................. ERRY . Nearly 9 years ago, the present owners of Hills Drug , Store caraa to pi Grande. Since then, we have enlarged our store three different times to accommodate our iri j, : creasing business, a business founded on the Rock of square dealing, good goods and reasonable prices. . - . - ! .j has always been the policy of this store to give Its patrons the very best for their money; to have satisfied customers is our aim, and so well have we succeeded that we .i are known as tne leading drug store of Union county. . . By hard wok, push arid energy we have given f.ie people ot Union county one of the most complete and up-to-date drug stocks in Eastern Oregon, and now at this time we have on display a ' ; .. ; V , MOST HANDSOME LINE ' OF HOLIDAY GOODS i -j' 4 . i i t : PERFUMES AMD TOILET WATERS ' True Odors From the Natmal Flower It i with much pleasure that we call your attention to our perfume depart ment. We buy our perfumes direct from the makers. By. careful study and strict attention to the wants of our patrons we are able to offer 'you the best selected line of perfumes out- side of the large cities. SPHEILERS' The best creations of Spheilers' perfumes are in our stock, and they are beauties too, up-to-date and - stylish. All new and the best of odors ' Cir.r.ct z.f!z:i ts n;::s ii::-;; Spheilers' packages. Queen of Violets sell for 75c an ' ounce and is one of the most lasting; , of odors. They come in all sizes from the dainty 15c package up. We can ' sjit the pocket book in any case. We also carry Palmer's, Wright s, Lightner's, Lazelle Dalley's. Roger & Gallet's, Colgate's and Piver's per fumes. In fact nearly everything may be found in our stock. RICKSECKER'S The name of Riclcsecker on a pack age of perfumt i the same as Sterl ing on silver.' ' It insures quality. This year we have the exclusive sale of Ricksecker's holiday packages. No where else- in La Grande can these goods be purchased. It is worth while to come a long ways to see them. They are certainly one of the molt beautiful and dainty lines of perfumes that we have ever handled. 'Beautiful cut glass bottles in handsome eases of satin, silk, plush and silver. The prices vary from the neat little 1 Oc bottle to the large, elaborate packagee at $7.50. TOILET WATERS' To the particular' buyers of toilet waters we will merely say that you are sure to And what you want in our stock, from the 25c bottle up. Roger & Gallet's. Colgates, Ricksecker's, Palmer'e, Pinand'e, "4-7-11", Hud nut's etc. We invite you all to come in and inspect our perfume department..- For quality and prices it can not be beat. , 'TOILET, AND MANICURE : SETS O. Jf you are thinking of making useful presents a well as ornaments, you should see OJf line of Toilet and Mani cure sets. We certainly have an ex ceptionally fine line for nen. womn and c Jldren. FOR THE TOILET . All the best brands of powders, lotions, soaps, cold cream! cosmetics, massage creams, manicure accessories, eta., are to be found in our stock. We can please the most critical. - HAND BAGS AND POCKET BOOKS' Save Yourself Money By Buying Her Our pnee on leather goods are down to bed rock, , andthe quality of the goods are unequalled. The newer styles. Best of leather and workman ship,' Be sure and get our prices, we know we can save you money. " HAIR BRUSHES AND i MIRROJS ". . Without .question cur line cf hair brushes and mirrors ii most complete. We carry the very best and at prices which make them des..able. We take neat care in selecting our brushes and mirrors and will have nothing but the best. We buy in large quantitiee and get good prices. We give the advant age of our careful buying. - Our hand mirrors make nice presents. Ask to sse our military brushes. ' ARTICLES FOR THE WHO SHAVES MAIM Shaving mugs, singly or in cases Shaving mirrors, brushes and razors We sell the celebrated Gillette safety razor. Get. one of our razor strops and see what a fine edge it puts on the razor. . They are made from the best of leather and will last forever. Prices from 85a to $2.60 . ' BOOK DEPARTMENT ' Tnis year we made special effort to get some nice gift books. They are in elegant bindings and from the pens of standard authors. A good book makes a good present. We suggest that you come early as the? are going fast. - .. v 1 rr STATIONERY y . A complete line of tablets, box papers etc. Whitipgs, Berlines, Eaton-Hub-ur and all the best makers. . See our handsome assortment of fancy box papers. t The latest style and the best prices are here. We nrrv Colorado view tablet. CUT CLASS, CHINA, ',; BRIC-A-BRAC Any One of These Make Nice Present Everybody likes cut glass and china. We have some lovely design.? Our price on cut glass and china are the lowest in the city. . CIGARS . We cater to the wants of our cus tomer. We find out what he likes,' then put in stock his favorite brand. W keepourcigars fresh. You always 'get a good cool smoke from our case. Imported and domestic cigars a speci alty. . Christmas cigars, ail standard brands, frora the . small box of 12 cigars to the large box of 100.. They range in price from $1.00 up. We can suit the particular, smoker. :.,V PIPES Come in and see our line of hand )n TK mlra nice oresent ... for men and our price are way down. Genuine French briar with amber stem. Some are plain and tome have beautiful gold mounting. Be sure to see our holiday line of smoker' articles Smoker's set in tag, gun metal, etc. Ash tray, cigar holder,, tobacco jars, and many thing too numerous to mention. ; LA GRANDE, OREGON f HILL'S- DRUG STORE Prescription Druggists i e , : n. hi: STEWARD' Proprietor and Mgr TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18 J GORTON 5 55 PEOPLE ALL WHITE MIHSTRELS 1 0 jolly comedians 10 expert dancers 8 accomplished singers 10 big specialties EDISON PR0ZELT0SC0PE .Elegant Scenic production and Electrical Effects Gorton's Gelebra ted Solo Band Superb concert noon and evenings ii 1 Grand street parade f ollowine Boxes $1.00, Orchestra and Orchestra Gircle 75 cts., Dress Gircle 50 cts., Gallery 25 cts. and 50 cts. AMUSEMENT Any thin or undeveloped girl or woman will Ha kunafitaH hu taif-ntr Mnilicror'e Rocky Mountain Tea. It is one of the greatest known remedies for making rjeosie strong, healihv and well. Tea or Taoiets, 15 cents. Newlin Druo Co. HORSES WAMm A car load or two of good work horses from twelve hundred pounds up. .Must be broke. Will be at Kirtley's livery stable Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 1 7 and 18. Hubert AHalu Gorton's Minstrels with a biand new show will be the attraction at Steward's Oper House Tuesday Dec. 18. , The management promises some inno vation In the staging of the production and the entire company is said to be one of exceptional ability. ,The minstrel will offer a program containing all the best and most essential features of modern, up-to-date minstrelsy, and which are guaranteed to be a sure cure for the "blues". The company is composed of 50 clever artists, among whom are a half score of popular comedian, headed by the jolly fun makers Jake Welby, Ralph Kintner and Charles Jacobs. Messrs Cameron and Toledo present an operatic, equilibrislic, pantomimic ex travaganza entitled "The Enchanted Grotto" which introduce an act combin ing choice operatic and musical selections with wonderful tricks of contortion and balancing. Elegant special scenery is carried for this production which is assuredly one of the most astonishing offerings "before the public. "HUNKY DORY" What is it? ' Newlin Druo Co. f OF A THROAT AND j - LUNG : ROH- EPDES DR.-- GCQSW: FOR COUGHS AMD GOLDS CURES all THROAT iKo LUG DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S LIFE My on Rex wa taken down year ago with lung- trouble. We doctored some months without improvement. Then I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for thi better. I kept thii treatment up for a few week and now my ton i perfectly well and work, every day. SAUp KIPPEE, Av.f Mo. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C OOc AND $1.00 Sr e wlin D rtir Co mran v 00 s WANTED 1H IN IPRUSIA (Hcrlppa News Association) ' Shanghai. D.c. 16-A delegation from the Prussian Government has arrived here to negotiate the sending of a large number of coolies to Western Prutnia. The scarcity of farm laborer prompted the Wert Prussian Agricultural Asoci ation to call on the Diet and state t' at, while in many way undesirable and re gretable, this action had become absolute y necessary. . WOMAN DIES AT 104 (Scrlpp News Association) Scranton, Pa.. Deo. 16--Jane Halpin who died in the House of Good Shenherd here a few days ago was born In Ireland and had. a distinct recollection of the Battle of Waterloo and the great excite ment prevailing in Ireland at that time. Sheriff's Sale " Notice is hereby given that by virture of an execution and order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale issued out "of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union, bearing date the 14th day of November, 1906. And to rre directed and delivered upon a judgement and de cree duly rendered, entered of record and docketed in said court on the 6th day of June. 1906. ' in the suit wherein P. A, McDonald. Administrator of the estate of John Morrison, deceased, was plaintiff and T. J. Millspaugh. Belle Millspaugh, and John Anthony, Were defendants, said judgement being in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendants, f:r the sum of $567 with 8 per cent interest thereon from said 6th day of June, 1906, and eth further sum of S50, attorney'e fees, to gether with $20 for costs and disburse ments, I will on the 17th day of Decem ber, 1906, at 2 o'clock p m of said day, at the front door of the Court house in the city of La Grande. Oreeon. sell at nublie auction, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said plaintiff's judgement, inter est, attorney's fees, costs, disbursements and accruing costs, all the right, title and interest that the said defendants and each of them had on or after the date of the mortgage foreclosed in said uit, in and to the north half of lot 1 and 2 in Block No. 9, in Honan' Addition to the city of La Grande, Union county, Oregon. Dated this 16th day of NovemW 1906, at La Grande. Oregon. F. P. Childers. Sheriff of Union county.Oregon. LUMBER RETAILI:D.AT WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in La Grande, We deliver it to your building r It t ii Crande Rontle Lumber Co PERRY, OREGON. HOT DRINKS OYSTER COCKTAILS AND TAMALES For Ladies and Gentlemen only -SGHEfclRER'S S HELL KlSH . - A New Department j To our already large and complete stock of .40.1e: we . Jhave added a SHELL FISH COlNTtR up, a iV ill I J be found fresh crabs, clams, Crawfish, (rjia i jid j . . V10.VIS, in Idbb All lIJcll SnOU Q t -V V in i. . , - t an up-to-date Shell Fish market. x ' , ... ' J. n. wiiiic, uKULfcKf rPromptDvery. ' Phone Main 42 ;; taatatt1 . f n.rtttataaaaaaaaai.T I V .4