v Shell Pish! SOCIE TY ! A New Department To our already large and complete stock of irales we I have added a SHELL FISH do iound fresh crabs, clams, Crawfish, ( hrmna . Jid t t Eastern Oysters. In fact all an up-to-date Shell Fish market :-: ?. J. W. WHITF, Prompt Delivery. STATEMENT Of CONDITION OF The Eastern Oregon Trust and AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, NOV. 12, 1906. CAPITAL STOCK - $60,000.00 RESOURCES Loan and Discounts 81949 64 Bonds 6000.00 Warrants and Stocks 5258.64 Furniture 4 Futures 1905.66 Epense and Int paid 5406.22 Cash on hand and in banks 5 1 655.75 127050.68 OFFICERS W. C. BROWN. President Wm. MILLER, Vice President GEO. L CLEAVER, Cashier T. J. SCROQQIN, Asst. Cashier F J. HOLMES, Treasurer. Q. A. STOCK, Manager, Cove Branch. Pride of Grande Ronde ! The product of the Imbler flouring mill pest wheat land in Grande Ronde valley, will convince you of its stiperorilyS insist en having your oraeif filled with this brand or the "Patent" from this same mill. For sale by all first class dealers. Don't submit to any substitution. Pride of Grande Ronde NEW TRUCK AND LINE See the wagon CHAS. A. DUNN 2 Phone Main 57. 0. D. MAGERTY SUCCESSOR TO WM. SMITH Hay, Grain, Chopped Feed and Wood Free Delivery I HO Adams A enue Phone, black 1211 CARLOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY N i iiunsr ;v 'Arse- None too small J.PK1AL RAILS TO KANSAS (ITT The 0 K. At N. Co. announces a special rato i f $;2 50 f run La Grande to Kan sas Citi. Mo. Tickets on sale November Man-i IS. Tic'':ts will be good going tonlvy9 ar.d r'.iul return thirty days. This special rale made in order that ttv.-se who desire 10 attend the seven teenth i'ltmil convention of the Trans- M v:pp Co-ninuri'al Congress may do so.l COUNTER up.ax?kbb vill that should ha tom) in i 3'-- GROCER Fhone Main 42 $ LIABILITIES Capital Stock .60000.00 karnings- -Discount and Exchange 1822.68 Interest '.. .. 1565 60 Trust Earnings . 442.60 Deposits .65402.00 127050.63. situated in the very heart of the J consequently the best flour. A trial . ve TRANSFER X on the street. i The Reason Why f Only Nine flour Dealers handle La Grande Milling Co."s flour. Is be cause there is only nine of them here in that Business. So you see if the goods was not all right there would be nine of them that would not handle it. With Our three Ex pert Wheat Buyers stationed .ill along the Elgin Branch enables us to get the Pick of the Wheat. So tell your Grocer that you Prefer the kind that is made here, its all Guaranteed you take no chances. A surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones, last eve ning in honor of their little daughter, Hazel. The evening was spent in games and music and after a social evening they adjourned to the dining room where dainty refreshments were served, which after they bid there hostess good-night Those present were: Florence Conner, Viola Benham, Zoe Bragg. Mary Penning ton, Laura Dunn, Ralph Russel. Donald Russel, Sarah Smith, Miriam Smith. Runs Bacon. Bessie Buehler. Robert Pattiaon Inez Knowles, Florence McLaughlin. Ann ie Tullis. Ethel Han'ey. Gertrude Klin worth, Mamie Klinworth, Lizzie Mathews Etta Mathews. Lynn Bohnenkamp, Hal Bohnenkamp, Lottie Jones. Earl Conners, Ruth Jones. Ralph Jones, Hazel Jones. Mrs. Dr. Moore and Miss Margaret Porter entertain the Kaffee Klatch at the Moore home this evening. One of the most pleasant and unique society events of the season took place t j "wwii e fc4 iMtllU Ul AMIS, y. G. -ouch of Island City. About forty .Munas were invited in to celebrate an "Pld Time Thanksgiving Party." The house decorations were in keeping with the occasion. The prize pumpkin and squash were in evidence, strings of apples and rings of pumpkin were in process of drying by the stove, and bask ets of great, lucious red apples were placed about the rooms just as they used to be, and before the afternoon was spent tt) appWt had disappeared just as they used to do- The hoSt255 Was dressed in a dainty Martha Washington gown, and was as sisted in receiving by Miss Edna McCall who was gowned in a brown empire. At two o'clock the guests began to arrive, arrayed in beautiful antiquities made after the style of the polonaise, paniers and furbelows. Old brooches, pretty shawls, and bits of real lace that bad been treasured away so long were brot out and worn on this occasion. The afternoon was spent in knittinsr. quilting and conversation. Several vocal solos were rendered by Miss Gaskill, The two-course luncheon was served from a table, which in its decoration was sug gestive of old times, and was presided 3Vr by A fctelesi. whd Was assisted by Misses McCAM, Thomas and Osskill. Cider was pourWs from an immense old Dutch jJitther, and coffee from an old ecrSpet Settle, The guests invited were as follows: Mesdames Arthur McCall, F. Zurbrick, Ed Halley, W. Couch, J. M. McCall. A. A. Couch, Q. Ackles. Wardell. F. Gaskill. B. Thomas. A Blockland, W. Hall, M. S. Carroll. J. Russell, T. Oliver, W. L. Bren holts, J. M. Berry. C. H. Bidwell. E. E. Kiddle. W. Hunter. A. Hunter, T. Wade, M. Kiddle. C. W.P.Ellsworth. W.Walters,: L. Humphrey, J. Scranton, J. Clark, W. Clark. E. C. Lindsay. F. Holmes, Spehee. J. E. Conners, F. Jackson, F. Schflke, E. L. Eckley, W. Proebstel, Smith, anfi Misses Proebstel, Huntet. Brown, McCall, Thomas and Gaskill. PfM IS iSrrlppK New Association Sydney, S. D., Nov. 25 Peary, with his ship and r.rew, which made the farth erest explorations in the North of any previous explorer, arrived here this morning. Peary was greeted by natives ang friends of the United States and given a hearty reception. . SHOCK TOO GREAT (Scrtpps News Association) Lexington, Nov. 25 Thomas Stoule. a negro was u.anged this morning for the murder of another negro. Mrs. Griffith who was a prisoner, charged with the murder of a child, saw the execution from her cell window, collapsed and is expect ed to die from the shock. BRING BOAT TO COURT irrlpps News Association) Herkimer, N. Y. Nov. 25 -The boat from which W. H. Gillette is accused of having thrown Miss Grace Brom, think ing in this way to rid himself of her pres ence, that he might marry another, was exnibited in court today. Tre juror crawled in to examine the hairs that are still clinging to it. and which are alleged came from the dead girl's head. TURKEYS At Stilwells. Look for the big add. HEADEDFOR AMERKA Best All cur ir;ceries are good, clean, fresh, and pure. The kind that will make your meals vary delici ous, and give the house-wife an easy task in prepairing it. We challenge the city on fresh farm produce and berries. Every thing that should be found in a first class grocery. PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE MAIN 46 QEDDEj BRSJ KFTH FIR STREET A YEAR OF BLOOD The year of 1903 will long be re membered in the home of F. N. Tacket. of Alliance. Ky., as a year of blood: which flowed so copiously from Mr. Tick et's lungs that death seemed very near. He writes: "Severe bleeding from the Inner and a frightful enuoh had hrnt nrm I at death's door, when I beean takine Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. ith the astonishing result that after had taken four bottles 1 was comoletely restoreH and as time has proven per manently cured." Guaranteed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds, at Newlin Drug store. Price 60cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Occasionally one has the fortune to meet women who are ideal in looks and figure. Ninety-nine times out of a hun dred you will find she takes Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Newlin Drug Co. J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Dfaler inBuiIJing Material Building Stone, Clean Coarse Sand and Gravel delivered. La Grande, Oregon Dro a line naming work, and I will narno the rg'.i. rrse. urrer TO THE PUBLIC Ever Made WHAT IS IT ? $1,800 House That Is to be Had For $2O0.oo HOW ? Call at Our Office and let Us give You Full Information. Never will you iive such an Opportunity Offered You Call at Once LA GRANDE lrA eSTMENpCo!' folcy Hotel Building La Grande, Ore. " REAL STATE DAMNS Read This Over Th n come to our office and we will show the property. La Grande Investment Co. La Grande. $1600 Pays for one and one third acre land, mostly in bearing orchard. Water ditch runs through place. Good five room house, barn anci;-.hicken house, 3, $4000 -Invested in this place of 7'2 acres now under city plot wiii boon be in good demand. Has a good house and some smaii buildirgs. Good or chard and best of garden land. Inves tigate and you ili s ea bargain. 7. $1500 Will buy 4 lots set out to best of fruit, berries. shaJe t'ees and every thing to inane a h .nie pi. asant. rooms in house. p'.o,urand paper. Good ti r L cellar. 2 shares in wates ditch - 24. S2200 Buys 4 two corner !of Good bain only way to ' it.-31. SI 100 Sun. you sea tin- ,: fruit, Ian.; : ... The hou-o ; condition. ivontwostreai. i .. . a ( room ncuse. jry h'gh. The i..irain is to see e : very low. Wnen '. set t.i cier,ng ;y lor garden, r.ui.b ai.u ,i; yood $350 For 4 good. Pro S200 For 2 ixk on i lie lull. !': iinali. sxOi.lT,.. Ha cation 2 :od e.isy well on s,i;i c. t terms.-- B. Don't fci. ' " cr " ,v lot', and havj ;K c;-i i.i on v. ty ,1 ,:-am of of hiw i.irxe 'J MS3 .1 d h J'jsn. j barn, i-i.e I vou can bu make you c i J a liCO lot for tne suir $1500 Fa a Good ce .jr wood slitd .l S2C.0. tcr th-s ii.j.vr li: : ?0 j.j.i.1-,. fiv ti ll. . i.. e piece of tr jdc J. owner of i t; lo $800 Is wn : , for 184 12 size 15.:.. A j 47trees. .an., ;. , barn, ami a .. r at once T..i t inu.- to pay i. ..u. ru.se i 4 I 3. '' i . xs. t. c .or! f' . u e. TREASllkfk'i WLL Notice is ; y ;; signed Ti v - n : . 'J has funds . i i . i t. County an.i t were pr. ;.o ; ir. j Count J i"r-j . ,: .t. 1902. No intei ..v .i N i rants afur ... . : c at .-vg , . vt'v rcasjrer of L'r.icr. co-Uy i LODGE DIRECTORY .ACLES- La Crande Aerie 2SEF. 0 j r-.rr.iels rry ,cty ririt ir Elk ". t 8 . m. Visiting brhren "i.ta lc ait; , I. R. Snook W. S Jr. G. L. Biggers W. P, 0. 0. F. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meets in their hall every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially invited to at , . Cemetery plat may be seen at Model Restaurant. J. A Arbuckle, N. G. D. E. Cox, Sec. STAR ENCAMPMENT, No. 31, I. 0. 0. F. Meets every first and third Thurs days in the month in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome, n r- r. G' E- Fowler, C. P. D. E. Cox, Scribe. M. W. A.- La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every first and third Wednesday of the month at I. 0. 0. F. hall. Ai g ' visiting neighbors are cordially invited to ! 1 T, , , c- s- Williams, V. C. JOHN Hall. C erk i w.ES.TERS OF AMERICA-Courl Miauuii no. a. mee s each Thurs hali. Brothers oay night in Redman ire invited to attend. , FREn Hon Chief Ranger L. Snodgrass Financial Sec. Board of Trustees Dr. G. L. Bioqers Jxdhn Hall and C. S. Williaml FRIENDSHIP TENT No. 51. K. 0. T Meets second and fourth Wednesdays ach month in I. 0. 0. F. hall. Visiting r..ghts welcome. H. C. Ball, Com 'flox Bloch, Record Keeper , L. 0. T. M. HIVE No. 27. Meets every hrst and third Thursdays in the after noon at the Redmen hall. All visiting ladies are welcome. Maude Lono Lady Commander. M. C. Vessey, Record Keeper. B. P. 0. E., La GRANDE LODGE No 433 Meets each Thursday evening at eight o'clock in Elks' hall, on Adams Avenue. Visiting Brothers are cordially invited to attend. E. W. Davis, Exalted Ruler G. E. McCully, Recording Secretary. LA GRANDE LODGE No. 139. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Moots every Friday of each month n tne K. of P. hall in the Corp building- AH isitmg members welcome. FhEO Jacobs Consul Commander j. H. Keeney, Clerk. RED CROSS LODGE. No. 27 Meets very Monday evening in Castle Hall, Co-pe building. A Pythian welcome to ill visiting Knights, N. L. Ackles. C. C. 3. Pattison, K. R. Sl S. RATHBONE-SISTERS RoweiaTe-n-f 'e No. 9 meets every Wednesday even : g at 8 p. m. in the K. of P. Hall ir. tne Corps building. Visiting members corii i . iy invited. Milly Frawley M. E. C mce Procter M. of R. St C.