- : STEWMi'S WIM HOSEl TODlf OF j n. H. BTKWARD. Proprietor .nd Mgr I l Jl Ul - ' " f J TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. II E Seasons' Big Event j Maude Fealy Management of John Court . IN . ! THE ; HlllfBEAIl! ral wm J. C. Stevens, aneinaer in chars of tha hvdrocraohic invasticration baina carried on by tha United State Geographical Survey was in th city yesteaday oDtain- ine data a to th winter now or trie Grande Ronde River. We have been freauentlv asked, (aid Mr. Steven, "whether or not th Geolog ical Survey would male a literal oppoint ment of fund for making hydrographic urveyt .. in Oregon provided the tat would make appropriation, to co-operate in this work. I am authorized to ay that the Geographical Survey wnl meet anv reasonable appropriation with a like apportionment from federal fund "The State of Oregon ha thousand of acres of tha most Droductiv toil now bearing sagebrush that need . only th magic touch of irrigation to become tne most prouuuuve gnwu.lui. .1 propriated for co-operalioo by th sutes named: Illinois, $10,000; Kentucky. $11,600; Main. $15,000; Maryland, $30,000; New York. $207,000: Nroth Carolina. $17,000: Ohio. $97,000: Pennsylvania. $98,000; West Virginia. $60,000: Okla homa, $5C00; California. $30,000. no better argument can be offered In favor of co-operating with th government to expedite th map'ng of the tat ana in vestigating of the water supply than th abov figures. . "Over thre-fourth of th ntir con gressional appropriations for this work is being spent east of the Mississippi . river for no other reason than that the eastern states have been ager to avail themselvts of tha advantas of coo Deration. As a matter of fact th western states on account of the undeveloped state of its natural resources, oueht to receiv th lion's share of this appropriation. i The way i clear, cooperate. ISIRAY H0TKE Havino taken ud a bay work horse weighing about 1200, left fore foot white. also right hind foot half way to th knee. White on forehead and nose, white grouper marks. Owner can secur same by calling at my plac mil ast of La Grand Flouring mill and paying all ex penses. If not called for in due time 1 will proceed to dispose of animal accord ing to law. CD. Scott. pCmas Goodsi; Now Ready for Your Inspection ii All new stock. The best of Toy Land brought to La Grande R i Dolls, games, drums, horns, mechanical toys that run, walk, and talk. Indestrcutablfe toys that will never break. Everything to please the little people and useful art icles to make the grown folks happy. ' "V. ..wtMMA ft tiiot Ills A A IT A A1 Q You are invited to bring the little ones and see' our j assorimenu t Ithe little racket! Masonic buildintr ' Adams Avenue t i .....tiitittmti MX A new modern comedy in four acts By Martha Morton Conheim Metropolitan Cast of Players Complete Scenic Production "A PLAY ADMIRABLY SUITED TO AMERICA'S YOUNGEST STAR" DRIPF 5 box seats $1.50 Orchestra Circle $1.00 rmbLO nrrtra 1.50 Dress Circle .75 Gallery 25c and .50 Seats and boxes ready Saturday morning.- 'Vj . nc I I D P n ii PTinw i A lLrtL RLUUUllViij -We take this plan in order to give you the chance for a careful inspection of prices athome to compare with prices you have seen or heard about in the well advertised sales in La Grande- On Monday Nov. 12, we concluded to sell our entire $10, OoS stock at absolute cost, and sent out printed post to to that effect. Our sale has been a perfec : success notwithstanding the bad weather, we have sold $2500 Tn Toods and you would hardly miss the goods by look L at our shelves. We have no line yet broken, our goods are all new and up to date. We have no shelf worn goods. $3.00 Hats for 62.00 2.50 Hats for 1.75 2.00 Hats for 1.25 Shoes Sold at Cost or About 1-3 1 Off From Regular Price and a Great Many Below Cost. laces 40 per cent off. f new sensible We are going ioovn - Christmas goods. Saturday, December I Best grades of kerosene at $1.50 per 5 gal. Tank aChEr.flar stock of ubricating oil that will pay you to buy and hold over gQ Hardware wedges, etc., too numer- saws. hammers, diu h , nilc at nOSt. H -i.turware trnre7and enftr, a. jninawaic, 6- a bargain. . ht s0 they can be sold Groceries canno be oougni j n at such a discount, oui we '':;. ,v Yours truly W B. Company th streams are stoned an inexhaustible supply of power that will be in distance long after the coal mines are exhausted. There it sufficient water available to retain much of the ard lands could it be brought to economical development "But before any development can d made alone these line two thing are ab solutely essential as they are at the ery foundation of all develoDment. 1 reier to th; topographic maps and to systtmatic stream measurements. Oregon has 96,030 squar mile of which onlv one sixth has been mapped These maps published by th United States Geological Survev are called Quad rangles, cover an area one-half or on mtartarof a sauar decree of latitude and longitude or 200 to 700 square miles risnandmir unon natural conditions. On these maDs are. shown all the roads, rail roads, trails, towns, posto fices, houses, streams, lakes, marshes, mines, snatts, r.tinn. townsh'iD lines, cornerstones and in addition contains lines, connecting point of equal elevation. They are sold at in nominal once of 5 cents per copy or 5 cents where purchased in quantities of 100 or more. In addition to this work, the hydro- graphic Branch of the Geographical Sur vey is encased in the systematic measure ments of the flow of water in the streams and on many of the more important rivers of the state among them the Grande Ronde. Steps are taken to obtain records of dailv flow thru the entire year. single measurement or a single year's rr.nrd is not sufficient to obtain reliable data as the discharee of streams vary as widely as the rainfall and depend largely upon it. It is therefore necessary to keep up systematic measurements from year to year. The water in the streams is a franchise belonging exclusively to the state to be as rigorously guarded as any nther state Drooerty. It can be surveyed ..j ninuH a trnlv as land, and should be given away without the public reaping In order to develop ana seme me vast unoccupied areas, it is necessary that the state should have at the earliest date possible, a map to show the settler what the country is like and indicate, the possi bility of reclaiming the arid regions by irrigation. That the reclamation has been able to accomplish so much in the short time since its organization is due largely to the factthat toooeraphic mapsof a very large area of the country to be irrigated, were already in existence, aud a great many streams had already been surveyed and measured. The Federal Government has been liberal in its appropriation for topo graphic surveys and for investigation of the water supply, but the time has now come when it would be advantageous and nrnfitatle of the state of Oregon to ap propriate funds for cooperation with th U. S. Geological Survey, botn in order to madiatB the mapping of it unsurveyed areas and investigation of its water sup ply. Massachusetts. Rhode island, ana Connetieut are entirely mapped and have been for some years. Thi wa accom plished by the sutes cooperating with the United Sta-.es Geological Survey: that is, th. tt aoorooriated a certain sum of mnnev to b expended by th Geological Survey in making a topographic map, pro- ded that the Geological burvey expended an equal amount within the Ut, th mapping being done by th Ueo logical Survey in accordance with an agreement entered into with the states. Many other states hav een th ad .antaoa of this arrangement and hav been quick to avail themelve of it. th following sums having already been p- Anv thin or undeveloped girl or woman will be benefited by ta.k-.ng Hollister Rocky Mountain Tea. it l on ot in greatest known remedies iur rnaamg ?iopl strong, neaitny ana wen. i e or ablets, 36 cents. NewLin Dfuo Co. - w a mm n 3" I8HC 3 ' People 'J Are often cavaMe HEACOCK'S JEWELRY STORE V IS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR HOLIDAY GOODS A full lin of Jwelry, Watche. Diamond. C'll Glas and Silverwar at Prices you Can Not buplicat. in th. High.st Orad of J.w.lry. LET ME TEST YOUR EYES i if they bother you. 1 m a thoroughly qulppd for. Usting eyes a my optician in roriianu. . .. - WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY unNFV rfpi iNDRn 1 13 Cleanses the system . .:i:,eMs.Sick Ilk I If! I' I thorouehlv and clears ' V Headache, Sour Stom- J A h3 sallow complexions of ach Torpid Liver and . . q pimples and blotches. Clonic Constipation. axatlVC Hull 2 It I- uar.nteed Pleasant to taKe DPUSSiSt of dciiti iniurv to less iwjsitive jietiple, the very vnipliuws ot llirir uiiirinaiuMi nut;. ni); "P r( .ir.FiiTnfTt uinl vunt nt r vifU'ru'?. And ths worst of all iloKtim'.'sts arc tli(H" ii(n-tur who, harking buck to sou.e nlil iKivmu of the s.IidoIs. in st that hmii rutl 'ruts nre livoml nV. medical help, I ca ww, fornoolh, their dwiises are U"iii..l the liniitcsl meilicul know !ele of tlit- iliviiMtint. "When tin' i'h,t.icians lied plven me up I whs curt' I bv the use of Dr. I'ierce s Golikn Meilic.l Piscovery." Tha; suite ment. varied sometiities in form but identical in fact, is one of the common expressions found in the letters of those cured by "Golden Medical Discovery." Sometimes the statement runs; "1 was given up bv four doctors," showing I desperate effort to find relief in local nr.,.iiii,,n. 1'itf -tinivpvfr the Ktorv begins, it almort invariably ends with the statement,'! am jx-rfectly cured by Dr. l'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery." I'lTwuis sulft-ring from " weak" 1uiih, iirtrrli:,i ilffl - Kl'.itfll OdlTulj. 'lllii- -.alion iiti-1 weakm-M-, ImvelK-cn rest-ired 10 K i fi-i.l li. aU.i In the " liwoverv.,' Thi ))li.li'wm'iy of fie cures ellcti"l tv (his marvriii.is uiedn iiie is not hard to uii.ii-rsUiid. I. lie is sustained ' tixiit. i'-i--'. 1 and as'-iitiilati-d. The ais of li.-a'-.li i K,K,1 l't-t''-e and i uitinil d '" '-!'i-". In almost till cast's of ... -'.use i!-.' of aj rK lite Is an early symp tom, and li. is is j.. Kinptly followed hy a wastiiiK of tin- llcsli. lor sxm.e cause the fot.l e: U -i is not ln-injj converted into nmriimi aim tue of") "' " '" (jaiiR, Wv-H starved, tuns'. Rrow weak. There is only oi.e way to get strength ami that is hv food, ih l'ierce's Golden Medical Di.iovery hel l disease of the utotrt ich and a. lied ';iaiis of dii-vtion and niilrit jn, ' catiliiiK the body to Bssimilale the needed noiirishtneill. Tims various lormi ol " v. eainess," so laded, are ci.red y the "biwovery" "weak" l.-.itjs. "v.eak'' lunrt, "weak" nerve v.eak"or nhiei 11 liver, etc., her use the or;',:ini nre inadf .roni lv r....i I, it irf. i-liv d:t'es:t l am! iss.iiiiiate J after the "Discovery" lii-J h'.:aie-l the i.ihei.sei of the stoiv.wh and assmiated oians o( digestion aud nu trition. PAIH ALL CONE. 1 hve InkMi V"tir ?nttt-ine with thf (rrelfn atisfWIon. wnli-s Ml. I.rorxe Kirhl "I 1." it; oort Sl.ilioa. WMtoirrliMl to.. Wan J. can honestly my t. I'kiw's fHln MeOml DitK-wrry h. curt.i me ih tin In niy niijit lunx thai th Ut diclors coulJ nK hrlp. Vy VViel.te t,l liti.l.n h.v Improve.'. ' Ih.l I cin et orthiii m all. snit I fl Ihsa I h. for yr. Vr F.vome P7r.yKm from for hfittn yert, nd ploful munihy traubics. can wm w tired. Mt pm U U goae ami 1 fre like new Kraon. rann ws - t have no headache now unit taking yuar m . ... '-i.' ., n.MiUiil thatvoti rlaim for ,hem,.nd m.. (00. tl. J-rjd ud the be ti"r la th Stu coui1 mA curt me. 'Colrtrn Mrtilrmi vtcvrj m niralri thst 1 .alfcred Iron, for 6f yr ml If my leuer can wmvw wm v.. k yea csa puMUh it." "ALMOST A MIRAOLE." 1 took a nrrere eold whlrli ttlrd In the Tonvhinl luli " writes Re. Frank Hv. of N onille. Jrflrreon Co., Kn. "AUer Irv.i f ltmlT. I WM Ira IO 07 it- r kiii . Mrdic.l Dicoery. 1 touk two botl,r nd Wa enred. and haw atayed cwed. wbra I think of Iherreat pain I r.ad to n- dur and th irrriljle coufh I hc. 'it antra almost s miracle thai 1 was to aoo tlied." Dr. Pierce'a 1'leasant Pellets cure con stipation. They do no re-act ttxin the system and become nactsaity, a 0 snanr other pill. O. M. HE ACOCK i; l . m,i,r r-r B Mrs ncmrUN ,,r- uriu lTT'Ut CD iNH iIPTICIAN u.M.nr.ir.h Ruildino. ODDOsit Bohnenkamp' Stor La Grand. Or. NEW COLLARS BEAUTIFUL NEW BELTS HANDSOME HAND BAGS REDUCTION ON MILLINERY I E. M Wellman & Company j ADAMS AVENUE LUMBER 1' -RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Btttr Lumber and Cheaper than i$ sold in LaOrandf. We deliver it to your building Grande Ronde Lumber Co j PERRY, ORtGON ! ! CITY BREWERY j JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. ".;..x . -aoasrs itn 11 1 1 I t Ii "l H.nas w r Ir. H. J. Ritter reUirned this morning j X l i lh 'oi 1 ) Mr Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best L A GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THE PREFERENCE ft WSi n-1. in ij k a H A w r D H A CM CO ' ' - t- . It" I.. 1 ' l I i - y"w,"W' 41 W- 4)S)Uk44b4