I i G MEMBER OF THE UNION COUNTY GOOD ROADS, ASSOCIATION: VOLUME VI LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 10 1907 NUMBER 40 a? 7?zs m- - GJF 'I JAt SV I ft j A m m m xv i w v. sVm s' i x j . . . jy - - in . i i sr a ivih i ri a i ij ej. few i m yew- i t m t i i ir 1. i it .ACTIVITY IS II III nwM (Mm w : (Scripps News Association) Washington. January 1 0. Represents- tive McKinley, from the second district "Mcf California, who had charge of the con .' ' gressional party that recently visited Pan ama on a tour of inspection, says, in re- sard to the proere nf th wnrfe th;re f. ..jne prs tnm8 tfoi strikes an observ- ative visitor is the sharp contrast between 'i the methods , employed . by the French twenty-five years tgo and those of today. ' , The American occupancy in the canal zone and the progress of the work under : our direction, bespeaks the fact that up- to-date methods have 'advanced work more rapidly than a hundred per cent since the Frenchmen abandoned the en terprise, and forces the conclusion that while under French methods, the canal was a possibility, under the American methods its construction is a certainty. Everywhere is spleidid activity and or canized industry. If the President saw L nessed. he would indeed be mere than pleased with the progress of the momen- tuous work." LARGE TIMBER PURCHASE (Scrlpps News Association) Tacoma, Wash, Jan. 1 0 The Monar ;h timber Company has purchased 100,000 acres of timber land in this state for $6, 000,000. It is calculated by the man agement of the campany that it will take at least fifteen years after the first log is cut to saw the last stick in this vast tract even if it puts'several mills in operation and rushes the work with all possible soeed. The panhandle of Idaho, particu larly that portion lying between the St Joe and St. Maries Rivers, is almost one un broken forrest and it is in this county that the Monarch Company has its holdings, the timber lying adjacent to these rivers. The erection of saw mills has been commenced and work on the timber will be commenced with all possible dispatch. Czar Is Prostrate (Scrlpps News Association) St. Petersburg, Jan 10 The Clar is reported to be in a state of complete colapse. His Inability to capture assass ins of officials and the ease with which terrorists are able to reach their victims, has been too much for the Czar's nerves. "Who is next"? is the question on every lip today. (OUnCIl MEETING The city council passed the Gas Fran chise ast evening; Received the report of the Wallace-Coats Engineering Co. on the Beaver creek project and paid their bill for the same, which was $225. The special water committee was in structed to negotiate with the same firm to secure estimates on the cost of the installation of a complete electric light plant for both aro and in incadescents. The charter was gone over and the recomendation of the La Grande Com mercial Club considered. . The provision of the old charter which prevented the city becoming liable tor injuries received by individuals was stricken out. A pro vision providing tor an initaliva and refer undum clause was debated and not adopt ed. The provision of making the recorder an exofficio justice of the peace was also stricken out. After considerable area ment over the manner of making pro perty owners paying for street sprinkling was allowed to remain as drafted. The proposed new charter was order ed printed and will be published in' the Observer within a few days. MURPSY GOIDEIELD CRIES TOR MINERS (Scrlpps News Association) ! Goldfield, Nev. Jan..l 0 There is a very pressing netd for more miners in this district. The demand wili be more urgent for the next three weeks for annual work has to ba d-ina on tundreJs of clai ms. Fifty miners arrived from Salt Lake City tndav but as manv as 2000 more are ' feeded in this district alor.e. j. '.'.' HARGIS f ETE ABATED Scrl P News Association) V " Jackson, Ky Jan 10 Tre Hargis tria ' t f will remam in abeyance penaing the,arriva r 'of the troops asked fnr by Judge Cirn es V The situation is danger ilis and everybody ' is attending the trail armed to the teeth. BOUND OVER Chub Prescot who was charged with larcency from a store was arrainged before Justice Hough yesterday afternoon. He waived examination and was placed under $400 bonds. BANK BUYS BONDS The Eastern Oregon Trusts and Sav ings bank has purchased the bonds is sued by the city of Wallowa. Wallowa has bonded itself to erect a watering system. REVIVALS AT PEKDLET01 The pastors of Baker City. La Grande and Pendleton have assembled at the later's city and beginning with tonight thev will unite in holding revival' services in the baptist church at Pendieton. Some time ago a serifal meeting was held in Baker City, and s- on after com pleting the meetings at Pendleton the three ministers named will come" to La Grande for a two weeks' service. Rev. C. Para Secor of Baker City passed thru the city this morning to Pendleton where he will remain during the Baptist revival meetings which are in progress there. LEADS lilt DEMOCRATS lcrlpps Nfs Association) Albany. Jan 10 The presence of Mur phey here has a significance that is not lost on ths Democrats of the state and county. Democratic members in the leg islature say it means that Murphey is now the undisputed leader of the Democrat) c party in the state of New York, and at the next Democratic national convention, the Tammany chief will have a strong voice in the election of the presidential nominee. Politicians say that Murphey before Hearst. ERECTION RESUMED After two weeks off for the holidays, Contractor Wiggers is again at work on the round house-, and this morning the sound of the hammer and saw was again heard. About twelve carpenters are at work completing the roofing. All steel gitders are in piace and all attention is now being paid to the mumpulator of the primitive tools. , i. .v Two carloads of heating equipment s have arrived for the new power house The shipment includes some of the piping and the entire furnace The building In which these equipments will be placed is not vet under construction, but ere long, the contractors will begin the erection of a suitable brick structure just east of the new round house where the heating plant will be installed and from whance will come the motive power for the new round house. 1 he smoke stacks that will be in' serted in the round house roof have also arrived and will be placed as soon as the ro.if is finished. REORDERS COURT The Recorder's court is occupied this afternoon with the trial of the city vs R R Kelly, charged with resisting an of ficer. A number of witnesses are being examined on both sides. WHITES WIN It took over five minutes more than two halves to decide which of the two high school basketball teams were the super ior. , Last evening at the Commercial Club the teams struggled for the supremacy and the Whites were successful. Miss McMurray started the scoring machine for the Blues by a field goal which in turn was followed by a free throw that went true. The Blues appeared to be easy winners. Toward the end of the first half, Jessie Green got a fiee throw for goal and hit the mark. Then by skillful throwing of free throws she gradually brot the Whites unpleasantly close to the Blues. In the second half, the aggress jve was reversed and instead of the ball being he'd in the Blues territory, it was almost continually in the neighborhood of the Blues' goat. When the game was over the score stood six all, and Referee Chil ders announcsd that the first team which made two pdihts in contmudus piaying would be the winners. Altho tired and weary, the girls went at- the third session with renewed vigor and exhibited some excellent playing. Again did a foul score one for the Blues, for Miss McMur ray tossed the ball- true. . A repetition of the trick and the Blues would have won, but the opportunity never presented it self for the reason the Whites were sx tremely careful rot to foul, and it was not long until Jessie Green, for the Whites. ended the game by throwing a beautiful field goal, making the score eight to seven in her team's favor. All the girls played an excellent game, but Jessie Green and Hattie McMurrav easily starred in the goal throwing group. I Happy Week isjmakin sHng jlwppcrs ! Smiling.shcppers reflect the happy spirit which predominates every corner of the jfeorl The aisles are filled with happy snoppers, completely surrounueu uy ud.rgd.1113, IT CONDITIONS ARE AS REPORTED If there is 550 H. P. of. water in Beaver Creek, and it can be depended on 12 montns in the year, as has been re ported by the City Engineer of La Grande with the support of water of Sheep Creek and Rock Creek, that will add materially to the flow of good pure water adding numerous other little feeders on the course of a ditch from the present point of deversion from the proposed Pipe line toihe City of La Grande, the Ditch that I have in view would cost when completed Dam, Headgates, flumes and right of way, bridges, 'overflow Gates, Sand Pits Fencing and numerous other appliances to make the ditch a reliable one in every respect, the Ditch should be large enough to carry 1000 Miners Inches of water. Estimated Cost $1 10.000. This would furnish the City with a quality of water as good as ary City on uis Cui, tin above cost mignt oe equal ly divided with the Goanda Ronde Electric, Co., on the following basis:' The Grande Ronde - Electric Co. to furnish 60 of the Construction expense The pipe line down the hill from the Morgan Lake reservoir to the present Power Station the reservoir for storage purposes and in case of a ditch break or a frozen up period which would likely occur in the extreme cold weather during a period of about o days, and during that time Morgan Lake would hold sufflic- ient water to supply the City and furnish 1000 H. P. daily.the City to furnish 60 of the Ditch Construction and take the water from the present Power House and divert it to any use for City purposes for Drinking,. irrigation, sewer and free fount ains. The question may arise that Morgan Lake is not a fit place to store water far domestic purposes. , 1 he reader will observe that there would be 1000 miners inches of water flowing thru the Lakes for at least nine months in the year. This would purify equally as well as a constant flowing Creek, This surplus wat.r can ba sold and dis nosed of to the dry farms in the near community after the City and Power Co, has used the water t o the extent of all its energy. Thie method -:wontd iertaWe -thf Citizens to get good water very cheap, As you will observe the City will be at an an expense not exceeding $56,000 where as under the present estimate, the propos ed Beaver Creek Pipe line will cost $164 626. This shows a saving of S99.626.00 to $100,000.00 and having a great man more privileges than the City would en joy with their expensive and costly operated spstems. The Grande Ronde Electrio Co. will derive a like bentflt and they would fur nish their customers with cheap light and power at considerably lower rates than under the present conditions, and in. this way the citizens will derive a double benefit, cheap water and cheap lights. Grande Ronde Electric Co. fRIGHll Will KILLS MAHY (Scrlpps News Association) Pittsburg. Pa. Jan 1 0 The scenes at the morgue this morning were pathetic. The building is beseiged by relatives the unfortunate men who lost their uvea in uie ci'iMs lurnace catesiropne last,' night. So far, only seven deaths are rt- ported, but it is believed that several ',. bodies are buried beneath : the slowly cooling debris. Twenty-three of the forty men that worked in the vicinity of the explosion, are unaccounted for. una , body was found this morning. burned be- ; yond recognition. No one but the coroner . allowed within the doors because ot the horrible condition ' of the victims. Even relatives cannot view the bodies. 4 of; SOUTHERN WINDS BENEEICIAL L F Massee is in receipt of a letter from his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H S Massee, who went to Southern California recently, saying that the warm winds about Los Angeles are proving beneficial to Mrs. Massee's failing health. They spent a few days in Oakland but found that air not suitable, and continued their ' trip to Los Angeles. Altho there but a short time, Mrs. Massee feels a slight im provement. . -i u 1 J - n Vv,. Vt ftra Q a naalarl e -ri , i n ruenn wnv p.vfirv snouoer si uuiu nut ue ua.uvy nci o a.i o nwuu vi 1 IlC I C 13 l.J ' swi" "i.j ri - - coveted articles priced within reach of every woman's purse. No need to think of economy, we have done that for you happily. A smiling shopper becomes a loyal customer. We want your friend to Jearn of the spirit of our "happy week" " , ' If they have not attended this sale, there is still time. New bargains are added dailv and are conducive of the most appreciative smiles. And there is a practical side to the smile to buy exactly what you want at your own price makes shopping a joy and makes possible the jollity of our "Happy week". A happy bargain makes a merry buyer. Come - Its smiling time this week. " , ADDED TO OUR BARGAIN LIST All millinery in street and trimmed hats go for a smile and a few pennies, we still have a good selection, especially in the $5 to $8.50 values All Hats priced to $3.00 5.50 8.50 oat$ .98 go at 1.98 go at 2 98 x Thone Black 1301 Vergerc No. 32 GRANGE INSTALLATION At a regular meeting of Crescent O range No. 547. Saturday, January 6th, at Alicel the following Crystal and Crescent Granges were jointly Installed: CRYSTAL GRANGE NO. 547 S. L.J3rooks W M; A R Hill, Overseer; Mrs Lottie McG old rick. Lecturer; Wm Ruckman, Stewart; John Wells, Ast Stewart; Henry McGoldr.ck, Champlain Mrs Lizzie Ruckman, Treasurer; J A Gaskill, Secretary; Isac M Schilling. Gate keeper: Mrs Isabella Schilling, Ceres; Mrs Katie Parker, Pomowa: Mrs Jennie Gsskill' Fiora; Miss Pearl Schilling, Laoy As't Stewart. Time of meeting IstSiturday 1 p. m 3rd Thursday 7 p. m. . CRESCENT GRANGE NO. 5S7 R F Case. W M; James Moss, Overseer Mrs Etha Wallsmgor' Lecturer; Mrs Celia Playle, Secretary; L L McKennon, Traar. B F Van Houisen Stewart; Thomas Wallsinger, As't Stewart; Mrs M F Van Houisen. Lady As't: Stewart M.ss Pearl Edwards MrsFlora Jane Mosa, Ceres; Mrs Kidwell Pomowa; L R Ledbetter Gate Keeper. Time of meeting 1st and 5rd Fridays 7 p. m. An excellent luncheon was served at noon. Good roads and other important subjects were discussed. EUROPE" TRIMBLES (Hcrlpi New AwMiiadun ( London Jan. 10-Advices here shew that earthquake shocks were felt in several points in Europe last night. Stockholm. Swed.,Jan. 10 -Two earth quake shocks were felt in this courry last night. At Arvika. Mollerud and StromsUd. the houses rocked. Christiana Nor., 10 -Earthquake sh-cks were fe t here this morning, ca jsing much alarm. Other Norway towns report Ihe sarr e facts. St. Petersburg. Jan. 10 Earthquake shock were felt here this morning. No damage was dona. Powder Plant 2 txpiccles 1 (Scrlpps News Association) ' - Holidaysburg. Pa., January 10. The plar.t of the Standard Powder Compan ' ' at Horral station, four miles -from here - was destroyed by an explosion thie morn- C ing. ' No lives were lost. The explosion ' was caused by a fire which started in one of the buildings, causing a hundred thous- and dollar damage. The report was ' heard for twenty-five miles and at a dis- . tance of fine mile from the scene, houses ; were wrecked, The fire, during the fore- ? noon kept eating its way toward the store I houses where are kept five thousand kegs ;j of powdef and four car loads of dynamite. Later in the day the wind swerved and 4 the store houses are apparently saved. Inhabitant of the valley are fleeing to, the t ti lls for shelter. 'Jf. I President Yields SliiUMy (Scrlpps Nsws Association) Washington, Jan. 1 0. President Roos- evelt may modify his order dismissing the n colored troops of the twenty-fifth infant- ry, by eliminating that portion which pro- hibits the discharged soldiers ever obtain- ; ing civil employment under the govern- ment. Adyisors have informed Roosevelt that he exceeded his authority. . . ' - Poison Wild Animals - (Hcrlpps Npwh Association) Denver, Jan 10-Backed by raisers of the Rocky Mountain districts a bit has been introduced ir. the legislature asking that the government ' permit poisoning of vicious animals to - protect livestock. The movement has extended into other states. ' :. if- - cattle Stockton (oal Famine lH'-rl.. News AMorlallou) Stockton Jan. 10 The coal dealers assert there is not enough ci al in the local yards to Inst the city, two weeks and claim to be unable to get more. T!:e gas comoany says that unless it gets more fuel withm a week the plant will close down and the city lights go out. COTTON SWNDIES 8rr!ili N"ws Association) Galveston, Tex., Jan 10 Wholesale swind es, by duplicate bills of lading on cotton, have b:en worked on Texas roads. The Santa Fe was caught for SI 60,000 and the Southern Pacific, Rock Island and Frsco roads were caught for $100,000 each. The deals corsumated in the interior of the cotton points and bills of lading were realized at b nds all of awhich advanced the money last niRht. Arclibisfiop Sinking (Scrlpps News A iclatlon) San FranciscgJ Jnn. 10 The condition of Archbishop Montgomery is wjrse thie i morning and, his rscovery is not expected GOOD FOOD Good Service are points of merit that belong to our restaurant. You don't go away hnn gry. and what you get builds you up ' and don't cause dyspepsia.' There are two things v one ever complains of, and that is our food and our prices THE MODEL RESTAURANT ; J. A. Arbuckle Proprietor r i - 1 1 n- S 1 C. D. Huffman, Deputy X : ,",Aj"i-!'..'?"-mi"-."" r ' "