resolved that jnow is not the ONLY THING THAT PALLS TUI S TME Of THE YEAR OUR PRICES ARE COMING DCWN ON SOME OF OUR VERY BEST VA WES. WE DONT WANTVANY LEFT OVERS L rctpij . v - ' - -a 5 O-'T-J -STROWTifcf ' ;VEJ OUR. PRICED HAVE FALLEN, BUT THEY HAVE NOT FALLEN ON .SHIPPED: IN "FAKE" JTVrf. THEY HAVE FALLEN ON WHAT WE HAVE LEFT OF THE REGULAR. LINEJ OF COOD mER-CKANPiot. IT 1-5 IMPoJJIbLE, YOU KNOW, TO BUY JU-5T EXACTLY WHAT YOU AR.E GOING To -5ELL AND No MORE. WHAT WE -HAVE LEFT OF OUR WINTER GOODS WE f HALL ,5 ELI AT THE FOLLOWING PRICE-5: MEN' J JUITJ THAT WERE 10 To , 2 NOW $6.7-5 CHILDREN'- TWO PIECE JUITJ AND BOY S- LONG PANT-5 S)TS, HALF PRICE MEN' J $2 AND $2.25 JHoEJ, NOW $1.45 $J. 50 COTTON BLANKET NOW .96 $J.25 COMFORTER, -v I NOV .?Q J5C LADIEJ' BLACK HoJE, NOW .08 25C LADIES' WOOL HOJE, NOW .16 JSC MIJJE' HEAVY RIBBED HoJE .OS ODDJ AND ENDJ IN UNDERWEAR NOW HALF PRICE $2 AND $2.25 LADIEJ' JHOEJ, NOW $1.45 $3 LADIEJ' SHOES NOW 1.96 6 1-4C OUTING FLANNEL NOW .04 JOC OUTING FLANNEL NOW .07 ' LADIEJ' WALKING -5KIRTJ WORTH $5 2.45 ALL $10, $12 AND $15 LADIEJ' TAILORED SUITS, NOW 6.75 ALL $16 AND $20 LADIES' TAILORED SJTS NOW 9.75 LADIES, mSSES' AND CHILDREN' COAT.S AT ABOUT ONE HALF PRICE LADIES' .SHoRT CoAT.5 VALUE To $ 1 5, NOW 69C TO 2.98 $7.75 HEATING .SToVE.5 NOW 6 50 $9 HEATING .5T0VE.S Nov 7.50 $15 HEATING JT0VE.S NOW 11.50 OTHER GRADEJ IN .SAME PROPORTION CARPET .SWEEPERS, ODDJ AND END-5 IN DI.SHE.S AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER THINGS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICED. y 1308. 1310. 1312 ADAMJ AVENUE LARGEST STOCK -SMALLEST PRICED i HOT DRINKS OYSTER COCKTAILS AND TAMALES F or Ladies and Gentlemen only SCHEtiRER'S WILL BE OPEN EVENKGS UNTIL AflER THE SHOW i mm m m m m ii - - j ; LOCAL ITEMS" j John evening for La ftera lona and serious illness. ' Wi!son is again tsen on the street. ' R H Atkinson rUurntd last 1 from a bminess trip to Un;on. , J H.'Lieshman left this morning 8- ker City on a brief visit. ' ; j Mrs. Dr. Easleylof Elgin visi'td ; G 'ande th;s morning. ) j Gi.-CoTrs was over frnm E'gin last ' n' jilt, transacting business. G M aid J. E. Gilkisan and H 9. Ran- k n of North Powder, were county seat v si'ors in the city last night. I !s. M.and W. Miles of Lostir.e arri - d in the city test .tvening' far a business visit. ... R. E. Trill, who is interested in the , Elgin Planing Mill Company, was a visitor ' in the city tnis morning. Frank Phy is transacting business in i Pendleton. He will return tomorrow evening. County Assessor J, H. Morton is in Portland attending the assessors' conven tion which is in session In the metrop olis. .' -; ' David E. Johnson of Salem is visiting his brother F. E. Johnson of this city. Mr. Johnson will likely locate in La GranJe. II. C. Cotner daughter. Miss June, left last evening for Portland where Miss Cotner will seek improvement for her ill health. !.. i ... miss Daisy wnitiow lert last evening for Portland where she is attending school. She will visit friends at The Dalles enroute. . Rev. W. H. Gibson pastor of the La Grande Baptist church left this morning for Pardteton where ha will remain a wesk assisting in protracted meetings. Attorney Chas. Murphy of Baker City came tnis morning to defend R. R. Kelly who is be ng triedlthis afternoon charged with resisting an officer. Mr Olson of Palouse, Washington, and who is staying at Hot Lake for a week, was a visitor in the city last night with E. Polack'. Hi returned to the Lake this morning. J. r. -ampbeilcf Milton, is now employ ed witn the Easterbay Bridge company. and is placing a large steel bridge on the Urande Round river in Union county for that company. He left for La Grande last evening to resume his work after a few days at his home at Miltort. Pendleton E. 0. PURE LARD Try a pail from Stillwell & Company. Strictly pure hog Phone Main 16. , fat, no adulteration STOP the WAGON wvmi AND i GET A PIE Our wagon loaded with FRESH BREAD and PASTERY will call at your door each morning, Sundays Excepted, with a full assortment of Bakery Goods. You see what you buy and what you see. ' A order solicited. Phone orders given prompt attention. Phone Black 161 Mrs. W. w. Berry arrivsd last evening from Pendieton and will visit fr.ends i i tnis city for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Btrry were recently removed from this city to Ps-idleton'here Mr. Berry is now enipicy.d. . . LADD (AHYCil I RMS : "' MY. and Mrs.' Henry Poebler gave a dance last Friday which was . very well attended. Thdte that wont all said they had a good time. Mrs W ,. Graham, who went to Baker Ci'-y lo attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Amanda Bo a man, is home again. Miss Kate Harmon is now In Bdker Cit visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Corge Harmon. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Crossen and son Lester have moved to La Grande. , Mrs. John Green came - down from Payette, Idaho to visit relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. Willard Couch last Fri day afternoon celebrated their crystal weddirg at their. The hast and hostess received their friends in honor : of the fourteenth anniversary of their wedding day,: 'After an enjoyable hour, the guests entered the dining room Where a beauti fully set table awaited them. . Those pre sent ware: .Mesdames and Messrs, F S Sherwood, Fred Braden. E T Peebler, C A Peterson, Frank Counsell. Miss Ellen Stevens spent Sunday with Miss Essa Winn of Hot Lake. The next literary meeting will be called Ar. interesting pro- ;ro.m w;!! cs re.-.dsres. FINE STEEL RANGES ! If you are going to buy a steel range, come and ex amine our celebrated Majestic range. It is sur prising at the small amount of fuel they consume and give perfect satisfaction. I also have a Jew heaters left This is the time when you need them Do not forget about carriage heaters. They will . ; keep your feet warm on a long drive. MRS-T-N- MURPHY Hardware and Ranges buy trial our Tilt: . MODEL BAKERY I J.B.WHITEMAN &SON SOMETHING MEW Rough Dry j : Family Washing j we wash, starch and dry your clothes and iron all the flat pieces. You do the rest. While we are awaiting the arrival of our machinery we would be pleased to call and ex plain our method, give you prices, ect. Phone mornings to Main 78 CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY . suMMf.Rvii.iE sittings Martin Jarnagin, who has been visiting in this community for the past two weeks, returned to hit home at lola, Idaho, Mon day. " GuyHobson, of La Grande, was a call er in our town last week. Lulu Fowler is pow suffering from an attack of la grippe. Elma Mills, who has spent the past few months in Colfax, Washington, returned last Wednesday. Rev. Mochell.of the Presbyterian church eft Monday for Woodburn. Oregon, where he will take up the work there as pastor of the Presbyterian church. He leaves on account of his 'lealth. His many friends are grieved to see him leave. Christina Vanderpool, who has been on the sick list for the past few days, is re ported some better at present. . Mr. Fowler, the Summerville shoemak er, has a first class shoe machine which he received last week. He is fixed to do any kind of shoe work. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Tiffany, who has been quite low with pneumonia. slowly recovering. Mr. Tiffany ar rived last Wednesday from Nampa. Idaho. Mrs. Wehyte and children of Portland. are vis ting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Gilman and son, Francis, left Monday for La Grande, where they go to have an operation performed on Francis' ankle. Ross Irwin of this city was transacting business in La Grande last week. L.0I5. uie nttie aaugnter or wr. ani Mrs. Mike Royes, who has been quite ill for the past week, is reported better at pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Erney of Pumpkin Ridge, were' transacting business in this city Tuesday. Alex McKenzie returned to Pendleton Saturday, where he will resume his stud ies at thb Pendleton Business College. Arleigh Larmore relumed home Satur day from La Grande. Mr. A Lanman ncl son William returned home Monday evening where Mr. Lan man went to visit n s daughter Mr. Fred Clarson Mr. Needham returned home Saturday after a month's absence. The recital civ r, hire Jdnmrv 4 was I well attended. S.,.nm?rv:ile Knows how j to appreciate a treat that when they j set a chance, which is not often for they I are few and far between. j GRANGE ITtMS lhetirange of Oregon are following out tne idea of -See America first" in their program for this year. The following is the program of Blue Mountain Grange for Saturday Jan. 19: Roll Call. "Historic People and Places of New Eng'and." Sorg, "Do not Mortgage the Farm" By the Grange. cssiy. nenry Wadsworth Longfellow, Mrs. J W McAlister. Recitatio" Grace Grout Symposium. "The City of Boston" Mrs. W F Gekeler Instrumental Solo Bessie Ragain Adcress, "Natural beauty and Com nitrcial valus of the r of New E"8iand' CD Huffman Paper. Harvard College ... Mabel Anson Discussion. "T.,e People's Lobby" Edward Jasper. Fred Huffman Song .Ethel Huffman, Reba Williamson Select Reading Mrs. Fraker Discussion. The Legislative problems of today R Jasper. W J Mc Alister Select Reading -p stein Essay, "Salt" ... Joseph Anson The Blue Mountain Grange Bulletin ... Fred Huffman SPECIAL MEETINGS The special meetings at the Presbyter ian church are erowing in interest. Dr. Seemann preached a splendid sermon last night, taking his text from John (lth chapter nd 8th ve. His theme was "Our Conception of God." He showed that it was our conception of God that determines our conduct and the type of our religious ilfv. H V4fiVU Uu tiulu by ti3 VuftCMo theories that men have held of God in the different ages. Continuing, the speaker spoke of the many ways that God had re vealed Himself to the world and how we can know Him. He closed by pointing out how God was seeking men and calling them to come to Him. 1 Mr. C. E. Cochran won all hearts by singing the beaotiful solo "Grace Enough For Me", which had a tender influence on the meeting. Dr. Seemann will speak tonight on "The Power of Love." All are invited to come and bring their friends. MARRIED In this city at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday, Jan. 9th 1907, at the Presbyterian Manse Mr. J. B. Smith and MissClara Stoll were united in marriage by the Rev. E. E' Hays. Both of the young people are well known in this city and receiving congratu lation from their many friends. ' They wil make this city their home. 0E CAN'T HELP MANY but 1 ft MANY CAN HELP ONE So the next sack in flour you buy tell your dealer to send you that Guarrenteed Kind that reads LaGrande Milling Go. on the sack. Just order from any grocer you wish, tney ; all handle it, and if you should ever get a poor sack tell us, we are right here on the groune to ajust it with you. . LA GRANDE MILLING CO In. k. west! I Eighth Annual! I ADANfF U1FL a i r-m mm i i i . m Every Article in the house reduced 30 DAYSS To prepare for this great Sale the store will be closed Wednesday January 2. Sale Commences Thursday, Jan. 3 and closes on Saturday, : February 2 5 IVI F' IAF IT-" IF mrm ? i. r. uu C 3 I I