La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 05, 1907, Image 2

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    ! . t - i
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I We announce the Merriest, Jolliest,
Most enjoyable OcGasion of the Year
To open Monday at 9 a. m.
If there is anyone within one hundred miles of this store who fftwls bk"? th6vshou!d come h?re to be made hsLnmr.
We're going to hold a "Happy 2eeks" a sale that is pleasantly unlike any sale event you've ever known. You s'mile at the name and the idea already. You'll
smile for a very different reason within thirty seconds from the time you enter our doors. How will we do this ? How do we expect to send hundreds and thousands
of people away smiling? Very simply and effectuallyby selling to each visitor during "Happy 2eeks", . one or more needed articles for prices that will insure so
much real and unusual saving that the merriest kind of a smile will be the natural and sure resuli All broken lines all short lots will be gathered together every gar
mentevery yard of goods, every bit of merchandise thus assembled will be worth every penny it was the day before "Happy 2eeks" struck this store and the whole
store will turn into the biggest kind of a bargain bazaar. This will continue for 2eeks as the bargain lines become still shorter, new '-specials" will be added, that the jollity
of the sale may continue until the last moment of the 3ale has passed away, and 'Happy 2eeks" is only a memory- to be recalled, talked about, and smiled at for a
year to come- Come and have a good timewe promise that you will smile as broadly and enjoyably as will every friend you meet here--and even every single member
of our salesforce who will wait on you. "Happy 2ccks" begins at 9 o'clock Monday Morning Next, January 7, 1907, and continues for 2eeks.
Underwear to Make You Happy--50
to 75 cent Value for 39c
Women's Extra Heavy Fleece Lined Vests and
Pants and Union Suits, And Boys' and Giris'
Heavy Underwear in gray and wn,te JQn
flat goods 50 to 75c value OtfC
Ladies' Suits at Smiling Prices
15 Ladies' Suits, all colors and styles
values 4.25
12 Ladies' Suit 10.00 to 15.00 values 6.75
10 Ladies Suits values to 22.50 for 9.85
You'll Sure Get Happy at the
Lace and Embroidery Counter
Laces 8 to 15s values for
Embroidery ?c to 15c values for
Your Mind Will be at Ease
With Your Feet in Our
Hospital Shoes
Wjinen's Hospital and House Shoes-like
walking on velvet -Soft yielding sole, Hub gores,
rubber heels- In dongola kid Regular I t(
price $2 p.iir-Justto make you happy lU
Happy Prices for Notions
Back Combs 25 to 50c values 5c
Black and White Tape, all widths per yd C
Tooth Brushes. 2Cc values 9C
Manila Shopping Bags. 35c values 9C
20th Century Notion Handy Book 15c val 9C
Toiiet Sup "Jergens" 25c values 9C
Percale Pleasantries
Big assortment of Dress Percales, very fine,
light, medium, and dark colors, bargain it ft
10c yard, for .. OO
Figured Sateens, blues and blacks ex
tra good quality 20c values 12 -2C
Bed Clothing Specials to
"Warm the Cockles of Your
Full Bleached Pillow Cases 36x45 --
20c values
Full Bleached Sheets, 72x90 size good
85c value, for ...
Extra Heavy Fleeced Blanke's, in tan
withcoored borders, short fine nap. I Q
S 1 .50 value, i pair far
Girls Made Happy- j
Warm 4.50 Coats, full Icrgth. 'rose bick.
fancies, ages 6 to 1 4, happy rr;ce 2.93 '
6.00 to 7.50 values C.98
Chiid's all wool Coats, ages 2 to 5. rc-g- i
ular 3.50 to 4.50 values .. 2.45 !
A Smile Behind a Pretty Veil
Made Crepe Chiffon Veils, ail colors. 1
yardslong, Just for a little joke msrkid. each.
S1.50 to 75c
' 25 to 62 I 2c 49C
White Bed Spreads at 98c
Fringed'White Bed Spreads, full ize
heavy, fine, handsome. $1 .25 value
Me; lymaking Millinery
W onion's Jre...y tt.nrts-'. Every ut m the
l.".,-.'. ,.r.;is S.00 and 5.50. - Vpy prce 1.29
4.!0. : ,' J. 5 10 v. i.e,, hao; y yum 2.29
r. .'). m values 3.29
39 to 65 cent Dress Goods
for 29c Yard
A h uas ! tn.c-rt uf fine wool Dress Goods, in
rvve.ty rp. Mutes, oxford inixtjres, s-ecks and
pifd. all color. 39c. 50c and
59c grades. .-ut choice fjr . . . .
Smiling Prices on Table Linen
Warrant all pure linen 65 in. wide:
bleached 60c values 39C
70 in. Bleached All Pure Linen, 90c value G8C
72 in Pure German Linen free from starch
grass bleached. SI. 25, to make you smile 88C
Turkish Towels, 22x36, 15c values each 9C
SnTyk A Smile for the Bos
VyyS B Reefer Oversets. 5 to 8 years. va'ues
4 50 f 00 . . J8
I "XV,1 los i: :eis. 4.50 tj 5.00 1.98
Cyy. Bov's W) Underwear. 24 to34 size . . 60C
' Sweater;. 1 .25 to 1 .50 a:ue 75c
Shoes to Tickle Your Sole
Let Men's 3.00 and 3.50 Shoes no at , .95
" first qnality Artie oversiioes
1 .75 values ... 1.45
100 pair heavy wool sox asst 35c values 25C
Underwear to Tickle Your Back
5 entire lines to e'ean up. a!l wool garments
but broken lines, regular 1.25 and 1.50 8 5c
Lot 2.25 to 3.03 Men's Sweaters 45
Free if you don't sr.iie.
Not $10.00 lor Choice of Suits
But Better
1 00 M-.mi ! J OC to : Ov S--s.v. 6. 50
Al... a .a 1 ! of t.. s ; j .,0 :o "J0.C0 9.83
f0 Hiy s Su.s vo i t; '.3 jean
value 4 !u to 00 2 98
Phone Black 1301 Vergere No. 32
Jolly Muslin Prices
Lownsdale 12'jD value
PwnarollD.I ,... C. il ...
. , casing, oiea. u 'sc
values 12 l-2c
C Island R Brown 3 -3c
9 Quart-;r Petrel! blea Sheetmg 24c
98c i
5c ;
5c j