I. ' HELL FlSili ee e . :' A New Department 1! ' i r already large and complete stock of oca It we I ' iddeda SHELL fISH COUNTER up tt';. ill ! jnd fresh Crabs, Clams, Crawfish, ( ?yuti. .nd M ' X m Oysters. In fact all that should to in . l-to-date Shell Fish market :-: :- ; . :-; l , W. WHITE, i. ! ompt Delivery. GROCER? Phone Main 42 ASKS YEW Plain Noses with Classes, Domino, Jester Bells M. Wellman & Company ADAMS AVENUE ! Yee if you will tp thi way plMM, wt will show you torn of tht excellent laundry work we are doing every day. You will feel proud whan you walk along the etreetdressed in one of those shirts that we turn out of this laundry A. B. C TEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 7 LaGrraJe, Oregon. i eeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ride of Grande Ronde ! The product of the Imbler flouring mill situated in the ery heart of the ", wheat land in Q rands Ronde alley, consequently the best flour. A trial convince you of its superority. Insist on having your order filled with this brand or the "Patent" from this e mill. For sale by all first class dealers. Don't submit to any substitution. 'ride of Grande Ronde i NEW ' FRUCK AND TRANSFER I LINE See the wagon on the street "HAS. A. DUiNN i Phone Main 57. te of the splendid results of physical itifying is it's tendency to create an ition to be beautiful in every way. hen a woman gets a good start by if Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea n all right Tea or Tablets, 52 csnts run Drug oo. IWIKf fOK BIDS Tht La Grandel Imnmwemkni rAmn.... r" vtnymilj WHi rtCtiv hid for thm wuekiuvMVIl wi four concrete foundations and the con- 4 : Hw.vwn 01 tour rrame dwelling houses for immediate office of La Qrande Investment Co. Now Is the time to have your old umbrella re covered. Smith will do the work. CREAMERY BU1LD1N0 Agent for Cleveland Bicycles MM POSTPONED The formal opening of the Mermon tabernacle has been postponed again, and this much heralded event will not take place this winter unless perhaps late in January but that is hardly possible. Lo cal leaders of the church stated this morning that the order for the heating plant had not been met promptly and the apparatus would not be in place until early in the year, thus delaying painting anddelecate work. On the inside the painting and tinting has been completed in the balcony but cold weather has over taken the workmen before the whole building was finished thus necessitating heat in the building. As the plant is not thtrs the work ! h'd Notice of Appointment of Ad mintttrator To Whom It Mav Cone hereby given that the undersigned has oeen appointed administrator of the es uie or Louisa Griffin duuH in persons having claims against said estate are nereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, or ta J. W Knn.u. hie attorney, within si months from the oate hereof. Dated this 2Jnd day of august, a. 1UU6. Jttsi Qaiprw. Administrator LIST Of LETTERS Remaining Uncalled For in This Office for the Week Ending Nov. 9. 1906. Robarge, Mrs. Louis F. Boll Mr. James Strong. Mrs. Q. E, Brirgs, Mr. Emery Nelson, Miss Mattie Couty, (2) Ben Wilson, Mrs. S. B. McDonald, James Jackson, Mrs. Mamie. Nelson, Mr. S. W, Robarge, Mr. Louis F. Rogers, Mr. Louis Robarge. Mr. L. F. Shelton, Mr. Jim These letters will be sent to the dead letter office Nov. 23, 1 906 if not delivered before. In calling for the above, please say "Aevertised," giving date of list O. M. Richey. P. N. REAL ESTATE BAMS Read This Over Then come to our office and we will show the property. La Grande Investment Co. La Grande. $1680 Is the price for a 5 room house with bath, located in good locality. We will sell this on instalment plan 1. $1200 Buys a 6 room new cotUge, on lot size 1 SOxl 80. Barn, chicken houses and new wind mill. SO fruit tress 2. $2660 Thats low for this 6 room cot tage with bath. Wood shed. Size lot 60x110-3. $1600', Paid for this 6 room house. Qood cellar under house. Good barn, woodshed. 20 young fruit trees, fine piece of ground. Will make you the owner of a good home 4. $600 For 1 acre land, good soil, a 2 room house. Qood wood house, well, and all fenced. Here is a snap 6. $1600 For 7 room, IV story house, lot size 1 061 1 10. Young shade trees, cellar, . woodshed and new side walks. Possession given at once. This place on north Fir street 6. $1200 Buys new 6 room cottage on 1st street. A neat home. Don't forget to see this place 7. $3600 Will buy 4 acres on Valley street with house of 7 rooms and closets. Qood barn, wind mill and land set out to fruit trees 3 years old 8. $800 Is what you will be made to pay for 184x812 feet of ground. House size 16x26. Addition 1 4x 1 6, 3 rooms. 47 trees, family orchard, chicken house, barn, and hao shed. Possession given at once 9. Why not see this lot, size 66 feet on hill. Price $360 10. WANTED A good boy for messengsr at ins western union leiegraph office. Must apply at once. H. A. Staniels : SUCCESSOR TO Staniels & Jarman : CONTRACTING e ' . . r A I N I t K PAPER HANGER and DECORATOR Phone La Qrande Black 1781 Ore. Best Offer TO THE PUBLIC Ever Made WHAT IS IT ? $1,600 House That is to be Had For $9nn on HOW ? Call at Our Office and let Us give You Full Information. Never will you have such an Oppor' unity Offered You Call at Once LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. I Foley Hotel Building La Grande, Ore. A ! special! iSALEj THIS WEEK ON Y High Grade SWEATERS A YEAR OF BLOOD The year of 1905 will long be re membered in the home of F. N. Tacket of Alliance, Ky as a year of blood ': which flowed so copiously from Mr. Tack et s lungs that death seemed very near He writes: "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brot me at death's door, when I began taking Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption, with the astonishing result that after I had taken four bottles I was comoletely restored and as time has proven per manently cured." Guaranteed for Sore LunCS. Caushl nH r.mH. ,t M....i: r store. Price 6 Ocents and $1.00. Trial win int. $5.50 Silk and wool $4.00 4 00 All wool 3 00 3.50 2 50 3.00 2.25 2.50 " I.75 Also a line of Youths' and Boys' Sweaters to be closed out at cost : A. V.Andrews j i TAILOR. HABERDASHER 1 Occasionally one has the fortune to meet women who are ideal in looks and figure. Ninety-nine times out of a hun dred you will find , he takes Hollister-s Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets. 56 cents. Newlin Drug Co. PASTURE rOR MNI Persona desiring first class green pas ture with running water should inquire at the La Qrande National Bank. HOW IS THE TIME To buy your breeding stock we have a few choice Cockrels of Whir. n., Leghorns and Orphingtons left yet, bred and raised on the largest poultry farm in North East Oregon known as Orchard Grove Poultry farm. L. P. Day. Prop.. R. F. D. No. 1. La Grande, Oregon SPECIAL RATES TO KANSAS CITY TheO. R.&. N.rv ,, - nvii social rete of $52 60 from La Grande to Kan- ity, mo. Tickets on sale November 'and 16. Tickets will h. ,wi ten days and final return thirlv d.. This special those who desire to attend the seven teenth annual convention of the Trans- ...i.Mpi vmmercial Congress nuu ,i so. ' " MEAT Fresh and Cured Can be obtained at this mar at all times. We deliver a orders promptly. Phone fc us or leave your order. We will do the rest KROUSEBROS Prop. Successor to J. Bull and Co Phone Main 48 ART LESSONS tM,Nin Huntoel' wishes toannoune to the l.d,e.of La Grand, that eh.T prepared to take orders and give lessor. Studio at 906 Main St. LUMBER i RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES ii Crande Ronde Lumber Co nm, okeom. I v..,