STANDARD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Sommer block La Grande, Oregon SOCIETY IT i 1 111 fjwii Complete Business and Shorthand Course Day and night session Fnr-" now M. M. Slattery, Principal. D. H. STEWARD. Proprietor and Manager. TUESDAY NOV. 27 Wilson Barrets great religious DRAMA proa? W) 1 $ : PRICES Orchestra seats, $ 1 .00. Dress circle 50 cents. Orchestra Center 75 cents J Gallery 25 and 50 cents NEW COLLARS BEAUTIFUL NEW BELTS HANDSOME HAND BAGS REDUCTION ON MILLINERY E. M Wellman & Company j ADAMS AVENUE' HE OPENED rl'S MOUTH : AND SHUT HS EYES During the fall months many new mem bo rs have been received into the Neigh borhood Club to whom the ebb gave a reception in their parlors, Wednesday afternoon inviting as the guests, the Busy Bee Club, of May Park. The rooms were tastily decorated with the club colors, white and yellow, hot house chrysanthe mums and patted pirns. The afternoon was spent in furnishing a better acquain tance among the members, during which time solos were sung by Mesdames Scroggins and Merton Kiddle, reading by Mesdames Hill and T. Oliver. The refreshment table wil presided over by Mesdames Mallory and Bidwell. The club by the manifested enthnsiasm of its members is assured of attaining the objects of its organization. Entertainment a Success The entainment in Central church last evening was a success The enforced absence of Miss Adams was a disap pointment but the other members of the company gave extra numbers and so a full program was rendered. Mr. Snyder, the pianist is certainly an artist. Under his skillful touch the in strument gave forth a wonderful flood of sweet music. Graham Smith has an ex cellent voice well under control and his choice selections were very pleasing. Mrs. Gates it an entertainer of a very high order. Her strong, clear voice, her perfect self control and'herthoro sincer ity in her work, delight a discriminating audience. Her heavier selections were most enjoyed. The only adverse criticism we have heard was that she used too many of the lighter sort. We grew tired of the "Bride elect" in her preparation for the ceremony. This was the poorest sel ection, still, even in this Mrs. Gates show ed fine power. But there was enough of the best to pay us for our time. When we heard the rich mar. tell his wife of the joy of serving his poor brother in saving, his child, our hearts thrilled and we loved mankind. This was splendid. AH in all we were glad to spend the evening listening to these artists. The Popular Course is a success. Mr. Davis furnished the piano. when she gave him sjmething to put him wisa. f ir it wis one of our special cigars. th Fior De Hack man. Tnathe caught on to their manifold virtues and obtained wis d m is proven oy the fact that he now sm )ke no o'.ner kind for a thorough trial will convince the most skeiticil smoker tut tn.a cigars are matchies f r tnuir !Hvor and sweet sm.'ka. C. E. II AC KM AN, Phinu Red 1 SHI Cor. A Jams Avennj arid Greenwood OPEN AfTER THE SHOW C.G. Scheurer wishes to announces that he will keep his place of business open this evening for the benefit of those who wish to finish the evering with one of those delightful tamales. Remember after the show. CURZON GETS SMALL fORTDNE (Scrlpps News Association) Chicaeo. Nov. 22 Sir Curzon. widow er of the late Lady Curzon, will receive one third of the estate of his wife, and the children will receive the remainder. Ladv Curzon. who is the daughter of Chicago's wheat king, left a million and three quarters. R Tea Satisfaction Golden Gate J;;'),:i (joliLii G.ue iii;ii!i ISixukfast Golden G..te (V, !v n Golden ( Golden (iate I'.un v Kleiul Golden (late Gurou;er Golden Gate llaek and Green 'PacitJ in F' Cwtoni J. A. Folger & Co., San Francisco ' A, --' y ''('' Yea i 1 ! fifties Ths School that Places yov in a Good Position. MOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE W5n, O TIKTfl 8TS. L PORTLAND, OREGON Wnta Hirai.l 1, Prmr.r.l Ur.m RIA r Part Epoltton IWO. 1 AMERICAN HEIRESS WEDS BRITON Scripts News Association) London. Nov. 22 Miss Gertrude Hurley daughter of the late miliionate Michael Hurley, of Lynn. Mass., was married in St. James Catholic church yesterday afternoon to Capt. B. A. H. Schneber of Koundwood Ipswich. BOSTON EDISON ELECTRIC COMPANY (Scrlpps News Association) Boston, Mass. Nov. 22--At a special meeting of the stockholders of the Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of Boston, it was decided to increase the capital stock by 24.000 shares. Urje New Department (Scrlpps News Association) Kansas City, Mo.. Nov. 22-Col. Will iam Bryan arrived this morning to att.nd the Trans-Mississippi congress which is in session here. It is announced that his subject tonight will be the "Trusts" and it is expected to be of an impromptu nature. Secretary Shaw speaks late tc- day on finances. Delegates this morning discussed river navigation. Delegate Brady of Alaska, offered a resolution asking the congress to open Aiaska to homesteaders. President Alderscn of the Colorado chool of mines, today read a paper on the government's duties in establishing a department of mines and mining. He urged a revision of mining laws to foster greater research by the government. 1. P. Prior president of the Texas catte men, talked on the removal of the re?e' vations that Germany and France have placed upon American meats. TIMBER CLAIMS TO LOCATE Will iocato you on a good yeilow pine timber claim this week for sixty dollars. A. A. Barky. M15 Adams Ave. WANTED BOARD AND ROOMERS ; The Palmer House. Madison Ave. between Kir and Greenwood. Mrs. Cera E. Coffin, successor to John Palmer. I OBSERVE D ARQII OFFER tAunl This is the season when businesss men are .making special offers to th?ir customers, nd ths Observer not to be outdone hss secured a real Bargain Gift for its readers. SOMETHING rZXTRA GOOD A plan whereby you can secure the Evening Observer and the Best Magazine published on tir Coast. The Magaz'ne FREE :", ,v '.'".."I 'v " I "..V 1 " ? By special arrangment with tne Publishers of the Pacific Monthly we are able to make you a present of the Pacific Monthly one year FREE OF CHARGt. A DAILY PAPrR AND MAGAZINE FOR THE PRICE OF ONE OUR PLAN To all Those Subscribing for the La Grande Evening Observer for One Year at 65 cents a Month we will Send or Deliver this PACIFIC MONTHLY FREE I