"r"- - .. ... Steward's OPERA HOUSE tfX ONE MIGHT, THIR. JClll IV Comedy of the reason THE BIG MUSICAL Ml iiiijuaj Countess Olga Von Hatzfcldt company peso people IN THE GREAT GiRI ICAL SOIREE OE I LIGHTER AMD SCIMC : : I THE DO 4? With Anna Held's original New York Casino Production and .elected company including Robert Loft F9 H the gorgeous -sidje- u a ffast of mirth 1WUUI I L-etl f(wt1f,l THE CHARMING TtKCNG" f rt rtAdl Ur WIKII1 and ten other comedians Jil IS) Villi - Id MUSIC, AMD BEAUTY Prices: Boxes Orchestra $1.50, Orchestra Circle $1.00, Dress Circle 75c, Galcry 25c and 50c. D. H. STEWARD, Proprietor and Manager. i TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 G0UID AND FREED present their big melodramatic Novelty i roil i A tpl. nd.d C .inpmy, headed by : rvHSS ISABELLE I OWE Scenic Ifuestilurc linsiirpusscd AMUSEMENT j -AT CR1PPLECLEEK" FLEASED A large audience was pleasad w th the presentation of "At Cripple Creek" last evening. The story depicts western characters and instead of the blood and thunder acts that generally caracteriio similar plays, there was a gerWroue sprinkling of, mirth and the odcrcj? whirls of powder smoke ateeWd the spectitirs but se dim. In tha last ac. Wakotah, the 1-id'un, delivered a spieridvj soliloquy, en 1 rg :t with a Si.rr.e fine act ing. N'jvef!V:!cso to ht- exact, crmcr. can bo'irur'.i jr, vi d-ala-l. Wnie iv ,; cas'MUty .rr,::at';d th-? a.j'in.vv'r.j I'i.'i ToA', ii :n-w fr: 'V'-'-t-y ui'f i i st uf vttfvC-'i tr-.t' n') mure u- t.-. iVi't i V'-.-l ;' iVM-t; ihl'"' -i' x t: it ., a: Awrwci. TOMORROW NUHT Mcdern m-'ical c jn.iJy doaa not aim to elevate the starts, bin to entertain, in a breezy soil of way. Tne average theatre goer, whei he atte it a perfor mance, goes to Sit biJt conta iledly and listen t-j catcfiy mus;:, look at pretty gins in bec.inii'g o.i.U'.' i i.iyel tesign. v !; .i-V; .' if.: t.st To , hid.c r. Gii".-.: ... apv, . . T.iT-:-y. ' nw hoirs li" . . In tl-8 r are hcuh in tho for V.'O. c.-iu T'iiris Evpos'tion WM r,f i r i..,.. cr.". ) an; v C U't i . 1 111? 'I I'.H I. .i v. --.-l - - R.v.-m thereof, at La ure'Ui I Imii on S itj'-an .'. the of jariury. aflcrnoun tw.'iftn d:y 1 yC?, ' t v ) e'c'ocn in ti; ;f th it dav. then and t-tre to f r.v t;.v hive, why itw ; .. a; lay assistant. ,htiw cause. It any i.y " ocvt'cn ot sa a uinni's'.' ,i i CIT fjnarlpr ct t".6 ovv tipn io. aiiu ins - - , c p Quarter Section 14. Towii h p 1. b. K. 38 E W M. at private sale sncuia not be'eranted nd any ohjections. if any therf be. why the s.id- Adm.n.stratru should not execute the Bond for a Deed in accordance with the terms of an order ' . Ih, couniv Court dated March H. f903hetoCGeoyge H.Tiffany forthe South half of the SE Quarter of Section 1 4. Towniiio I.SR 88.EVV Mm Un.on County, Oregon. Witness, the Hon. J C. Henry. Judge of thTcounty Court of the state of Oregpn for the county of Union w.W the seal of ,a.d Court affixed thi tenth day of Dec- amber 1906 , B. G.'LLMAN Cierk. I:.,.-. jfi r".rf ih best musical in-is'i:it-.r..-r s m t:ie sUte. and that ,'',ci .v. ti.i city and valley are rin'.-ng .cd.ccjvcr the advaruge ... th.f jc'ij..i. The system is the latest and most practical, and in cudes all the latest discoveries in tnj art of teaching music. The schrol is divided into two depart ments; No. 1 is for beginners from S years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. Ir No. 2 the grades are from 3 to 15. Here they graduate. Pupils taxe one or two lessoni a week as t.,ey desire. No scholar will be permitted to remain in this school w.io do not study. Opposite the Foley House over tt.e candy store. Phone. 475. u; i'i 'ii. ;!:.'' ' r v. ) s. s; 1 i.. , . .. wi;h i i '. ' L':rju: :ii V Con-vi!i :-'. good, Wu.j-.t t'. 1 ft- 1 .V . PURELY VtGcTAHE V 4 s r v v GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF C 1 NATURAL HAIR 'BRAIDS ; . FREE DEMONSTRATION OF THE ' NEW. ' IDEA POMPADOUR TO LOOK HER PRETTIEST AND BEST A LADY'S HAIR MUST BE WE'LL DRESSED In no way can this be so quickly ad easily done as with these Nvy Pjmpa dours, made of 1 8 ioch Natural wavy hair, over an automatic spring, as. plyahlo as a ribbon; with littlu curls undaructh to fio'd the hair awav from the head and prevent overheating, worn ovor.or und,:r y w own hair and can be dressed in any style. With heavy hiir a benefit, with thin hair an-cesity; An cxn.rt djm.'ir.tra- i (ir will show y-j-j how in dress the hair in the latest styles. ; TRENCH CONVENT .. HAM 8 ,A1D5 0.'inr4( ffjm th" lar;.;' luir ik-v .-.) -.. iniportyr mf.a Uait.-'d Suth. ' Tnli tViBRiods will ne S"id at tne low st possiMe- pric;s. -: . . ' ' . A hirfo sairfw oFho'h strayht S(i h.ur. T!t':se sa'na frm ils- are sol..! tii ' i ' !.. cx.-;.hiv Iwii ;s at r.ilf to io l::nd uioif. rri'ocs 1rom $1.50 tt $3.00 CHICAG.')"- STORE - i.rl. . ..' .1. : if. . . ' ; . n r- ! U- , t . .: n i.i- . ' t: '..I'. It. , Ifis j,.,,rr.o',. ; ,t: i .. ..!.., . : .1 ,t ih-. I i I . ; ' j .". I c -i : :.l - ,1. wf.. .v . . r !;'. CHE M U L P 0 OR' est War. J.-lrr' m n T riii-s t.. ,. r . II... C t.l ,l.i fysteni, Cut urii is lrivt-n out n-l a l i .'.'r ;r i branHiinllt'!;-if- Ji--i.. : rwrt'. -i, , . Syst"tii rcnnv.-'ti-'l ni) ut in r"1 f:ii for free 1 i'k. if t; i (:.'. iir.s sain, i ir.. tor any -vei.;;.l n..u: i.i "ilviic- v.a N , THE S W.T ".. rih . ' .- ..'. iwil . t;...i:ijr -'f ; , ' :t.ti.ti! ... 7 I .1 r tinifi.'o . . , ... .. . . i . . i i y t..l " ";'vKi.'..' ' ' - r ti'1;: ;!(.' t.. -''r trin inatt-s i; ' ' ' 1. 1 (. no Tt : !,h-t. u I ! llif r lit i, . . ..t . tire (.'r.tnn! i , 1 i m Ufjx. S. S. S i. .-rn xt Miitvil for f.wr. to the vity ..ic ii; tTniv tvt-ry ii. jii .iit circulation, .Hi ii.m.KS Ihi", )k nlthy '. ! i JIliCT (if til': If. T.'.c irS,n.v tntn. '. t iJ.iiil tht put it - v.- S. Write ( ,,lar:h soil asw . . - ' . r; I'r r!'-r Ihc At)-j..i.-.$ -(' (he i pw.iri'r l.rii in!';' :. r.h'irtH M ,NDAY I V-N N-;, JMMU-VY .?, t;i,7 Oifihop Moor btv::ui his vork in L':i;si.crn Asia ,v:th thcDoxor Ou'brenk.. ;n;i cloci it ;irn'uJ tho oxcilin; scenes of the i?usi.o Japaness War. He disiombarkej fro.ntho Russian transport Sunyari ono day, and she was destroyed the next. For weeks there was great uncertainty as to his safety. He witnessed the sea-fight of Chemulpo with which the war began Before returning to this country he was compell ed to tell the stor" in five of the principal cities of Japan; here he has told it from Alaska to the Gulf, and from ocean tc ocean. ADMISSION. Adults 50c Children 25c. I - 1 1 . si .. 5 ; y t: i 1 Attest Seal