4 E RR Y G H "R I MIA ' Nearly 9 years ago, the present owners of Hills Dn Store came to La Orande. Since then wiha.. enlarged our store three different times'to accommodate our to-; creasing business, a business founded on the Rock of square dealing, 'good goods and reasonable prices. , .j'!,.-. ' It has always been the policy of this store to gh. lie patrons the very best for their money; to havo satisfied customers Is our aim, and so well have w. succeeded tfcat r are known as the leading drug store of Union count,. B, hard work, push and energy w. ha given the people of Union county on, of the most complete and up-to-date drug stocks in Eastern Oregon, and now at this time we have on display a MOST HANDSOME LINE OF" HOLIDAY GOODS M i PERFUMES AND TOILET WATERS True Odors From the Natural Flower It is with much pleasure that we call your attention to our perfume depart ment. We buy our perfume direct from the maker. By careful study and strict attention to the wants of our patrons we are able to offer you . the best selected line of perfumes out side of the large cities. , SPHEILERS' The best creations of Spheilers' perfumes are in our stock, and they are beauties too, up-to-date and stylish., All new and the best of odors Spheilers' packages. Queen of Violets sells for 75c an ounce and is one of the most lasting of odor. They come in all sizes from the dainty 15c package up. We can suit the pocket book in any case. We also carry Palmer', Wright's, Lightner's, Lazelle Dalle'y's, Roger & Qallet's, Colgate's and Piver' per fumes. In fact nearly everything may be found in our stock. RICKSECKER'S The name of Ricksecker on a pack age of perfumes is the same as Sterl ing on silver. It insures quality. This year we have the, exclusive sale of Ricksecker's holiday packages. No. where else in La Grande can these goods be purchased. It is worth while to come a long ways to see them. They are certainly one of the most beautiful and dainty lines of perfumes that we have ever handled. Beautiful cut glass bottles in handsome cases of satin, silk, plush and silver. The prices vary from the neat little 1 Oc bottle to the large, elaborate packages at $7.60. TOILET WATERS To the particular buyers of toilet waters we will merely say that you are sure to find what you want in our stock, from the 25c bottle up. Roger & Gallet's, Colgates, Ricksecker's, Palmer's, Pinand's. "4-7-11", Hud nut's etc. We invite you all to come in and inspect our perfume depart ment. For quality and prices it can not be beat. TOILET AND MANICURE SETS if you are thinking of making useful presents an well as ornaments, you should see our line of Toilet and Mani cure set. We certainly have an ex ceptionally fine line for men, women and ciildren. TOR THE TOILET 1 All the best brands of powders, lotions, soaps, cold creams, cosmetics, massage creams, manicure accessories, etc, are to be found in our stock. We can please the most critical. AND HAIR BRUSHES MIRRORS Without question our line of hair brushes and mirrors is most complete. W carry the very best and at prices which make them desirable. We take neat care in selecting our brushes and mirrors and will have nothing but the best. W buy in large quantities and get good prices. We give the advant age of our careful buying. Our hand mirrors make nice presents. Ask to see our millitary brushes. HAND BAGS AND POCKET BOOKS Save Yourself Money By Buying Her Our prices on leather goods are down to bed rock, and the quality of the goods are unequalled. The newer style. Best of leather and workman ship. Be sure and get our price, we know we can save you money. ARTICLES FOR THE MAN WHO SHAVES Shaving mugs, singly or in cases Shaving mirrors, brushes and razors We sell the celebrated Gillette safety razor. Get one of our razor strops and see what a fine edge it puts on the razor. They are made from the best of leather and will last forever. Price from 55c to $2.50 BOOK DEPARTMENT Tnis year we made special effort to get ome nice gift books. They are in elegant binding and from the pens of standard authors. A good book makes a (rood oresent W suggest hat you come early as they are going fast. STATIONERY A complete line of tablets, box papers etc. Whitings, Berlines, Eaton-Hub-urv and all the best makers. See our handsome assortment of fancy box papers. The latest style and the best prices are here. We carrv Colorado view tablets. CUT CLASS, CHINA, BRIC-A-BRAC Any One of These Make Nice Presents Everybody likes cut glass and china. We have some lovely designs. Our prices on cut glass and china are the lowest in the city. CIGARS We cater to the want of our cus tomer. W find out what he likes, then put in stock his favarite brand. W keep our cigars fresh. You always get a good cool smoke from our ease. Imported and domestic cigar a speci alty. Chritmas cigars, all standard brand, from the small box of 13 cigars to the large box of 100. They 'range in price from $1.00 up. We can suit the particular smoker. PIPES Come In and see our line of hand khiw i'me. Thev make nice present for men and our prices are way .town. Genuine French briar with amber terns. Some are plain and some have beautiful gold mountings. Be sure to see our holiday line of smoker's articler-Smaker' et in Utg, gun metal, etc. Ash trays, cigar holders, tobacco jars, and many things too numerous to mention. LA GRANDE, OREGON HILL'S DRUG STORE Prescription Druggists ITEWSJ ''OPERA HOWE! D. H. STEWARD, Proprietor and Manager. PRESlDtnT RUOStVcLl CHRISTMAS EVE, DECEMBER 24 Sweeley, Shipman &. Co. Present the Emotional Actres" , w I URIM dALLATlN In a wonderful dramatization of the famous novel "DOROTHY VERNON OF n ADDON HAIL" DEFIES IMPEACHMENT . 1 i i Prnrhirprl with two car oaas or scenery auu c.cuuai effects and, a company of twenty-five players. DRIPFQ box seats $1.50 IUHkbSt Orchestra 1.00 Orchestra Circle S .75 J Dress Circle .50 $ Gallery 25c ar.d .50 J M LA GRAN0E IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD. Proprietor Complete Machine Shops 3nd Foundry Genera Blacksmiths, We manufacture The Fitzgerald Ro'er Feed Mill., the best and cheapest mill on the market. Our sheps are equipped with machinery tc ha-d'e any sized work, nothirg too larje or nothing to small. Hicb"' p."-es paid for oid cast iron. .. r db:c PClcnNiRIT. WORK GUARANTEED SANITARY PLUMBitV Is as essential in your home as the oo.r OUR WORK Executed in workmanlike manner anJ "pp. -ved sanitary standards. Carrying a conM ':r of Bath Tubs, S.nks, Toilets. L'.vaiary- tvid all plumbing fixtures.1) G. W. 0Nl f T 1015 WashmetanAvemie EFH0NE RED 161 Washington, Deo 22 (Oregonian Spec ial) The administration is preparing to fight to the last ditch in maintenance of its position with respect. to the discharge of a battalion of the Twenty-fifth (color ed) Infantry against any action, no mat ter how extreme, that Congress by any possibility may take. President Roose velt today sent Milton D. Purdy. assis tant to the Attorney-General, to Browns ville, Texas, to cbtain affidavits of citizens regarding the riot on the night of August 15 last, and these affidavits the President Intends to have ready to meet the renew al of the attisk ajiinst h im by Senator Foraker when Congress reconvenes after the holidays. 1 . - , Persons who called at the White Huse today declare that the President is ar roused to iiis hijnest figlr.ing pitch .by the attempts being made to discredit his action up:n the Brownsville affair and that he is more determined than ever not to ta'Ke a single backward step nor make any move tending to tha construction that he admits havingnisconceived either h;s powers in the premises or the testi mony that e'Jidcd him when he issued his order of wholesale discharge. READY TO RISK IMPEACHMENT If Congress passes a bill restoring the d.scharged soldiers to their former posi tions in the army, or removing the dis ability to re-enlist placed upon them, the President will veto it. If Congress passes a measure by a two-third vote over his veto, he wili disregard it action, being willing to risk irr.peachnent proceedings if his enemies want to carry the war that far until the Supreme Court of the United States has decided that the ap pointive power no longer rests with the Chief Executive of the Nation, but is vest ed m the legislative branch of the govern- I ment. These statements are strong. They are authent c, however, and those who are c'ose enough to the President to under stand his position thoroughly and have talked with him during the last 24 hours, entertain no doubt as to the lengths he will go to sustain his right as he sees it. Not a sing'e soldier among those of the three companies discharged "without honor" will be reinstated in tie army by the President of the United States unless ha oroves his innocence of the charges in grcss rr.dde aga.r.st the battalion to the satisfaction of the President. That is the uit malum from the Wh.te Honse to :'.s critics at the Cap tal. cl:t:cal cake of enemies That tie nr-st critical ordeal of the Rocsevelt edirrn st ration lies Just beyond the merry hiliaay sess.on seems probable at tn;s wr.tirg. The Brownsville affair seems dest oeuto overshadow all matters of legislative interest and make this con test between the President and hi en emieslargely within his own party stand out as the most promine.it feature of the present session of Congress. The deep political game that to some extent underlie the attack that has be gun, which has received attention in ad ministration as well as benatonai circles, will be certain to ad i to the conflict. It s'conceded now that Mr. Foraker will carry his point in demanding an investi gation by a Senate committee of all facts connected with the discharge of the bat talion and compelling the attendance of witnesses and the presentation of papers. The Foraker resolution, as it now stands. places the proposed investigation in the hands otthe committee on military affairs Senators of all factions have expressed a aesire to hear both sides of the case. A CHRISTMAS DINNER Without Precedent can be served on your Christmas Dinner table if you would call and examine our lines of Heinz pickled goods. We carry his complete line. Then we have pop corn that will pop. Delicious Booth oysters are sold here too. Then we have a hundred other assessories that make a record breaker dinner. THE CITY GROCERY AMD BAKERY E. FOLACK, Propr. M 44! ,IHIUI irlMIIIiiffifl -wi".-....!!.-' . Awarded E , . k.jiar- i-i Awarded Parin Exposition lWuSy The County Court, For County Of Union, State Of Oregon The Citation Pacific-University forest grove, oregon, a high-grade college with Superior equipment. Beautifully located twenty-six mile from Portland. Full regular college courses. Acaili'my frives BtronR preparatory and Hitfn School courses. Conservatory of Music and School )i Art, with superior instructors. BuHiness branches taught Gymnasium and Field Athletics unda 4 Physical Director. Well-eqiii'plKMi Laboratories. Library of IS.ftio Volumes. Healthful social life: religious influence All student enterprises aetive. THE SCHOOL THAT STANDS FOR THl BEST in tDUCAIIUM , WFTJ FOfl OTAL.OQUE r In the Matter of the 1 Estate of Ira D. !- Tiffany, Deceased ) , To Frank Tiffany and Annie Tiffany, heirs of said doceased. and E. A. Killpack, Guardian of George W. Tiffany, Ruie Tif any. Nellie Tiffany, Masgie Tiffany, Burel Tiffany. Sylvia Tiffany and Bryon Tiffany rnirior heirs of said Deceased,, and all heirs known and unknown Greeting. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are horeby cited and required to appear in the countv Court of the state of Oreeon for the county of Union, at the Court Room thereof, at La Grande, in the county of Union, on Saturday, the thirteenth day of January. 1907. at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why the petition of said Administratrix for an Order to sell the N!j of the SW Quarter Sec tion 15. and the SE Quarter of the SW Quarter Section 14. Township 1, S. R. 38, E. W. M. at private sale should .not be granted Jnd any objections, ir any there be, why the said Administratrix should not execute the Bond for a Deed in accordance with the term of an order of the county Court dated March 14, 1903. to George H. Tiffany, for the South half of the SE Quarter of Section 14, Township l.SR 38, E W M in Union County, Oregon. Witness, the Hon. J C. Henry, Judge of the county Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union with the seal of said Court affixed this tenth day of Dec ember 1906. Attest: J. B. Oilliiax Clerk. ISoal HO atlium Tl Jpnngi and rest k Free yourself from the wcxiict and caret which have worn your nerves. Drint i.l the wnn lerlul waters here. hfv remarkable properties will bru.j uw rt ht.f from rheumatiim. chrome u riun.tion. iruiizeslion. kidney ml l,laJler troubles end many tiervi.ii diiordert. This splendidly equiii-i sanitarium poueae every nmi..l resource, provides every luxury til il fmefl hotel and oflen ell tlie conl'ri oi liie home Located anml tlx Riinuntairu where magnificenl weirry delightful wa)lcs.and fine fihmt' itound information m I tMim.f mrc. fu modvttvm m4 rwtn 9rfuHf wypifU ipn rofiurM. RADIUFI 5PRlNlj . SANITARIUM vJ lam w MmWmTm t,"al Ctlrcs Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat , and Lung Troubles. Prevents' Pneumonia and Consumption A. T. H'.L-L-, Druggist HONEY and TAR in the Y'.I PACK AOS e t f. ft- 3