DOES THH MAIL ORDER HOUSE PAY ANY UNION COUNTY TAXES? THINK IT OVER iWUJME XI LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6 IMS NUMBER 11 KB COMMUTED Cfcrlpp, New AMOctaUon) . , A'Jjfa,Ga.,Dec. 6.-The governor to- fla? i-ftm.(t J l- i: - .uuvcu vo ma imprisonment th i t. ik. JmI. p"1 P1SS8d Don Mllton i two boys were convicted of with, their 80n or. we preacher who of two of the Carter children. The third son, Leonard, ,is already serving a life sen- on Tuesday, for the murder niricir i iv Mil (Scrlpps New Association , Washington, Dec 6. Senator Bever idgs introduced a bill trday, which pro vides for the cost of meat inspection to bepaid by the packers. Congressman Grosvor agreed toG vision of the ship subsidy bill to confine aid to Southern American and Oriental lines only. -A resolution in the senate this after- investigation of the j father lit PRISON fOR BOUNTY FRAUDS 610 LITERARY PRIZE Scrlpps New Association) St. Petersbusg. Dec. 5 One million five hundred thousand dollars is offered as a prize for a literary composition here today. The award will be made on De- Arakt- I (Scrlpps News Association) Ogden. Dec. 6-Wro. Swan, formerly a member of the Swan Land Company, which owned thousands of acres in land quarters and a quarter million in cattle in Wyoming, was sent to prison today for five years on a charge, of bounty frauds in this state. Swan imported pelts from South American countries and col lected the bounties on them in nearly every county in the state. tory of Alexander 1st of Russia choif founder of the Noogorod. left a fortune of 50,000 rubies to provide for the unique prize. , The prize giving day will be the centeniary of the Czar Alexander's death, by which time the money will have incrtased to $2,000,000. TO HAVE GREAT CAPITAL . (Scrlpps News Aasoclatlon) Berlin. Dec. 6 Birgomaster Kirshner today informed the Minister of the Inter ior. Dr. Von Bethmann-Hollweg that the plan for incorporating the . suburbs of Berlin with the oity proper had met with the approval of the citizens. When the military colonies of P'n ' comp.eieo oerim wmnsv.s poyu , - I Ittinn nf s 600.000. THE PAPAl (ONSISTORY (Scrlpps News. Association) . Rome, Dec.-6. The Pope is holding a consistory in the Vatican today. Monsig neur Canassoi formerly rector of the College of the Propaganda his been ap pointed Patriaro cr Jerusalem and it is stated that two new Cardinals will be created new Belgain and Frenchman. The latter appointment, it is officially stated, is being made as a result of the Pope's desire to show his gratitude for the unan unity with which the French clergy has supported hiii in his struggle with the French government. C7HM1T7 ani. n.IPF of AOKI AND ROOT CONFERRING (Scrlpps News Association) Washington. Dec 6 Consul Aoki, San Francisco and Secretary Root con ferred on c?e on ridiiwuw wuuo. pit posed test case today. . Aoki later con ferred with the President. , HAVE BEEN ARRAIGNED On Indictments (Hiir$inJ mem Witt Extortion, lieney Made Ruei Stand Up noon calls, tor lumber 'ink an .PRICE Of PIG IRON INCREASING (Scrlpps News Association) Philadelphia. Pa.. Dec. 6 The owners of all furnaces here are endeavoring to secure their supply of pig iron for the coming year and also f or 1908. The ore is soaring in price and it is calculated that owing to slow production prices during the coming year wilt be the high est.ln the history of the country. I KING'S STAUIOILWOJI (Scrlpps News Association) Chicago. Dec . King Edward's Shire stallion, Premvictor, won the first pr ze in the international live stock show this afternoon, over Lord RothchiU. This is Premvictor's first appaarance in any I arena. u POPE GAVE UP iSc.lpps News Association) Rome, Dec. 6 The pope insisted upon holding consistory. The threats being so strong that he finally gave up,upop being t)ld thit nit only his life but the thous ands of his devotees from all over the world who would gather, to attend would be endangered. STREET (AR ( (Scrlpps News Association) East Liverpool. Ohio, Dec. 6 When conductor on one of the street cars here stopped last evening to step into one of the car sheds, a stranger boarded hit car and run it four miles, collected all the fares and escaped. The motorman was fooled bv the Derfect signals, the car beina curtained on account of the rains, on It IW XJ " - I Clearance Sale of Womens' Suits Price cut Averages I One Third Such price reducing is nothing short of wonderful is it? Beyond that its unprecedented and unmatchable, considering the season. It er.courages immediate buying as no suit offerings ever did. Encourages" we say, more than that, it demands or compels buying. Savings of one half on a stylish, seasonable, and needed suit is far too unusual to resist. No thrifty, prudent woman whose wardrobe has room for one of these suits will attempt to resist such opportunities. And we expect many women will take two or three or even a half a dozen. WHAT'S THE REASON fOR THIS PHENOMENAL MARKD0WN? clearance end of the suit seiling season. Time for suits to step out lively must give their space to the Holiday Goods. Here's more in detail about the suits read. We have placed the following es' . . Jiaei nf COSt. fo four lots rei" - , ,.n -Takes m all oui of season ...rnl.heinB tood goods. worth twice 'he P" ' ,t, to $15.50. QUIv - - ...onrf this lot comes ah our ne . ...... nnds. all the new and UD-LQ-uai. - i rth. season -de. re, ar val-ues,0to$15.sae sk'rts alone ask for the r gxdS $3.98 735 Lot 3 This lot takes in all the nobby suits that have been selling at $16.50 to $20. This is the largest assortment we have on hand and the greatest values, sale Lot 4 This lot holds a few of our choice numbers in special values, but must be closed out with the rest, sale $8.95 11.85 H ARBOR AHft RIVERS mm (Scrlpps News Association) Washington. Dec. 6 The second an nual convention of the National Rivers and Harbors Association opened here to day. Delegates from every state in the Union were in attendance. The objects of of the association are to impress on Con grass the great sentiment which has arisen in favor of increased and regular river and harbor appropriations and busi ness men representing commercial bodies, river improvement associations, maritime exchanges. Chamber of Commerce and other organized bodies spoke on the sub ject. Cannon Burton spoke today. The con vention seeks fifty millions from the gov ernment to improve the nation's water ways. Ransdall reported, after a t enty thousand mile tour, that ha found th sentiment of the people in favor of a gen eral improvement of the Vratpr ways remedy for the wholly inadequate ser vices furnished by the railroads. President Harvey Coulder. in address ing the River and Harbor Congress, said the improvement to be wisely effectivi should be made under the direction of the Army engineers. Congressman Burton said that the committee wae fair in mak ing appropriations that more than twenty millions at present was needed annually, but there must be a public sentiment created before more would be recom mended and told the delegates not to bring forward any proposition calling for an issue of bonds. (icrlpps r-'otfi Association) San Francisco. ' Dec. 6. The cases against Mayor Schmitz and Abraham Ruef, on the charge of extorting several thousand dollars from French restaurants. was called in Judge Dunn's court at 10:16 this morning. Schmitz stood while the indictments were being read. Ruef re mained seatad. Prosecuting Attorney Francis J. Heney protested against this action on the part of Ruef, but the "Boss' paid no attention to the protest. Schmitz appeared very nervous but Ruef was un ruffled. The court room was crowded many having gathered early in order to gain admittance. When the reading of the indictments was concluded, counsel for Ruef, speaking for Ruef and Schmitz, asked for a continuance until Monday, on the ground that they had had no oppor tunity until today to read the indictments. However the court ordered immediate arraignment of the defendants. Ruef fEDERAL 0 (AS ! cKiRT BARGAINS FULLY COMMENDABLE i nr tnr. Th fckirU will sound thft sama savins chord The s .section won't be v. as will Artie the sense of Here-too. Clears j . .n'ck dsc.s . ;'y aw ar,daqu'ck-dec-.s among the suits. ;y irs'.arces. When we say "Clearance" prices drop down with a thud Here is e J it f..r larae lots. skirts in - ,. Let 1-$4.50 -In skirts r,o'.o all c. 35C3 a we P oe a i , nt oVlhder thi M . - .. ce nn values. n-ent. new des.gns. a g ax ass; $1.98 2.98 - Lot 3 This Ukes in all- our $7.00 to $10.00 skirts, consists of fancy blacks and solid colors. All go at sale Lot 4 This Ukes in the last and great est bargains of all. You konw our repu tation for new and up-to-date skirts, fancy and colors $5.95 8.50 ( D again remained In his seat, but the court compelled him to arrise and remain standing while the indictments wsre read saying. "The defendants in this case stand in no different position than would John Jones or William Smith." Ruef smiled thruout the reading while Mayor Schmitz stood like a man in a dream. A lengthy argument followed, on the ques tion of continuance. . The court finally perm.tted the case to go over until next Monday at which time Schmitz and Ruef must enter their plea of guilty or not guilty. It is said that within a week Chief of . Police. Dman will again be called before the grand jury. This time to explain why , two hundred and fifty pool rooms, operat ed by a syndicate, were permitted to con tinue business without molestation. Al the rooms, many for the exclusive use of women, were located within a radius of a . dozen blocks of the unburned district (iASS PLANT FOR tA GRANDE That the matter of erecting a gas plant in this city is being considered, was brought to listhrlast"ritght"vhan "Turner Oliver appeared before the council and presented an ordinance providing for a franchise for the use of the streets, etc., for the erection of such a plant. The or dinance was read and refered to the Jud iciary committee, who will report at the next meeting. It asks for a fifteen year franchise, and fixes he maximum charge at $2.60 1000 feet foi light and $2 per 1000 f.r heating purposes. POSTAL TELEGRAPH ENTERS CUBA (Scrlpps News Association) ' Havana, Dec 6 The long fight of the Postal Telegraph Company for right of entrance into Cuba, came to an and to day when the monoply granted by the Spanish Government to the Western Union Co. and upheld by the American Qovernment after the war expires. To morrow the Postal Telegraph Co. will start operations and open a cable service to the Island by way of two cables laid from Havana to Key west and from Key West to Florida. The new system will be.pperated in connection with the Postal Telegraph and commercial cables. In his preliminary remarks Mr. Oliver stated that the corporation papais were how In progress of formation and ' would -include the names of E. F.Parr, R.Logan. Turner Oliver, and associates and it . is expected to have everything in readi ness to commence work in the spring. Unless the plans are changed, crude pet roleum from California will be used. Baker City, we believe, is the only city in Eastern Oregon, that has a similar plant, that one, however, has bsen operatihg for many years. ATLANTIC STORMS (Scrlpps News Association) Norfolk, Dec. 6. A terrific storm is raging on the coast from Florida to Dele ware. All shipping is seeking shelter. JAPANESE LABORERS TOR HAWAII ; (Bcrlppe News Association) Honolulu, Deo. 8. All arrangements are made for the importation of 20.000 laborers from Japan hare during the com ing spring season, Siz thousand young men are ready to embark from Yokahoma and a steamship company at Nagasaki can supply an unlimited demand. Up to today Captain Mixume of the Japanese steamer Chiuea has brought 900 immi grants to this port from the Ryuku Islands OPERATOR ROBBED (SOiNpps News Association) De Soto. Doc. 8 A robber this morning knocked Xona Heckert, night operator on the Santa Fe. at this station, unconscious and robbed the money drawer and made his escape. A private soldier convict, who escaped yesterday from Fort Leanen worth is suspected. : up (Scrlpps News Association) Washington. Dec. 6. After stirring the country and giving the exciteabl ones food for expressions of w?r, the cloud of nineteen six will roll away and leave only a rumbling of court cases in California. Officials most concerned re gard the rumors of war and the argu ments and false alarms, only as a tempest in a tea pot. Many do not consider the justification for the talk they cause, to say nothing of the serious talk by mem bers of congress about the states' rights. Those having views like the President's on the Japan situation, think they could have appeased tne Japs by a less ad vanced declaration. PONT NEGLECT COUGHS I Nature Might Cure Your Cough With-1 out Aid, But You Can't Afford To j Chance It. j Verger c No. 27 TAKEN TO SALEM Two attendants from the state asylum returned this afternoon, taking with them D. Brisco. who has been adjudged insane. Ths young man is completely unbalanced, mentally. County officials say his stats e e s A couiih that is left to "cure itself" is slowly overcome at best, and there is apt to be some weakness left to make the next cough come easier. Newlm's White Pine Expectorant is natures's best assistant. It makes the cure easy, quick and thorough. It is perfectly harmless, and is equally good for old or young. It dousn't pay to trifle with coughs when you can buy a remedy on these terms. Money hack if ttifc remedy fails. Price, 25 and 50 Cents. NEWLIN DRUG CO. j j: a V 4 f a & V In 1 1 I .t ' .1: J": ?' . ' V i "Aft D"Re'WS ACHsn. . a am . Phone Black 130 ; lh oortt that has basn um ,ln-Jl Mrs. H. J rrnfd thi morning :.vr