S3? V WW WW WW WWW W WWW W Wl ! ; nne wat t . (.'to. in All work guaranteed. WATCHES Not bargain watch that hav laid in tomi how cos for vurt. but raliahla viti-hu dirct from th factory at lowest price possiabl for them X to b old. Call and e for i yourself. Erery on guarantd J. H. PEARE. l-a Grande' Leading Jeweler and Optician Opposite U. S. Land Offic n i i;ii)ti if i specialty Domestic or Polish WE LAUNDER YOUR SHIRTS. CCLLARS AMD CUFFS WITH EITHER FIMSH YOU DESIRE. WORK CALLED FOR AMD DELIVERED A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 1 La Givnit, . couiki mktok Th council at it regular monthly meet ng accepted th propatitian of th Wall ace Coat Engineering Company to act a contulting engineer with City Engineer Pickler, to go or hi report on th Beaver creek project, at a cost not ex ceeding $250. . Th recorder wa instructed to provide th necessary dog tax tag for 1 907. Th record how that 1 1 1 dog were taxed last year. Th revenue from such source being $117. An ordinance wa passed providing for building permit. (:t will be published in tomorrow' parer and should be read carefully.) Arj ordinance was passed to th second reading and referred to the Police Com mittee, to prohibit music etc in saloons. All of the salary bills allowed, the others wer laid over until Monday night in order to give the Finance Comnittee time, to look them over. The further consideration of the pro posed nw charter, occupied about one hour and th council adjourned until next Monday at which time it i expected to complete it. TO ELGIN SATURDAY The local high school football team will go to Elgin Saturday to play the Elgin team. Many local enthusiasts are plan ning on following the team on th trip and help them win. HAW FACTORY HOT DRINKS OYSTER COCKTAILS AND TAMALES ' For Ladies and Gentlemen only SGHEfclRER'S SUffFRS STANDARD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Sommer block La Grande, Oregon E X P E R T T E A G ri E R S R- E A S 0 N A B L E T E R M S (Scrlpp New Association) Lynn, Mass. Dec. 5 A boiler explosion in the J. P. Harney Shoe factory thismorni ing killed, what is estimated to be from five to twenty employees. Many others have been seriously injured and stil thers who were wounded, died in the flames that followed the explosion. 'The loss will reach three hundred thousand. six buildings of the factory were either injured or completely destroyed, besides a number of small dwellings in the im mediate vicinity. The Boston-Maine Railroad Station wa destroyed with a loss of four hundred and fifty thousand. control). The fire is now under OPIUM SMUGGLING IN SOUTH AfRICA Capetown, Dec. 6Henry Cummings an Englishman is being tried today on charges of smuggling large qualities of opium into the mining districts of the Rand. Recently the Portugese govern ment was informed that the demand for opium among the Chinese coolies of the Rand led to extensive smuggling of opium between Lorano Marques and Johanes burg. They started inquiries and the result of their investigations showed that enormous quantities of the drug were passing through the government ports to the Rand. Cummings was arrested o-. the charge of a Chinese smuggler at Lorenco Marques with he broke faith. Complete Business and Shorthand Course ! Day at a n t :.. -n . J I Enr.now I'.. M. Slattery. Principal. J Nut onlv a mi i.c.iiL v .!.! iMc f.x its jwny in whii h it afkvt the sVu is a virv jttystem is ii.f.-ited w.tli ,! ..mu 0f t:- ... (SerofiiU, Sores aid Vim., ,-'..:n Dis'-an - v. jcvery jMrtu-'.e of its h- -.,:x i .t ve .stn-ii.;. i : . (the poisons nnd iinnur ins v hk-li ;-.re ea.i idosed and treated wuli M:,.ii.,' mineral r.i. ,;..: iiuld to the li -irili-i, 1 v il.vrw'.ilJv ii.Tv.-i-; , jtion. or Mtitr oft t'n h '.v.,;-.- lmiii ;s a-i-'i absolute iv1;.l li , i !v i f S. S. S. 1 ::s i.'v Hitit in its f.iv,.t. -. . r.i .f t!ie p.vv.t iuv'm vvn.i.v i .. ri u v.i.:er ii v. . ilv ( f 1 . c -; t . r. . liuv.fvi!' ' I v'. i. . ft I made v ' it i sts and I'u 1 is I .U--.V ;,-e yt e "i ml are known i.t l.u- s .r e tin trenjttln-n -.er v -t .( t.ir v. st !S. S. S. the Woi i i ! ' .-,r ItaVen with cWluU k.Iv tv l v ami ofter u reuani i an v form. S. S I .s. i itwrofu'ia, Sori-- an.l nvl all li.-o.ist s , jit pot's to V.v Mty l, jenrivlics nml d-iMs BiuMicim-s f.vji. ;( no cli.tr"e f-'r titUi . t s. l,.it it Mikj r . ! ( t! ..I r. .-lis' V . tVv. .IS I' t.'V !i s..l. anil : 1 .v . -t; l)i.-, ; v, t : t ': ft. : a i ! ; I'.' iii , i th.. ..c t- . : ' s i . u;i f..- i :.v. ,i ., -, - vcm ar f utloritH' v ..'i'.,-v ! 'I i.ml .s'k ..r a:-. ' TXZ SWIFT SPZC.i. '.y t v are discise, lut tl' ;i'it.n:l favtvir. When th- ;n U!it.um.ttism, Catarrh '.: :' -i;s i:l h1 Vinson, etc. v I I i assi. t in climinatin Ir.si'.'c. It .sllouUl not I . ! . nn.sv, tions that furthi : jini.Hi. ini; imliijc - s . f the M-Miiarh. Tl; tit- vf the strong-s-. s r. r its ln'in'' now t'o ! inc on the inarkri ' s i,;i 1 li.uks of the for '"'l .illative propertic' .-. is Xo build up an '.' v T.vt. Nit ouly i i .mo that may b ; : i' i ".i'c it ti.m injmiou ; .. iv'.j v i mineral ii i ' i ' i iitii.itisni, C.it.itrli - iv, ,i Po mm, and an " its of the Mood v ' y l:. ice of disease ' . is wh.re minei-.i '' ' ' ' d d.s-.-.ise write lo: ' . : ; e v..n mav desire WOOD.MtN SOUAL J The Woonirencf the A'crld will give a social and entertainment at their hall next Friday evening, besinninj at 7:S0. All members of the lodge, with their families, are invited. A special .nvitation is g-ven to the 'ad;es of Woodcraft and members of other camps, who may happen to be in the cuy. There will be m business sess ion of the camp at this meet-ng but the entire evening will be g'ven over to amusement. The en'.ertjinment will ha elaborate. i An excelier.t muvirg pictu.j machine, m ' fact, the best that cm be ha j. wi!l gne , views from various parts of the United j "states. Speakers of repute will a'so be I I there. T'ie best local talent m mus.c will i be heard during the program All mem bers of the local loJge may invite one I friend, the 'nerd being privileged to brtno i his family, f he has one. Their will be no I ! charge, the entertainme-it jnd refresh-j I rr.ent being gratis. By order of Committee. Freo Jacobs. J J. H KrhNEY. I DRtSSMAMlQ j Would be pleased tn have your pa'ron , age in sewing. Satisfaction guaranteed i in fancy dresses, waists, and suits, i Ud i; c u -in , , . ..r.j. l . o. H..VL it 13 i 14 Ot. I t . . DAILY r DAILY DAILY OBSER'V R At Your Door for 65c. per Month PAC MOW FIG LY , At Your Door FREE OF CHARGE SiiVv --s'; - - iW; 'SvOv iTTr A CLUBBING OFFER PLAti 0 Arranment nave been made with the Publishers of The Pacify Monthly so that we can make you a present of the BL-AUTIFUL MAGAZINE FREE OUR PLAN -s To all those paying up their arrears and one month in advance we will make a present of the best magazine published V in the west, for one year ABSOLUTELY EREE CHRISTMAS NUMBERS now ready for distribit tion. SUBSCRIBE NOW. 4 X.--- -T 'Vhingtan Avenu -tr-'HUrne. RW -1 li ' '