Xm as Goods i! Mow Ready for Your Inspection i; All new stock. The best of Toy LanJ brought to La Grande Dolls, games, drums, horns, mechanical toys that run, walk and talk. Indestrcutable : ) ' that will never break. Everything to please the little people and useful art icles to make the grown folks happy; Our prices are just like the goods RIGHT. You are invited to bring the little ones and see our assortment THE LITTLE RACKET Masonic building Adams Avenue POSING is perhaps the most important poir:t in securing a good picture, and it's a point to which we give much care. Ve study each subject and bring out the character individuality of the face to the best ad vantage. The same care is given to every part of the work, to the retouching Printing, Toning and Mounting, so that the finished picture is a pleasure to you and a credit to rnmntami II. J. RITTJER Photographer La Grande, Ore. STATEMENT Of CONDITION OF The Eastern Oregon Trust and Savings Bank AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, NOV. 1 2, 1 906. CAPITAL STOCK - - - $60,000.00 RESOURCES Loam and Discount 81949.64 Bonds 6000.00 Warrants and Stocks 3238.64 Furniture & Fixtures 1 903.66 Expense and Int. paid 3406.22 Cash on hand and in banks 3 1 633.73 127030.68 LIABILITIES Capital Stock 60000.00 Earnings- -Discount and Exchange 1822.68 Interest 1363 60 Trust Earnings 442.60 Deposits 63402.00 127030.68 OFFICERS W. C. BROWN, President Wm. MILLER. Vice President G EO. L. CLEA V ER. Cashier T. J. SCROQQIN, Asst. Cashier F J. HOLMES, Treasurer. O. A. STOCK, Manager, Cove Branch. CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon Ask (or La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE f G. D. HAGERTY SUCCESSOR TO WM. SMITH f I Hay, Grain, Chopped Feed and Wood I Free Delivery 1 HUOIII rlXIIUV Phone, black 1211 I CARLOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY X No 01 dei too large None too small J IN fl HURRY? THEN CALL THE TRANSFER MAN He will take that trunk to the Do pot or your home in les time than i takes to tell it. Day phone Rod 761 Night " Black 1792 Wagon always at youi service DRESSMAKING Would be pleased to have vour natron. age in sewing. Satisfaction guaranteed in fancy dresses, waists, and suits. Mrs. F.S.Nt.au. 2113 2nd St. ri,r$ Oflirquent Tax Sale (Continued From Page 4) ilso the E. H of the S. E. 1-4 and E. of the N. E. Flamming. C. F. The S. W. DB feet of Lot 1 in Block 121, Lots 2 and 3 in block 121 in Chaplins Add. to U Grande. Foye. J. A.- The W. U of the N. W. and tne S E. ( of the N. W .Ifar.d the N. W. JoftheS. W. of Sec. 1 2 Tp. S S. R. 40, E. W. M. Groesbeek, J. W. The N. or me w. t. w (60 acres) TheNj W. y4 less 16 acres on W. side. All in Sec. 3 Tp. 1 S. R. 39, E. W. M. Greg. P- N. Lots 1 and 2 in mock Q in McDaniels 2nd. Add. to Cove. Ore. Lots 1 and 2 in Block X in McDaniels 3rd. Add. to Cove. Ore. Goddard. R. B.-Tne S. W. H of Sec 1 6 in Tp. 3, N. R. 39. E. W. M. Gent, H. W. Com. 20 rods W. of the N. E. Cor. of the N. E. ',' of the N. W. U of Sec. 23 Tp. 2 N. R. 39 E. W. M.. thence W. 20 rods S. 8 rods. E. 20 rods, N. 8 rods to Beg. The E. K of the S. W. i4' and the N. W. M of the S. E. 1-4 & the 5. W. of the N. E. 1-4 also the E. 1-4 of Sec. 14 in Td. 2 N. R. 39 E. W. M. Grumm. E. G 164 ft. by 174 St., S. E. 1-4 of Block 149 in Chaplins 2nd Add to ma cicy ot La Urance Gustafferson, A. Lots 18, 1 9, and 20 in Blocks 26 in Predmore's Add of La ' Grande. Ginner. Mrs. B Lot 2 in Block 3 in Rynearson's Add. to La Grande, Ore. Grow, E. H. Lots 8 and 7 in Block 2 in Grandy s. 2nd Add. to La Grande Gibson, B. O. All that parcel ot land lying between frac tional Block 1 1 in Lewis Add. to North Union, and the main channel of Cath erine Creek, and Lots 1 to 6 incl.. in Block 1 1 in Lew is Add. to Union, Ore. Gallea. W. N. The N. W. or tec. in lp. i 5. H. 36, E. W. M. Heisner. Lot 2 in block 48 in Riverside Add. to La Grande Hathrow. W. N. TheW of me w or sec. 'i in I p. 1 N. R. 40. E. W. M. Harris. Mary E. The N of ine aw li of sec. 14. rp.2 S. R. 36. E. W. M. Helfrich. A. D. Lots 10. 1 1. and 12 in Block 12 in Romig's Add. to La Grande Harris, J. K. P. Com. at the S. E. Cor. of the S. W ,Vof the N. E'. of Sec 16 in Tp, 1 N. R. 39, E. W. M.. thence N. 40 rods. W. 4 rods, S. 40 rods, E. 4 rods to beginning Howard. Mary The S. W. M or tne w. t'and theS. Jvof the N. W it ofSec. 17 and the S. EV of theN. E. xi in Sec. 1 8 in Tp. 1 N. R. 39, E. W. M. Hess. J. J. The S. J ot the a. fc. and tne N. E. of the S. E. t of Sec. 10 and the N. W. a the S. W. of Sec. 1 1 in Tp. 6 S. R. 39 E. W.M. Hornish. O. W. The S. W. H of Sec. 29 in Tp. 3 S. R. 36. E. W. M. Hilts. Robert Com. 420 feet S. of the S. E. Cor. of Block 22. thence S. 100 feet. W. 210 feet. N. 100 feet, E. 2 1 0 feet to beginn ing in Union. Oregon. Imbler. L. W. The E. of me Pi. w. x of the b. w. H of Sec. 13 inTp. 3S.R. 40, E. W. M. Johnson. S. J. One-half in terest in Lots 6 and 7. N. side of Main St.. Elgin. Ore. Johnson. Mollis The N. W. i of the S. W. Ki and S. X of the S. W. l4'. Sec. 7 and the N. W. l4 of the N. W. i." in Sec. 18. Tp. 6 S. R. 37 E. W. M. Knull. Chas. E. Lots 1 to 6 'ncl. in Block 9: lots 19 to 24 incl. in Block 9 in Hind man's Add. to Elgin, Ore. Keisner. U. Lots 5 and 6 in block 148 in Chaplin's Add. to La Qrande. Oregon. Koch, Alvina Lot 6 in block 4 in Rynearson's Add. to La Grande Klosterman. The E. 30 feet. and 30x73 feet in the S. W. tide, of lot 4 in block I, Elgin, Ore. Krans, Julia- Com. at a pt. 1 32 feet E. of the S. W. Cor. of the N. W. W of Sec. 18 in Tp. 4. S. R. 40. E. M . thence E. 90 feet. N. 663 feet. W, 90 feet, S. 660 feet to bog. Und, E. W.-The N, E. 4' of the S. W. i,, the N. C, of the S. E. i.. and the S. E '4 of the S. E V in Sec. IB. Tp. I. S.R 40. E. W. M. Lee. Geo. C.-The S. of the N. E of Sec. 7. Tp. 2 S. R. 36 E. W. M, Lun, Zella M-Lots 1 tj 16 incl n block 2. and lots 1 to 10. incl in block 39. in North Powder, Oregon La Cledo. Q C M Co The W i, of the SEl, and the S E l4 of the S W i4 of Soc 22 the N Ei4of the N W . of Sec 27, in Tp 6, S R 38. E W M Lohrs. J W The S K of the N E 4and the N W of the N E i4 and the N E W of the N W t; in Sec 35 in Tp 3 S R 34 E W M (Continued on Page 7) 15 39 24 75 ' 49 3b 12 91 11 03 25 49 7 55 56 7 45 18 77 7 67 2 61 44 48 3 05 6 80 f 1 75 7 09 10 46 12 19 11 04 1.60 1 72 5 74 10 45 2 80 66 1 70 6 75 II 74 1 59 5 t9 28 29 9 32 Best Offer TO THE PUBLIC Ever Made what is it ? $1,800 House That is to be Had For $200.00 HOW ? Call at Our Office and let Us give You Full Information. Never will you have such an . Opportunity Offered You Gall at Once LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. I Foley Hotel Building La Grande, Ore. Spice Perfection Sold on Merit J.A.rULbR4C? S new n V "IGH GRADE SPICES Always the Same JAFoiger&Co. San Francisco in the district louh of the united states for the District of OREGON In the matter of ) A. P. Nelson. Notice of first meet Bannrupt. irg of creditors. Tc the creditors of A. P. Nelaon. of La Grande, in the County of Union, and dis trict aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 25th day of October. A. D.. 1935. the sud A P. Nelson was duly adjudicated bank rupt: and that the first meetine of his creditors will be he d at the oftice of the Referee in La Grande, Union County. Oregon, on the 15th day of December. A. D., 1906, at two o'clock in the after noon, at which time said creditors may attend, prove theii claim, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other bus.ness as may properiy come be fore said meeting. F. S. Ivanhoe. Referee in Bankruptcy. REAL ESTATE BAMS Read This Over Then come to our office and we will show the property. La Grande Investment C6. La Grande. $1600 Pays for one and one third acre land, mostly in bearing orchard. Water ditch runs through place. Good five room house, barn anhicken house.-5, $4000 Invested in this place of 7 acres n3w under city plot will won be in good demand. Has a good house and some small buildings. Good or chard and best of garden land. Inves tigate and you will see a bargain. 7. $1500 Will buy 4 lots set out to best of fruit, berries, shade trees and every thing to make a home pleasant 9 rooms in house, plaster and paper. Good cellar. 2 shares in wates ditch. 24. $2200 Buys 4 lots facing on two streets, two corner lots, and good 7 room house Good barn 24x32 l.ijstory high. The only way to know a bargain is to see it. 31. $1100 Sure this price is very low. When you see the eight lots all set to bearing fruit, land the best quality for garden. The house has 5 rooms and in good condition. 2 1 . $350 For M block on the hill. Location good. Price small. $200 For 2 lots in Oid Town. Has good well on same. Sold on very easv terms.-B. y Don't faii to come and see diagram of lot', and have the complete details of how you can buy. and also have a chance to make you owner of a $1500 house and lot for the sum of $200. C $1500 Paid for this 6 'room house. Good cellar under house. Good barn wood shed. 20 yourg fru,t trees, fine p:ecC of ground. W;.l rr,aKe u owner of a good home-15 ! f , , y'J be !Je to pay j for 1 84x2; 2 feet of grcur.d. House . .ob. Add.tion 14x16. 3 rooms, few. famuy orchard. chicKen house. ana ruo sr-.td at orce - 33. LODGE DIRECTORY EAGLES - La Grande Aerie 295F. ffv 6.. meets -.ry Frxay night in Elk, na, at 8 . m. Visiting brhreo nvited to atu . , , I. R. Snook W. S Jr. G. L. Biggers W. P. ART USSONS Miss Nina Hunstock wishes to announce to the ladies of La Grande that she i prepared to take orders and give lessors in both water colors and china pamticg. Studio at 906 Main S.. Hcisess'on given When y;u re br0KSi th Take Rey Mountain Tea; t will change your luck. Nkwlih Drw 8o I. O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16. meets in their hall every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially invited to at mj Cemetery Plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. r a jt . . ... nimuunLB, vi , if v. c. oox, Sec. STAR ENCAMPMENT.No. 51.I.O. O. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days m the month in Odd Fellowa hall. .? Visiting patriarchs always welcome, Jfc- D.E.Cox,Scrib!E-FOWLBR'C-P 77niW,A;U Grande Camp No. i?03 meets eve Monday evening ne ghbors . cordially invited . to attend. r e in:n: . John" iL. Cerk. """am' m?mESTES ST AMERICA Court day night m Redman hall. Brothers ' sre invited to attend. , , e FrbbHon Chief Ranger -. L. Snodorass Financial Sec. board of Trustees-Dr. Q. L. Biooers John Hau. and C. S. WimAMtT v.FRmEN.DSH,P TENT No- 31. K. O. T A ch ec?nia!Xdfourtn Wednesdays VIox Bloch, Record Keeper0' 6"' first nllF-A xlVE Na "-Mt, every nZi an,din"-d Thursdays in the after- raTesaarethv!ett9n A" m. c. vasa?mMii,fi a P' - Em U URANDE LODGE No 433-Meets each Thursday evening at 'Bht o'clock in Elks1 hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. r , r. Davis- Exalted Ruler Ij. E. McCully. Recording Secretary. WOODMEN OFE THRwnorn0, mI6?.' everv trrf, muui. the k . d V'ii month the K. of P. hall m the Corp buildina visiting members welcome uu"aln- f. I . J. H. Kfrm.v rT."t, v'on5U1 -nr.ander RED CROSS LODGE. No. 27M..t. very Monday eveninu m r.a.,i. u.n Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to" all visiting Knights, R.PAn,soN.K.R:ACKLESC-C- . n,fiTHoB0NE: S,STE!?S Row,.wT.m- in. p ry Wed"eday even- r r "; . iu w, or . Hau in the Visiting members cordi Corpe building. ally invited. Miiay Fhawlkt M. E, C ica Pboctbr M. of R & c. aaeeeaa.