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. W. L. BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashier. GEORGE L. CLEAVER, F. M. BYRKIT. A. B. CONLEY, C. C. PENINGTON. F.J.HOLMES. General banking business, parts of the world Drafts drawn on all Ghe J 'armors and Traders laiionai S&ank While we have no authority for the statement that the opportunity will be given, it is possible that as soon as the pioposed new charter is printed and the people have been permitted to carefully consider it as a whole if any great num ber of people desire some changes before it is finally submitted to the people, an opportunity could be provided for. A mass meeting was taikod cf for a while in. the council but as it was 12:30 when adjournment was taken last night no action .was taken with reference to a mass meeting. Since the above was in type wo understand that several weeks ago a roj olution was passed providing for a gener al mass meeting which will undoubtedly be called in due time. This is proper. CliRID Or I UNO IROI'BIE "It is new e'evon ycirs since- I had a narrow escape from consumption," writes C. 0. Floyd, a husii'i'-.siiian of Kershaw. S. C. "I had run down in wc-'ght to 135 pounda. and csughir.g was constant, bcitn by day and by nifcht. Finally 1 btgan taking Dr. Kirg's New Discovery, and continued this f r about six montns. when my coutihind lung irnuhle were entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight, I ?0 pounds. Thousands of per sons are healed every ye t. Guaranteed at Newiin drug stur-i. oOc and SI. 00. Trial bottle free. X S Commence the New Year 1 1.511, viw,wni, Smith's Market Capital ... ( Surplus and Undivided Property . Liabilities of Shareholders .. v.. Responsibility .$ 60.000.00 .. 15,000.00 .. 60,000.00 $135,000.00 Conduce u .' r - i-porvlsiun cf United States Bank Examincn. o.,:eaND RELIABLE Glad to continue li a-. ..onrs and plased to; meet new ones. A General Banking :n. tx.anf!0 Business Conducted. Loans made on approv. Secj:'..y Highest Market Price paid ior 0. ,n C ,nty Warrants and City of La Grande Warrants. Be'suie tc c. on j.; when you have warrants tor Sale. t , ART USSONS Miss Nina Huntockvishes toannourca to the ladies of La Grande that she i prepared to take orders and give lessor. in both water colors and china paintir. Studio at 906 Main St. Our Meats Spcok Themselves for All kinds of fresh and and salt meats always on hand. We make a specialty of poultry. Give us a trial and be convinced. Prompt delivery. Phone Red 751 Smith & Dawson Proprietors J ii i Pride of Grande Ronde The product of the Imblcr flouring mill situated in the very heart of the I en w-cat land in Grande Ronde valley, consequently the best flour. A trial will convince you of its superority Insist on having your order filled w,th this brand same mill. or the "Patent" from this For sale by all f rst class dealers. ' Don't submit to any substitution. j ! Pride of Grande Ronde L It -: v. i i 1 if A- 5ti X