MfflttiSJCMl USDS U ( 'I ft n 1 I" 5i 'PHYSICIANS - G L BIGGERS M. D. Pmysici and Suioion Rilston Bid. over J.M.Beiry's store Office Phone Black 1521 Rssidence Phona Red 1001 J. H. HUBBARD. M. D. Physician amd Surosoh . .z in Slater Building, Cor. Fir Street i ,;sffrson Avenue. Phone Main 79 DR. A. L RICHARDSON Physician and Summon ovar Hill'a Drug Store. ; A.a t .vina 1 562 Ratidanca Mam 65 N. MOLITOR M. D. I iSICIAN AND SUROtON jar. Adams Avanua and Depot St Main 68 Retiaence Main 68 BACON & Hall PHYSICIANS AND SUMMONS Mz in Foley Building, Phone Main 19 V. I . Bacon residence, Main 1 8 - M, K. Hall residence, Main 62 IR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORE Osteopathic Physicians . rksville Graduates, under Founder Office Sommer Building I i'ones: Office Miin 63; Res. Main 64 J. T. LE FEVRE, B. L PHB. M. D ' Physician and Suroeon Calls answered Day or Night. Summerv'lle, Oregon I'M. -t. VOLP. DR. F. MOORMBISTEII. t iysician Physioian 3 Surgeon and Surokon (Specialties: Surobry and Diseases op Women.) UBRce:Corpe Building. Telephone Main 80 !jfidenceof Dr. Moormeister: Red 1712 Calls Answered Day and Night. ATTORN EY8 CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attohneys-at-Law i .. trtAXDI OREOON Office in Foley Building i; i. wu.uans A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW ' Office in Ralston Building a Grande. Oregon L A. P1CKLER Minino, Irrioation Enoineerino and Surveyino Estimates. Plans, and Specifi cations. Office in Bohnenkamp Bui'ding. Grandi. Orboon ABSTRACTERS J. R OLIVER r .-rTRACTS OP TlTLE. FlRB INSURANCE Office in Sommer Building La Goande, Oregon. Dentists 2. B. CAUTHORN ' DENTIST Office over Hill's Drug Store t a Irandb. Oreoon IERINARY SURGEON DR. P. A. CHARLTON VETERINARY SURQEON OflPce at Hill's Drug store, La Grande Or Kesidence Phone Red, 701 O'.-e Phone 1361 Farmer Line 68 NURSES MISS ANNA CARLSON NURSE Phone Farmers 19 2x4 LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROF. DAY. PRINCIPAL. MRS. DAY. ASSISTANT. fhis is one of the best musical in stitutions in the state, and that people in this city and valley are begininng to discover the advantage of this chool. The system w the latest and most practical, and in cludes all the latest discoveries in the art of teaching music. The school is divided into two depart ments; No. I is for beginners from 6 years or more and are taught the first three grades. Pupils come one hour each day. This is no kin dergarten system but far superior. In No. 2 the grades are from 3 to 15. Here they graduate. Pupils take one or two lessons a week as they desire. No scholars will be permitted to remain in this school who do not study. Opposite the Foley House over the candy store. Phone. 479. t : ; AMUSEMENT MASQUARADE SKATING PARTY SUCCESSFUL. The masquerade skating party at the rink last evening, drew about three hun people, including spectators. The mask ed skateis were not numerous, but never theless comical. When the skatera un masked many of the spectators purchas ed skates and skated to the strains of the band which was dispersing music from the balcony. Miss Virgane Wade won the ladies' prize, a pair of skates, for the best cos turn. She was arrayed like an Indian squaw. Mr. Zwifell was awarded t'.e first prize, also a pair of skates, for the gent'emens' best costume. The new flooring has arrived and will be laid this week. The managment hopes to have the hardwood floor ready for skaters next Saturday night. DANCE AN ENJOYABLE ONE Regardless of the fact that there were many other attractions in the city Monday evening, the dance given- by , the , Thomas orchestra, was an enjoyable affair and also well attended. The music was of the bt:t, the f w -usual, was excellent, and everything seemed to combine to make the event one of genuine pleasure. A CREDITABLE SHOW Alberta Gallatin, as Dorothy Vernon, last Monday evening, attracted a full house, and pleased it too. The pretty story, enacted in the days of Queen Eliza bath, whan knighthood was in flower, was ably portraved by the leading lady and her capable subordinates. Her appearance was much mora popular in this attraction, than it was in "Cousin Kate." Tttf fIRST Of ITS KIND. The Newlin Drug Company, ever elert to the best interests of its patrons, and realizing the imperative need of a public telephone strtion where shoppers can reach a telephone for the local exchange without cost, have at a considerable ex pense installed a public telephone at their store. This telephone is for the use of the public and anyone wishing to use this phone is at liberty to do so without charge. The public is invited to use this phone at any time. Another feature which this enterprising firm has inauger- auted, is a stamp department where persons wishing stampa in any quanity or any denomination can find them at no additional cost over the government price When down town call at the Newlin Drug Company's store and see the splen did holiday display. Ever see anything like it? What? Hunky Dory, a delicious chocolate con fection. Newlin Druo Company, 10 cents per box. Sheriff's Sale Notice is hereby given that by virture of an execution and order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the .county of Union, bearing date the 14th day of November, 1906. And to rre directed and delivered upon a judgement and de cree duly rendered, entered of record and docketed in said court on the 5th day of June, 1 906, in the suit wherein P. A McDonald, Administrator of the estate of John Morrison, deceased, was plaintiff and T. J. Millspaugh, Belle Millspaugh, and John Anthony, were defendants, said judgement being in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendants, for the sum of $367 with 8 per cent interest thereon from said 6th day of June, 1 906, and eth further sum of $50, attorney's fees, to gether with $20 for costs and disburse ments, I will on the 17th day of Decem ber, 1906, at 2 o'clock p m of said day at the front door of the Court house in the city of La Grande, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said plaintiff s judgement, inter est, attorney's fees, costs, disbursements and accruing costs, all the right, title and interest that the said defendants and each of them had on or after the date of the mortgage foreclosed in said suit, in and to the north half of lots 1 and 2 in Block No. 9, in Honan s Addition to the city of La Grande, Union county, Oregon. Dated this 16th day of November, 1906, at La Grande. Oregon. F. P. Chiloers. : Sheriff of Union county, Oregon. ADMINISTRATRIX' ROTKZ Notice is hereby given to all whom It may concern that Edna S. Swart has been appointed by the County Court of Union county, Oregon, Administratrix of the estate of J. A. Swart deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are required to present them with the proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof to the Ad ministratrix at her home. No. 1401, 8th street. La Grande, Union county, Oregon Dated this Nov. 23. 1906. Edna S. Swart, Administratrix of the estate of J. A. Swart, deceased. JUST ARRIVED Received by delayed freight PX, BANJOS, MANDOLINS a shipment of small W GUITARS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 'KJ$ SOME SHEET MUSIC 1(kf ACCORDIANS, MORE VICTOR RECORDS " Jfl-' AND HARMONICAS - You won't make, a mistake by buying a musical instrument as a present for your family or friends. . Come and see what we have. You may find just what you want. A. B. HUELAT eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee H. A. Staniels : SUCCESSOR TO Staniels &. Jarman 2 CONTRACTING PAINTER PAPER HANGER and DECORATOR . Phone Black 1781 La Grande Ore. You need a tonic that will nut the .an of life into your system and fortify you i rum ai, aiseases. noinster s Kockv Mountain Tea is recoenized as the Great est strengthener known. Tea or Tablets, 35c. Newlin Druo Co. YOU ARE SURE TO RECEIVE THE BEST OF EVEVY THING TO BE HAD AT OUR MARKET Fowls, Fish, Meat, the best in the city Give us a trial order and you will be satisfied that this is the best place in town to trade KR0USE BROS Phone Main 48 IN A HURRY? THEN CALL . THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the De pot or your home in less time than i takes to tell it Day phone Red 761 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at youi service La Grande Camp No. 7703 X The Modern Woodmen of America extends the season's greetings to the other fraternal and bene ficiaryorders of the city. Should there be a mem ber of any other order in the city, who desires more protection for their families look up our order The following was the total mem bership on Januai y 1 . 1 906. of orders having lodges in La Grande Odd Fellows 1,217,145 Masons 11,062.425 MODERN WOODMEN 747.767 K. cf P. K O T M A O U W F of A Eagles Elks ROYAL NEIGHBORS L O T M W O W (P J) ; Degree of Honor M B A WOWCircle Artisans Fraternal Tribunes 622.466 313,548 299.823 235,269 216,000 200,040 149.347 144.034 97.169 77,753 71.110 33,133 11.620 10.758 (Fraternal Monitor) The membership of the Masons and Odd Fellows is given as their total membership in the U. S. and Canada, with the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland added to the I. O. O. F. record. The M. W. A. has add ed 100,000 members to its list since the above record was published, and now claims a membership of nearly 850,000. We make strong claims for our order, and what's more, we can deliver the goods. . 1. Cheapest safe insur ance on earth. 2. The largest beneficiary membership in all the world. 3. Large bank balance 4. Safest insurance. 5. Lowest death rate Note these five points. ; n Fraternally yours FBCUKREY. C S WILLIAMS. Consul Clerk HAD A CLOSE CALL "A dangeroue surgical operation, in volving the removal of a malignant ulcer as large ae my hand, from my daughter's nip, was prevented by the application of Bucklene Arnica Salve." says A. C. Ltickle. of Miletus. W. Va., "Persistent use of the Salve completely cured il."26c. Curee Cute, Burns and Injuries, at Newlin Drug Co, druggists. All kinds of RALSTON BLDG. l , --W -WW-WW TWW-WW I The Finest Meat In That nice fat, young beef. '' :' : Lambs? Yes we have them. Turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens, fat ones too, Milk fattened veal and Ronde Valley produces. Sausages of all kinds. " Clams, crabs, and fish, Eastern and Olympia oysters 1 always in stockhen the weather permits. A neat, j clean market, and a prompt delivery. What more can 1 you ask? . . Opposite the CTII I Geddes store vi ii.iii.ul. Domestic or Polish WE LAUNDER YOUR SHIRTS. COLLARS AND CUFfS WITH EITHER FINISH YOU DESIRE. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED A. Be C. 17 A'lM PHONE La Grvnie, GITY BREWERY! JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. i Largest Brewtng Plant in Eaaicrn Oiegoi Ask for La Grande LA GRANDE BEER IS AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENC , ,,., Musicai instruments COR. DEPOT & ADAMS AVE. WWWWV-VV -WW-WW WWWW WWWl Display Of The City ! the best pork that the Grande 1 C A M r A M Taleohonii 1 SA. VJUITII Hill Ma flain 16 H A TTMnnu MAIN 7 Oregon. I Beer ; and get the Bes MADE IN I A GRAND ..if 1-: J- e 1 4 I J j I I 1 t . j) jl i f