w ICHRISTMAS PRESENT j LOCAL ITEMS i Diamonds Jewelry Watches 1 WHERE IS BUSTER BROWN? WATCH 7HIS SPACE EACH WILLIE". HE WILL TEL !tf)U ft sEZ riflE WILL JOON BE HAPPY, ' BtJTER. BROWN WILL COME BACK. THEY WILL BE ON THIJ PAGE A LONG time. they will delight YOU, AND TALK To YOU ABOUT OUR. BUJI WZSS. WE ARE GLAD THEY WILL BE HERE. BU-STER BELIEVED IN TRUTH. WE Do. WE MAKE A PRoriT, EVERY MERCHANT MUJT. WE DO NOT "CUT PRICED"--EXCEPT ON BROKEN IZEJ OR WHEN OVERLOADED. WE MAKE PRICED RIGHT IN THE BEGINNING. WE WI-SH TO MAKE MONEY, WHO DoEJNT? BUT WE CAN MAKE MORE JELLING AT A FAIR PROFIT AND DOING . A BIGGER BUJI WZSS. HELP YOUR JELF BY MAKING OUR VOLUME LARGER. .SANTA CLAU.5 WANTi VS To THANK YOU ALL FOR THE NICE RECEPTION YOU GAVE HIM ON MONDAY LAST-, HE JAY ,5 HE LIKEJ JO WELL THE WAY WE ARE HANDLING THE HOLIDAY BUJ1NEJJ IN LA GRANDE THAT HE 3 COMING AGAIN SATURDAY To HELP JS OUT. HE WILL BE GLAD To JEE ALL THE LITTLE FOLKJ AND THEIR MAMMAJ AND PAPAS THAT COULD NOT COME LAST MoN DAY, JO BE JURE AND COME REJPECTFULLY J. E. Patterson of Enterprise transact ed business here last night. Mesdames A. and J. H. Tisk of Sump- terwere visitors in the city last night. W. A. Grant of Baker City transacted business in LaGrande this morning. Sheriff Childers is transacting business in Elgin today. Mrs. L. W. Damon left this morning for A heel to visit friends this week. Conductor F. L. Koykenkall of Pendle ton is spending a few days of his vacation in this city, meeting his many friends. E. W. Camphell, superintendent of the Oregon division of the 0 R & N, was in the city a few hours this morning. Dan and Joe Sommers of Elgin were La Grande visitors last night. They returned this morning. J. B. Stoddaru left this morning for Hot Lake to spend a few days at the sanatorium. Mrs. Walter Reed and Arthur Alexan der have returned to Portland after rend ering the song recital last eveeing. H"22 nf Elpin was in tie city this morning en route from Walla Walla to his home. Attorney and Mrs. C. Crawford leave tomorrow morning for points in California where they will spend about three weeks Mrs. C. S. Dunphey is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Bacon. After remaining a few days she will join Mr Dunphey in Huntington. E. W. Hunt of Cornucopia, who has been spending a couple of weeks at Hot Lake was a visitor in the city this morn ing meeting friends. Miss Lottie Taylor of Medford. Oregon, is in the city the guest of her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Steward. Miss Taylor will remain during the rest of the winter. Modern Woodmen should not fail to attend the meeting of the Camp next Monday evening. J. W. Simmons, Head State Deputy, will be present and will address the Camp. There will also be a smoker and initiation. Mrs. C. G. Stacey, writes to La Grande friends from Portland that Mr. Stacey who is in the hospital is getting along nicely, but will be compelled to remain in the hospital many weeks before he fully recovers. DIED HULSENear this city Wednesday Dec. 12. 1906, Philip Hulso, the twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J E Hulse. The funeral will take place from the family home tomorrow at 1 1 o'clock and the interment at the Ackles cemetery following the funeral, Rev. 0 H King officiating. t Step in and examine our 10c, 25c, 50c and 75c Tables ; I which all contain good bargains in Ghinaware. etc. . : I also have a fine assortment of cut g'xss, snverware. . : carvers, jardineers, ice skates, sleds and express I wagons. ! j Gome early before they are pickei over. Presents j iaia away. ImRS. T.N. MURPHY Marriware and Ranges HERf IS A RECORD Chief of Police Raybjrn made a record that we believe is entitled to a state cer tificate for markmenship. In the shooting gallery this afternoon he only missed one bird in 1 54 shots. Tiiew sina'.l bird. 1 2 in number, are on a rack above which reads a sign whereby the proprietor has a standing offer of 50c to anyone who will knock down the 12, and not one in a hundred ever secures the prize. In this score the Chief made a straight run of 138 without a miss and finished out the run of 1 54 shots. Raybum in the con test for a cash prize, in the five best snots has the best record, of 58 points out of a possible 60. itfgeeeeeetev MARRIED WARNER CAIN Sherman Warner and Mable Cain were married on December 11, 1906, by Justice of the Peace Hough. They will reside at Pendleton where Mr. Warner is engaged in business. LOST Several court papers between the Court House and my office. Finder please return to Turner Oliver. INVENTS NEW DEVICE E. F. Hugg, of Elgin, was in the city this morning and stated that he had just returned from Walla Walla where he per fected arrangments for the manufacture of a device for computing and measuring rope. The machine is practical and will doubtless find ready sale among the mer chants who deal in rope. With scarcely any effort on the part of the dealer, the machine will compute the cost and meas ure the length of the rope desired. An Eastern syndicate has the contract for the manufacture and will give Mr. Hugg a royalty on all sales. SOCIETY Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Rier.ardson last evening gave an informal reception to abou-. fifty of their friends, in honor of Mrs. Reed and Arthur Alexander of Port land, who were their guests. The host and hostess were assisted in receiving by Mesdames A. R. French and J. M. Berry. The guests were presented to the guests of honor by the hostess. Misses Bertha Young and Jean McDon ald rendered several splendid violin and oiano duets. Mrs. D. M. Clark presided at the punch bowl and was assisted by Misses Kuhn. Stoddard, McCall and Anson. NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB The Neighborhood Club met in their club rooms Tuesday afternoon and spent two very enjoyable and profitable hours. The study of English History from the time of the Commonwealth and Oliver Cromwell to George III was very ably handled by Mrs. Turner Oliver, the leader The magazine study under Mrs. E. Kid aie was exceedingly interesting, as was also the paper, "Political Characters of Age" by Mrs. Geo. Currey. The members will be glad to learn that the long felt needthe printed program for the year will be in readiness for distribution at the next meeting. The ladies of the Mjsical ai.d Neigh borhood Clubs are planning a reception to te given New rear s afternoon, at which time they hope to have the pleasure of welcoming many of their friends in their rooms at the Commercial Club. THREE BUILDINGS SOON READY. Three huilding projects of the city are rapidly nearing completion. The National Bank building, now has the windows in the ground floor, and ceiling is also plac ed. On the second floor, which is to be devoted to modern office rooms, the work is progressing rapidly and within a month will be all completed. The baptist church, another edifice that is a credit to the city, has reached a point where shingles are in order, and work men are now placing them. The new round house will soon be in closed, at least as much as the plans call for. Steel girders and beams have ar rived and the work of laying roof boards is now on, SUSPENDS WELL DIGGING The con-piny which has the contract for furnishing artesian water for the new round house, has temporarily suspended operations. The diggers reached a depth of 84 feet when the pipe broke and they must of neceisity now begin over again, as it is impossible to remove the broken pipe. The new position will doubtlessly be near the original one. 1 0 cents. "HUNKT DORY" Newlwin DruoCo. (0 r MIA .. TIMtHU,t IDS 1 WE OUR YOU HAVE THE STOCK PRICES ARE RIGHT ARE INTELLIGENT ENOUGH SAID Hand Painted China Cut Glass Xovelties REMEMBER WE SAVE YOU Two Doors from Post Office MONEY ON PURCHASES PANY 2SL - Grar.de. Oregon SBEORDSTj & COfw " ntaaaaT ---- n, ., ...jg. . i.a ...... - r- """""" l''"',VMM?y,f.t"- 't,'Mttt J : ! !