M A D. H. STEWARD Proj 1 etor and Mar TUESDAY EVENIG, DEC. II E Seas o is' Big Evot SMH Maude r ealy! Management of bhn Court intra . FOR THEFT IN THE 5 ILLUSION Of tEATRKE I A new modern comedin four acts By Martha MortoConheim Metropolitan Cast oi Players Complete Scnic Production - "A PLAY ADMIRABl' SUITED TO AMERICA'S Y0UNtST STAR" PRICES box seats $1.50 Orchestra 1.50 prchestra Circle $1.00 press Circle .75 gallery 25c and .50 Seats and boxes ready Saturdaj morning. The fact that a transient, bearing 'ha nam of Jim Murphy, stole a pair of thoaa from Fred Haiiten and within five min ute sold them back to him. on the face of t. eeems incredulous, but it ' was accom plished this morning thus: The shoes were stolen from Mr. Haisten's store on Adams Avenue and the aliased thief walked around the corner and sold them to Mr Ben HaUten, who is manager of the Fir Street store. Fortunately the transac tion was almost immediately discovered, and Chief of Police Rayburn was notified who landed his man nea Oro Dell and brought him back to the store for identi fication. Murphy was arraigned this afternoon before Justice Hough and pleaded guilty to the charge of petty larceny and was given forty days in the county jail. COURT HOUSE ITEMS COUNTY COURT BUSY County court which is in session w court house is busy with questions of con siderable weight to the county. The roads arid bridges, which must all now be gotten in order for the winter, are tikirg upmuch iimerhe bri 'ge across the Orard Ronda at Island City, is to be repaired to forestall further damage by high water. LICENSES GRANTED . ' The court yesterday, in view of the petition asking for a licenss to sell liquor at Minam, granted a liquor license to Stoop and Anderson of Minam to sell liquor in that precinct PADDED CELL NEEDED , The absolute necessity of a padded cell in which the county authorities can incar cerate insanes, has. during the past few days been forcibly demonstrated. Mr. Brisco who has been adjudged insane and was today taken to Salem, had to be watched continually lest he do himself bodily harm. The steel cells were batt ered and kicked by the man who is in so sad a plight, and visitors in the court house could hear echoes of hammering on the sheet iron which surrounds the cll in which the insane was Kept. It brings heavy cost on the county to procure guards and the extra expense of installing a pad ded cell, would soor. be raised by th money paid-out for guards. The present session of court may consider the matter A QUIET WEDDGW Elva B. Jamison and Mis Pearl Harris were united in marriage last evening at the home of the bride's parents in Water street by Rev. C H. Nellor, of the Con gregational church. Both she contracting parties are well known in Pendleton, the groom being an employee of the Domes tic Steam laundry, while the bride was in the local exchange of the Pacific States Telephone company for some time. The wedding was a very quiet affair, only the immediate relatives and a very few friends being present The newly married couple will reside at the home of the bride parents. Pendleton Tribune. S TO 10 1 e s A REAL REDUCTION! We take this plan in order b for a careful inspection F compare with prices you ha4 in the well advertised sali Monday, Nov. 12, we conclude 000 stock at absolute cost, ani ers to that effect. Our sale hai notwithstanding the bad weatti in goods and vou would hard! give you the chance prices athome, to seen or heard about in La Grande. On to sell our entire $10, sent out printed post been a perfect success, i j rfft crsr r, we nave soia ipzouu miss the goods by look- in? at our shelves. We haveho line yet broken, our up to ate. We have no shelf goods are all new and worn goods. $3.00 Hats ftr $2.00 2.50 Hats tor 1.75 2.00 Hats tor 1.25 c,.oc Sam at r.nst or Aboil 1-3 Off From Regular X Price and a Great Many ueioy oust. I it will pay you to buy yourtiry goods while you can i . 11 wul v A,A ... hnJrrhr them. Ribbons and u r i u.b www - r- wmj - - ADMITS HE NBQ0ED BANK ( (Scrtpp.1 Now Association) Chicago. Dec. 6 Hagbarth Gregerson aged sixty-seven, the former exchange teller of the defunct Milwaukee Avenue States Bank, pleaded guilty today to the theft of eichteen hundred. He will be sentenced to an indeterminate term. fije line of new sensible I laces 40 per cent off, We are going to open r.hristmas goods. Saturday. December Best grades of kerosene aj S1.50 per 5 gal. Tank wfhrveflarge stock of ibricating oil that will 'pay vou to buy and hold over. r 7 J. - -n A.orr ntinr at 5U per cent, toois, Haraware tQ0 numer. a bargain. uJht Rn thev can be sold Xmas Goo Now Ready for Your Inspection All new stock. The best of Toy LanJ brougnt to La Grande Dolls, games, drums, horns, mechanical toys that run, walk and talk. Indestrcutable toys that will never break. Everything to please the little people and useful art icles to make the grown folks happy. ' Our prices are just like the goods RIGHT. You are invited to bring the little ones and see our assortment THE LITTLE RACKET! ; (Scrlppe News Association) Washington, Dec. e.-Representative McCall, of Massachusetts, Republican, .... . . - n ident to put himself at the head of the army to administer all other law of th United States. When the gun battered down what the earthquake left of San Francisco, thi.disloy I province may be put to the sword to assert the right of the Japanese to a public school education. We will be taught a short cut to the enforce ment of laws." PROTECT YOUR Wlft . Protect your wife and babies. Join the M.W.A. . Masonic building Adams Avenue BOARD AND ROOM Having just leased the Mrs. Ladd house on Fourth street,' I announce that I am now prepared to furnish board and room or board only. I personally superintend the cooking, satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. John Wood, 1614. Fourth St. Phone Red 1451 TIMBER ttAlMS TO LOCATE ' Will locate you on a goed yellow pine timber claim this week for sixty dollars. A. A. Barry, !415 Adams Ave ESTRAT NOTICE Havina taken up a bay work horse weighing about 1200, left fore foot whit also right hind foot half way to the knee. White on forehead and nose, white trouper marks. Owner can secure same by calling at my place mile east of L-a Crande Flouring mill and paying all ex- enses. If not called fdr in due time I will proceed to dispose of animal accord ing to law. C. D. Scott. HELP WANTED Dining room girl wanted at once. Experiences unnec essary. Good wages. Blue Mountain hotel. ( . HEACOCK'S ti JEWEL R Y STORE IS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR HOLIDAY GOODS i. Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass and Silverware at X Duplicate in the Highest Grade of Jewelry. ME TEST YOUR EYES A full line of Jewelry, Prices you Can Not D LET if they bother you. I am as thoroughly equipped for testing eye a any optician in Portland. , " WATCH REPA.RINGLAwSPECIALTY anteed qr O. M. HEAGOCKI: !! "rue wtruj 1B"VI FP AND OPTICIAN . Heidenreich Building, Opposite Bohnenkamp's Store La Grande, Ofe. IeMtMMttttttl rttt PRETTY YARNS, NEW RIBBONS WOODEN KNITTING PINS BONE CROCHET NEEDLES HOLIDAY GOODS OF ALL KINDS ;E. M . Wellman & Company j ADAMS AVENUE THE WORID'S HIGHEST BRIDGE (Scrlpps News Association) Denver, Coi., Dec. 6 The bridge across tne Koyai uorge wntcn win oe completed in a few days is the higheft in the world. Though only 230 feet long it will be 2627 feet high or half a mile from the water of the gorge to the lower parts of the bridge. The nearest approach to this structure in height is the Zimbesi Bridge on the Cape to Cairo Railway in Africa which is only 450 feet in height. The material used in Cobra Jo's engineer ing monstrosity flat steel ond steel cables such as are utilized on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. FOR SALE Furniture for sale and house for rent. A bargain if taken at once. Mrs. S. C. Zuber. ff'.''f 4,H,n, I.i' 1m ,n i. lnil'M I'iiwhU, H.Ii..'I. iiiil.iiii t in io ! I I:. . ml t -i .-Ht!in. I'r:-rili Ifp ii.. tv M' I ,)HMt C(-Vf'4NV. MmllM'll. Witt. "'cr.nn can Sl 0 PEOPl IH. A. Stanielsj . . . . eft LUMBER 3 RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES at such a be bought Yours truly Groceries cm vnn - there is in it. discount, out wc ... b- - - i S. W. B. i IM3LER 1 .eM , urss nrM C o m pa n y OREGON GRAIN MARKET (Scrlppe News Association) Chicago, Dec. 6.--Wheat opened at 71 closed at 74: com opened at 42,. closed at 42; oats opened at S3 closed at 33 . GET IN UNE Join the Modern Woodmen of America. WANTED Furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping or p easant furnished room in private house. Must be close , to business part of city. Phone Main 78 A. B. Cherry. -v 1- Cures Biliousness, ai" Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. OB Laxative Fruit Syrup Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It Is guaranteed SUCCESSOR TO Stanlcls &. Jarman CONTRACTING PAINTER PAPER HANGER and DEG0RAT0R Btttr Lumber ind Cheaper than is sold in La Grandf , W deliver it to your building Grande Rornle Lumber Co PERRY, OKLGON Phone Black 1781 La Grande Ore. CITY JULIUS BREWERY ROESCH, Proprietor. Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE pleasant to tanc A. H!LU Drussist ANDREWS HARF&n