a ! ICDCI.iMCICRi p.. OF THE (HOICfST in THE LAUD fair maids and brave men the most cultured, the widest traveled, the fittest to judge of fitting fare tor the table, can find naught but praise as their opinion of our Thanksgiving groceries or the fancy luiuries prosperity permits. Our large buying and moderate pricing has much to do with putting groc- of Hie best sort into the JUiomes of Deoole of ordinary means. A small trial order will convince you of the superiority of our store jjna our sales methods. PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDELf BRLT NORTH FIR STREET I A ST 'SO oO eX7)r st . Htj 1 m mm, EA3LES-La Grande Aerie 296F. O E. meats ..ry Friday night in Elk nail st 8 . m. Visiting brhren invited to atu ... I. R. Snook W. b 3r.a.!L.Biggsr W. P. L 0. O. P. Ls. Grande Lodge No. 16, meets in their hall every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially mvitad to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. J. A. AtBUOKLt, N, 0, D. E. Cox. Sec STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 51. I. 0. 0. F. MeeU every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows ball Visiting patriarchs always welcome. u. c. rcLER, r. D. E. Cox, Scribe. M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7705 meets evj MonJsy evening at 1. 0. D. .' hall hi- visiting neighbors . cordially invited to attend. C. S. Williams, V. C. John 11, Clerk. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Thurs day night in Redman hall. Brothers ire Invited to attend. FrbhHon Chief Ranger L. L. Snooorass Financial Sec. Board of Trustees Dr. G. U Bioobrs John Hall and C. S. Wiluaml FRIENDSHIP TENT No. 51. K. 0. T M. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays 'tach month in 1. 0. 0. F. hall. . Visiting (nights welcome. ri. u. Ban, wra Mox Bloch, Record Keeper L.O. T. M. HIVE Na 27. Meets every Hrst and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting ladies are welcome.. . . "alts Lc9 i Hv Commander. M. C. Vkssky, Record Keeper. B. P. 0. E.. La GRANDE LODGE No 455 Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting brothers are coraiauy invited to attend. E. W. Davis, Exalted Ruler G. E. McCully, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meats everv Friday of sach month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. visitini? members welcome. Fred Jacobs Consul commander J. H. Kebney, Clerk. ITJ3K REWS Union Republican) Alonzo Cleaver is in New York this week J on railroad business. Reports from Portland this week indicate the favorable condition of W. J. Warren, who recently underwent an operation for appendicities. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Warren Portland .this week. Mrs. Warren was formerly Miss Lillie Mitchell of Union. A hog that was butchered at the Tom Wilkinson place in High Valley last week dressed 750 pounds and produced 61 gallons of lard. Adam Crossman. who was severely hurt a couple of week ago by falling on the walk, is still confined to his room, one of his limbs having been quite badly injured. At a meeting of the patrons -of School District No, 6, last Saturday, a levy of eight mills was made and Thomas Brasher was elected director In the place of C. E Cochran, removed from the city. (Union Scout) Frank Ross received the sad intelli gence Thursday that his father James Ross had died on the I 9th inst in far away Nova Scotia. Supreme Judge Robert Eakin came over from La Grande Sunday for a short visit with friends before assuming his duties at Salem. The Judge has been a resident of this county for many years and has won for himself an enviable reputation. HEADED FOR iAtEM B. F. Wilson and family left for Fort' land last Monday, to remain for the win ter. Their departure was hastened by the severs illness of Mrs. Wilson's father in Portland. The Judge will probably spend a portion of his time in Salem dur ing the session of the Legislature. Union Republican. All 1 VISIT OUR CANDY PARLORS SELDER, TheMJan(,y RED CROSS LODGE, No. S7-M.M . . . . m ti l, every Monday evening in uasue nan, Corps building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights, N. L. Acklbs, C. C. R. Pattison, K. R. & S. RATH BONE- SISTERS RowenaTem pie No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. in the K. of P. Hall in the Corps building. Visiting members cordi ally invited. Milly Frawlky M. E. C nice Procter M. of R. 4j C. F. 4th : H. A. Stanids : hrsS ; Staniels SUCCESSOR TO LA GRANDE LODGE No. 41. A, & A. M. Regular meetings 2d and Tuesdays 7:30 p. m. Frank Kilpatrick, w. m. REBEKAH-CHRYSTAL LODGE NO, 60 Meets every Tuesday evening at the lodge. All visiting memoers to attend. Mary Fraker, NG Lizzie Haworth, Secretary. Jarman CONTRACTING I PAINTER PAPER HANGER and DECORATOR MODERN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA Meets every Tuesday even ing Lewis hall opposite Hotel Sommer. Visiting members always welcome. Auoust Stuart, Pres. W. B. Sarobnt, Sec. G. D. HAGERTY SUCCESSOR TO WM. SMITH : Hay, Grain, Chopped Feed and Wood Phone Black 1781 La Grande Ore. Why Not trade where vou will receive !-. mncf frr nnr mnnfiV iLyhere cleanliness prevails. and where vou are sure to ? -. 1 aL a www 4-ma 4- nffan. 1 vwvi wv r 1 --r - tion in all orders, large or JjUQ.ll. (fine oest 01 oranae rconae MWIev Droducts are to be found at our market. Com - mence the New Year by placing your meat order with us. A Free Delivery 1410 Adams A enue Phone, black 1211 j CARLOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY No order too large None too small Of mm RELICS (Sorippn Newt Amuclatlon) London, Dec. 29. Workmen engaged in diverting a roadway at Webwyn, Herts, a few days ago unearthed Ave Romari wins in a good state of preservation, as weil as two others of a different kind, a Roman spur, two drinking bowls, six inches high, a small cup, a bowl, some bronze plate, an iron standard, and a small urn six inches high. Today at a special court the finds were declared to be treasure trove and an order was made for transference to the British Museum. The workman who made the find will be suitably compensated. Webwyn is situat ed on Great Roman road from London to Gloucester. : HOLIDAY BARGAINS I Now Ready for Your Inspection It t ; : : I TRADE WITH Stilwell & Company. They have what you want and will give it to you. Phone Main 16. LARGE IMPORTS Of BEET SUGAR (Scrlpps News Association) Brooklyn, N. Y.. Dec. 29. Large con signments of beet root sugar are arriving here daily from Stetin and Hamburg. The duty on this sugar is much higher than that on cane sugar but it can be manu factured, so cheaply in Germany that it pays to import it here in large quantities. There is also a great waste in the hand ling due to the acid in the sugar which in' ures the texture of the bags to that they tear on the slightest provocation. (All BOR BIDS Bids will be received by the Recorder of the city of La Grande up to and in cluding January 2, 190? at 6 o'clock p m for all city printing requiring publication in newspapers published within the said city. J. R. Snook i Recorder. t I All new stock. The best of Toy Land brought la La Grande t Dolls, games, ;dninis median leal toys thati run, walk and talk ndcstrucC te toys that will never break. ... . ,a Everything to please the little people and useful art icles to make the grown folks happy. Our prices are just like the goods . RJGHT. . You are invited' to bring the little ones nd see our assortment. ITHE LITTLE RACKET! Masonic building A4amk Avenue WE WANT YOUR TRADE and will treat you right at Still well & Co's. market. Phone Main 16 DISEASES TREATED BY OSTL'OPATHY Whet diseases then in the Osteopath justified in treating, confident that in al most every case he can do as much as. or more, than any other? Negatively, it may be said that if there is a part of the body diseased without cause, or that is not dependent upon the free circulation of the blood and lymph for its nutrition, or that is not maintained in structure and in function by its nerve supply, that part is not amenable to Osteopathic treatment. ' Many think, honestly, that Osteopathy is good for chronic diseases, but that it cannot reach acute cases. By what principles of common sense or by what rules of logic one can arrive at that con clusion is hard to understand. Everyone knows that the sooner a displaced or a fractured bone is fixed, the better. Every one knows that the sooner an antidote is given for a poison, or the sooner it is re moved, the better. Every Osteopath knows that it is easier to overcome an acute attack of grip and prevent bad after effects than it is to remove the complications so often found after the drug treatment of this terrible malady The same is true of other acute diseases as well as grip. The little fire just start ing is more easily extinguished than the conflagration resulting from it. It is hard to get people to understand these simple facts because the reverse has been impressed upon them from in fancy. They honestly think that they must Make something" fur every ailment History of Osteopathy. e Cherry New Laundry STANDARD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE M. M. Slattery, Principal. La Grande, Oregon ROLLER SKATES Steel or Hemetite Rollers Sizes to fit all shoes L. C. SMITH CREAMERY BUILDING J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Dealer inHBuildine Material. Building Stone, Clean Gravel delivered. Coarse Sand and 0) I O UJ H H K W D. X UJ 11 rr swim rsrmA reymsn fpinNIT? JIAtflriFMiS U UvULirUl U JO rn w o z DO r m m S3 05 Complete Business and Shorthand Course Day and night session . ' Eproll WANTED: Good.'de!iyery horse tharwilVstafid without hitching. 1400 lbs, narlr onlnrPrt nrpfrrii V.V.lrhf 1 TO THE PUBLIC Owing (o unexpected delays our Laundry machinery was not shipped from the factory as promptly as promised. A full carload is at last rolling 'twards Oregon and will be installed as promptly as possible upon Us arrival. We expect to start about January tenth. Wc are now ready to contract with a limited number of hotels, lodging houses, restaurants and barber shops for their work. Out notice of the opening of the Laundry, rates and methods of doing laundry work will be given through the city papcis. Respectfully, . v A. B. CHERRY,; Manager j Cherry's New Laundry j Driver wanted for delivery . wagon. . Must be honest, sober and well acquainted with the city. Man over 30 years old preferred. Apply at Laundry. Domestic or Polish WE LAUNDER YOUR SHIRTS, COLLARS AMD CUFFS WITH EITHER FINISH YOU DESIRE. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED : : :, If You Needn't Think of PURITY WHEN YOU BUY YOUR Wines and Liquors r A. 3 C ISTEAM LAUNDRY! at the .. Kentucky Liquor Store L. REMILLARD,'Prop.''' v ' ' In order to reduce my stock; I 'will sell at the following pricDS until Jan." ! ' . " Port Wine, six years old, per gallon $2.00 Sherry, Tokay, Muscatel, six yrs. old, " 2.00 Whiskey, directfrom bonded warehouse 3.50 to 5.00 per gallon, according to age. ' , , '. . . Brandies, per gallon, 4.00 to $10 I have Brandies that the tax has been paid on for" dver 29 years Bottled Glared, per quart 35 cents Sherry and Jart Wine, six yrs. old 50 " Mail and Phone orders .given prompt attention. Goods delivered to any part of the city free. Purity ; guaranteed The Kentucky : Liquor L. REMILLARD,, Prop. . PHONE MAIN 7 La Grvnie, Ore cn. Store KROUSE BROS La Grande, Oregon Dro 'a lins naming work, and I will D4methsVihtpnc. Phone Main 48 it stftcseeseeeseeees