A CHRISTMAS DINNER Without Precedent can be served on your Christmas Dinner table if you would call and examine our lines of Heinz pickled goods. We carry his complete line. Then we have pop corn that will pop. , Delicious Booth oysters are sold here too. Then we have a hundred other assessories that make a record breaker dinner. THE-CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. POLACK, Propr. ! ? :: li Clii!tiA hnil GEO. T. PARR. iZ rl OUUUIl UCUI C. B. SIMMONS. President :: Sec'y and Mgr. PHONE MAIN 11 PARR-SIMM.NS rOMPllliY INCORPORATSO : Dealers in Grande Ronde Valley Products Fruits, Hay, Potatoes and Grain ::: Applet a Specialty LARGE COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE Hay Wanted Now HIGHEST PRICES PAID Call and see ut before you tell Jefferton Ave, and Greenwood St La Grande, Oregon tm J w DECEMBER SALE '1tf passed our expectation. So we intend to make Decem- ber the best month by putting ... the prices lower than ever for New Heaters cash. from $2.15 to $16.95 Our lounges, couches, and rugs are beautiful Christmas Goal burners, nickle gifts, trimmed, only $4.95 See our prices on crockery Wood burners, cast A fine double reed organ, bottom and top.nickle tuned and in fine condition, trimmed, only $7.75 only . $20.00, will sell on -1! payments. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS Phone Red 1161 Phone Black 641 f. D. HAISTEN H. B. HAISTEN W5 Adams Ave. Fir Street Store Dealers In New and Second Hand Goods HOLIDAY ROCKERS ' $2.25 Cane Seat Rocker, Sale price $1.68 $3.76 Cooler Rocker, Sale price $2.60 $6.78 Reed Rocker. Sale price $4.60 $7.60 Upholster Leather Seat Rocket Sale price $4.78 Li Crande Evening Observer TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1906 WANTED Hay, Grain, Apples, and any other farm Produce that you may have. We are in the market for HAY from one to 600 tons; also OATS in any quantity, and all the fresh eggs you have. a m any WE ARE READY NOW to contract for your apple orchards and your potatoes. M?m?i?T ddoT' y,?U,ei1, and REMEMBER that we pay HIGHEST l ..u LSS'J5 ,or a" P'00"" nt' ht we are "Johny on the Spot" with the MONEY as soon as goods are delivered. TO THE TRADE: We will say: We have a nice lot of Fancy hay, oats, rolled barley in our Warehouse, which we offer to the local trade in a retail way. at wholesale prices. We also have Honey, Cabbage, Dry Onions. Carrots, Potatoes, Apples, and Vinegar for sale. . ' , CARLOAD OF PAPER. Wrapping paper. Wtx paper dshes, Pulp plates. Paper Oyster pails and Paper baggs all sizes, and also twine. We bought this ear before the advance in paper, therefore we can give vou ad vantage in pricee. BUY your SUPPLIES NOW. ' PHONE MAIN 2 Oregon Produce Company B. W. NOYES JOHN HALL NOYES & HALL Ocaiars in Electric Supplies LAMPS ana i;:H st VVIRIG A SPECIALTY 1 n Buck 1161 Curner F:r and A.Um.s Averse W.th L. C. Sir ' uiicry cuildirg exec One year in advance .....$6.60 Six months in advance 8.6 Pr month 65e Single copy 6c CURREY BROS.. ED'S AND PROP Entered at the Post Office at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. This paper will notpublish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign yourj articles and save disappointment. ADVEKItHIKU RATES Jlsplay Ad raten farnlihed opon pl.ilcOon iooal reeding not loot 10c per line flnl lonei- Uon, jo per Hot (br each subnequenl (nam- lion. teaoluUont of we1olDce, 5c 1 er line. rdi ol Uisbki, ta pr line. In one respect, this is an ideal season of the year tr hold a good roads convention. The roads always being at their worst. the necessity for good roads is apparent. and those most interested should turn out. It is a question, however, who in the com munity is most interested. When viewed from its broadest side, good roads effect the entire commonwealth. Every road supervisor in the county should make an effort to attend the Good Roads Convention, which meets in this city on the 19th and 20th of this month. These are the men who expend the county money on the roads and if any new ideas on road building are brought forward at this meeting, and there undoubtddly will be, these are the men who must adopt them and sea that they are put into practice. WORK GUARANTti SANITARY PLUMBlfv FRXES REASONABLE Is as essentia! i.-t v, ; r heme as thr do tor J OUR WORK : Executed in vnK ...m- m.nner anJ pp. jved sanitary standard. Cnvng a comrl". ':ne of Bath Tubs, SioK U ts, Lavatory, ad ad plumbing fixtures j G. V. O'Udil Fresident Roosevelt to never caueh napping. No sooner had he been apprized of the fact that he had been awarded S40.000 for his efforts in concluding poice between Rnssia and Japan, than he saw a chance of bettering the industrial condition of our country and he immed iately put the machinery in motion to bring about the desired end. The people irrespective of party, will make a mis t.ike if thfly do net make him president fur another term. He is certainly the man needed at this time. He is fearless and does what he considers to be his duty. There is no "Mark Hanna" behind this ad ministration. President Roosevelt has iified the business world to a higher real- zat.on of their moral obligations to the general public, than any of his predecc ors and the country today honors him for t. X 1015 WashingUn Avenu 1 J i:EFHONE RED iei n Thf United States District Court For The District of Oregon In the matter of 1 Earnest Riesland Bankrupt, 1 To Uie creeitorsof Errnest Ries'ard. of L. Grande, in the county of Union and district aforesaid, a Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 29th of Sept.. A. D. 1906. the said E. Ries!ard was du'y adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be ne'd m the orfiee of the undersigned at at La Grande. Oregon, on the 22nd dav uf December, A. D. 1906, at 2 o'clock in tiie afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt! and transact such other bus ness as may properly come before said meeting. F. S. Ivanhck, , . Referee li Bankruptcy December 8, 1 906. ' THE FIRST Of ITS KIND. The Newlin Drug Company, ever elert to the best interests of its patrons, and realizing the imperative need of a public telephone strtion where shoppers can reach a telephone tor the local exchange without cost, have at a considerable ex pense installed a public telephone at their store. This telephone is for : he use of the public and anyone wishing to use this phone is at liberty to do so without charge. The public is invited to use this phone at any time. Another feature which this enterprises firm has inauirer- auted, is a stamp department where persons wishing stamps in any quanity or any denomination can find them at no additional cost over the government price When down town eall at tha Newlin Drug Company's store and see the splen did holiday display. OYSTERS Clams, crabs, and Eastern and olympia oysters at StiMwell & Co. meat market Phone main 1 6. In The District Court Of The United States For The District Of Oregon It the matter of 1 F. G. Lawson and Victor La wson, part- ( Notice of first meet ners under the firm I ing of creditors, name of Lawson, j Bros.. Bankrupts, j To the creditors of F. G. and Victor Lawson. partners under (he firm name of Lawson Bros, of La Grande, Union County, and the district aforesaid, bankrupts. Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of November, i 906, the said F. G. Lawson and Vict r Lawson were adjud icated bankrupt; and that the first meet ing of their creditors will be held at the office of the Referee in La Grande, Ore gon, on the 22nd day of December, 1 906, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the banksupts. and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. F. S. Ivanhoe Referee in Bankruptcy. FRESH CAMDIES : Wk Make Ti em Evkry Day J j and what is of more importance, i J is that we make them of Pure Materia!. ;; :: :; j t i SELOER, The Candy Man D s Crow F W Jolley HOTEL FOLEY BARBER SHOP CROW 4 JOLLEY Proprietors First class Haircuttlng. Shav irj and Fac;al Massages a Soecalty. J Careful and Gentlemanly Service A share of the public patronage solicited. KITCHEN CABINET Is aTHTtfn urn 11 " SUITABLE FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT t n 5 W. H ROHNFNKAMP CO : t ! ! Hardware, Stoves and Furniture Crockery and Building Material it La GranJc National Bank ESTABLISHED 18P7 United States Depositary Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profits $160,000 00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TEORGE PALMER, President. J. M. BERRY, Vice Phesiot. F. L. MEYERS. Cashier. W. L. BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashiek GEORGE L. CLEAVER, F. M. BYRKIT. A. B. CCNl v. Y. C. C. PENINGTON. p. j. HOLMES. General banking business, Drafts drawn on all -parts of the world Vho farmers ana Tirade Rational !3anA rs eeee sees e e e e e Capital 5 co.OC?. Surplus and Undivided Property cc :i Liabilities of Shareholders fcO.OO '.asponsibility $155 CC" Condu; e J" r Supervision of Unitori Cf,t. i ... o.w-EAND RELIABLE Glad to continue ld cn .oxers and pleased :.'.-. A Genera! Banking nu &.amc Business Conducte) Loans made on approv Secj y Highest Market Price paid ,or U . ,n C ,jnty W.nrra. , a La Grande Warrants. Be;Su,e to ca.. on u when y,u ,. for Sale. LA GRANDE IRON W0R1 D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry Genera Blacksmiths, We manufacture The Fitzgera ' K, ... - Mill.. thM hnl a r,A . :n .... " vMtoiroi mm on lne market Ou' equipped with machinery U handle any sized work not -or nothing to small. Higher prices paid for old cast iron." of US see jed rge e e e e RHONE MAIN 16 I'll ask Stillwell what I want for Sun- rttl fiinna. I .. . i ' . "tonally one h,r. fnrtu. to Pnm ri roa of beef, loin of pork. meet women who ar ,-.: n looks and leg of mutton and larded veal roast. No? 2rdvr.., , t5"1!n ,ulof hu" W.1I then, a spring chicken, a fat one too. RoVky MouliS T a-!;" M hshasthem. Phon,ma,nl6. ' SC " M