Shell A New Department I To our already large and complete stock of glycates we have added a SHELL FISH be found fresh crabs, clams, Eastern Oysters. In fact all an up-to-date Shell Fish market. : J. W. WHITE, Prompt Delivery. STATEMENT OP CONDITION OF The Eastern Oregon Trust and Savings Bank AT THE CIXSE OF BUSINESS. NOV. 12, 1906. CAPITAL STOCK - - - $60,000.00 Loans and Discount . Bond Warrants and Stocks Furnitura A Fiirtiira 81949.64 6000.00 .. 8238.64 . 1903.BB Expense and Int paid l. i i i i , 8406.22 Cash on hand and in banks 3 1 63373 1 270 JO 68 OFFICERS W. C. BROWN, President W. MILLER. Vic President GEO. L CLEAVER. Cashier T. J. SCROGGIN. Aest. Cashier F J. HOLMES. Treasurer, O. A. STOCK, Manager. Cove Branch. Pride of Grande Ronde The product of the Imbler flouring mill situated in the very heart of the best wheat land in Grande Ronde valley, consequently the best flour. A trial will convince you of Its superority. Insiston having your order filled with '.his brand or the "Patent" from this same mill. For sale by all first clam dealers. Don't submit to any substi'ution. Pride of Grande Ronde ) NEW I TRUCK AND LINE See the wagon iCH AS. A. DUNN Phone Main 57. r. f HAP.CDTvi VI. IS. MnVJ L l I I SUCCESSOR TO WM. SMITH I Hay, Grain, Chopped Feed j and Wood i Free Delivery i 1410 Adams A cnuc I Phone, black 1211 mi ! X CARLOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY 1 No order too large - N ore too small J SPIRAL RAILS TO KANSAS (111 The 0. R. St N. Co. announce a special rale of $52 60 from La GranJo to Kan sas City, Mo. Tickets on sale November 14 and 15. Tickets will be g,vd going ten days and final return t:nr:y days. This special rat is made in cJar that those who desire to attend the seven teenth annual convention of the Trans Missippi Commercial Congress may do so. ! I Fish t COUNTtR up. 2a yiM ill Crawfish, 'tyxz&a, Jid that should fca fcuaJ in GROCER il.or.e Main 42 LIABILITIES CapiUl Stock 60000.00 Earnings- -Discount and Exchange 1822.68 Interest 1363 80 Trust Earnings . .... 442.60 Deposit .63402.00 127030 68 : - TRANSFER on the street. - 4 I The Reason Why O-vy N.-o flour Dei hard e La 'X G-aniie M..:.r.g C.:.'s rtcui. Is re- C.1..: here ill; l :e:i i - y r -e cf the r. i t-at Rs reis. S you see was n..t a : r s :t. t.-.eia 1 w.-u j re ' t.'CT. fat wou'd 4 n;t hand e t. W.f. t:-.iea En- I:: to i Wreat Bjjer Ma'... ;e.i . ; toe E'g'n Bu bi t tr P ck cf t Wheat. S: X ' 0 "- tra: i ir.a-io here, its a.. J Gu.ira-.tecd ou ta K no chances. X ! X i If ! - . . . '-MAS RHJKD OfAO From the eff sets of a blow on the head which he received at Umatilla last Friday an unknown' man died at the poor farm this morning. Who he is or where he is from is a deep a mystery as though he iad been without identity. Last Friday the mar, was found at Umatilla b, the marshal at that place. He had been hit over the head and was partly stunned from the effects of the blow. He refuted to tell who he was. or who had hit him On the following day he was brat to Pendleton for treatment. He was met a: depot by Sheriff Tay lor who turned h m over to Dr. W. G. Cole, county physican. While with the sher ff the man rtf j$ed to tell his name, and f several days past he has been un able 10 ta k. In stature the deceased is small, and he is apparer.iy aosut 35 years of age. He has auourn nair. a snort stubby beard, small cm. large fore head and a rather large Roman nose. In the aasen:e of any information re gard :rg the man's relatives he was buried this forenoon in the potter's field at Olney cemetery. East Oregonian. WOOD SCARCE OH MOUNTAINS R. R. Collins, one of the pioneer wood dealers of Kamela. is in the city this afternoon an his way to visit his family at Freewater Hesiys the suoply of wood on the Blue Mountains is very small and he doubt if it is sufficient to last Pendleton and Walla Walla until spring, even if it is all shipped out. A large force of men and teams is working at Meacham. Kamela and other wood points hauling wood from the tim ber to the' rai.road. Trie snow is about 1 0 incies deep at Kamela and sledding is very good and the wood men are hurry ing their work to finish hauling while the snow lasts. Mr. Collins has about 300 cords of wood in the timber neir Kamela, which ne wil soon deliver at the railroad. There are now but 200 cords on the dump at that place. Cars are being loaded every day and tn supply is.varishing rapidly. Pendleton E. 0. , GOOD WATER SUPPLY "Tne Dikes nas special reason to con gratulate herse'f on her supply of pur water," said a leading pnysician yester day. "To that sne owes her escape from the typhoid epidemic whicn is raging in so many cities aoout her." The Dalles LIGHT MERGlR It is announced that all of Isaac W. Anderson's electric light and p-wer plants have consolidated under one management, with A. L. Welch, president and manager. The plants include tnose at Eugene. Spring field. Albany. Cottage Grove. Corvallis, Seaside. Rosebuig. Baker City and Pen dleton, Or., and Walla Walla. Wash. A WARNING To Tr.e People Of La Grande "Sudden changes in the weather cannnt help but result in coughs, colds, bronchial troubles, the grippe and other sicknesses, This weather is also bad for old people and those who are run-oown or have a tendency to any weakness or disease." Said Mr. Newlinof the Newlin Drug Co. "It seems to me that every man. woman and child in La Grande, especially the aged and run-down, should be warned thru the columns of your paper to build themselves up and take proper precautions to ward off sickness at this season of the vear, and there would be much less suffer ing and fewer deaths in La Grande." When asked what was considered the most universally successful medicine they had ever sold for that purpose, without hesitation the druggist answered, "Our modern cod liver preparation. Vinol. You know it is not a patent, and it does not curtain any useless oil to clog the system and upset the stomach, but it does contain every one of the medicinal. curative and body-building elements of cod liver oil actually taken from fresh cods' livers, with tonic iron added." Vmol cures coughs. bronchitis, strengthens the aged builds up the weak and run down, and makes rich red blood If it fails we return ynur money. Newlin Drug Co. I Note -While we are so'e agents for j Vinol in La Grande, it is now for sale at ! the iead.rg drjg store in nearly every town and city in the country. Look for I the Vmol agency in your town. I MASKED SKATING PARTY On Christmas n ght tne management of j the skating r;nk hold a masked skat j irg party. Triere ,s a pr.ze fr the best iacy costume. Every accomodation will ' oe cxte-ced to v and the event will ! be an enjoyable atra r. ART LESSONS M s$ Kunttock w.snes toannourc ! to the la j ei of that she i prepaied to uk ordeis and give iessor. in both water colors and china painting. , S'.uJ.o at 906 Mam St. TIMBER CLAIMS W can locate a number ol on gool baitxr oaim of two miliioe feet and beaar. i r":i Blk. La jhanoi Invutmbxt Ci. Foley Hotel Of THE (HOKfST IN THE : LAND J fail maids and brave men the most cultured, the widest traveled, the fittest to judge of fitting fare for the table, can find naught but praise as their opinion of our Thanksgiving groceries or th fancy luxuries prosperity permits. Uur Z large buying and moderate pricing has much to do with putting groc- I eries of the best sort into the j homes of people of ordinary means. J A small trial order will convince you of the superiority of our store I and our sales methods. I PHONE MAIN 46 I QEDDLf BRLf i in i i siimj A YEAR OF BLOOD The year of 1903 will long be re membered in the home of F. N. Tacket. of Alliance. Ky., as a year of blood: which flowed so copiously from Mr.Tack et's lungs that death seemed very near. He writes: "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brot me at death's door, when I began taking Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption, with the astonishing result that after 1 had taken four I was completely restored and as tirre has proven per manently cured." Guaranteed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Co ds, at Newlin Drug store. Pr.ce 50cents.and $1.00. Trial bottie free. J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder IValer inBuiIJinjf Material Building Stone. Cea.n Coarse Sand and Gravel delivered. La Grande, Oregon Dro a line naming work, and 1 will nam Lh nght'mc. Best Offer TO THE PUBLIC Ever Mad WHAT IS IT ? $1,500 Hoiise That is to be Had For $200.00 ii u w : Call at Our Office and let Us give You Full Information. Never will you have such an Opportunity Offered You Call at Once LA GRANDE INVESTMENFcO. Building La REAL ESTATE BARGINS Read This Over Than come to our office and we will show the property. La Grande Investment Co. La Grande. $1600 Pays for one and one third acre land, mostly in bearing orchard. Water ditch runs through place. Good five room house, barn andjshicken house.-5, $4000 Invested in this nlar. i 71 acres now under city plot will eon be in good demand. Has a good house and some small buildings. Good or- cnara ana best of garden land. Inves tigate and you will see a bargain.-7 $1500 Will buy 4 lots Set Out t Kfiel nt fruit, berries, shade trees and every thing to make a home pleasant 9 rooms in house, plaster and paper. Good cellar. 2 shares in wates ditch - 24 $2200 Buys 4 lots faci nff On twn ctraafa two corner lots, and good 7 room house Good barn 24x32 l.Sjstory high. The only way to know a bargain is to see it. 31. $1100 Sure this Dric is vrulnai uik.. you see the eight lots all set to bearing fruit, land the best quality for garden. The house has 6 rooms and in gnod condition. 21. $350 For block on the hill. Location good. Price small. $200 For 2 lots in Old Town. Has good well on same. Sold on very easy terms. B. Don't fail to come and see diagram of lot-, and have the complete details of how you can ouy. and also have a chance to make you owner of a $1500 house and lot for the sum of $200. C. $1500 Paid for this 6 room house Good cellar under house. Good barn wood shed. 20 young fruit trees, fine piece of ground. Will make ycu the owner of a good home 15. $800 Is what you will be made to pay for 184x212 feet of ground. Hoase size 15x26. Addition 14x16. 3 rrrs 47trees. family orchard, chicken house! barn, and hao shed. Possession g.ven at orce 30. TREASURER'S (ALL FOR WARRANTS ' nr oy given that tne under signed Treasurerof Union County. 0re-3n has funds on hand which to pay all County and Scalp bounty warrants which were presented and endorsed by v County Treasurer, prior to Octooer 1 1902. No interest allowed on the above war. rants after Nov. 16th. 1906. John Fravley Treasurer of Union county i i Grande, Ore. LOME DIRECTORY I r. . . . r f.rretts -i Mall, at 8 i nvited to atu i-a uranoe Aerie 296F. 0 'y Fricey rth ,n Plb Visiting brhren I. R. Snook W. S G, L. Biggers W. P m , : -J-J Grande Lodge No. 1 6. v7s&thr,.r ha" every Satu"ay night Visiting brothers cordially invited to at- MSdelRCeTueuerantP,at b p J A' Arbuokls, N. G. u. E. Cox, Sec. STAR Cwr nn..r-.. .. O K M V lrmtINI' No. 31. .0 .1e8t8 ,very fir nd third Thurs days in the month in njj p. I jn"r V.siting patriarch, aiwlyswel: na-D- E. Cox. Scribe. ' E FWLER' C" P- ne,ghborsarei! John Hau, Clerk. C S-W,lli. V. & L.SNoDcR,ssFrn"rcCfRr i- .. ' 'iisiees Ur G I John Hall and C. S. Cliaml Hnarl T L. BiOOERS FRIENDSHIP TENT No SI K n T vi--Meets second and fourth wii ?' T ch month in I. 0 n c . .edl?esdaJ, hts welcome. ' Vs;tine ox B.0C, Record Keee B m L. 0. T M Ulur , 1 -Meets every t-.e after Ai' v;S.t;ng Ccmmar.der. i-aeRS,,; I 'aoies are welcome. I M r v MajdeLono Lad-. C' Vess", Record Kee , 433 - Mis'' etcT" LDGE No Anu6 v.itL ft ' 3P' Aii J!liJrd n-' iretary. . URANDE LODG 1 - ft . everv Frs,.. ,nc !3nth in P oj. air.g. A 1 Commancer N- 27 -Meets Cast.e Hall, v-g members welccn-.e J- n- -EEY. C.erk. ; REO CROSS ToDoT very WonHjv ... j o.Bimj i Cjrpe bu.ldni;. A P - ; a" '.t:r.g Kmgnts. d" e.coT,e to Aus. C. C. ' c N. L ; Pattison, k. r. 4, s RATHBONE- SISTERS F? P' No. 9 meets Z , "Wt'i7i- Corp. V -t r - L. m t'1 y mv.ted. cord,- -CiPMRMC