Xmas Now Ready for Your Inspection All new slock. The best of Toy Land brought to La Grande Dolls, games, drums, horns, mechanical toys that run, walk and talk, ndestrcutable toys that will never break. Everything to please the icles to make the grown folks happy. Our prices are just like the goods RIGHT. You are invited to bring assortment THE LITTLE Masonic building A REAL REDUCTION: We take this plan m order to give you the chance for a careful inspection of prices athome, to compare with prices you have seen or heard about in the well advertised sales in La Grande. On Monday, Nov. 12, we concluded to sell our entire $10, 000 stock at absolute cost, and sent out printed post ers to that effect. Our sale has been a perfect success, notwithstanding the bad weather, we have sold $2500 in" goods and you would hardly miss the goods by look ing at our shelves. We have no line yet broken, our goods are all new and up to date. We have no shelf worn goods. $3.00 Hats for $2.00 2.50 Hats for 1.75 2.00 Hats Shoes Sold at Cost or About 1-3 Price and a Great Many Bclou Cost It will pay you to buy your dry goods while you can buy them at the price we bought them. Ribbons and laces 40 per cent off. We are going to open a fine line of new sensible Christmas goods. Saturday, December I Best grades of ketosene at $1.50 per 5 gal. Tank oil 25c per gal. We have a large stock of ubricating oil that will pay you to buy and hold over. Hardware o all descriptions at 50 per cent. Tools, saws, hammers, bits, planes, wedges, etc., too numer ous to quote prices on. Paints and oils at cost. Chinaware, glassware, tinware, and cutlery at a bargain. Groceries cannot be bought so they can be sold at such a discount, but we will give you all there is in it. Yours truly 5. W. B. Co m p any i IMtJLhK. Our Gradnates Receive Large Salaries iHaxMWkt Iry.-fcT lPENDLBTOW CITY JULIUS Largest Bit-win Plain sk for La Grande Bee -A GRANDE BEER IS WADE IN LA GRANDE ND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE Goods! little people and use..'! art the little ones and see our RACKET Adams Avenue for 1.25 Off From Regular OREGON - -- U1W,.. IwrMMtk 'COLLEGE BREWERY in iiasM-ru O tCCUl 4 t r and get the B. st CONGESTION Of THE LIVER, SHOWINu WHAT THE CAUSE OF Tttf CONDITION AM AND WHY Rfllff AND (I'RE MAY BE LOOKED FOR THROUGH OSTEOPA THIC TREATMENT. Too much blood or too little blood in any given part of the body spell trouble That is what is the matter in nine cases out of ten when your head achesthere is either too mu:b biood there or too little and when the Osteopath cures your head ache he simply ukes the proper mea sures to regulate the blood now properly. A case of congestion of the liver is, in a genera! way. much the same. Conees- tion simply means over fullness that's an. in trie case of your liver it means that that organ is getting more than its share of blood through the arteries, or e'se that other blood vessels are failing to drain the used blood away with due spaed. But of course no such condition could exist without a cause. And the Osteo pith does the rationd thing when he pro ceeds to look for that cause: He seeks for it in the structures of the body, for hi training has taught him and convinc- mi him n res the . of disease a re to be found. He surmises in the first place, that there is something j wrong with the vaso-motor nerves, for ' these are the nerve that control the , worn of the blood-vessel and if they were net being interfered with in their work the blood flow would be normal. There may be an actual bony mis-adjustment, or the trouble may be that con tracted muscles are interfering with the work of the vessels and their controlling nerves. Whatever the specific difficulty mav be in the individual case, the OsteoDath is qualified to find and correct it Some times the results he secures are surpris ingly quick, sometimes more time i re quired. He removes the cause of the cause of the trouole and at the same time gives a thorough mechanical stimulation so that the effect ot the liver' uffering may be done away with a speedily as possible. For congestion of the liver there is nothing that can at all compare with the treatment. ii i an um saying inai"ir your liver is I : u -. right you are right " and while that is of course a great deal of exaggeration there is more than a grain of truth in it. Any liver trouble merits immediate at tention; and the best and most natural auemon wnicn it can be aiven s through Osteopathy. Right Way. "HUNKY DORY" 1 0 cents. Newlin Druo Co. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Eastern Oregon Trust and Savings Bank will be held at it office, in the Cit of La Grande County of Union and State of Oregon on the 1 Oth day of January 1906 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the eiection of the Directors for the en suing year, and for the transaction of such other business as mav nmn.rlu "J come before the meeting. Geo. L. Cleaver. Secretary ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the La Grande National Bank will be held at their banking house in Li Grande. Ore . on Tuesday Jan. 8th. between the hours of 1 0 m and p m. at which meeting a board of nine directors will be elected to serve for the ensuing year and such other bu.iness will be transacted as may properly come before said meeting. La Grande. Oregon. Dec 8th. OF THROAT AND LUNG EDOES mm good points about m I OUVERimWRITUR 1 SIMPLICITY 2 Less to learn. 3 Less keys tocperate. Work is always before you. 5 Saves lime. 6 Save labor. 7 Save money. 8 tfakes arj jeed cperatcr a be'.te operator. 9 Furnishes the ideal feed paper. 10 Furnishes rapid, frictonlessescape ment. 11 Type face upward for an instant easy cleaning. 1 2 And increases facility. la Only about fife hundred parts in entire machine. 14 Works in a whisper. 15 Carriage runs on anti-fneto ravel ers; no vibration. 16 Only twenty-e:gnt keys to produce , ghty-four characters. 1 7 Visible writing. 18 Writes on any form, froma?o;l age stamp to the widest Insurance Poiicy 1 9 Only machine which perfectly draws horizontal and vertical iontinous lines. 20 Prevents perforation or wear uf platen. 21 Heaviest Man folder. 22 The U-Shaped Type-bar. 23 Every manifold copy in perfect alignment 24 A success, not an experiment. 25 Direct connection between tvDe- bars and key levers. 28 Durability. 27 Constructed as carefully as a watch. 28 Automatic line-spacing. 29 Writes in colors without changing ribbons. 50 The Oliver Tvpewritter is built with interchangeable parts. Newlin Druo Co.. ACCIDENTS WIIL HAPPEN Wm. Grant's Agency writes a'l kinds of accident and health policies. Call and tee him for rates. High Grade jj Hitfh Price- J. A. Folger & Co. Oan rranctsco ART LESSONS Mis Nina Hunstock wishes to announce to the ladies of La Grande that she . prepared to take orders and give lessor. in both water colors and china painting. Studio at 906 Main St. fack.d in Fult Awmr. 2?o7 R fTj'llI Always OAT Samt BR. eCfifWS ME for COUGHS Af COLDS CURES ul THROAT d LUNG DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S LIFE My son Rex ii taken down year ago with lung trouble We doctored aomt months without improvement. Then I began eivw ?l" ' ?'W D,K0Ter7 Dd 1 "iced a change for the better I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my aoo isperfeiv well and works every day. ' penectiy 17 7- MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo. THE FIRST OF ITS KIND. The Newlin Drug Company, ever elert k. kct inroro.'i if its natrons, ana realizing the imperative need of a public telephone stticn wr.ere shoppers can reach a telephone (or the local exchange without cost, have at a coniiderable ex pense installed a public telephone at their store. This telephone ,s for ; he use of the public and anyone wishing to use this phone is at liberty to do so without charge. The public is invited to use this phone at any time. Another feature which this enterprising firm has inauger auted. is a stamp department where persons wishing stamps in any quamty nr anv denomination can find them at no additional cost over the government price When down town call at the Newnn Drug Company's store and see the splen did holiday display. ANNUAL MEEIING Of the shareholders of the Farmers and Traders National Bank of La Grande will be held at their banking house in La Grande on Tuesday the 8th day of Jan. 1907 between the hours of 10 o'clock a m and 2 p m of said day to select a board of directors for the ensuing year and for 6uch other business as may come before said meeting. Farmers !l Traders Natl Eank. J. W. Scriber. Cashier. Dec. 8. 1906. YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Is not complete without one of our Turkeys. Fresh meats of all kinds KROUSE BROS Prop Successor to J. Bull and Go Phone Main 48 In The District Court Of The United States For The District Of Oregon It the matter of 1 F. G. Lawson and I Victor Lawson. part- ! Notice of first meet- ners under the firm I ing of creditors name of Lawson, Bros., Bankrupt. I To the creditor of F. G. and Victor Lawson. partners under the firm name of Lawson Bros, of LaGrande. Union County, and the district aforesaid, bankrupts. Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of November, 1906, the said F. G. Lawson and Vict r Lawson were adjud icated bankrupt; and that the first mov ing of their creditors will be held at the office of the Referee in La Grande, Ore gon, on the 22nd day of December l oris at ten o'clock in the ferenoon. at whirh time the ,d eta " ' mar atfcoiiu, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, xiamin. the banksupts. and transact such other business as may prouerlv corns hfr said meeting. F. S. Ivanhoe Referee in Bankruptcy. ERY &OC AND $1.00 LODGE DIRECTORY f ACLES - La Grande Aerie SSEF. 0 F. meets .Hry Fnciy r iht in Elk nail, t 8 v m. Visiting brhren nvited to att'. . " . . I. R. Snook W. S 2r.G. L. Biggers W.P. i. 0. 0. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meets in their hall every Saturday night Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemeterv Dlat mav be seen at Model Restaurant. J. A. Arbuckle, N. G. 0. E. Cox. Sec. STAR ENCAMPMENT. No. 31. I. O. 0. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. u. t. r OwLER, j. t- D. E. Czx. Scribe. M. W. A - La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets eve Monday evening at 1. 0. D. F. hall. Ai visiting neighbors cordially invited to attend. C. S. Williams, V. C. John :l, Clerk. FfiWFISTFRS OF AMERICA Cnurl Ma'd Marion No. 22 meets each Thurs day night in Redman hall. Brothers ire invited to attend. Porn Mam fthiaf Pinna, L. L. Snodcrass Financial Sec. RnarH nf Trust.ftfl Dr. G. L. Rinntos John Hall and C. S. Williaml FRIENDSHIP TENT No. SI, K. 0. T 'A. Meets second and fourth Wednesday iach month in 1. O. 0. F. hail. Visiting n:ghts welcome. H. C. Ball, Com VTrtv Rr prii Prnrd Krmr L.O. T. M. HIVE No. 27. MiwlMnrv first and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. MAUDE Lono Ladv Commander. M. C. Vessey. Record Keeoer. B. P. 0. E., U GRANDE LODGE No 435 Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adam Avenue, Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. E. W. Davis. Exalted Ruler G. E. McCuiXY. Recordincr Secretary . LA GRANDE LODGE No. 169. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD-Moots every Friday of each month in the K. of P. hall in the Corp building. All visiung memoers welcome. Fred Jacobs Consul J. H. Keeney. Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE, No. 27-Meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall. Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to ail visiting Knights, N. L Ackles, C. C. R. Pattison, K. R. & S. RATHBONE- SISTERS Rowa.ia Tem ple No. 9 meets every Wednesday even ing at 8 p. m. in the K. of P, Hall in the Corpe building. Visiting member cordi llly invited. ( Milly Frawley ME. C nice Procter M. nf R. & C. V LA GRANHF -'f- " ' ' porta nt Doir.t i i point to which we give much t-uoject and bring out the of the face to the bast ri pe is given to everv Dart nf -cning Printing, Toning and msned picture is a pleasure Ml La Crande, Ore. I IN fl HURRY? THEN CALL 7r nf i - AitvrrT Contractor and Builder fValer inJJuiIJine Material Buiiuing Stone. Clean Coarse travel delivered. Sand and Dro aLa Grand. Oreeon 0 a i,ne naming work, and 1 will r,e 'e rpy. rrie. ."a :G. D. HAGERTY X LESSOR TO WM. SMITH Ha, Grain, Chopped Feed and Wood Free Delivery 1410 Adams A enue Phone, black 1211 j. SOLD AND GUARANTEED IY !h?.A.Dl:0TSA SPECIALTY Newlin Drn: Company No order too large-None too small ttsaaa