La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 05, 1906, Image 8

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11 llf IRE
The Jolly Old Fellow will
again make his headquar
ters at our store
And has marip. amni?(mpnt tn enter-
s tain you while you arc figuring out Just what you
V, would like to have and what you would like to give
your friends.
It will be a genuine pleasure this year to examine
the aggregation of artistic, useful and entertaining
articles that have been gathered together for the
coming Christmas. There are big beautiful dolls, with real hair. There are doll houses and doll furniture,
clowns that do all kinds of funny tricks, musical Instruments, such as horns, mouth organs, pianos, flutes,
drums etc; animals that look and act Just like real ones, mechanical toys, suCh as automobiles, fire engines,
steam engines, trains, etc; albums, sewing boxes, toilet cases, shaving sets, smoking sets, writing sets, fine
china dishes, beautiful pictures, valuable silverware, books, ornaments for the tree and all the thousand and
one things that will make glad the hearts of your friends on Christmas morning.
Whatever You Have To Spend, Whether A Large Or Small Amount --Your
MoNey Will Co farthest And Buy The Best Goods Here.
Monday Morning December 10th
At 8.4SoVok .SAN 'A CLAUS will arrive on (he train from the West ard on that day will hold a special reception for the
little folks at our store. For each little girl or boy that is ac ompanied by a parent or other grown person, he will have a nice
present and will take your name o that you wili not be overlooked on Christmas.
, He will a!so be glad to rece ve your letter telling him what you want for Christmas, so be sure and have your letter ready
when you come to the store.
Don't Fail To Be' At The Train To Meet Santa When He Arrives
The Golden Rule Company
1303. 1310. 1312 ADAMS AVENUE
(Sertpps New Association!
New York. Doc. 6. Mr. Charles Jacob
the well known engineer, sailed from here
today for Pans, where he ras been en
gaged to prepare plans for the French
Government for a tunnel to be built un
der the river Seine from Rouen to Harve.
The proposed tunnel will ha a two rail
road tracks, will be about a mile in length
and will cost $13,000,000. Mr. Jacobs
i the designer of the Pennsylvania Rail
road tunnels under the North and East
rivers in this city and will model the Seme
tunnel in their pattern.
m t.,V ft"-.. yi
kT- T' i
s the hardest day in the year on your
wife. After looking after the dinner and
other meals she is tx) tired to gut any
njoyment out of the holiday. Why ,iot
give her a chance?
It certainly will be as well cooked and
served as any you could get at home. It
will save your wife a lot of trouble and
worry. It will save you considerable
money, too. Try it this year, anyway.
The Model Restaurant
..... J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop.
Sheriff's Sale
Notice is hereby given that by virture
of an execution and order of sale and
decree of foreclosure and sale issued out
of and under the seal of the Circuit Court
of the state of Oregon, for the county of
Union, bearing date the 14th day of
November, 1906. And to ire directed
and delivered upon a judgement and de
cree duly rendered, entered of record and
docketed in said court on the 6th day of
June. 1906, in the suit wherein P. A,
McDonald, Administrator of the estate of
John Morrison, deceased, was plaintiff
and T. J. Millspaugh, Belle Millspaugh.
and John Anthony, were defendants, said
judgement being in favor cf said plaintiff
and against said defendants. f?r the sum
of $367 with 8 per cent interest thereon
from said 6th day of June, 1906, and the
further sum of $60, attorney's fees, to
gether with $20 for costs and disburse
ments, 1 will on the 1 7th day of Decem
ber. 1306. at 2 o'clock p in of said day,
at the front door of the Court house in the
city of La Grande, Oregon, sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder for cash. -to
satisfy said plaintiff's judgement, inter
est, attorney's feos. costs, dibbuisements
and accruing costs, ail the riht, title and
intorot tfiat the sa'd dtsfei-dints and each
of them had on or after the date o? the
mortgage foreclosed in said uit. in and
to the north ha f ' lot 1 ard 2 in Block
No. 9, in Ho.ian s AJd.l.on to the city of
La Grande. I'n.or. county. Oicon.
Dated th.s'liMh day rf November.
1906. at La Oregon.
F. P. Childlrs.
ShenT 1 'Jn.on county. Oregon.
Would be pleased to have your patron
age in sewing Sat.sfaction guaranteed
in fancy dressos. wj.sts. and suits.
Mhs. F. S.Nkki2II3 2.1 J St.
Will locate you on a good yellow pine
timber claim this week for s xty dollar.
Inmates of the Foley hotel who were
roomid on the first floor last night, were
about 12 o'clock thrown into a stage of
excitement. Shortly after midnight sleep
ers on the first floor, were awakened by
cries of "Fire." Naturally all rushed to
the doors, where clouds of smoke met
them. Many grew excted and more
screams of fire were emitted. Without
dressing the suddenly awakened sleepers
rushed into the halls, which were by this
time, so full of smoke that it was impos
sible to see one's hand before him. But
the excitement and smoke made it impos
sibls to find an exit and they were soon
running into one another. The screams
of fire attracted the boll boy from the
downstairs office to the first floor and he
! it was who put an end to the pandemon
ium which was re'gning 0n that floor.
On reaching the head of the stairs he
couid see nothing, but with full possession
of his thoughts, rushed thru the hall in
an endeavor to locate the fire. During
his run down the hall he collided with an
obstabie. which ultimately proved to be
! the cause of the commotion.
Trie Fair in k1 of the Catholic church
w ill open in the Summer Building next
Monday 10th of December and continue
for several days. On Monday evening
there will be a literary and musical pro
gram. Beginning with Tuesday meals
will be served every day at noon and in
ftMMOW! ... .
What he accidently found was a tin keg,
filled with burning hay. It was but the
work of a few momeuts to eject the blaz
ing keg thru a window. The only solu
tion to the peculiar accident is that some
individual with an eye for joking, had
filled the can with hay, partially covered
it, and igniting it on reaching the first
floor of the hotel. He must then have
made his escape thru a window or fire
One gentleman, who was sleeping on
that floor, was awakened by a heavy
knocking on his door. The knocks were
followed by conversations between three
voices, but he was unable to distinguish
the owners of them. About a minute
later he heard feec scampering down the
hall way. Tee cries of fire followed, pre
sumably from the igniters of the can of
hay. Others wore awakened by the same
cries and the panic was but a tew secouds
in coming on.
The guests were ultimately quieted, the
smoke cleared and all returned to their
rooms, badly scared and feeling that some
one had carried, what is deemed to be
joke, too far.
Attorneys Crawford & Crawford have
sold their interests in the Grande Ronde
Electric Light Company, to Walter Pierce.
This leaves Messrs Pierce and Hunter
th hrgest stockholders in the company.
Mr. C. N. Camp leave tonight for
Albuquerque New Mexico, where ana
Imiam k fciwtkaiwt
5 I have just received a new assortment of chinaware,
cut glass, and silverware. Gome and examine them.
I know they will please With each $2.00 cash purchase
I am giving away a ticket which if presented at Hulse
j Studio entitles you to a PHOTOGRAPH of yourself FREE
Hardware and crockery.
- - I WI1U will taivs llilll vti- -.
Mr. Hugg. of Elgin, was i visitor in the The demented man is twenty three year
city this morning transacting business.
Mrs. A. A. Buckley leaves tomorrow
for Portland to visit friends.
P. A. Tracev was a visitor in the city
from Elgin last evening.
G. C. Blalock, a Walla Walla fruit
dealer, transacted business in the city
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Zwifell, of Elgin,
transacted business in La Grande last
Frank Phy left this morning on a busi
ness visit to Portland and other points
near the metropolis.
T. M. Donivan and son Timothy Jr.
left today for Kansas and other points
in the East where they will visit relatives
Mrs. E. E. Carpeeter of The Dalles is
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Al
St. Peter' Guild will meet Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Rectory. Ali
members are requested to be present as
important business is to be transacted.
Sheriff J. W. Blakely, of Wallowa coun
ty, was a visitor in La Grande last
night. He returned this morning, taking
with him, Jim Sharkey, who is wanted in
Enterprise for hoi se stealing.
J. W. Simmons, the head of the Modern
Woodmen of American, of Oregon and
John H. Star District Deputy Head Con
sul are in the city and will be here sev
eral day in the interest of the order.
Sam Burgundy of Colfax Washington,
arrived in the city last evening and will
spend a few days visiting at the H. S.
Massee home before leaving for points in
There was an immense crowd who ate
chicken dinner in Elk's hall today and all
went away fully satisfied. It is an easy
matter for the Methodists to get up a
chicken dinner. It somes natural.
Attorney Clarence Crawford and wife
xpect to leave about the last of the
month for California where they will
spend the winter. Mr. Crawford will re
turn in February to attend to his cases
before the circuit conrt.
The Osteopath is obliged to be a good
anatomist. He cannot practice Osteo
pathy at ali unless he is. He is t'e fel
low, who. when a patient presents him
self, goes to work to find out exactly
what the trouble is. He losks upon a
man as an anatomical structure consisting
of a framework of bones, a network of
nerve, a tanle of muscles, a web of lym
phatic ducts, a complication of ligaments
blood vessels and viscera. To untAru!.
and locate all the multifarious organs ard
tissues is his business.
D. Brisco, who last Monday evening
went suddenly insane, was yesterday
afternoon examined and adjudged insane.'
.. -it UM kar Witin7 th
no vm wo . -
arrival of the Salem asylum attendant
who will take him to the state asylum
of age. During the past night two at
tendants were constantly with him to J
rara far him Todav he is no better and
continues to rave about his mania, religion
He will likely be taken to Salem this
Sheriff Blakelv of Wallowa Courtv this
morning removed Jim Sharkey to the
EnterDrise tail. Sharkev is still in hi 4
usual good humor and insists on telling
"fish stories about himself. The seem
ingly evident prison life startling him in
the face, effects him little. The onlv
complaint he has coming is that, as he -"
stated it "leaving a decent jail and county
officers for the alfalfas of Wallowa
The contractors for the new round
house are engaged in laying the drain
from the slump in the center of the rail
road yards to the main city sewer. The
pipe line is made of fourteen inch oioinor
and is 2450 feet long. It crosses North
Fir Street just north of the intersection of
that street with the railroad track anti
runs parallel with the track until it reach-
es the intersestion of Greenwood street
with the main track. Here it is to pass
under the track and run parallel with the
fruit house siding until it reaches the main
city sewer near the A. B. C, laundry.
Twenty-five men are todav emraoad in
digging the trench and have reached a
point near the trench's intersection with
North Fir. The pipes have been layed
nearly as far as the trench is dur.
The drain, when completed, will furnish
an outlet for all water which amni.t..
- ---- -vmiiUBWJ
on me yards.
County Clerk Gilham calls the atten
tion of school clerks thruout the county
to th, laws of Oregon regarding the time
when they must file the school tax levy
with the county clerk. If these levies are
filed as per the law. there will be no
trouble ,n extending them on the tax roll,
otherwise there will be considerable diffi
culty in domgso. Following i. an extract
from Section 5098. which specifies the
duties in this matter:
tric" b?they of each school dis- ,
tnetand each incorporated to n ard city
"d of each public corporation authorized
to levy a tax. to notify, in wnl "
' - U4 or Jsnuary m each year
to notice be kept on file 17
He goes to work to heal the sick man , ce shail 09 M on file bv the
' l. - several r .rU I J
inucn me same as an engineer would fix! --"""".no remain a part of the
his locomotive. He finds a nerve crn.)
or stretched. He finds the muscles tense
or strained. He finds bones dislocated,
or partly dislocated. He find cartilajes
misplaced. He find a thousand that an
average physician would never discover
never dream of. Hence it is that the
Osteopathist must necessarily be a good
As a rule, these doctors carry the study
of anatomy much further than U.t -K,..
path, the electie or the homopath. Eve-,
tne most experienced surgeon kr.i.-s
nothing af anatomy in comparison w th
the educated Osteopath. Medicai Talk.
records cf the omce.
members of th. ..... ..." ''50'
I are invited. the.r fam,!;cl -
''iiauon is o vn
and members
to t-,fi 'H Aa i.,
i " " weodeiaft
ll0 B1V .
-i "ivn t3 ne .
Si O'.hsr cai-.c
e c.v. Th.,a
wnl he
inofti-. . ousinejsse
- ,.y 4 ln.j
i'-!r eveur:!! ...
amus.rr.ent. 8 Ven
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bartlett and Mr.
and Mr. J. Van Buren wilt antertain th
Kaff K latch at th former home next
Fridai avtn'mg.
meeting but
over to
Tne en-.erti:r.rr.en. w, h. . ,
An except rrovi' b' h.
v,..f anae had. will .;.
of th lin:.j
also bft.
iron-various pan,
i. .ere. r.-.e oet:.i . .
heard during the mus'c
btrsofthel" , 4 AH men3
- - 'iisna 6e,r,j
n; fa mil.. : i
"-'rne.1asone. Tk. .
invite ...
' Privileged to br;nfi '
-g..,,enter' 'rwiilbeno
went being grat nd fefresh-
B order of Committee.
1 Ll L. '
y - . .. r . n-MEIIH.