La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 18, 1906, Image 1

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OU WILt "learn something by attending the good: roads convention
,v "
(Srrlppa Nen-s Association)
Winnesboro, La., Dec. 18. A negn
mob, with blood hounds. 'is in pursuit of
Noah McLendon. the young negro, who
killed Amanda Wright, his mother-in-law,
Mary Mel anHnn hi wit n4 hmr
Wkrother,- Qui Wright, besides seriously
wounding Wash Smith. The fugutive will
h lynched by his own race if he is caught.
Scrlpps News Anaoclatlon.
Minneapolis. Dec. 18. Report from
Dakota continue to bear tidings of suffer
ing because of lack of coal. Dazey, a
small town wires that there is not a pound
of coat in town. . Schools have closed be
cause there is no fuel to keep out the
blizzards and told. Tne famine grows in
all directions, having now reached both
the Dakotas and Minnesota. .
fScrlpn News Association
New Yorit Dec. 18 Harry Thaw will b
tried on January 21. Justice Newberger
tiavirg sit that date by agreement of t h
attorneys on both sides
tScrlpps Nws Association) :
Chicago. Dec. 1 6-Wheat opened at 73 V
closed at 7 4;. corn opened at 4
closed at, 42; oats opened at 34
closed at 34g.
.!.: : , - ......
The sessions of the Good Roads Con
vention which opens tomorrow morning
will be held on the gymnasium floor o' the
Commercial Club. It was first thought
to hold the meetings in the court' house.
ebut that is not convenient and the down
i town meeting place has been decided up
I on. Chairs have been arranged today and
t everything is in readiness for President J.
H. Scott' gavel tomorrow mornirg at
o.f) ' ! '. . - . . . -
Few of the noted speakers may arrive
tonight, but Governor Chamberlain, and
The 'pSp.
of Happinss
Now that the light has died out of summer skies, while the world grows gray, do
you think there's nothing to do but snuggle down by the fire, watch the white old
world swing around again, and wait impatiently for the Time of Happy Days? '
Ah! But you're wrong the whole world, restless, longs for the golden days of i
summer unthinking, careless of the rare truth that Happiness itself. In its purest
form, is now, of all times, so easy to gain. : .
"But where to find It?'.' Deep under the branches of the Christmas tree it lies
where the twinkling light of mystical, magical candles falls on the faces of little children
Climb a creaking, dingy stair and see the pale, tear-stained face of a lonely child
grow beautiful as'some simple toy is clasped to a little heart that beats triumphantly
with a reawakened faith in a dear old Santa Claus who did not forget!
Let Cnristmas mornmg bring to each of your friends the knowledge that you have
remembered that the days are not busy enough, the years not hurried enough to
drive away the timely thought that will glorify even the smallest gift.
No need to search the year through. In the jingle of Christmas bells, in the hand
clasp of a friend, in the smile of a little one lies happiness. And in more than all else
is it rare and beautiful that to possess it you must give it and that in the giving you
cannot part witn it. .
To those you know to those who would know the joy of Christmas giving this
store is a helpful place. Shelves and counters, cases and corners fairly groan
beneath their accumulation of Gift-Things.
Make it your own a place in which to choose wisely and buy economically. You
will find the Christmas spirit in the air irresistable, contagious with all who help us
' here eager to make your visits enjoyable. ; ,
Umbrellas ' Handkerchiefs .' j Jewelry
Everybody's gotone!"-? Ah. Who said. 'H;tndker;hiefs j In the toe-tip of the stocking
but not like these. Here are make gooa gifts!"-? . something from these cases
handles that are bent and twist- You'll say they'll make the) should go. ,
ed and carved from woods that most delightful of g.ffs -before i A ring a bracelet a brooch
come from every spot on the you see a hundredth part of th.s 1 a pin a set of studs or but-
krown globe. Others in which extraordinary collection Some tons what yoo like long as
the pale opalescent hues of are almost as flimy as a spider's it snuggles down where it will
pearl blend with the lustre of web others are edged with be discovered last as the best
silver and gold. fairy-like lace. of all the gifts should be.
Modish Garments furs Gloves
You did'nt know that Santa Furs, deep-toned, luxuriously Don't worry at all because
Claus knows Dame Fashion rich and soft, will add to the- you don't know exactly the size
well? charm of the happy faces of of glove that fits the person to
Then come and see the style hundreds of fortunate folk after whom you wish to send a pair,
lines of our superbly modeled Santa Claus has come and gone. We expect to be just as busy
garments- wraps and suits and And best of all the comfort the day after Christmas ex
jackets and skirts all fashioned and becomingness of a scarf or changing sizes as we are the
with a defter needle than the coat or muff dossnt depend day before, selling these most
kindly old saint can wield yet solely on the price that has teen satisfactory of holiday remedi
al! breathing Christmas cheer, paid. brances.
Leather Goods Where Dolls Reign
Hundreds of puzzled fok are Do you wish to see some little TOVS
to stop before the counters girl's eyes snap with pure tap- '
where we show all that is new ture? Bring her here. Our toys are going fast. Toys
from the shops of the Leather Hare, where the jaunty dolls t-r boys and girls. Dolls.drums.
Workers. elbow each otherwhere flaxen horns and everything that a
Few are to pass on without and brunette beauties stand, a good live boy or girl would want,
opening their purses for here light of anticipation in their
are pocketbooks. handbags, brown and blue eyes as they
card cases mors enticing things await the inspection of tntir
than we could describe in an future little mothers. 1
hour. '
Linens Box Goods
, Indian Robes Handwork i.-. comP't lir of toilet sets.
... . .Handworked linens, center shaving sets, collar and cuff
Which even white men and pieces, scarfs, tenia boxes, handkerchief toxe. stair
women like to wear. Useful m towels, and every thing the sets, m,jury brushes Com5
a hundred ways. linen department. and see the rest
- -
ihi i a i w k. kvaj v - ..
Phone Black 130
Vergere No. 27
in fact nearly all frc-i out the county
points, will arrive on Je morning trains
The association col. J have selected no
better time for the convention than it has.
The Christmas trade in La Grande has
been handicapped to an extent that is ap
palling. Cove and other localities some
miles distant have all but been isolated by
the terrific c ndition of the roads. To
state it as meekly as possible, trade and
store, for the simple reason that farmers
cannot reach La Grande by the highways.
Is it possible to conceive of anything more
beneficial to La Grande, than a solution
to this menace to public thrift and happi
ness? .'. ' ' . ..... .'
There is every reason for businessmen
and farmers to lay aside every other duty
and for two days unite in learning of some
way to improve the highways of the
Grande Ronde valley. . i
Following is the program as it will be
heard, in the session tomorrow:
Call to order by president. Addresses
of welcome: J. B. Stoddard, Mayor of La
Grande; Turner Oliver, secretary; La
Grande Commercial Club: J. C. Henry,
County Judge, Union County: - response,
John H. Scott, president Oregon Good
Roads Association, address, "Roadsof
Union County, Past and Present," W. T.
Wright president First- National Bank,
Union; address, "Needs of Union County
in the Line of Good Roads," Benjamin
Brown, County Commissioner, Union
County; discussion.
Address. "The Duty of the County
Toward Its Highways," J. M. Selder,
County Commissioner, Union County; ad
dress, "What Macadam Roads Have Done
for the Prune Growers of Liberty and
Rosedale." J. H. Albert, president Capital
National Bank, Salem; address, "The
Proper Ratio Between Tonnage and Ex
penditure in Road Building." Her.ry B.
Thielsen, secretary Oregon Good Roads
Association; address, "Systematic Con
struction of Macadam Roads," Thomas
F. Ryan, ex-County Judge. Clackamas
County; address, "The Attitude of the
Labor Organizations of Oregon Toward
the Use of Convict Labor on the County.
Music. Address, "Good Roads Make
Great States," George E. Chamberlain,
Governor of Oregon; address, "The Tax
Levied by Bad Roads on All Users There
of," T. T. Geer, ex-Governor of Oregon;
music; address, "The Use of Convict
Labor on the Public Roads," Lionel R.
Webster, County Judge, Multnomah
County; discussion.
(Script's News Association)
St. Louis. Dec. ' 18 Interstate ' Comr
missioner Proutyhis morning began an
inquiry into the car shortage. Prouty will
investigate the possibility of relieving the
Northwest from this territory, , '
ISorlpps News Association) '
New. York! Dec 18 --Blocked in the
plan of controlling the St. Paul railroad,
by a hundred million dollar stock issue.
.Harriman is expected to plunge the rail
roads of the Northwest into a bitter war.
That is the opinion of Wall Street and
hostilities are expected to commence soon.
Following is an extract from the com
plaint filed by J. L. Caviness against the
City of La Grande, etal. at the court
house which fully explains the grounds on
which the suits in regard to water rights
on the Grand Ronde river have been
"Whereas, the plaintiff Dravsthe decra
of this court perpetually enjoining and
preventing defendants and each of them,
the stockholders of said private corpora
tion defendants, the distributees of said
municipal corporation defendants, from
further interfering with, withholding, di
verting or distributing in anv manner.
eithor by dams, ditches, pumps or other
wise, said water of the Grand Ronde
river to" the extent of plaintiff's prior ap
propriation, divertion and continued use
and to the exte..t of five hundred cubic
inches of water under miners' measure
ments and six inch pressure, so that the
same may flo down thru the plaintiff's
pipes, ditches, canals or other appliances
to and upon the plaintiff's land as an
cient and usually it did flow prior to the
defendant's wrongful withholding- of
same." The defendant also pleads the
judgment or his costs and disbursements.
Wnen this question has beenfeireted
out in the courts of the state, a very im
portant question in regards to water
rights will have been established. .
Miss Pauline Lederle of La O-ande,
was in the city yesterday to visit her
fat.ier at the hospital.
ports several inches of
Hcripps News Association)
BMarysville. Cal. Dec. 18 --Fire Chief J.
J. Bradley and R. Moran are dying and
thirty others are injured as a result of a
fire which broke out at midnight in the
Dooley and Cutis factory last night. An
explosion followed the breakout, and this
it was that did so much damage to human
bodies. Bradley was frightfully mangled.
Moran'seyes are gone and both legs
broken. Firemen were at work and
many were standing about when the -ex
plosion, happened. Many buildings art
wrecked as a result of the concussion.
(Scrlpps News Association) .
San Francisco, Dec. 1 8 The proceed
ings against Mayor Schmitz and Abe
Ruef took a sensational turn this morn
ing when J. C Campbell Schmitz's attor
ney nnmincoH thnt if motion for a dels
of trial was set aside and the indictment
against the mayor denied, he would file
demurrer and be ' ready to proceed with
the trial. The announcement came as a
thunderbolt to Ruef, whose face paled at
the statement. He figited in hie ' chair
and attempted to attract the mayor's at
tention by tugging at bis coat sleeve. The
mayor refused to notice him and rose on
the instance of his attorney's announce
ment and left the room. .
Scrlpps News Association)
Boise, Ida., Dec. 1 8. Robert Lansdan,
recently elected to secretary of state end
who is under indictment for embezzlement
of money in Washington 'county, has ob
tained a change of venue to Canyon
county. . The trial will be held in Cald
well, December 27. -
(Scrlpps News Association)
Portland, Deo 18 The Street Car Co,
'e running its care on schedule time this
morning. They claim that ninty-five per
cent of the cars are in operation. A
wholesale discharge of former employes
who are affiliated with the unions, has
taken place. After two nights of idleness
the company announces that it wilt run
cars tonight, as it has all the men needed.
Strike breakers have been imported from
Sound cities. That the electrical work
ers at the power, house ere ready to go
out on a smypathy strike, appears to be
falling thru. There has been no distur
bances. . ' ;
A Christmas Suggestion f
What HE would appreciate most ii
Handkercheifs. Silk or Linen
Silk Mufflers . . ' - .
Fancy Suspenders - , -Fancy
Hose - . ,
S veaters ' - . .
Neckwear - -.
Smoking1 Jackets - -Cravenette
Suit cases - .
Umbrellas - -
' from $ .25 to $1.60
1 16.00
Gome and take a look at while the stock is complete.
Any seletion you make I will lay away for you. '
i ,
1$ as essential in your home as thr doJor
Executed in workmanlike manner an J pp.jved
sanitary standards. Carrying a comr lk ''ne of
Bath Tubs, Sinks, Toilets, Lavatory, and all
plumbing fixtures.
G. W. O'NriiL
,. r.
1018 Washington Avenue
good sleighing at La' Grande
county. Pendleton E.O.
and, Union
" - "11 Mhiut